• Jour 5

    Day 4 - At Sea

    2 novembre 2018, North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    Ear plugs worked! Yeah. Better night but still not great.
    Little lie in but down to Breakfast in the Palm at 9.00am. Alpen and their brown roll with butter.
    Nice and sunny today and much warmer, so found a spot on lido deck and settled down for some serious sun bathing. J went to a hair curling demonstration. It really was that frightening, haha! Stayed on deck until about 12.00 then off to gym. Ship was rolling slightly so couldn't run on treadmill! Managed to smash out 230 calories on the bike and cross trainer.
    Then to lunch. J very good and had salad, I couldn't resist a freshly made burger with a salad. Dinner's going to be frugal!
    J went for a facial at 2.00pm and I went to the Neptune Lounge for a talk by double Olympian and multi British record holder Bill Tancred. His peak was late 60s early 70s. Really good talk and mentioned some really well known people who have crossed his path.
    As J finished her facial, I started my Micronized Algae Body Wrap. I won't go into details but she touched places I didn't know I had. I was covered in seaweed paste, wrapped up and cooked whilst having a head massage. Wearing only very see through nylon pants, she then proceeded to shower me off from head to foot. Mmmmm! I was then oiled all over and given a wonderful foot massage. All very pleasant 😁.
    Back to room and just in time to catch some more rays on the balcony before the sun disappeared.
    Dinner was restrained and then went to Neptune for show. Comedian was excellent, v funny. The best we've seen for many years.
    Back to room, a bit of telly and another bad night!
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  • Jour 4

    Day 3 - Porto

    1 novembre 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Arrived in Porto at about 7.00am. Up at 7.30 and full breakfast.
    Picked up coach which took us on a tour of Porto and then down to boat for a trip down the River Douro to see 6 bridges. Not very exciting!. Back on coach for more sightseeing - lots of rubbish everywhere. Then onto a Port wine vineyard. Tour of where the Port is produced and to sample a white and tawny port. White was very sweet and tawny a little bland for my taste. I'll stick to good old M&S ruby at Christmas. Back to ship, Palm was queuing so didn't bother. J had snooze I went to gym for a 30 mins run, 10 mins on bike and warm down on cross trainer.
    4.00pm spa treatment - back, shoulder and neck massage. Tough old life 🤔
    The spa treatment was brutal. How a very petite Philopino can inflict so much pain, I am at a loss. I have to say I did feel better after it.
    We then had an assessment of fat and water retention by Fyn who is a top man in the world of fitness and diet. Only 22 but boy does he know his stuff. We went to a seminar a couple of days ago and he explained all about acid and alkaline in the body and how we needed be much more alkaline.
    To be fair we both came out very well. J had 2.5 litres of toxic water and I had 1.5 litres. Both our body fat levels were very good - amazing! He advised a detox and focussing in on cutting out acid foods and looking at foods that give you alkaline. Game on I think!
    Just about time to get changed and down for a well deserved dinner.
    Filled our boots at dinner with 3 courses! Not huge amounts but enough.
    Went into Neptune Lounge for evening show, first one for the onboard troupe. Excellent show singing and dancing to popular artists. The Neptune was packed and they got a good ovation. They also had to it all again at 10.30 for the later dinner seating.
    Too knackered to do much more so up to room with newly acquired earplugs. Hoping for a better 🌃.
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  • Jour 3

    Day 2 - At Sea

    31 octobre 2018, North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Not sick in night but quite choppy. Not a particularly good night for either of us. Took sea sick tab at 6.00am and slept for a couple of hours. Went to breakfast at 8.45am still didn't feel great. Bowl of cornflakes then tried a cooked - not a good idea. Had to rush outside for fresh air to stop being sick. This was just as J got her meal and had to abandon it! Sat in lounge before Spa Treatment at 11.00am - if I make it 😝.
    Okay, didn't make. J went for her pedicure. I spent the next 2 hours trying desperately not to be sick and having a sleep.
    Feeling a lot better. The sea had flattened out. We went down for lunch in the Palm. Managed to eat quite a lot and it stayed down - yeah! Also purchased a pack of Sea Bands to stop sea sickness which have a pressure point that fits on both wrists. They will now become a permanent part of my anatomy!
    Went to the 2nd talk about Bletchley Park and then back to the room for catch up kip.
    Down for dinner at 6.30pm. We both managed 3 courses albeit small ones and I even had a glass of Cab, delicious. We get into Porto at 8.00am tomorrow and off on our first excursion at 9.00am. - Port tasting and trip down River Durou.
    Halloween show where some of the crew dressed up and were judged by the audience. Very entertaining. Then up to Marquee Bar for drinks, read and some nice music.
    To bed but difficult to sleep as roof was creaking badly - ugh! Solution to follow 😴
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  • Jour 2

    Day 1 - At Sea

    30 octobre 2018, Celtic Sea ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Our suite, 1001, is simply magnificent. Huge living and bedroom area with a good size bathroom. The balcony is massive with table, chairs and loungers. Complementary litre bottles of whisky and gin supplemented with champagne, fresh fruit and canapés.
    1st night was very calm but we both struggled to sleep. Up at 7.30 weather cold but sunny and had breakfast in the Avon restaurant. Very restrained and we both had muesli. Good chat with an elderly couple and then did a speedy 1 mile walk around the deck - 4 laps.
    10.00am to the gym. Ran for 20 mins and 10 mins on bike, J did 10 mins on bike and some Pilates.
    Quick shower and then to Neptune lounge for a talk about Bletchley Park. The start of a series of talks by Bob Horner ex Navy and GCHQ. Very informative.
    Up to The Marquee bar for drink and read before lunch.
    Weather has turned overcast and still quite cold, sea still calm.
    Lunch in Avon, buffet, salad for both of us.
    Went to talk at 2.00pm about flatter tums but was really about acid and alkaline levels. Absolutely fascinating. Don't drink coffee, coke, artificial sweeteners all very acidic. Booked to have our BCA - body composition analysis, done tomorrow at 12.00pm.
    3.00pm talk about Gran Canaria and Las Palmas.
    Sea turned to a swell and then the sickness kick in. J felt sick but wasn't, I was sick several times. No dinner , watch Die Hard film and sleep at 10.00pm.
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