Surf’s Up - Victoria/Tofino

juli 2019 - juni 2024
Ett äventyr utan slut av Kelly Läs mer
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  • 15fotavtryck
  • 1länder
  • 1 797dagar
  • 84foton
  • 0videoklipp
  • 693kilometer
  • Dag 6

    Paddling Around

    7 juli 2019, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Up early again today so that we could drive Brad to Cox Bay for day two of surfing and so that we could drive to Middle Beach for paddle surfing lessons!

    We met our instructor, Skola from France, and got into our wetsuits before getting a lesson about safety on our paddle boards. Now Evan and I have been paddle boarding before, but this was paddle surfing, which as we would come to understand is pretty different than just leisurely paddling around a calm lake in Manitoba.

    Evan and got on to our boards and Skola showed us basic strokes and how to do 360 turns and how to fall off our boards. Then, out of nowhere, a seal popped his head up about 5 feet from our boards! Even Skola was surprised! After our visitor left, we started out for the open water. The waves kept lolling around us and keeping our balance was challenging! Evan fell in in about the first 15 minutes, but started to get his footing after that.

    Skola had us paddling around rocks and into coves as the tide was out. We even portaged across a sand bar while the tide was out so that we could get to another area. The wind was calm, so we were able to paddle out quite far. At one point, Skola pointed out three whale watching boats that had stopped and he casually turned and said, “We should watch out for whales.” Yikes! Luckily, we didn’t see any whales while on our boards, but we did see lots of starfish and even a fish that jumped out of the water by Evan’s board!

    With a few minutes left in our lesson, Skola showed Evan how to do crazy surf moves on the paddle board. Lots of people go out into the surf with their paddle boards here. Evan was actually quite adept to doing these quick moves!

    We got out of gear and went to pick up Brad, who had been promoted the green waves on his second day of surfing!

    We decided to grab a picnic style lunch from Summit Bread Co. and Picnic, which sells cheeses, meats, and other delicious picnic style foods. We went back home with our haul and enjoyed our fresh breads and charcuterie.

    Feeling exhausted, we decided to have a quick nap before heading out to hike a few small paths. We found ourselves in the rainforest again, but without the rain this time. Seeing the old growth was very cool, but I was less excited about seeing a huge banana slug (named for its size and colour).

    After our hiking, we went back to town and went to Tofino Brewing to enjoy a flight. I got to have their kelp porter, which is indeed made with kelp.
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  • Dag 6


    7 juli 2019, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    We got changed and walked to dinner, which was at the other end of town at SoBo (South Bohemian). It had started as a food truck, but now is a brick and mortar.

    We were seated by a large window and quickly decided that we needed to have some oysters on this trip. They were small and deliciously briny! We also shared the seafood chowder, which was rich and full of fish. Brad had been eyeing the risotto since we looked at this menu, and he wasn’t disappointed by the luscious rice and seafood medley! Evan decided to have a pizza, and I had the halibut with fiddleheads and quinoa. We didn’t get dessert, but Evan bought himself the crisp, which was strawberry and rhubarb.

    It’s a good thing you can walk so many places in Tofino because we are certainly enjoying the food!
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  • Dag 7

    Ucluelet, Whales, and 1909

    8 juli 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We dropped Brad off for his final surf lesson and then decided to drive to Ucluelet to check it out. Our first stop was Big Beach to see the volcanic rocks at low tide. We did a quick hike there before moving on Terrace Beach, which was probably the calmest water we’ve seen here!

    Before getting back to Cox Bay to pick up Brad, we stopped at Incinerator Rock again so that Evan could “swim.” The tide was quite far out and the surf looked strong. Evan ventured in up to his waist, but was deterred by the very cold water.

    We picked up Brad around 11:30 and the boys had showers before we walked over to Shelter for lunch. Evan dined on excellent fish and chips while I had mussels and Brad had a salmon BLT. Brad was quite wiped out after three days of surf camp, so he went back and had a nap while Evan and I went downtown to check out a few shops.
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  • Dag 7

    Ucluelet, Whales, and 1909 (2)

    8 juli 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    At 2:30, we went to get suited up for our whale watching adventure! We had to wear insulated flotation suits and they also gave us toques and mitts. There were 12 people on our zodiac and after a few safety tips, we cruised out of the harbour into open water.

    Our captain had heard about two humpbacks that were seen feeding, so we headed out to find them. We checked the water for blow spray and found the two whales! Our captain said they normally don’t see humpbacks, but the fish must have been plentiful to attract two in the area. We tracked the whales for awhile and eventually got to see one do a cartwheel, which is like a big roll. Later, the same whale did a lunge feed, which is when they come up, mouths open, and breech the surface to eat. That was pretty amazing to see in person!

    On our trip we also saw a grey whale, and he was pretty into giving us three breaths and then a dive with a tail flip. We watched him do it four times!

    We also saw sea otters feeding in a kelp farm and some more seals before heading back to the harbour.

    Originally we had planned to go to Shelter for supper, but we canceled our reservation two days ago and decided to go back to 1909 because we couldn’t stop talking about it! We had a table with an even better view this time and the Tofino weather was warm (for Tofino) and sunny.

    We began with the albacore tuna and a chilled seafood tower that had oysters, clams, mussels, and a shell on crab. We then shared a pasta with morels and prawns, a lamb and kelp kabob, and the morels stuffed with humboldt squid. Evan has the skillet cookie and Brad and I shared the tiramisu to finish off another amazing dinner!

    We headed back home to pack up our stuff and enjoy the last of our Victoria beers.
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  • Dag 8

    The Worst Travel Day - Ever

    9 juli 2019, Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Our day started out promising. We grabbed lattes at Tofino Roasters, scones at Summit Bread Co., and had our leftover cheese and bread packed for the road. We drove out of Tofino and about 20 km into our 4+ hour drive, we saw a sign the read HIGHWAY CLOSED. A young man told us a rock slide had closed the highway, but they were hoping to open it at 10 am. It was 9:20, so we drove until we reached the stopped traffic and then began to wait.

    After 10, a construction worker came down the highway and told everyone that it was going to be another two hours. We ate our scones and waited some more. I eventually walked down the highway only to discover that some people near the front had been stopped there since 5 am. I was also able to see the rock slide and the rock that sat on the highway was the size of a bus. I wandered back to our car and said to Brad that were weren’t making it home today. We had no cell service, so all we could do was wait.

    At noon, we were told two more hours. Evan finished a book, Brad started his second book, and I took a nap.

    At 2, we were told two more hours. I went to use the port-a-potty that was about 1.5 km away and discovered it had no toilet paper.

    At 3:45, we were told 10 more minutes. They gave us water and granola bars as some sort of compensation for our patience.

    At 4:10, we were allowed to proceed.

    I don’t know how far the traffic had lined up behind us, but on the other side of the rock slide, cars stretched for at least 5 km.

    I didn’t get cell service for another hour, so by the time I got through to WestJet it was our boarding time in Victoria. And it began pouring rain.

    Driving through the winding roads and rain, I was able to rebook our flight for the following day and then book a hotel. We didn’t arrive in Victoria until after 8 pm, and after a quick supper at The Commons at 10 Acres, we drove to our hotel.

    It wasn’t the day we had planned out or how we wanted our vacation to end, but in the end, it all worked out just fine. And it’ll probably be a story we can tell for many years to come.
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