Bumper & Tin Tin Tripping

juli - september 2020
A trip up the east coast of Australia from Melbourne to Coffs Harbour.
Then to Daryl’s in Sandy Beach.
Then Woolgoolga Lakeside Caravan Park....
Possibly further north.
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  • Dag 23

    More Sunday Photos.

    2. august 2020, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Hey, my thongs hurt.
    Really hurt.
    “Keep the receipt,” she said.
    “Thirty days exchange or refund with the receipt, “ she said.
    Did I?
    Well who expects thongs to hurt?
    Metal stud... too involved to explain.
    And it hurts.

    So probably get a pair from Woolies now.

    I am no good with shoes.

    More photos....
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  • Dag 24

    New bathers day!

    3. august 2020, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Beautiful sunny day.
    Went for walks.
    Decided I needed new bathers.
    And Luisa, you would be so proud of me, I walked into Woopi to buy them.
    Wasn’t going to, but Emily suggested I walk and it was lovely.
    Bought 2 pairs!
    I haven’t bought bathers for years.
    Walked back along the beach.
    Gave Emily a fashion parade.

    Mum was going to the Doctor’s today but her back was so bad, she couldn’t get into the car.
    So Greg rang an ambulance and they took her to Mulgrave Private Hospital.
    Absolutely no visitors so Greg could not even go to Emergency.
    Mum gets bad backs with a bad nerve which only time seems to heal.
    But they gave her a scan.
    Turns out she has fractured one rib, possibly two.
    She got out of the shower 3 days ago and sat down heavily and banged her back against a towel rail.
    Poor Mum.
    So they are keeping her in hospital.
    Hope the pain medication is up to scratch.
    We are in touch by phone but it’s not the same.

    More walks...
    Reading in the hammock ...

    Very early into bed but I read for hours.
    Loving it.
    And Lacey is the best hot water bottle ever early in the morning.

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  • Dag 24

    Full Moon over Woolgoolga

    3. august 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    What a magnificent sight.
    We love full moons.
    We chase them.
    Round The Colosseum in Rome.
    Over the water in Dubrovnik.
    After the Illuminations at the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
    And somewhere in Turkey ....
    Cannot believe that I have forgotten where.
    Anyway ...
    There’s a full moon over Woolgoolga.

    And it look spectacular.

    Remembered where in Turkey.
    Full moon over Pigeon Island off the coast of Kusadasi.
    Got up at 2am to take a photo.
    Best hotel resort ever!
    ( If you don’t count the Cave Hotel in Gamirasu.)
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  • Dag 25

    Relaxing Tuesday

    4. august 2020, Australien ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    Emily had walked into Woopi, grabbed a coffee from Bluebottles Cafe and walked back along the beach before I even got up!
    And I was up at 8am.
    I seem to sleep long hours here.
    I don’t set an alarm, just wake up when I wake up.
    That is heaven.

    Emily and I headed to Tai Chi in the park next to the caravan park.
    9.30am for an hour.
    It was fun.
    Still the most uncoordinated person on the planet, possibly the universe.
    But he was very nice and encouraging and we certainly enjoyed it.
    “Massage for the body” he calls it.
    Certainly felt relaxed ...
    It was so sunny, we had to move into the shade!

    Emily headed back into Bumper to work.
    I clipped Lacey’s lead to my belt and she led the way to the lake while I towed the kayak.
    It’s on wheels.
    So I just tow it along behind me.
    I learnt how to place the wheels in the kayak yesterday so I leave nothing on shore when I paddle away.

    Two good things about this...
    No one runs off with your wheels...
    And you can pull into shore wherever you like and pack up there.

    Paddling the kayak is way more fun than I thought it may be.
    I am still terrified of anything that may live in the water....
    But as it was 2 feet deep today, I thought I was OK.
    And it is fresh water...
    ( Nothing big lives in there by the way, it’s just me being paranoid.)
    There is no way that any large fish can get the 100 yards from the sea into the lake via 5 inches of water.
    ( See? I’ve thought about this, a lot.)

    So ... just to get over this irrational thought, I paddled about a kilometre to an old bridge that crosses the lake.
    Passed over rocks, tree trunks, sandbars ...
    And rounded the corner to the bridge.
    Once you pass under the bridge, the creek narrows and foliage hangs over the water like in the Amazon.
    So since getting to the bridge was my nemesis, I floated and looked... and then hitailed it out of there.
    (There might have been anacondas or something!)

    So much fun.
    The wind was creating small ripples coming towards me so I thought I was in for a struggle paddling back.
    No, the current of the creek took me and we flew along.
    ( Lacey was riding point.)

    Headed back to camp.
    Read in the hammock.
    The people are packing up on site 66.
    They leave tomorrow.
    I cannot wait.
    We are a bit cramped on this site and it doesn’t look the way we want it to.

    Decided to set up my bed permanently so the it reaches the white IKEA unit.
    The mattress piece fits perfectly to there.
    So I have my bed to lie on during the day if I want.
    All set up.
    Just perfect!
    I am so thrilled everything works so well.

    It’s been so sunny that I have put a blackout curtain on the outside of the back window during the day to keep the van a bit cooler.
    Held on with magnets.

    We have SO many magnets.
    But could not live without them.

    Walk along the beach about 5pm.
    Dinner and bed.

    Oh ... and my thongs are chewing away at my feet.
    I think I am done with them.

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  • Dag 26

    Shift Site Wednesday!!!!

    5. august 2020, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Woke at 7am and Emily, Lacey and I walked into Woopi to the Bluebottles Cafe for coffee and a chocolate milkshake (me!)
    Then walked back along the beach to camp.
    So funny ...
    Emily had a meeting at 8am so she took it on her headphone things, walking back along the beach.
    Now that is a workplace!

    The people on the site next to us, Site 66 moved out.
    Lovely people but I was thrilled when they left!
    My site!
    My site!

    Went to the office to pay and then a lovely man turned up to whipper snip, mow and blow the lawn clippings away with an enormous leaf blower.

    And then I moved in!!!!!!
    Took 10 minutes to set up and we LOVE it.
    Drove onto the site and set up the sun shelter.
    We have so much room.
    This is how we set up normally.
    Were so messy sharing the same site.
    But still, it let us move in early...

    So thrilled.
    Lots of photos.
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  • Dag 26

    Fun sunny day

    5. august 2020, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Lay in Tin Tin ...
    The wind was a bit cold.
    And ordered a Director’s Chair on the Internet.
    Tried to think what else I could buy.
    Drew a blank.
    Did look for ‘Drip Rings’ for the kayak paddle that stop the water running down the paddle onto your lap.
    Looked complicated.
    Will look more tomorrow.
    Forecast ... sunny but 17 degrees.
    Rain forecast for Friday.

    Drove into Woopi.
    Bought a throw rug and some baskets for the van.
    The throw rug ... needed just something extra at night, and will be great for the hammock.
    Baskets ... need a place for everything in a van.

    Love dinner outside.
    Then inside writing this.

    Mum still in hospital.
    Feeling much better as she does not have to move much, getting meals, cups of tea etc.
    Will be there til Monday.
    Then into rehab to give her time to heal.

    Nigh nigh xxx-
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  • Dag 27

    Shopping day.

    6. august 2020, Australien ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    Funny but that’s about all I did.
    Went for groceries.
    Went for a long walk on the beach with Lacey.
    Watched a Grandfather and Grandson fly a kite on the beach.

    Emily and I walked the sandbars.
    We actually crossed the creek from one side to the far side today.
    Timed it just right so we could walk across.
    It was about knee deep.
    And, for the first time, Lacey swam across to be with us.
    She is so tiny.
    And the water is so deep for her.
    She’s a swimmer now!
    Honestly, she was so pleased with herself !
    ( Our jumping up and down in congratulations helped!)

    And, after much exploring of the bush ( Lacey ) we went back across the creek and she swam with us like a little trouper!

    I wonder if she will stay in the kayak now she knows she can swim?

    Grocery shopping.
    Spent a fortune.
    However, we now have snacks...
    And fruit.... ( We ate all the last lot.)
    Camping is hungry work.

    Not so nervous jumping into Tin Tin to drive anywhere now.
    Taken me long enough.
    ( You would think driving from Berwick to Coffs would have me a veteran now...
    I have to drive 1/2 a km to Woopi and I think, ‘I can do this!)

    Wonderful roast chicken for dinner in Bumper while watching Australian Story.

    Emily and I sat on the step of Tin Tin ( Our FAVOURITE place ) and talked and laughed.
    It’s chilly tonight.
    Rain forecast tomorrow.

    Let’s see what happens.
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  • Dag 28

    Setting up, ready for rain.

    7. august 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Had a great day.
    The forecast was for rain in the afternoon so we took down my green sun shelter and put up the awning on my van.
    That took 5 minutes.
    It’s fun camping.
    Hopefully we have everything we need for the different types of weather.

    Emily set up permanent hot water to her sink today.
    And ran piping to drain from her sink to the park drain system.
    She is so excited.
    Hot water in Bumper!!!

    Then we played around with her awning, in the rain.
    So much fun.
    Just getting the angle right so all the water drained well.
    Then we put the side awning up as well.
    So she now has a garage for her bike.

    Then we retreated to our vans.
    I watched a movie on Netflix.
    Actually got to the end. That surprised me.
    I am relaxing.
    Very enjoyable afternoon.

    Then Lacey and I and my huge Bunnings umbrella went for a walk on the beach in the rain.
    We were the only ones on the entire beach.
    It was magnificent.
    The mist off the water through the rain was beautiful.

    All set up for night now.
    Laying on my bed with the fairy lights on and the rain falling on the roof.

    Rang Mum.
    She was moved by ambulance transport from hospital to Rehab at St John of God in Berwick.
    Thought of Steve. Would have been amazing if he was still driving and took my Mum!
    I asked Mum what it was like ...

    They get me a hot cup of tea when I ask for one.
    They always answer the buzzer.
    The fish and chips for lunch was delicious.
    I have a room to myself with 2 enormous picture windows that look out over the view all the way to Cranbourne.
    I had a 1/2 hour chat with a lady doctor and she has upped my pain management.
    It’s Paradise.”

    How great is that? 😄
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  • Dag 29

    Lovely Saturday

    8. august 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    The rain had cleared overnight so Emily and I walked into Woopi for brunch at our favourite cafe, Ground Earth.
    The owner recognised us as Daryl’s family ( pretty switched on lady ) and even said of Lacey ...“That’s not Scout, is it?”
    She even remembered the dog’s name.
    Had a lovely lunch even if 2 ladies at an adjoining table snaffled our 2 separate orders when they had ordered one meal to share.
    They thought they were very generous helpings!
    We didn’t care, just ordered desert as well.

    Walked back and checked out the long wooden bridge over the creek.
    And also the bats at rest.

    Emily went off for a kayak and I read on the hammock.
    Emily had a visit from a girl she met on a friends group up here, Reno and her dog Jessie.
    Lovely girl.
    Lives in Sandy Beach.
    They went and explored the beach then back to camp where we all chatted.

    Takeaway Indian for dinner.
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