CA and HAWAII 2020

februari - maart 2020
Een 29-daags avontuur van Come Travel With Me Meer informatie
  • 35Footprints
  • 1landen
  • 29dagen
  • 177foto’s
  • 0video’s
  • 16,4kkilometer
  • 15,5kkilometer
  • Dag 17

    Day 17-Volcanoes National Park

    12 maart 2020, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

    We stopped again at Black Sand beach but no turtles so we drove on down the road an hour to Volcanoes National Park. The temperature dropped ten degrees as we climbed a couple thousand feet. This part of the island is very undeveloped, no towns or services. We got an overview of the park from the rangers, no movie because their theater is being renovated. This is the volcano that erupted in 2018, spilling out ten years worth of lava in three months, according to the ranger. Then we set off to walk past steam vents, holes in the ground that let steam escape from the heat of the magma deep below. Part of the walk was a boardwalk, and the trail led us to the room of the volcano crater, whu h more than doubled in size after the last eruption. The walk back to the visitor center was through tropical rain forest growth. We had a picnic lunch again abs then set off to see the Thurston lava tube, formed by hot lava flowing beneath hardened lava, it is like a cave. We came out the end and got another nice walk through the rain forest, and then an overlook to another smaller crater next to the big one. It was all really interesting. Then we headed to Hilo, 30 minutes away, to kill the rest of the day, as we had a special airport pick up at 9:30pm. We did a little retail therapy, then had dinner at a local grill and walked along the oceanfront park in the dark. Tried to find a geocache in the dark without success, maybe we will look again on Sunday.
    Finally it was time to head to the airport, where we greeted Andrew and Dani at the airport with leis that I made. Then it was an hour and a half drive in total darkness back to the air bnb for our last night there.
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  • Dag 18

    Day 18- Volcanoes NP PT 2 to Hilo

    13 maart 2020, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 72 °F

    We said goodbye to Karen after Andrew and Dani both had a run. One last time we stopped at the black sand beach and it was a happy day for Larry! There were TWO sea turtles up on the beach, just chilling. Then we headed back to Volcanoes NP and did the same walks with Andrew and Dani that we did yesterday, and then drove down the volcano past vast "fields" of lava as far as we could see all the way down to the ocean. A powerful sight. It was cooler and cloudy today with light rain much of the day. 😕🌨️
    After the park we headed to Hilo where we checked into a very nice 2 bedroom home for our Air bnb for the next two nights. Had dinner at a Thai restaurant, picked up a few groceries and called it a day.
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  • Dag 19

    Day 19- Hilo

    14 maart 2020, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

    After a leisurely breakfast and morning, we headed out to the Hilo Farmers Market just down the street, it was a lot of fresh produce, some baked goods and ethnic foods and a lot of craft and souvenir vendors. We picked up some fruit and food for lunch. Then we went to the marathon packet pickup, and drove out to check out part of the marathon route. We drove the first 7.5 miles, a very scenic and hilly road until we got to the point where the runners will turn around and go back the way they came, pass the starting point and go 4-5 miles in the other direction and then turn around and return to the start. So we can see him at the start, around Mile 15 when they come back by and then wait for the finish. The race starts at 6am🙄😴😫 so we are going to bed early tonight. No pictures!Meer informatie

  • Dag 20

    Day 20-Hilo, Marathon, Honolulu

    15 maart 2020, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    Andrew and Dani were up at three am to get ready for a 6am start time for the Big IsIand Marathon. Larry and I got up at 5:30 and got down to the route so we could cheer for Andrew near the start of the race. It was still very dark, the runners had to run the first few miles in the dark until the sun came up. Then us spectators headed up to Mcdonalds for coffee and breakfast until Andrew would come back around mile 15. He was in third place at that time, and stayed there until the finish, 3rd overall. He ran over 2 minutes faster than the CA marathon last year. I think that averages out to about 7 1/2 minutes/mile for all 26.1 miles, amazing, isn't it? We hung around for the awards ceremony, then had to get back to our rental home and pack up to get to the airport. The flight to Honolulu was about half an hour. We stopped at Andrew and Dani's apartment, grabbed a few groceries and then went to Waikiki to check into our resort for the next week. It is just a couple of blocks to the beach, which I hope to see tomorrow. Andrew and Dani have planned a full week of fun for us! Stay tuned.Meer informatie

  • Dag 21

    Day 21-Honolulu

    16 maart 2020, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 77 °F

    We slept in a little after a long day yesterday. Andrew went around the corner to get breakfast from 7-Eleven. He says they have surprisingly good food! Then we went on a tour of Lion Coffee roastery and had a cup of their coffee. It was interesting to see the processing after having gone to Kona's coffee farms. Andrew drove us around some of the sights of Honolulu before we went to the commissary for groceries. Dani and I shopped at the NEX(Naval Exchange) while Andrew got groceries. Larry hung out in the food court, and we all had lunch there. It was now raining, so we went back to A & D's apartment so they could pack for the rest of the week with us - staying at our resort in our 2 bedroom condo. While it rained, we played a great game of Monopoly, American edition that was a lot of fun. Especially because I won!!! At 5:30, the rain had almost stopped so Andrew drove us around a little more, up to a fantastic Lookout where we could see all of Honolulu.
    Andrew prepared a delicious meal of ramen with chicken, pork and vegetables. We had to stop playing to eat then finished the game. Back to our condo, bringing groceries and the kids laundry!
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  • Dag 22

    Day 22- Honolulu

    17 maart 2020, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 70 °F

    It's a rainy day, that is how everything is so green and beautiful. But it's not what I think of when I think of Honolulu. Today was also our first Corona virus cancellation . Hawaii has seemed pretty chill since we have been here, hearing about all the closings but not seeing it so much here. Until today. We had tickets for The Polynesian Cultural Center and luau, but checked their website and found they had closed until the end of the month. Later this week we were going to do Pearl Harbor, and found that it also is now closed for tours. We were going to go to see the movie "I Am Patrick" tomorrow night, but theaters have closed. Many restaurants are also closing. We are in a condo with a kitchen, so we can cook here. So we checked on another place that we had planned for tomorrow and found that the Dole Pineapple Plantation tour was still open, so we jumped in the car and took off before they changed their minds! There was a huge gift shop with pineapple everything, including a demonstration on how to cut a pineapple. Then we got on the pineapple express train to ride around the Plantation and see the fruit growing, it takes 2 years for pineapples to grow. Still a light rain, so we went for lunch at Maui Mike's, a local place that served a family meal of a whole chicken and several sides, it was so good. Then we walked in a nearby botanical garden rain forest--in light rain-so it felt very authentic. It was beautiful and we enjoyed all the plants and flowers. We weren't far from Dole so we went back for a treat of pineapple whip ice cream. We headed further north for 15 min or so and were near the north end of the island, it is much smaller the the Big Island. We stopped to see a couple of beaches, finally big sandy beaches, one was a surfers beach. Then we continued our drive around the island along a scenic Coastal road. It took about an hour to get back to Waikiki. We walked around a little as there are lots of nice shops sound the resort, and noticed a quilt shop across the street, filled with Hawaiian style quilts. We also took a quick peek at the beach but it was getting dark so we headed back to the condo to eat some leftovers for dinner, and then watched a Redbox movie, Knives Out-very cute mystery!Meer informatie

  • Dag 23

    Day 23-Honolulu

    18 maart 2020, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌧 75 °F

    Everyone slept a little late, and we woke to sunshine and blue skies. We are finding more closes than places open, but we were able to go for a really nice brunch at Liliha Bakery and then went to Hawaiian Village Plantation. It was a cultural educational center with replica buildings of the many different cultures who lived and worked on sugar cane plantations in the early 1900s. About halfway thru we ran into a docent who was doing a tour for one couple from Britain, and he asked us to join them. He was quite a character who had a lot of good information to share. Then Andrew drove us through some of Honolulu's neighborhoods where he likes to run before heading back to our resort condo so I could fix dinner.
    I have been planning this meal since last November when Dani was home alone for Thanksgiving while Andrew was deployed. I brought pumpkin, cranberry sauce and stuffing mix so I could prepare a turkey dinner for us to share together. I cooked a turkey, and baked a pumpkin pie, we also had mashed potatoes, gravy, and roasted asparagus. It was a special time for all of us. It started raining late in the afternoon, so we watched another movie, "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood". We also did laundry throughout the day. Supposed to be rainy again tomorrow and Andrew has to work tomorrow and Friday.
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  • Dag 24

    Day 24- Honolulu

    19 maart 2020, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

    Andrew had to work today so he and Dani got up early, Dani took him to work, did a bunch of errands and stopped by their apartment to pick up a few things. Mainly games and puzzles for our coronacation🙄😕. She came back Ave we had breakfast and were lazy for awhile. Then Larry and I went to the drugstore and jumped through a few hoops to get his prescription and to get it filled - dont ask, Hawaii has some weird laws. Arriving lunch then out for a walk down to Waikiki Beach. There were still quite a few people on the beach. It didn't rain today but stayed cloudy and overcast. Dani and I started a jigsaw puzzle, Larry napped, and we called the birthday boy and video chatted with Patrick, Peter and Timothy-Betsy was in the tub and Jen was making a birthday cake. We went to pick up Andrew and then set out to find a restaurant open, as they will all close tomorrow except for take out and delivery. Most were not open but we found a place and had a nice dinner. Agreed walking back we played a great game of Ticket to Ride-Europe, Andrew won and I came in last!Meer informatie