The Balkans

juli - augustus 2023
Een 47-daags avontuur van Jarrod Meer informatie
  • 46Footprints
  • 6landen
  • 47dagen
  • 538foto’s
  • 15video’s
  • 4,4kkilometer
  • 1,4kkilometer
  • Dag 11

    Budva Beach Day

    15 juli 2023, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Not much really happened today, and in retrospect, Budva wasn't the most exciting town. But we expected to chill by the beach for most of the day and we were happy with that. We caught up with the French-Canadian and made our way to a quieter beach outside of the old town. There were still a few people but it was much bigger and more suitable to manage everyone. Jack bought a mini soccer ball, and we ended up throwing that thing around for a good couple hours somehow. The views from this beach were incredible. You would look out after crystal clear water, rocky beaches with enourmas mountains in the background, and happily lay around for hours. Unfortunately, the heat at the moment is literally unbearable and so staying in the sun for more than 30 minutes is difficult. As a result, we headed off. We went to the shops and bought a whole watermelon and some feta. The French-Canadian said that the combination was great, but I would have much rather had the watermelon on its own. After some more aimless wandering, the day was over, and we headed home for the night.Meer informatie

  • Dag 12


    16 juli 2023, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    We had a slow start to the day today. We went to our new accommodation, which was very nice but up a very big hill. With our big bags, this was a painful experience, but we eventually made it. We dropped our bags off and headed for some breakfast. Here, we caught up with the French-Canadian and began to make our way to Kotor. She was staying there, but Jack and I were just doing a day trip. But when I saw it I knew I'd have to come back. Hairy had heavily recommended that I do the ladder trail and seeing the beauty of the town reinforced my need to visit. For now, though, we were just doing a day trip. We had a brief walk through town, but given I was coming back, I'm glad we didn't spend too much time there. Instead, we headed for the beach and spent the afternoon relaxing once again. Because Kotor is in a bay, the water was nowhere near as clear. This is unfortunate, but the city itself made up for it. We still hung around the beach for a while before going and getting some Aeperol Spritz. After this, we headed back to Budva, leaving the French-Canadian behind and going back to the apartment for some drinks. The view we had was incredible, and so a few beers went down really well. Jack was leaving for Spain tomorrow too, so it was our last night of nearly a month of travelling together. Although very sad, I am also quite excited to get back to travelling on my own again. Travelling with friends is good, but it sometimes leaves you being less social in hostels and all the rest. Either way, we had a lot of fun while travelling and I hope we can do it again one day.Meer informatie

  • Dag 13

    Sveti Stefan

    17 juli 2023, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    I had one more day in Budva before spending a couple of nights in Kotor. This is mostly because the hostel I wanted wasn't available today, so I had to postpone it by a day. Jack had now left me, so I had the day to myself, and the main thing I wanted to achieve was Sveti Stefan. This is something i didn't think Jack would enjoy, so it worked out well to see it once he left. First, I had to get my stuff to the hostel for the night. Although our current accommodation was already quite far up a hill, this hostel was at the very top, and it was incredibly steep. I should have gotten up earlier and tried to avoid the heat, but I was enjoying my sleep too much. Once I battled the hill and drenched myself in sweat, I dropped my bag off and headed toward the beach. Although the walk to Sveti Stefan was long, it had many little beaches to enjoy along the way. That being said, the heat was overwhelming, and in the end, I regretted my decision and probably should have just caught public transport. Beach hopping was fun, and getting to see it the other areas around Budva was cool, but it was too much walking in insane heat. Not to mention, the final product, Sveti Stefan, was very disappointing. I did not learn until it was too late, but the whole island is a resort and so you can only get access by staying a night there. I did not check, but I think it is safe to say it is way out of my budget. I got some good photos, but i was really excited to see it from inside. Oh well, I moved on and found somewhere for an enourmas feed as I was starving after a lot of walking and little eating. However, shortly after my meal, i realised I was late to officially check into my hostel (I had only dropped my bag off and didn't actually get allocated a room). As such, I had to get a rushed taxi to the hostel. This was a succinct end to a long day.Meer informatie

  • Dag 14

    Kotor Fortress and Ladder Trail

    18 juli 2023, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    It was time to leave Budva and head for Kotor. Although i arrived here on a day trip with Jack, this is the first time that I am planning on staying in the town. I checked out of my previous hostel, trekked down the hill, and went to the bus stop after a quick breakfast and coffee break. Budva was a nice coastal town that was very relaxed and chilled, but I could already tell that Kotor was going to be much more fun.

    When I arrived, I completed the short walk to the old town and found my hostel. They informed me that it was the boat cruise and the karaoke night. The boat cruise was already fully booked, but he said to be in the common room at about 7 for karaoke. I'm not a huge karaoke guy, but if I am, it needs to be 1am, and I need to be blackout drunk. So I was quite sure I wasn't going to karaoke. Either way, I headed to my room to drop off my bags and chilled for a moment. When I arrived, I met a Kiwi girl who was explaining her big night the night before. I was sure I was in a bit of a party hostel and keen for that night. I then explained that I was very keen to do the Ladder trail, which takes you right to the top of the mountain, overlooking Kotor. She was also very keen to do it but left the next day. She convinced me and a couple of the other guys in the hostel to complete the hike that afternoon. I was on board as it meant i wouldn't be doing it alone, and i could make some friends along the way. They were all really cool people, and the trek was awesome. We started by doing the fortress walls that begin the climb up the mountain. The steps were steep, and the sun was still very brutal, even at this time of the afternoon. We made it to the top, had a small break and took some photos before heading down slightly to crawl out of a window and begin the ladder trail to take you to the very top of the mountain. As you leave the fortress, you come across a little abandoned church made of cobblestone. It was cool. It felt like I teleported to someone in the UK. The ladder trail part of the journey was much easier as there were no stairs, and the zigzag approach they took when building it meant that the incline was never too great. Part of the way up the hill, there is a little house owned by an old man who has made a business selling beers and pomegranate juice. We sat down for a drink and enjoyed the scenery. The sun had started to set by this point, and so the views were incredible. The town of Kotor sitting within the bay began to look tiny, but the old town, made of stones, with the red rooves looked amazing from above. The mountains on the other side of the bay provide a beautiful backdrop, too. We had to continue, however, if we wanted to catch the sunset at the top of the mountain. We then set off up the hill, racing the sun to the top. We didn't get to the very top for sunset, but we still got to witness it from very high up and enjoyed sitting down at the top and admiring twilight. After a sit down and quick chat, we had all decided that we would be going out that night, and so it was best to begin the journey down to ensure we have time for drink. It was cool on the way down as the town began to become lit up with lights, contrasting the darkening of the sky. I took so many pictures because every time i looked, it was an even nicer photo opportunity than previous. As we approached the bottom, it was very dark, and we relied on our phone lights to get us there. But after quite a trek, we did eventually make it. We'll worth it.

    We headed back to the hostel and had a shower to get ready for the night. Once we all congregated at the hostel, we headed to the common room. Karaoke was in full force, and the room full of screaming girls put us off drinking there. So, as though I was 17 again, we bought a bottle of spirits and drank them in the park near the old town. This was cool as I got to bond more with the people I was with. Eventually, we were drunk enough to head to the first pub on the crawl. There was then a bar that sold different flavoured shots that were deadly. The Kiwi and I bought a couple each, and we were buckled. We eventually caught up with everyone at the next pub and continued drinking. A couple of pubs later, it was getting late. But, the Kiwi girl (who had a 7am bus to catch) proposed going skinny dipping. It is hard to turn down such a proposal when you're blind drunk and a cute girl is asking. We headed to the beach, went for a swim, and headed back to the hostel. By the time we were done, it was close to 5am, and the Kiwi set her alarm for 2 hours later. I felt for her as I was so excited to sleep in as long as possible tomorrow. And that's what I did.
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  • Dag 15

    Kotor nightlife

    19 juli 2023, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

    After a huge sleep until about midday, I figured I should get myself out of bed and make something of the day. This was somewhat effective, but most of what I did was continue to explore the old town and the surrounding areas. I got a feed and headed back to the hostel. The guy who had replaced the Kiwi girl was a guy from the UK, and he was pretty chill. We chatted for a while, and he invited me to join him on his drive through Albania. Getting around Albania is not easy and so having a car is a huge advantage. I said I would be keen and that I'll message him about it. He was keen to have a night out, and I told him that this hostel was the perfect place for exactly that. He was off to do the ladder trail that afternoon, however. So I headed to the common room for a few drinks and to meet people. I met a Canadian guy who was really cool. He was a teacher but uses the holidays each year to travel and so has been to over 100 countries. We drank for a while, and eventually, the people who signed up for the sunset barbecue arrived back and were incredibly drunk. We realised we had some catching up to do, but luckily they were very keen to play some drinking games. First off, we played rage cage. It was fun but not really getting me drunk, so we went on to beer pong. Eventually, the English guy came back down from the mountain, and the pub crawl started. I still could do with a bit more drink. We once again got a couple of shots from the shot bar, and it set me on the right path. I had a few more beers and met a guy from the Gold Coast. We started to drink pretty heavily until my memory began to fade.

    Because most of today was wandering and partying, I have very few photos to include in the entry. Just a very nice Tortelini I ate.
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  • Dag 16


    20 juli 2023, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Last night wasn't as bad as the previous, 3am as opposed to 5am. But this day the option of a sleep in wasn't possible. I had a hangover that appeared to be accumulating from the day before and a checkout time of 10 am. I woke up, packed my stuff - forgetting my favourite and most expensive shirt 😞. Then I hung out in the common area while I prepared myself to get to the bus station. I said goodbye to some of the British guys I met and went on my way. Because this hostel was booked out for the next couple of days and the hostel in Zabljak was also booked, I had to find somewhere to go for a couple of days. I ended up picking Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. I hadn't heard good things, but I was curious to see what it was all about. The bus trip there was unbelievable. The views were incredible over the coast. That being said, when I arrived, it was clear it was much more of a business city as opposed to anything else. There wasn't much history or culture that was prevalent, and it seemed built to be the economic centre of the country. Although, the food was cheap and the hostel was quiet when I arrived. I needed a couple of days to chill, so this was perfect. After I arrived, I sat around and chilled in the room until I was hungry and then headed around the city to see what was available to eat. This is when I saw the livelier side of the city. People were out in the city centre drinking and talking, everyone was very friendly and appeared to know everyone else. It was cool. After I got a pizza near my hostel, I went home for the night and got an early nights sleep.Meer informatie

  • Dag 17

    Podgorica Old Town

    21 juli 2023, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    Today was the only full day I had in Podgorica, and there were only a few things I really wanted to do. As a result, I allowed myself to sleep in and began heading to the Millenium bridge shortly after a feed and a chat to the folks. The bridge wasn't overly exciting, but the river that ran through looked beautiful. I regretted not bringing a towel, and after some debate whether it was worth going back, I decided I may as well continue. The next stop was the 'Orthodox Temple of Christ's Resurrection'. This was much more impressive than the bridge. As you turn the corner, a tall and wide building appears in the middle of nothing, out in the distance. Although it's in the city centre, they have left a large space surrounding it for whatever reason, but it does add to the magnificence of the building. This church was interesting because it was designed very differently to the other churches in Europe. It was built by an array of smaller and larger cylindrical shapes. All combined to make one especially large cylinder. It's hard to explain it, really.

    The final thing I wanted to see was the old town. Given how interesting and cool the old towns of Kotor and Budva were, I had some pretty high expectations. The entrance was really cool. You crossed an old cobblestone bridge and walked through some ruins. But the old town itself resembled something closer to a ghetto rather than an old town. It was incredibly disappointing. I walked through it for about 5 minutes and then started looking for a way out. I didn't even take many pictures. Seeing everything in Podgorica took maybe 3 hours. They are all quite close together and not much to look at for too long. The church was by far the best. With everything done, I headed back to the hostel to chill for a bit.

    I had a craving for nachos after Jack had shared a photo of his from Spain. And so went on the look for a mexican restaurant. Given that it was a Friday night, it was even more lively than yesterday. People were out in force, and the atmosphere was awesome. There wasn't much to see in Podgorica, but there was still a lot of life in the city. After I eventually found a restaurant, I ordered the nachos and was pleasantly surprised about how good it was. It was huge, too. I barely got through it before being sent into a food coma in my bed.
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  • Dag 18

    Black Lake - Zabljak

    22 juli 2023, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Today wasn't going to be particularly eventful. I had to get on the bus by 10 o'clock and after a 4 hour bus trip, I arrived in Zabljak. I have a lot planned for my time here, with LOTS of hiking, so I didn't want to do too much today. But the guys who run the hostel considered that blasphemous and suggested I wander to the black lake near the hostel. I say suggested, but they didn't provide much of an option. It was only around 45 minutes of walking to get there, and the lake was incredible. Large pine trees and the enourmas Montengeran mountains in the background felt like something out of Canada rather than the bulkans. It was around 2.5km to go around the lake, and it was such a nice walk. After a swim and a stroll, I headed back to town to get supplies for the big hike, which came tomorrow. Bobotovs Peaks. Rest was going to be necessary.Meer informatie

  • Dag 19

    Bobotovs Peak

    23 juli 2023, Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Upon Liam Hairs' recommendation, I found myself at a hostel that catered towards hikers with the intention to summit the largest mountain within Montenegro. Liam Hair never got to the peak because of the snow that was present during his time in Zabljak, so I wasn't really sure what I was in for. During a stringent and thorough debrief provided by Alex, one of the brothers who organises the hikes, we set off on our journey. The debrief included useful information such as what paths to take to avoid dying, if we do die ensure it is in a location in which the body will never be found (saving some paperwork - a missing person isnt much paperwork but a definitive death is), and what to do if we find a dead body. Thinking this was all just a series of macabre jokes, we laughed it off. This is when he explained that an Aussie a few years back found the skull of a Singaporean lady who had perished in the hill a few years earlier while never being found. That was until the Aussie wandered off the path. He outlined his frustration at the ensuing paperwork that followed when the guy thought it was a good idea to bring the skull back to the hostel as a souvenir. Realising he was, in fact, not taking the piss, the obvious question to ask was how many people die on the mountain each year. He told us that 56 people had died within the last 10 years. Seeming quite low, we figured we would not be one of them and set off. Later, I began to question whether these all occurred in the 2-3 months mountain is actually open to hike in a year. Meaning around 6 people die every 3 months that the mountain is open. Or a person every fortnight. Luckily, this thought only occurred after the hike. With all of this incredibly useful information, we now set off on our journey.

    Despite having to kill 2 days in Podgorica while waiting for space to open up at the hostel, it was incredibly quiet. I only had one other person in my 6 person dorm, and despite being one of the most popular hikes in Montenegro (as it is only available for a short period of time between being covered in snow), only 3 of us headed up for the hike. There was myself (a hiking rookie), another Australian girl (Zara, also a rookie hiker), and an Englishmen who was so quick to get ahead of us that we never even learnt his name. I am incredibly thankful that there was at least one other person within my skill range to do the hike with, as the hike was treacherous and dangerous.

    The first hour and a half of the hour you would not have thought so, however. It was flat and cruisy with only minor rises. But eventually, we got witness to the absolutely enourmas mountain rise out of a plethora of other incredibly large mountains. And we knew that must be Bobotovs Peak. Luckily, at this point, we arrived at the lake where we could go for a quick swim before the final ascent. Out of interest, we checked the maps app to see how long it was expecting to take us and the next 470m was going to take us 1hr and 50mins - a blistering pace of roughly 0.25km/hr. This showed the incredible climb that we were in for. Looking up and seeing people that resembled nothing more than tiny dots climbing 90-degree walls, hundreds of metres above the ground made me slightly sick, but I had been warned what I was in for. Thus, we began our proper ascent.

    The hike was broken into the parts: the flat beginning, the first ascent, and the final ascent. The first ascent was the aforementioned 470m, and it was brutally hard. Scrambling and high angled walking required Zara and I to take very regular breaks. The 1hr 50mins that we had thought couldn't be accurate, in fact wasn't. It took us even longer. Probably about halfway up the first ascent, we ran into the Englishmen that had started the first 100m of the journey with us. He was on his way down and appeared to not even have broken a sweat. Turns out he was an ultra marathon runner and an avid hiker. This made us feel a bit better about ourselves, but he was on track to make it back to the hostel by lunch, and we had the worst still ahead of us. Nonetheless, we powered through and eventually made it to the beginning of the final ascent. This was shorter but even more vertical. This was the point I questioned whether I would have continued on my own.

    As we began the final ascent and wore ourselves out some more, we reached the very treacherous stage. There was a rope that you had to hang on as you zigzag up the final part of the mountain. With little more than a foot of very roughing standing between yourself and a sheer 200m drop, plus a few hundred metres of a slightly gradual drop, we began the final ascent. I clutched on to that rope for my life and didn't look down for a second. The best we could hope for was for no one to start the descent while we were ascending, or you have to backtrack and let them through. We got lucky and passed without issue. This gave a false sense of achievement as there was another ascent that included loose rocks and people going the reverse direction that had to be traversed. The picture I painted of this hike likely sounds quite negative and not worth the effort. But when I got up, on the ultra clear day, and saw kilometre upon kilometre of mountain ranges, spanning many countries and landscapes - it took my breath away and some. Zara and I had made it. As we admired our efforts looking back and tracking our journey from the beginning, we were quickly humbled by a stray dog that had ended up atop the highest peak in Montenegro with us. Given that we used ropes to pull ourselves up vertical cliffs, the mystery of the Montenegran Mountain Dog remains unsolved. Even as we descended, I spent much of my journey trying to see how a dog could have done such an incredible hike. Was she looking for food, friends, or something else? She sat at the edge of the cliff looking into the beauty that unfolded before her, and in that moment, I could only think that she was doing nothing else but appreciating the view as everyone else was. But whether dogs can appreciate the beauty of nature, I am still not sure. The dog raises more questions than answers. After some time and some lunch on the mountain, we figured it was time to begin the descent.

    Getting down was perhaps more treaterous than up as we now had to handle the loose rocks and tourists going down the hill. If we slipped, it would be harder to stop ourselves. But obviously, it had to be done. I think i was running on a bit of adrenaline as we ended up storming down the hill. Whether or not our brains blocked them out on the way up, it was the way down that we began to see some of the plaques of the people who had died on the climb - some very young. But obviously, we had done the most dangerous part and continued to descend. At this point, Zara badly had to use the toilet, a much bigger issue for women compared to men. This hike was especially not suited for this issue. There were no trees, just endless rocks and grasses. The best bet she had was to find a rather large boulder and hope no one could see, but the people at the very top of the mountain would almost certainly be able to see. She chose to rather wait to get back to the lake, which was still quite a trek away. I could tell how desperate it was as she was storming down the hill, rushing to get to the water. At one point, she had a minor slip, and we were both worried she was going to piss herself. But after some time of hiking, we made it back to the lake, and she could barely wait to take her shoes off before jumping in.

    After some more rest and food, we started the final part of the trek, the flat beginning (now end). For whatever reason, we expected this to take about 30-40 minutes. We forget exactly how long it was for whatever reason, but this was very painful. Our low expectations of how long it was going to take made it really drag out. Despite walking and talking the whole trip, at this stage, it was silent dragging of our feet to get to the end. It went on and on, and there were sections we had completely forgot about that depressed us each time we reached them. Eventually, we made it to the beginning, but you guessed it. It wasn't quite the end. We had to hitch-hike back to the hostel. We asked people in the car park but to no luck. Thus, we figured we would just start walking toward the hostel and try stop cars as they came by. For whatever reason, though, no cars were going in the direction we needed. We walked for an additional 15 minutes and contemplated getting a taxi, but eventually, a German couple stopped for us and dropped us at the hostel. Shattered remainders of the people we once were, had extended showers, and tried to recuperate slightly. After a while, we made our way to the hostel communal area out the back.

    This is where a crazy situation unfolded. Someone checked into the hostel that reminded me heavily of a kid who was in my common room in high school. I was two years older than him in his sisters grade, but we sat together during the class close to a decade ago. I didn't think much of it but then saw him wearing Caloundra lighthouse footy shorts and thought something must be up. I asked him his name, and we eventually figured that he was infact that little kid from PLC, Riley. Crazy to think I ran into a very old high school mate in the mountains of Montenegro. Then, to make things even weirder, a girl checked in who I met in Kotor, Riley met her in Albania, and Connor met her in Portugal. The world is, in fact, tiny. Especially given the amount of Australians travelling at the moment. I would say the hostel was catering to about 80% Australians. After these revelations, we got a party of 8 of us and headed to get a cheap meal from somewhere down the road. It was my first time trying Goulash, but I don't think it was particularly good and was essentially just beef stroganoff. After this, we head back for sleep as the rest of the guys had the big peak tomorrow.

    I have hundreds of photos from this day, so picking 20 was nearly impossible
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  • Dag 20

    Snake Lake

    24 juli 2023, Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Today was a relative day of rest because we still had the longest hike to complete tomorrow. As a result, I did my best to sleep in, but in hostels full of people preparing for a huge hike it is nearly impossible. Although that being said, it was actually the construction next door that was the real deal breaker and stopped me sleeping past 8 a.m. Regardless, I took it easy and laid in bed for a couple hours. My legs were jelly today. Getting out of bed, took some serious effort and assistance from my arms. I could tell it was going to be a long and painful day. I eventually got out of bed and made my way to the communal area of the hostel, and was speaking to the hosts for a while. We didn't see Zara until about 12 as she had a room to herself and managed to score a hell of a sleep in.

    After chatting with her and the hosts for a while, they suggested I complete the 3 Lakes tour because it was "easy." Once again, suggested is a gentle way of putting it. Nonetheless, I obliged because they are hiking feinds and encourage (force) you to do something every day. It did ensure I got good value for staying in Zabljak. Zara had already done this on her first day, so she just laid by the Black Lake. I left around 1 p.m. and started the trek. I had done the first of the 3 lakes (Black lake) on my first day, so I skipped that and went straight to Snake Lake. This gets its name from the snakes that use to use the lake to warm up in winter season, and not the enourmas leeches that infest the water. The process of killing these leeches is complicated and dangerous. It involves getting a hot needle and stabbing it directly in the brain and quickly removing it. Safe to say, I stayed clear. After a relatively short walk to the lake, it was pretty disappointing. You can't swim as previously mentioned and wasn't much to look at either. You could walk around it, but I'd prefer to make tracks and head to the next lake. This was called Jablan Jezero. This was a much more difficult walk and involved much more uphill sections. After yesterday's walk, it's safe to say I was not in a state to handle any hills. I considered turning around, but I knew Alex and Stefan would be incredibly disappointed and ashamed of me if I said it was too tough. I persisted and was handsomely rewarded. Coming across a beautiful lake at the very bottom of a huge mountain was something to behold. Clear water that you could swim in was all too appealing. Only aided by the fact that I had been getting harassed by flies and bugs the whole walk, I hoped a swim might shake them off. The greatest attribute of the walk was how few people were there, I was only 1 of 3 people who were at the lake, and given the busyness of European beaches and lakes so far it was a nice change. I sat for a while before figuring it was time to get back. Because I started late, I didn't get much time to chill, but I was keen to get back to the hostel anyway. I was curious to see how the rest of the group handled Bobotovs Peak.

    It turns out the goulash that everyone ate last night did some damage. Despite myself eating it and feeling fine, the greatest challenge the rest of guys faced at the peak was not shitting themselves in clear view of everyone. It was difficult for Zara to piss on the trip so i could only imagine how shitting would have gone. Many didn't get to fully appreciate the view as they were rushed to find somewhere secluded to do their business. Despite being quite funny, I felt for the guys. The irony being, as the only one who wasn't sick, i was also the only one that did fuck all that day and probably could have been sick and not been too devastating. As most of the guys were backing up the peak with the longest hike on offer, we once again had a quite early night and headed for bed. This time staying clear of the goulash.
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