Camino Portuguese

March - April 2024
The last 120km from Valenca to Santiago de Compestela. Read more
  • 38footprints
  • 11days
  • 423photos
  • 28likes
List of countries
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • England
Backpacking, Culture, Hiking, Photography, Self discovery, Solo travel, Spirituality, Wellness, Wildlife
  • 2.7kkilometers traveled
  • Flight2,421kilometers
  • Walking-kilometers
  • Hiking-kilometers
  • Bicycle-kilometers
  • Motorbike-kilometers
  • Tuk Tuk-kilometers
  • Car-kilometers
  • Train-kilometers
  • Bus-kilometers
  • Camper-kilometers
  • Caravan-kilometers
  • 4x4-kilometers
  • Swimming-kilometers
  • Paddling/Rowing-kilometers
  • Motorboat-kilometers
  • Sailing-kilometers
  • Houseboat-kilometers
  • Ferry-kilometers
  • Cruise ship-kilometers
  • Horse-kilometers
  • Skiing-kilometers
  • Hitchhiking-kilometers
  • Cable car-kilometers
  • Helicopter-kilometers
  • Barefoot-kilometers
  • 38footprints
  • 11days
  • 423photos
  • 28likes
  • 2.7kkilometers
  • 2.4kkilometers
  • Day 1

    The start

    March 22, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    I can't believe I'm starting my Camino today. This day came so quickly. I've been preparing for this over the last 5 months and now all that's left to do is get on the route and get walking. I prepped my backpack last night and it weighs a comfortable 5.5kgs. Careful planning watching lots of YouTube videos and reading various blogs went into my packing list. I probably have more luxury items, eg I'm bringing dresses to change into after the daily walks, but that's how I'm comfortable travelling. I'm not a gym gear all day all night person. The weather in London is cold and rainy now. I'm excited to be leaving.Read more

  • Day 1

    First stop

    March 22, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    I arrived in Santiago and figured out the proper bus to get to the city centre. My mobile data refused to work, but my preplanned spreadsheet came to the rescue. Thankfully, I had coins as suggested from one of the blogs as the bus didn't take card. Many confused tourists were left at the airport scrambling to get cash. Hopefully, the bus is frequent, and they were able to get on the next one.

    I arrived at the city centre and located the place to leave my excess luggage. It was a smooth process. You just pay the 1st day, and then they charge you at the end when you collect. I guess they can't rely on you arriving when you think you will. Hopefully, I will. My accommodation is already booked!

    I reassembled my backpack and headed to find something quick to eat. Seafood pizza was the easiest choice. I didn't want to take my backpack into a restaurant, though passing so many places with octopus was really tempting. It can wait, though. I need to manoeuvre my way to the bus that takes me just cross the border into Portugal.
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  • Day 1

    Day 1 complete

    March 22, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Today was a long travelling day! I underestimated how tired I would feel arriving at my 1st stop 12hrs from when I left London. I'm knackered and officially I haven't even started the Camino yet. Well I'm going to get 2 stamps today and make today my official start! I only wish the bus schedules worked out so I arrived in Valenca early enough to get stamped there. That would've been a fabulous start on my credentials. Currently it only recorded on here as my official start to walking.

    The bus ride from Santiago to Valenca was good but frozen. The driver for some unknown reason wanted to have the air on 17C. I arrived to Valenca at 7.45pm Spanish time and the sun was quickly setting. I had a 50min walk from that bus stop over a scary bridge to Spain and my accommodation. I'm so glad I booked in advance otherwise I'd not have a space. I got a bit lost trying to find the bridge out of Valenca but finally got on track and hurried across the bridge border lines of Portugal and Spain to get to my accommodation before check-in closed. It was a sweaty walk because night time temps are currently 22C.

    I checked into my accommodation and quickly set out to find dinner. Surprisingly I'm not hungry but I need another stamp and I know I need the fuel for tomorrow. The only food I've had all day was a pret flat white, a vegan jerky, half a bag of Fritos, and 10 strawberries. Also my water consumption is abysmal. I've only drank 330mls. That's insane for all day.

    I've found a cute little restaurant filled with pilgrims. I chose not to get the pilgrims menu but just a tortilla with prawns and cheese and beer. Costs the same and I don't have to face rice tonight. I'm pleased to have a high protein meal.

    I've covered 12km and over 17,000 steps and it's not a official walking day! I'm excited for what tomorrow will bring. I'm tucked into my little bunked cocoon. It's quite cozy for what it is. It's very noisy but there are only 4 people on this room and I don't have anyone on the top bunk.

    My neighbours just arrived, drunk and making lots of commotion at 10.30pm. Hopefully this is a one off and all hostels aren't this noisy.
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  • Day 2

    Leaving Tui

    March 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    I officially start my camino today! I was nervous leaving the albergue this morning. It wasn't helped by the fact that 1am this morning some random crawled into the top bunk. They came into the room with a lot of commotion and woke me up. I was scared thinking they were 1st trying to enter my bed so I stayed up for the longest just listening to their motions. They kept turning the lights on and off in the top bunk. Eventually I fell asleep again. I got a few hours rest, enough to start my day off.

    I got up at 6.50am and got myself ready for the day. I filled my water bladder with tap water which is very unusual for me but I want to experience this the regular way. I set off at 7.30 sharp following the yellow arrows and met a fellow early pilgrim, Christaff from Latvia. He started his day an hour earlier in Valenca. I told him this was my 1st day on the Camino and agreed to walk with him a bit.

    We chatted about our reasons for walking and why we chose to do it now. He's not religious and didn't even realise he might arrive to Santiago in the height of the celebrations. I find it so interesting speaking to non religious people who weren't even brought up with religion. Their viewpoint usually has less shame, less anxiety about God, more freedom of their personal choice. We spoke about psychology and theories about how religion just was a way of control and helping people to focus on behaviours without thought. Eventually after an hour I wanted to be free with my thoughts so I expressed that and he walked ahead. My pace was definitely slower than his long legs could manage.
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  • Day 2


    March 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Now that I'm alone, I can stop and set up my tripod for as many pics as my heart desires. I'm in a forested area and it's so beautiful. I remember so many of the spots from the YouTube videos I researched. I love the cute little bridges over streams of water. It's green and lush.

    I start to get comfortable with my thoughts. I decide that I want to find octopus for dinner, and I'll keep a good enough pace to make it to Mos in enough time to get a bed in the public albergue. You can't book these so it's 1st come, 1st serve for beds. It's also the only albergue in Mos so if I don't get a bed here I'll have to walk to the next town... another 10km away!

    I hit the 111.11km left marker, and I start to perk up. That makes me feel super lucky. I start taking loads of pictures. I pass one enterprising child selling Camino shells on the path. I don't buy as I have my own. I have my protein shake and feel an energy boost. I'm getting good at spotting the yellow markers. There is no need for maps, really. The markers really keep you on track.
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  • Day 2

    Camino Complementario

    March 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    I arrive at the point where there is a choice to either go the regular way or take an alternative way that adds 0.5km to the journey. What's another half a km when I've already walked so much. I choose the longer route as it's supposed to be more natural and beautiful as opposed to a regular route that goes through an industrial estate.

    This route is indeed beautiful. Its so lovely to be among the trees. I'm enjoying the walk even though my hips are starting to hurt. It's too early in this journey to have pain!
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  • Day 2


    March 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    I'm starting to talk to myself out loud. I must look like I'm on my mobile to others. It's helping me to sort through my thoughts. It's so interesting how I'm alone most of this walk. I like it but I also thought I'd see more people walking. I've not seen anyone for an hour. It's really freeing not having to make too many decisions, just walk and follow the markers.Read more

  • Day 2


    March 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Finally I'm in O Porrino. This is where people usually stop for the day but I'm going to go to the next stop. But 1st I need a coffee! I'll search for something and also get my 1st stamp of the day. We need 2 of these per day to get the certificate at the end.

    I head to Mos and reach the marker signalling less than 100km left! Whoop!!! My body already feels broken. I can't wait to get to Mos now.
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  • Day 2


    March 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    I'm in Mos now. My time here has been lovely, though. I'm so tired I've not explored much. It was great to shower and change into a skirt. I got an octopus lunch and walked around a bit. It's a cute little village. It does not even have a convenience store.

    I'm happy I got a space in the only albergue here. I was third in the queue here, but the 1st was a teenage Spanish school group. I have to make sure to start walking before them tomorrow. They are a noisy bunch. The beds come with a cloth liner and no blankets. This is just one step up from camping as they have provided the bed, roof and walls. The mattress and pillows are wrapped in a plastic liner. It squeaks a bit to move. Ah well, it's an experience!

    I'm heading to bed super early tonight. My body hurts everywhere and I'd like to get as much rest as possible. I've clocked up over 40,000 steps and 27km today. This should be my longest walk of the trip.
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