Cal’s Camino Adventures

août - octobre 2022
Une aventure de 39 jours par Cal En savoir plus
  • 42empreintes
  • 4pays
  • 39jours
  • 729photos
  • 0vidéos
  • 5,2kkilomètres
  • 2,3kkilomètres
  • Day 4

    27 juin 2022, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Today wasn’t quite the downhill walk advertised.. a few good climbs, but nothing major, very stony/rough downhill finish though.. I didn’t bother rushing to start before 8 as I seem to have a better pace than the guide says and only have to wait hours before I can check in.. that was today’s excuse to go for a beer anyway!!!
    It was really chilly to start with, but had reached the high 20’s /30 by the time I arrived at Zubiri .. It was a lovely walk through lots of trees and plantation type paths.. I constantly overtook people the whole way, though I hardly saw a sole for the last 4km.. the silence was unbelievable… it’s due to be a hot one tomorrow, which may slow me down 😂🥵.. chatting to my American friends Sandra ( pronounced Sondra) and Mike again today, they’ve trekked/hiked everywhere, done all the amazing ones and are very nice… a bit of boring entry today I’m afraid….
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  • Day -1

    23 août 2022, Île de Man ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    Well it’s nearly time to go..eek.. I’ve got my friendship bracelet ( thanks Mia ) my guardian angel ( thanks Han ) my name tag ( thanks Steve ) and piles of indecision….😬😬

  • Jour 1

    Day 1

    24 août 2022, Angleterre ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Well after spending all day checking my phone in preparation for my flight to Gatwick being cancelled, here I am in my Premier Inn room …and relax.. well no, I may have stress no 1 over, but it’s 11.45 pm and I’m setting my alarm for a 4.30 am wake up 😯.. please don’t fail me alarm!!En savoir plus

  • Jour 2

    Day 2

    25 août 2022, France ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Seriously.. 4.30 starts aren’t good as you don’t even sleep the 4 1/2 hours you have because you’re too scared you’ll oversleep 😂..
    No drama at the airport.. a plane, a bus and a train later to find my final train has been cancelled and I don’t speak French 😱.. managed to get on a direct bus that was put on for an earlier train, so all good..
    I have my Camino passport and so I guess I’m good to go if I can fit everything back into my bag.. why did I think I’d need so many toiletries 😬..
    Now all I have to contend with is a moderate weather warning for tomorrow and the heavy rain that’s forecast ….
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  • Jour 3

    Day 3

    26 août 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Well… payback for saying “ I don’t care what happens on day one as long as my flight isn’t cancelled “… Mmmm.. day one.. gorgeous views crossing the Pyrenees.. I think not!! Very wet and foggy.. but .. YES.. I’m so happy, felt ace, was worried I’d started too late as I thought I ought to have breakfast on the first day so didn’t set off until 8am…passed soo many people, no idea when they must have set off!!
    Sun cream definitely was the priority.. it was damp to start, but then very wet and foggy 😶‍🌫️.. a bit cold, but too wet to add anything .. massive thank you to Hannah for my amazing jacket ❤️
    Basically, I really enjoyed the whole walk, but would love to have seen the amazing views that there must be fog free.. I overtook people the whole way which was unexpected, but getting to Ronscesvslles by lunchtime means I know I don’t need to start any earlier.. one lady asked if I’d been running.. how rude!!!
    Hotel found, shower, Kip ( I’m old ok !! ) Big girl pants on and off for a beer on my own I go…
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  • Jour 5

    Day 5

    28 août 2022, Espagne ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    A really lovely walk again today with nothing too challenging.. I was tempted to try and keep up with the First Lady in a trail running race that was happening on a part of the route as I was sure I could have done😂.. there didn’t seem to be as many people on route today, whether some had started particularly early due to the forecasted temperatures if 36 degrees, I don’t know..
    i was walking up behind a couple of girls and heard one say that her shoulders were hurting from her rucksack.. the other girl replied that they’d only hurt for two weeks because after that God would have deemed her worthy from her struggle.. I missed the reply, but it didn’t sound like she was too happy to have to wait two weeks!!
    Weather was perfect for walking at 8am but did gradually get warmer and warmer, although there was quite a bit in the shade which was very welcome.. again spent the first hour and a half passing people.. keep waiting for a judge to jump out with a red paddle and accuse me of cheating 😳.. having said that, going through a biggish town before Pamplona all rucksacks ahead seemed to vanish and I kept worrying I’d gone wrong 😑
    Made it to Pamplona in really good time, but then found out that my accommodation was 1 - 1.5 km away from the route.. big panic 😱 how do I find it.. bigger panic.. how will I find my way back to it on Monday morning 😬worked the first part out, but no idea if I will in the morning ..
    Needless to say I arrived too early to check in.. so a beer and bite to eat it was!!
    The hotel tonight is way bigger and posher than any of the others, but I definitely prefer them as they were much friendlier and Camino orientated.. I was a tad uncomfortable turning up at this one with a pack on my back!!
    Off for my evening meal now.. can’t believe I couldn’t eat here before 8, that’s nearly my bed time 🥱 hope there’s something I like as I’m starving.. buenos noches..
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  • Jour 6

    Day 6

    29 août 2022, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    Well I found my way back to the route.. Google maps you rock!!! Who didn’t know the flashlight thing was the direction you were going.. probably only me 😳
    Great views, varied terrain..again!! .There don’t seem to be as many people on route as the first two days, I guess everyone is starting at the same point on the same day, but after that you can decide ( if you haven’t pre booked like me 🙄 ) to stop wherever you want as there are Auberge’s at reasonably regular intervals.
    I admit to not being religious, but do feel it would be disrespectful to put my headphones in and not truly see and absorb the amazing beauty of my surroundings ( can’t believe I’ve said that, but it’s true 😳 ) the journey today took me through fields of sunflowers that probably looked absolutely amazing 2 or 3 weeks ago, but we’re dry and dead now, wheat fields, long mountain trails and a kilometre or more of descent that can only be described as walking down the stones on Laxey beach .. for a km !!! Was far more tiring than the long climb had been and would have been awful if wet! The weather started off warm and sunny, moved to hot and hazy, to boiling, thunder and heavy rain, the latter after I’d finished!!
    I got to my finish point earlier than I’d expected, so felt it was more prudent to have alcohol free beer today!! Don’t worry though, I did enjoy the lovely Spanish red they provided at tea time 🤪
    Once again I had a Nana nap after my shower 😂 but felt so much better afterwards..
    I was halfway through my salad starter at dinner this evening when a Canadian lady came over and asked me to join her and her husband for the meal.. although very uncomfortable about it initially, I’m so glad I did, they were so lovely and told me all about their Camino so far and their hopes for the following weeks.. It would be nice to think I’d meet up with them again, but it’s probably unlikely as they seem to take about 8 hours to do the same distance as me and are booking accommodation as they go so they can shorten their days when necessary.
    Best meal so far tonight…
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  • Jour 7

    Day 7

    30 août 2022, Espagne ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    This morning seems such a long time ago… I left at my usual time yet it was already much warmer than it had been in previous days at the same time.. it was another easy walk today as regards the terrain, undulating with a few long easy climbs and thankfully no steep or dodgy downhill sections.. my two tender toes were doing a celebratory dance as they needed a downhill break 😂
    Once again I spent the first hour or so passing people, lots have become regulars and I’m greeted with ( from the English speaking ones.. I’ve no idea what curses may be coming my way in other languages 😳 ) “hey, here she comes “, “was wondering when we’d see you” to “ oh, it’s you again!!” I could start developing a complex!!
    Again the scenery on route was spectacular, it’s seriously stunning and I feel so lucky to be a part of something so special..
    There were a couple of dodgy bits today where the signs seemed to disappear and I’d panic I’d gone wrong, especially if there were no other rucksacks in sight.. some of the towns are especially lacking.. there was one today that seemed totally deserted and I half expected to see rifles out of barn windows and for Zorro to come riding through!!!
    Anyway.. I made good time again which was great as it has been seriously hot today and the place I was staying was a further 2km off the route.
    After a shower, and trip to the laundry I decided to have a wander round town… and of course have a beer!
    Going down to dinner tonight I was invited to join another party, two couples from the UK and two ladies ( I think they were sisters ) from Canada who had all become friends a few days earlier. I’m not great with company I don’t know, but, I had a lovely evening with them, with us all being desperate for bed before 9pm.. ( that’s actually pretty late for me at the moment 🙄 )
    Now it’s definitely way past my bedtime 🥱 so goodnight 😴
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  • Jour 8

    Day 8

    31 août 2022, Espagne ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Today once again started off with a 15 - 20 min walk back to the trail before starting.. the weather is fabulous for walking at 8 am..still really warm but not sunny, probably why so many people start before that…My first climb out of Estella took me past a blacksmith’s workshop, I couldn’t resist a quick look around as he had some amazing and intricate things as well as larger stuff.. bought a tiny Camino shell to add to my rucksack.. next up was the “wine fountain “ I mean, who doesn’t want red wine at 8.30 in the morning 😳.. that said, I did decide it would be rude to pass without a taste 😂
    There was a slight variation on route choices just after here, I chose to go “up and over”rather than the slightly longer “around “ route. Glad I did as it went along some fabulous forest tracks and it was nice to be in the trees for a while as I knew there was an 11km stretch coming up that would have no shade.
    Once again I passed through wheat fields, olive groves and vineyards. The last couple of hours was walking on a really loose gravelly surface, which did become a bit uncomfortable..
    i arrived in Los Arcos in good time, so decided to chill out in the square for a bit eating my nectarines .
    A couple of Aussie guys I’d passed earlier invited me to join them a bit later when they arrived. They told me all about their Camino journey and how they were really struggling, but starting to feel like they’re getting fitter. They’re not doing the whole thing as they’re off to Tuscany in 10 days ( I’m only a lot jealous!! ) as I was leaving, they invited me to join them for dinner this evening… as nice as it would have been, I’m not prepared to walk an extra 4km to do so.. I’m actually really looking forward to eating alone tonight….
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