January 24 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 7 °CFIRST DAY IN ZAGREB! This city is WILDDDDD! I love it so much I have never seen anything like it and also never heard much about it. I don’t know how it’s not on the most recommended cities inRead more
FIRST DAY IN ZAGREB! This city is WILDDDDD! I love it so much I have never seen anything like it and also never heard much about it. I don’t know how it’s not on the most recommended cities inRead more
This trip was so much fun. I learned so much about Croatia and the fjaka lifestyle of taking things slow. I have to say I enjoyed taking things slow until every waiter decided to participate asRead more
Ich reise aus dem kroatischen Wald in die Hauptstadt. Zagreb ist wunderschön - wieder haben die Gebäude einen Wiener Einschlag. Ich besuche die Free Spirit Tour und kann sie wärmstens empfehlen.Read more
Auch der 2. Tag in Zagreb war ein voller Erfolg. Mein Programm bestand aus Parks, dem botanischen Garten und einer Stadtführung mit dem Thema Homeland War. Letztere beschäftige sich mit demRead more
Coucou ! ☀️ Hier fut une journée chargée et surtout très chaude !!!!! Il fait environ 32° à Zagreb, le soleil tappe et la chaleur fait en sorte que c'est plutôt assomant 🥵 BeaucouuuupRead more
Kaum haben wir uns die ersten slowenischen Vokabeln drauf geschafft, ging es auch schon weiter nach Kroatien.
Aufgrund des Unwetters in den letzten Wochen konnten wir bedauerlicherweise große TeileRead more
Today was a day to wander about and take in some of the many historical sights in Zagreb. But first, we wanted to experience one of the many bakeries near our room, so we stopped to enjoy a coffee andRead more
It’s been a great first day in Zagreb!!! First we drove out to 3 villages on the edge of town, one where Davor’s family lived with his paternal grandparents, one where his maternal grandparentsRead more
We made it at 2 AM. Finally got into our sobe and that was high adventure ( more to come) now at almost 1 PM we are resting our feet in the Square and moving slow after lost sleep. We have been to theRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Grad Zagreb, Zagreb Stadt, City of Zagreb, Zagreb, Zagabria, 자그레브 직할시, Zagreb stad
Traveler The museum of broken relationships sounds very unique. I’ll have to Google it. Glad you’re having an amazing weekend!
Traveler Definitely google it was such a cool concept
Traveler Again, loving your city scapes!