  • Dag 106


    18. juli 2017, Finland ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Egh. Didn't want to get up (do I ever?) but I did AND with time to spare for checkout. 💪🏻
    We stored our bags in the luggage hold ( took us a while to find - our first try we ended up in the basement 😂)
    We then headed out to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast 🙊 we got 3 each. The strawberry field one was divine.
    We walked on and found the Riddarholm church - this is the resting place for all the royals I mentioned before.
    I got a student discount wooo. I'm not lying when I say im a student - I'm technically enrolled 😆I told them I didn't have evidence though - they didn't mind lol.
    It cost 75 krone for the both of us which was totally worth it - we both enjoyed it.
    It had the floor style graves like a lot of churches do but also some outrageous crypts/coffins. It was sad at how small some of them were - there were actually quite a few child kings there.
    It had what we think were house banners everywhere too.
    We found Nelson Mandalas South African flag crest thing too. Don't know what that's about.
    Will thinks maybe Nobel prize winners because as it turns out the Nobel prize is a Swedish, not Dutch thing as Will told so the picture of me standing outside "the peace palace" in the Hague is a little embarrassing. HAhah

    We then walked to the palace and while looking for the royal armory checked out the royal chapel which was nice enough but not the most amazing thing I've seen.
    The royal armory was badass though.
    The first section had royal carriages and they were so very Cinderella.
    This section just made me feel happy inside.
    The next bit had clothing and weapons etc which was cool. some outfits truly were ridiculous - the amount of effort required to put some of these things on in the morning... oh and the poor horses! Some of there outfits must have been so uncomfortable!!
    We found the outfit king Gustav - I now believe it to be the third - was wearing when he was shot. He died 13 days later from blood poisoning. You could still see the blood on the clothes and rags which was gruesome - loved it! Haha
    Their masks weren't very good back then. They looked almost Ned Kelly like. Poor form especially for royalty.
    Unless it wasn't the real mask..?

    We walked on and found the most random thing to be in a palace - a Japanese inspired samurai sword section - it even had an info thing going on about him Michone uses a katana in the Walking dead.... zombie tv shows and royalty don't normally mix hhah. Seriously so random.

    We walked outside and it was time for the changing of the guard. It was packed - we couldn't get close to see them change but we saw then parade up the street so that was something. They had a marching band lead the way.
    We walked back to the hostel where I watched the new game of thrones episode then we got our bags and headed to the station.

    Can't wait to leave Scandinavia, their train prices are criminal.
    To get an express the the airport which was only 20 mins away cost us $45 each 😩😩😩

    When we got there we discovered Stockholm has the stupidest airport system in the world. We were not the only ones who had to ask for help.
    It had a do it yourself bag drop... which was empty because there were no instructions on what to do and how to use it.
    We used the machines to check in even though our tickets said not to then the worker we asked for help from had to put our luggage into a special section with things like prams and surfboards because they might get stuck on the belt ...
    It was so silly. Literally everyone was confused.
    Went through customs and to our gate.
    Boarding didn't start when it was meant to then suddenly our gate changed -.-
    So we went to the new one only it didn't have our flight up. Everyone was very confused because we should have been taking off.
    After 20 minutes of no information we were finally told we had an hour delay. *grumble moan* at least it wasn't cancelled!
    In that hour a good 6 or 7 other planes also had gate changes. The airport was full of annoyed people aha
    Eventually we got on the damn plane - I think I had a mini nap on Wills leg because time went to quickly.
    I had a window seat woo and the flight was quick and easy.

    got our bags quickly then went to the train station.
    OWWWW WHAT BEAUTIFUL PRICES - ONLY 5€ each to get to central 😍😍😍😍😍 that's even cheaper than Greece!
    Ok so their language is confusing as crap and we needed help buying the tickets. We then took a gamble and got on a train with hopefully central station as it's final stop.
    Woohoo it did.
    Walked to our hostel, checked in, dumped out bags, went to get dinner and are now back in the dorm.

    Will was talking to me - I laughed and did the loudest fart!!!!!!!!!
    Dying inside
    I then had a laughing fit where I couldn't breath which drew even more attention to myself 😶

    My feet really smell.
    We have looked up things to do here and there is literally nothing lol. I'm sure we will find something though.

    Our bunk beds have bars - I hope Will fits hah.

    I should shower but our only towel stinks.

    I have needed to wee more than usual today.

    We have lost an hour so our 8:45 wake up tomorrow will be 7:45 😖😖😖

    Ooh and I'm the Helsinki airport toilets they play bird music - too keep you relaxed as you poop? Lol
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