
Februari - April 2024
Italy/Croatia '24 Baca lagi
  • 34footprint
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  • 54hari
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  • Hari 20

    Rehearsal Dinner

    19 Mac, Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Excitement builds! A morning drive into Arezzo (40 mins) for last minute purchases and a delicious croissant filled with pistachio cream! More of Arezzo on Friday./Saturday. Back to the villa to prep for tonight's catered pizza party for all 32 wedding attendees.
    A wonderful evening and so much fun with the trivia quiz about Matt & Talia. Just a little pressure for the parents and their memories!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 21

    Wedding day

    20 Mac, Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    The day dawned with clear blue skies and full on sunshine. Not too breezy. Simply perfect.
    The caterers did a wonderful job of staging the villa; it was already perfect but the dining room was transformed with 100 pillar candles in glass jars, stunning greenery running the whole length of the dining table seating 32.
    The florist brought in two massive urns full of olive branches, white roses, white ranunculas and blue centred anemones.
    The emotional vows were exchanged on the upper balcony so as you watched the couple, their backdrop was the beautiful Tuscan countryside, sunshine lighting everywhere.
    The newlyweds and parents went down the sweeping staircase to be showered with olive leaf confetti from friends and family above.
    Most of the photos had been taken earlier so it was on with the cocktails and beautiful canapes on the front drive and entry porch.
    Speeches were made prior to the four course meal so that everyone could relax & enjoy.
    The evening was full of dancing, dancing, laughter and fun. The bride barely left the dance floor! Carriages arrived at 0100 and the villa residents gamely partied on until after 0200!
    It was the most wonderful day. Pinch me!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 22

    Recovery & onward travels

    21 Mac, Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Not too many early risers this morning! Another lovely day but quite windy. The obligatory dip in the pool refreshed! A quiet day for packing, lounging round the pool and sharing photos and moments from yesterday. Beautiful brunch provided by the caterers fed us for the whole day.
    Everyone left the villa by Friday morning, some train, some by car + all directions. We drove to Pisa, stopping at San Gimignano en route. It deserved so much more time - a beautiful old town with panoramic views.
    We were on schedule to meet my brother at the airport - he kindly took a checked bag full of wedding attire back to the UK for us. We will take it on the final stage in a few weeks.
    For us it was back to Florence, drop off the rental car and train to Arezzo for 2 nights.
    Boy those hills are a workout with luggage! But we made it and found a lovely homely restaurant for our dinner. Slept well!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 24


    23 Mac, Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    A leisurely day exploring this delightful mix of ancient and modern town. Replete from the now habitual croissant crema + coffee, we started with the market. It was massive - filling a tree lined avenue which stretched at least 1km. The food section of any market always interests and this one was quite amazing for cheeses, hams, sausages (wild boar) and fish. Big sides of roast pork were sliced on demand to create take away buns complete with a slice of roasted pig liver.
    It was time to check the rail station as we had heard yesterday that a strike was imminent. We have to be at Rome airport by Sunday night for our 0630 flight to Zagreb.
    It was all looking dodgy. We took the decision to leave today at 6pm (strike starting at 9pm).
    We took a quick walk up the town to check the view from the park and snap a few more of the beautiful Umbrella pines which are everywhere. The bark is amazing.
    Our host was kind enough to refund one day.
    We found a hotel just 500m from Rome Termini station for the night and enjoyed a slice of pizza with gin + tonic in our room at 10pm. Living the high life!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 26

    Hello Croatia

    25 Mac, Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Arrivederci Roma, donbar dan Zagreb!
    A very early start (0430 taxi) for our flight to Zagreb. Less than 2 hrs travelling and we were in Zagreb centre enjoying coffee and a fabulous spinach quiche for breakfast. Their pastry shops are amazing and leisurely coffee breaks are definitely part of the culture!
    Dropped our bags late morning and set off to explore. Tourist info centre very helpful and we have a walking tour booked tomorrow.
    Zagreb centre is split into two levels - two towns which joined many years ago. Higher level reached by steps or the shortest funicular in the world - the ride takes just 64 seconds!
    A lot of buildings wrapped in scaffolding including the cathedral, and not accessible. We learnt that a lot of this work is due to the earthquake in 2020. Beautiful buildings, parks and of course markets. Interesting that magnolias are just blooming and yet blueberries, strawberries, asparagus all available and delicious!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 27

    Zagreb Croatia

    26 Mac, Croatia ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    A lovely day. Walked to train station to check our depart time tomorrow and then on to main square to meet Eva our tour guide for the next 2.5 hours. We had a fabulous tour with so many interesting insights to this lovely city. The cathedral, Dolac market and its history, the upper town and beautiful St Mark's Church, flanked by Parliament buildings and the shrine where people give thanks by way of wall plaques to The Virgin Mary, for prayers answered. In a fire during the early 1300's, the portrait of Mary survived unscathed as surrounding wood buildings perished.
    From there it was on to the tower where a Canon is fired every day at noon. We were warned it was loud - ears were ringing at 130 decibels!! And then down the shortest funicular to walk some of the underground tunnels built as shelter for thousands during air raids in 1944. Note how spotless they are - they are swept every day!
    Our final stop - sampling of Slivovitch. That's a form of brandy, in many flavours - plum, fig, mistletoe and more.
    Apres tour we opted for a long coffee break in the square, people watching. Then back to lodgings via the bakery to relax and prepare for tomorrow's early start.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 28


    27 Mac, Croatia ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

    An early start - train departs 0707. Quite comfortable train and interesting scenery. From rocky, barren to wooded and flat bottom valleys. We were struck by the station masters who appeared at every station we passed thru like weather-vane figures. And the stations were often just a tiny building in the middle of nowhere! Guess it's a non-automated system.
    The ticket collector/guard came round with a tray of coffee - coffee sachets and water from the kettle in his hand! Well it was only two very long carriages.
    Arrived in Split some 7 hours later, exhausted.
    Found our accommodation which thankfully was nothing like the exterior!
    No point unpacking so dropped our bags and set off to the old town, just 5 minutes walk. Our pics don't do it justice as the weather was so awful. Narrow streets opening onto lovely squares. Found a lovely restaurant for comfort food - served by Macedonian waiter who spoke excellent English. As we left he wished us "enjoy the rest of your life"!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 29

    Mlini, Croatia

    28 Mac, Croatia ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

    Not quite such an early start but we were at the bus station by 0745 for the 3.5 hr bus journey with Flixbus. The torrential rain and lightning of last night was replaced with lovely sunshine.
    We had booked front row seats on the coach which was great for pics but a little alarming to see the driver who never had two hands on the wheel and was often reading stuff on his phone or making calls! I buckled up.
    The scenery was amazing and again so varied and highways looked really new. Lots of tunnels and loved the planting on overpasses (reminded me of Teletubby Land!).
    Arrived in Dubrovnik and, seasoned travellers that we are now, opted for another bus rather than taxi to Mlini. It was fine and totally doable.
    We can't stop beaming at our good fortune - a lovely spacious apartment overlooking the sea (a stone's throw) and a private terrace, complete with orange tree. The blossom scent is divine.
    It's Easter weekend and most things close Sunday and Monday so we will just sit back and relax!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 30

    Mlini/Kupari the abandoned city

    29 Mac, Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    We have spent a very relaxing Easter weekend chilling in this delightful spot. Sea views, ocean dipping, slowing down on our private terrace, infused with the scent of orange blossom. We have braved warm winds up to 52km/hr, day and night since Friday. Hoping for reprieve tomorrow (Tuesday) when we head into Dubrovnik to explore. We are just 20 minutes south by bus.
    Easter Sunday was a delight to see well over one hundred locals streaming from the church, dressed in Sunday best; men in suits, little girls in pretty dresses and straw hats.
    Our landlady brought us a basket of mini eggs and a lemon drink - yet to be sampled!
    In addition to Mlini we also walked around the coast to Kupari, an eerie reminder of the Bosnian war, a mere 30 years ago. About six hotels including The Grand, built in 1920, lie in total disrepair after the war. This also explains some other derelict buildings we have seen locally.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 34


    2 April, Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Dubrovnik did not disappoint and a good job as it has been on Richard's list for many, many years.
    The persistent winds of the last 4 days (up to 52km/hr yesterday) have finally abated and we have clear blue skies and seas.
    We went by local bus and managed a nice scenic tour en route as we jumped on #16 instead of #10! Beautiful elevated view as we approached from a high, coastal road.
    Blown away by the sheer size of the walls and the city crammed within. First stop was a coffee and get bearings on The Stradun (main street running from one end to other). Cruise ship walking tours started appearing by 0930 - thankfully only one ship in today. In July there are 70+ pulling into port and on one day alone, at least 7. That's easily more than 10,000 pax flooding this place! Nearly the whole of the walled city is given over to B&B - they are now stopping licences to curb over-tourism.
    We started our day with the walk around the city walls - 3km and pretty warm. It was amazing! Never done anything like it before.
    You can still see some bombing damage from the Separation war from 1991.
    We were still on the walls at noon so the bell ringing from various churches was quite beautiful.
    We found shade in a tiny street and enjoyed pizza, salad and cold drinks. Outdoor seating allows for 3 bistro tables(with a cigarette paper between each) across the width of the passageway plus room for single file walkers! The first place we sat down at wanted 8E ($12) for a cola!
    Exploring further we wandered into a wedding! It was the beautiful singing that drew me in. The poor couple and guests had all these hangers-on!! We quietly left and found the correct entrance for the Franciscan monastery and beautiful, serene cloisters.
    By this time we decided to head home by bus.
    Just over an hour later we were on the beach and I was cooling off in the water. Perfect end to a fascinating day.
    Baca lagi