Masked Crusaders in Europe

agosto - septiembre 2020
Simon & Jackie’s road trip / camping European Vacation 2020 Leer más
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  • Día 25

    Day 25 - Same Again

    28 de agosto de 2020, Croacia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Went for an early morning run. Took a few harbour photos & stopped at the bakery to buy some bread for our lunch. I couldn’t decide, so I bought a baguette & a loaf.

    Just after 9.00am, we set off for Dubovica Beach & sat down at our new usual spot. We had saved our breath by inflating Zoom Lolly Lilo with the air bed pump & car cigarette lighter, before walking down the goat path.

    Not much else happened, Jackie splashed about on the lilo most of the day whilst I read. Lunch was the baguette filled with what turned out to be flavourless hard boiled eggs & tomatoes. And wine.

    We left beach gone 5.00pm & stopped at Tommy Hipermarket for fresh supplies. Back at the apartment, I found that I was able to watch the T20 cricket on the iPad, which was a right result until it was abandoned due to rain!

    Jackie made us sausage (Bratwurst), chips & salad for our tea, which we had with the homemade wine we bought the night before. We knew it would be good, because we had drunk it in Pizzeria Marco as their ‘domestic’ wine.

    With the cricket abandoned, we played another online quiz & had an early night.

    Song of the Day : Every Day Is Exactly The Same by Nine Inch Nails.
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  • Día 26

    Day 26 - Weather Forecast - Windy

    29 de agosto de 2020, Croacia ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    Struggling to get up these mornings. The forecast on the weather app on the iPhone just said ‘windy’ for the whole day. What did that actually mean? Apart from the obvious.

    After breakfast we decided to chance it & go back to our beach, fully prepared to abandon it if the wind was unbearable. We weren’t early, but there were only two cars in the car park. Other people must have read the same weather forecast or had local knowledge.

    Being high up, the wind was battering us so Zoom Lolly Lilo was banished to the boot. We then fought our way down the goat path to the bottom & WOW the beach was absolutely empty. I imagine this was a rarity mid morning on a sunny day in the summer. It was even better, because the cove shielded most of the wind.

    It was less than 10 minutes before other sunbathers started descending on the beach, but it remained pretty quiet all day. Occasionally we had a gust of wind that caused havoc with any umbrella or inflatable that had misguidedly been brought to the beach.

    One umbrella shot up in the air about 20 feet & landed on another family’s towels. Luckily only Dad was sat there & he gave them a rollicking. I rescued a foam mat & an inflatable swan.

    The highlight of the day was laughing at another chap who spent most of his day trying to put up an umbrella for his girlfriend’s dog, then his inflatable blew out to sea, he swam after it only for the the inflatable to blow back to shore with him now 30 yards out to sea. He was not a happy chappie!

    Lunch was cheese & ham sandwiches & white wine. Unfortunately I had been left in charge of packing the wine & I forgot the glasses. We had to resort to using our water bottle as our wine glass. It didn’t look good!

    During the afternoon, the naked gardener who lived in the big stone house at the water’s edge started playing Bob Dylan tracks that drifted out across the beach. On previous days we have had classical music, piano concertos & jazz.

    We left the beach after 6pm because the cooling breeze had made it comfortable for Jackie to stay in the sun all day without any shade.

    Back home we struggled to motivate ourselves to get ready to go out, but we did. We strolled around the pretty back streets, but ultimately gravitated back to Pizzeria Marco. We shared a very decent lasagna, chips & salad.

    On the way home we purchased some more homemade wine for a wine nightcap with our whole nut chocolate.

    Song of the Day : Blowin’ in the Wind by Bob Dylan.
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  • Día 27

    Day 27 - Do as the Locals Do

    30 de agosto de 2020, Croacia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    The morning started with more ant trouble. Jackie started eating her honey loops & after a couple of mouthfuls felt her arm was itchy. She looked down to see several ants running around on it. She then looked in her cereal bowl to see more ants swimming for their lives. She inspected the cereal packet & it was crawling with the damn things.

    I decided to have toast.

    Our apartments other guests are mainly middle aged lesbians, which is great. What is not great is that one couple have worn the same clothes all week. Photo attached.

    It was forecast to be another windy day, so as planned we set out in the car to explore the island. Our first stop was Jelsa, another town apparently similar to Stari Grad, but we will never know what it was like because there were barriers up to the town centre & we were expected to pay to park up. We chose not to.

    We popped to the harbour port of Vrboska, where there were lots of sailing boats, but not many sailors.

    We then headed for Hvar town, where we discovered that the car parks wanted £10 to park for the day. I was keen to see one of the oldest theatres in Europe, but not at that price!

    Instead we tried to drive down to the waterfront, but ended up in such a tight squeeze that we had to blindly reverse for about 50 metres, then drive up a one way street the wrong way to escape.

    Having learnt our lesson, we then cruised around the top road above Hvar Town where we got decent viewpoints of the town below & the Spanish fortress above.

    On the way home, we located the village of Milna. We parked up in a free car park & took a stroll. It was a tiny seafront village full of inviting restaurants, but just too early in the day for us.

    We returned home around midday & walked past Lantern Beach to the port then around the harbour inlet for several miles. We passed the small 13th century harbour church of St. Jerome. We read that the hermitage opposite became a hospice in the 17th century & was later used as a quarantine hospital for passengers from ships suspected of carrying contagious diseases. How appropriate!

    We stopped on the way back for an overpriced beer.

    Later that afternoon, we packed our bags & loaded what we could into the car. I finished before Jackie & now a hot sweaty mess, decided to do what the locals do & go for a swim. I donned a pair of shorts & walked down to the ‘beach’, then climbed down into the sea for a cooling float.

    I returned home in time to watch the T20 cricket & England beat Pakistan with a record breaking run chase.

    That evening we went back to Pizzeria Marco (again) & ordered the Marco special pizza (basically a bit of everything on top) with a salad & a litre of wine & sparkling water. We noticed that the cobblestoned pavement was all wet & learnt that the combination of a high tide & strong winds had blown the sea water up & all the restaurants had been ankle deep in water during the afternoon.

    When the bill came, the waiter said “From the owner, all the drinks were on the house”. What a lovely gesture & a great end to our stay in Stari Grad. Sadly Marco wasn’t there to thank in person.

    Song of the Day : The Tide Is High by Blondie.
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  • Día 28

    Day 28 - Say Hello, Wave Goodbye

    31 de agosto de 2020, Croacia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    We both woke up at 2.30am & stayed awake until we got up at 6.15am. I read up on Montenegro our intended destination & everything seemed to be ok for our entry during Covid, despite the country currently having its national elections & disputed results. Russian interference perhaps.

    We showered, packed & left at 7.00am, earlier than planned to catch our scheduled 9.30am ferry. It was a single narrow winding 38 mile long road to take us to the other end of the island. I was glad to take it at a leisurely pace, because for most of the way it was a deep drop either side of the road & no barriers. It took a lot of concentration. If we had left the road, the car would definitely have been trashed or worse we were goners. When there wasn’t a deep drop, the road was flanked by sharp jagged rocks waiting to rip the car bodywork open.

    We arrived at Sucuraj ferry port at 8.15am unscathed to find a ferry being loaded up. Jackie ran to the ticket office to buy our £12 fare. There were 2 cars in front of us, but only one space left on the ferry, but luckily for us the 2 cars were travelling together & didn’t want to separate, so yet again we were the last car on & just in the nick of time. No sooner were we on & the doors were up & we were off.

    35 min later, we docked at Drvenik, back on the mainland. We then drove south for 99 miles down Route 8 heading to Montenegro. We passed through Gradac, ugly Ploce & around the fertile Opuzen region at the mouth of the Neretva river. The route then took us back along the Adriatic coast & into Bosnia & Herzegovina for just 12 miles & through their one & only seaside resort of Neum. With just cursory looks at our passports at both border checkpoints we were soon back into Croatia & chugging down the coast passing Dubrovnik & its old walled city.

    At 1105am we arrived at the border with Montenegro. It consisted of 2 border checkpoints with a no mans land area in between.

    At the Croatian border checkpoint they scanned our passports & waved us through & out of Croatia . We then drove a couple of hundred yards down the no mans land area to the Montenegrin border checkpoint. The immigration officer took our passports then demanded to see our green card for the car. He pointed at a sign that referred to local car insurance. I handed him our car insurance, but he handed it back with a “Non”. There then followed a stupid conversation with him & colleague. Eventually we ‘sort’ of established that we needed our car registration document & then we would have to get local car insurance to drive our car in Montenegro.

    He asked where we were staying & for how long. For a moment we thought he was going to let us in, but instead he said drive down the road & turn round to get on the road to exit the Montenegrin border. He refused to give our passports back until we had turned around. So we entered Montenegro & immediately left again. The cheerful (not) immigration officer walked over & handed our passports back. We drove back through no mans land & confused the hell out of the Croatian immigration officer who saw on his records that we had only just left. We didn’t try to explain & luckily he didn’t ask & he let us back into Croatia!

    Bugger. That had ruined my itinerary for the next 7 - 10 days.

    We drove back to the nearest resort of Cavtat & parked up. We went to a bakery for an iced coffee & jam doughnut each & to take stock of the situation. If we had any plans to stay there in Cavtat we soon dismissed them when we realised most of the tourists were British.

    Over our snack we made the decision to head to the Peljesac Peninsular & possibly onto the Island of Korcula. We headed north back up Route 8, past Dubrovnik & finally turned off onto the Peljesac Peninsular. Suddenly the pace of life seemed to slow down & a feeling of calmness descended.

    We passed oyster farms in the calm waters & saw a big sign with pictures of the different harbours on the peninsula. We chose to look at Trpanj towards the other end about 30 miles away. We passed through Ston with it’s amazing fortress & city walls, but we were just too fatigued to stop. We will go back.

    We arrived at Trpanj, which seemed quite quaint, but the whole appearance of the place was ruined by a huge digger on part of the beach. It would seem that they were building a new beach.

    We stopped in a bar for a beer & to carry out further research. We established that it was cheaper to stay in Orebic just 12 miles away, so we booked a place for 3 nights on We then checked out a decent looking beach 6 miles away at Divna (or as it is known because it is a very steep road down to it. The beach looked ok, but dark clouds were looming.

    We drove for another 30 minutes to Orebic & to Apartments Two Olive Trees. We were greeted by a little old man who didn’t speak English and worse didn’t seem to be expecting us. We had our 2nd stupid conversation of the day, which was not what we needed after pretty much 11 hours & 250 miles of driving, especially as we were both getting bitten by mossies. Luckily we were rescued by a couple of young Croatian holidaymakers who translated for us. The apartment is nice, but there is no toilet paper. I tried to ask for some, but couldn’t make myself understood!

    With thunder & lightning out at sea, we went out & had a meal at Konoba Andiamo on the seafront. I had the recommended wild boar with homemade macaroni, whilst Jackie had a whole grilled Sea Bream with vegetables. It was very nice together with a litre of local wine.

    We got home to bed before the wind & rain started lashing down.

    Song of the Day : Say Hello, Wave Goodbye by Soft Cell.
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  • Día 29

    Day 29 - Sand Gets Everywhere

    1 de septiembre de 2020, Croacia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Despite our tiredness, we still managed to wake up at 2.30am & not get back to sleep again. I was able to catch up on my blogs & start planning the next leg of our trip. I also discovered that there was a sandy beach right under our nose - just a short walk from where we were staying.

    Around 9.00am, we left the apartment & popped up the road to a bakery to get breakfast, then headed to the beach & found our spot. On the empty beach we had our breakfast, a cheese & an apple pastry, which were nothing to write home about. Damn, I just have!

    We then commenced operation sunbathe. The first visitors to join us were more elderly swimmers arriving for a quick dip, then as they left, the beach started to fill up with Croatian families & the odd couple like us!

    At lunch we walked up to a very quiet bar above us, which initially we weren’t sure if it was even open. We soon found out it was & why it was quiet. It was because the big fat bar owner was too lazy to come over to our table & serve us or even acknowledge our presence at his bar. Instead after reading instructions at the bottom of the drinks list on the table, we had to go up to the bar to buy his overpriced beer. The view however was terrific.

    After lunch we returned to our spot on the beach until we lost the sun behind the pine trees around 4.00pm, then hauled our still sandy bodies home. Back at the apartment, tiny pieces of shingle kept materialising from every orifice & scattering all over the floor & bed. It will be back to a pebble beach tomorrow.

    We chilled out for the remainder of the day. I tried to get Zoom Lolly Lilo out of the car boot without taking the bikes & bike rack off. I failed & worst still discovered that our car won’t now lock. Jackie’s research on the internet has diagnosed it as a faulty sensor. That’s handy!

    After watching the start of the 3rd & final T20 match against Pakistan, we went out to dinner at Konoba Karako along the seafront. Jackie had beefsteak with garlic & parsley, whilst I, as a second choice had the Dalmatian Vegetable Platter. We ended up sharing the two dinners & it was excellent.

    We returned home in time to see the end of the cricket, which ended in a disappointing defeat for England.

    Song of the Day : Car Trouble (Parts 1 & 2) by Adam & The Ants.
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  • Día 30

    Day 30 - Travel Restriction Conundrums

    2 de septiembre de 2020, Croacia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We both had an overdue cracking sleep & got up at 6.30 & 7.30am respectively, then had cereal for breakfast.

    Jackie had decided that she was going to ring her ‘friend’ Tim at the Citroen Garage in Crawley to see if he could offer a solution to our car lock problem. Before doing so we returned to our car to check it once more. It still wasn’t locking, but we also tried to open the boot & discovered that it was slightly ajar after my efforts to open it yesterday. We managed to close the boot still with 2 bikes & the carrier on it & lo and behold the car now locks!

    Our 2nd bit of luck was we found an ATM that didn’t charge us for withdrawals & thirdly we found a homemade wine shop & bought 3 litres of white. We then hit the pebbly beach directly at the bottom of our road for a pleasant morning in the mid 20s centigrade.

    At lunchtime, we strolled along the prom & found a nice little seafront restaurant called Piazzetta & shared a pepperoni Pizzella & a couple of beers. Over lunch we looked at our options to getting home. It is a real logistical nightmare. Most countries don’t want us visiting because we have been holidaying in Croatia. As it stands we will have to pay to get a Covid test to enter Italy & hope that it is negative. God knows what happens if either of us tests positive!

    We agreed to review our options again in about 10 days time when we are back in northern Croatia.

    The afternoon was back to the beach & we were surprised to see our hosts having a swim, who I might add are not Jackie favourite people. What has incensed Jackie is that on top of ‘toiletpapergate’, she has read on the reviews on that our hosts have provided other guests with complimentary wine, beer & grapes upon arrival. We have had zilch. I can see a negative review coming on.

    At 5.00pm we left the beach, removed the bikes from the rack & repacked the boot. Jackie then gave me an action man haircut back at the apartment.

    After a couple of glasses of our homemade wine, we went back to Konoba Andiamo. The waiter was a star & gave us the reserved sea view table. Jackie had the homemade macaroni with seafood & I with beef. During dinner an orange glow appeared behind the mountain, then the rising moon appeared, reflecting upon the sea. I failed to take a decent photo to aptly appreciate it’s beauty.

    It was a very decent meal & the waiter gave us a complimentary nightcap of grappa, but he insisted on necking one with us with a “Cheers”. After paying our bill, the waiter bizarrely, but in a gesture of friendship held out his hand to shake it. I shook it, then sanitised.

    We didn’t last much longer this evening.

    Song of the Day : New Moon Rising by Wolfmother.
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  • Día 31

    Day 31 - Oysters & Wine in Ston

    3 de septiembre de 2020, Croacia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    We got up around 8.00am & Jackie went to book our next apartment for 3 nights that we had already chosen the previous evening. We couldn’t find it, presumably someone else had booked it. I was not too happy, because Jackie had persuaded me to wait until the morning to book it. Instead we chose one that we hadn’t been so keen on.

    We packed & paid our money in return for our passports that had been held to ransom, then said our goodbyes to Mr & Mrs Happy.

    We threw everything in the car & I turned the ignition key. The engine started but the radio (we think) started to emit a continuous loud beeping sound. We turned the engine on & off, studied the manual & trawled the internet, but we couldn’t find anything to explain what it was or more importantly how to make it stop. Jackie was for the second time just about to ring her friend’ Tim, when I started the engine a final time & the beeping was miraculously no more, but there was a strong smell of petrol.

    We rolled out of Orebić & started to climb up a mountain. The fuel gauge read that we had 348 miles in the tank, but within a few minutes I noticed in horror that it had gone down to 261 miles. I knew that it was just that we were driving our heavy car up steep climbs in 3rd gear, but I couldn’t help fearing that we had a fuel leak. We pulled over at a stunning viewpoint to check. We didn’t appear to have.

    At 10.45am, we arrived at the small port of Prapratno to catch the midday scheduled ferry to the Island of Mljet. We waited for a foreign miserable couple to buy their ticket, then we bought ours & discovered that the ferry wasn’t sailing until 1.00pm.

    We had an hour & a half to kill, so we drove to Ston to sus out the castle & wall & make sure it was open on Sunday when we would be next passing through. It will be. We had a stroll around the delightful ancient town. We then found a restaurant offering a taster plate of 3 local oysters & a glass of white wine for 40 kuna (£5). When in Rome & all that.... We sat down & Jackie ordered said starter plate, whilst I ordered just a beer. Jackie’s oysters came with 5 chunky slices of the freshest bread that I helped her with. It was a very pleasant interlude, nearly ruined by the parking attendant in the car park who was 2 cars away from noticing that our ticket had expired.

    We drove back to Prapratno & looked down on the beach that looked amazing. It turned out to be better from a distance. We saw that Mr & Mrs Miserable were sunbathing on it. We returned to the port & waited for our ferry sat in the dock.

    The ferry departed about a quarter full, including Mr & Mrs M who spent the whole 35 minute journey posing for photographs. Jackie hates them because they are about our age & think they are ‘trendy’. I didn’t know that was a crime!

    Otherwise it was a very relaxing crossing on a mirror like sea. Upon arrival at the port of Sobra, we drove south for 12 miles to our 2nd choice new home, Apartments Franka Saplunara in Saplunara. Our apartment is below a supermarket & above a restaurant of the same name. It sounds hideous, but it turns out the view from our balcony is to die for.

    The little old lady who we found in the restaurant & showed us to our apartment didn’t speak a word of English, but she laughed a lot & seemed very jolly which made everything ok. And we now have toilet paper!

    We were just getting our bags in when who should be being shown into the apartment next to us, but Mr & Mrs M. Unbelievable. They ended up moving to the next apartment along, I don’t know why.

    We packed our beach bags & set off for Plaza Blace (Blace Beach) a 20 minute walk from us along a coastal path. Blace Beach is a large sandy beach in the shape of a lagoon. It looked pretty, but was too quiet for Jackie. We found a suitable spot & we got ready for a cooling dip. I put on my swimmers & it was at this point that Jackie realised that she had left her bikini on the bed back at the apartment.

    I went for a long wade in the shallow warm water that failed to reach my waist, whilst Jackie watched from the shore in her bra & pants, like a naughty schoolgirl who had forgotten her P.E. kit. When I returned, Jackie told me she had conveniently been bitten 3 times & wanted to go back.

    She had the last laugh, when I fell ‘arse over tit’ into the wet sand whilst trying to get dressed. It was utterly embarrassing, particularly because I ended up demolishing one of the wooden ‘sculptures’ next to us.

    We walked back to our apartment, via the upstairs supermarket for refreshments. We then sat on our balcony with a glass of beer & watched (spied with our binoculars) the catamarans arriving in our bay for the evening.

    Dinner was in the restaurant below, where we met the owners of the apartments who apologised for not being home when we arrived & leaving her mum in charge. Jackie had calamari, whilst I had a mixed meat plate. It was nice, but not exceptional.

    Song of the Day : (Sittin’ On) the Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding.
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  • Día 32

    Day 32 - Cycling in Mljet National Park

    4 de septiembre de 2020, Croacia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    We started our active day with a breakfast of champions - muesli, banana & nectarines. We then headed out with our swimming togs for a day in Mljet National Park.

    We drove the single road entire length (27 miles) of Mljet to the small harbour town of Polace to purchase our entrance tickets to the park. Whilst Jackie got out to get the tickets, I waited with the car on a very narrow road until suddenly there was a thump at the back. A woman driver had tried to squeeze past & had hit my bike with her wing mirror & driven on without stopping. Luckily no damage was caused.

    With our entrance tickets purchased at 125 kuna (£15) each, we drove through the hilly village of Govedari (by mistake) then arrived at the National Park car park. We unloaded our cycles & set off for a leisurely pedal around Veliko Jezero, better known as the large lake. It was idyllic.

    The salt water lake was bright blue & crystal clear. The path followed the large lake around the entire circumference (about 11kms) & there was next to no-one else about. We stopped for one or two (hundred) photos & to read the interesting information signs.

    During the ride we stopped for some sustenance in the form of fruit we had brought with us & Jackie uttered the immortal line “I think I’ve squashed my plums”. Not something you expect to hear from your wife during a bike ride!

    We then followed the path around the Malo Jezero (small lake) until it petered out about half way round & we were forced to turn round. We returned to Mali most, the small bridge that connected the 2 lakes, where we took a free solar powered ferry across the large lake to St. Mary’s Islet with it’s 12th century Benedictine monastery & St. Mary’s Church. Both were abandoned by the monks in the 19th century. Jackie lit a candle for her mum. It was a pleasant respite from a day in the saddle.

    An hour and a half later, we were returned to our bikes & we cycled the opposite way around Veliko Jezero until we found our very own secluded spot for a swim in the lake. Jackie already had her bikini on underneath, whereas I had to change. We had our refreshing swim then started to change back into our clothes. It was at this point that Jackie realised that she had made another wardrobe error. She had only packed 2 bikini tops, but no bottoms. Jackie had to go commando for the rest of the day!

    It was gone 3pm when we returned to the car. Jackie was not just knickerless, but also bleeding from a gash to her leg. A stone had been thrown up from her front tyre. We loaded up & drove back to the apartment to chill on our balcony. Sadly there were very few boats in our cove tonight to spy on.

    For dinner we walked downstairs. Jackie had grilled sardines, whilst I had a very disappointing spaghetti bolognese. Over dinner we chatted with the owner who 10 years ago had spent time in Whitby & Blackpool. We persuaded him to let us take his sun beds to the beach tomorrow.

    The miserable foreign couple, we have now identified as being French, shared a beer & a salad.

    After a wine on our balcony, whilst watching England snatch victory from the jaws of defeat against Australia in the T20, we called it an early night.

    Song of the Day : Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen.
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  • Día 33

    Day 33 - Super Yacht Ulysses

    5 de septiembre de 2020, Croacia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Woke up this morning to find a massive super yacht moored up in our cove. It was side on, so we couldn’t read it’s name, but using my detective skills, I googled the identification number VP-CPB of it’s helicopter, which told me it was a ship now called Andromeda, owned by a Russian billionaire (which turned out to be wrong!)

    Later on the super yacht drifted around & identified itself to us as Ulysses, a 116 metre vessel owned by New Zealand billionaire, Graeme Hart. Hart is the richest person in Australasia, with a net worth of $8.6 billion. More money than sense.

    Hart bought 2 super yachts, which are actually expedition vessels from Norwegian company Kleven. Apparently Kleven told him that he had to buy 2 of the vessels if he wanted them to his exacting specifications. Why not, they only cost $275 million each.

    Hart later sold the 1st one, now Andromeda to the Russian billionaire, Yuri Milner, who had early investment in tech companies, including 8% of Facebook & 5% of Twitter (I wasn’t so wrong after all).

    We spent the morning with our binoculars watching the comings & goings on Ulysses. It has a crew of 48 persons & every single toy you could ever imagine. We counted that they had about 10 additional boats including one that was a triple decker. The guests numbered about 8 & half of them were young children.

    It was weird to see that the entire crew wore masks for the entire time they were out on deck & they shadowed the guests everywhere as if they were blind or too fragile to fall over. If a guest got wet, they had two staff holding towels out for them. I don’t know why wouldn’t do!

    After breakfast we moved our OP to the beach & acquired 2 free sun beds that we had negotiated with the owner the previous evening.

    Around 11.00am, I went for a run to Blace Beach & to photo Ulysses from a different perspective. The driftwood sculpture I had accidentally demolished was still demolished. Returning to our beach, Jackie & I had a discussion that we probably wanted to stay in Saplunara a bit longer.

    Over a beer & salami & cheese sandwich at lunch, we both agreed that we would definitely like to stay longer after weighing up the pros and cons. It was the view from our balcony that was the clincher. It was further cemented when we moved our sun beds to the concrete jetty & spent the afternoon watching the boat goings on in the cove. It wasn’t for the prudish though, because it seems that most ‘boaties’ like to have a swim then strip off above board in full view of everyone else.

    At 6.00pm we retired to our balcony & I had the added bonus of discovering the England v Iceland football match had just kicked off. Much to Jackie’s delight! It turned out to be a good result, but a poor performance.

    At the conclusion of the game, we went down to dinner & negotiated a cheaper deal than to keep our apartment for another 3 nights. We then had a fantastic meal of chicken & pork skewers with Ajvar (a roasted red pepper sauce) chips & vegetables. The restaurant has redeemed itself. We were given a large bowl of complimentary sweet grapes to finish off.

    During dinner, Ulysses silently departed.

    Song of the Day : Ship of Fools by World party
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  • Día 34

    Day 34 - Are We Turning into Germans?

    6 de septiembre de 2020, Croacia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    After waking up, I could not think about anything else than fretting that someone else would take our sun beds & our spot on the jetty. Panic took over & I rushed down with towels & sarongs & placed them on the sun beds I had moved into position. Feeling relieved, we then went shopping for ingredients for a homemade dinner, before breakfast.

    Jackie dropped the large toothpaste lid down the basin plughole & try as we might it won’t come out.

    About 9.30am we took up our positions on harbour watch. At 11.30am we both ran the mile or so to Blace Beach, where I got attacked by a ‘smoking’ beagle yapping at my ankle. We also came across a dog on a scooter wearing sunglasses!

    After our run back, we had a cooling swim, then retired to our balcony for a liquid lunch. The afternoon couldn’t have been any better. I took my iPad to the jetty & watched England thrash Australia in the T20, whilst Jackie watched a group of naked gay men frolicking on their yacht.

    At the conclusion of the cricket, Jackie brought the two ring electric stove out on to the balcony & cooked up a sensational meal of rigatoni pasta with pancetta, onion, red peppers, garlic, tomatoes & of course, chilli.

    The night was complete with a Sky movie.

    Song of the Day : Run by Snow Patrol.
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