365 Nights on a Stretcher Bed

Nisan - Ağustos 2017
Callaways and a Camper tarafından 113 günlük bir macera Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 71

    The Big Blog

    7 Temmuz 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

    The Big Blog

    On Saturday dad got up early to go fishing and we seized it as a opportunity to do some stuff for his birthday. When he got back I thought we had better stow these away hastily or he’ll see it but we convinced him not to look at our stuff.
    We set off for the beach on the Gulf of Carpentaria shortly after that with lunch packed and lots of water so we could do some fishing and have a paddle in the water. We didn't swim because there was crocodiles there. Erin and I first started by playing naughts and crosses then we made an interesting figure lying down on the sand. Erin and I then made a big river system (it wasn't that big) to form an island.
    When we got back to camp we went fishing in the boat again. This time Erin came as well. We went back to the corner we were in last time and dropped the bait in and suddenly Erin was on. When she got it in the boat we realised it was different to the type we were catching yesterday.
    On Sunday we left Secret Fishing Spot and went back to Alaska Pools for a quick dip and then back to the homestead for us. We got back and just relaxed for the rest of the day.
    On Monday was dad’s birthday so he got to decide what we would do. He decided that we will go to Nanny’s Reatreat and Fern Gully.
    We had got him some little brownies for dessert after eating a meal under the stars as they call it. We needed to get them cooked without him noticing so it would be a surprise.
    We arrived at Fern Gully first and it was a sort walk in up a gully which then opened out into a big pool. Some people had said that the pool was really cold except after living in Tasmania for 9 years nothing is cold. We didn't stay in for long because we still needed to drive and walk into Nanny’s Retreat.
    When we got there we needed to pack our lunch and then walk in for about an hour and then we'll be there. It was brilliantly spectacular, there was a little canyon you could swim up (it wasn't very long) that was quite deep and the water was as clear as day so it was really good for snorkelling.
    Dad went up a rocky hill to go to the toilet and when he came back he said “I've found a cave but we’ll have lunch first.”
    We went up and found the cave that he was talking about after lunch. We had to wade in through icy water or climb through a small hole that was up high and hard to get to. We all took the easy but cold option that opened out into the cave that had a few bats in it. On the other side of it I found an opening which led out into a rainforest except there was no path so we didn't do any further exploring there we just climbed over a rock and did some rock hopping.
    On Tuesday we just relaxed and in the afternoon dad and Erin went to Flying Fox Billabong while mum and I stayed home and she taught me how to cook chilli con carne.
    On Wednesday we drove to Fossil Fern. It was quite hard to find because it was facing in the opposite direction that you are walking. We then went to Wildfire George which had a short walk in then there was a massive cliff which you jump off into the pool at the bottom of it. We did some snorkelling around and there was lots of Dragon Weed and one clump looked like a city.
    On Thursday we were finally going to leave Lorella Springs. I was very disappointed because I was having a great time there because of all the fishing and swimming and it was just excellently, fabulously BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!
    A few kilometres out of Lorella there was another lost city (I'm not sure if I've told you about one already but anyway) and we did a walk around and in it. Although the walk was hot it was still good.
    We then went to Butterfly Springs for lunch and a swim in the spring which was refreshing. We went on to Towns River for the night. We had met a family called the Hearns at Lorella and camped with them. Their names are Molly and Bronte who were Ben and Michelle’s daughters. We made damper for dessert and had a little fish in the river.
    On Friday we got up early to have a little fish before we had to leave. I was having no luck with a popper so I decided to try a little one hooked laser for the baitfish near the spot where we were fishing. I still had no luck so went and got a bit of bread from the camper, put it on the hook and dropped it in. The fish took the bread so I put some more on and dropped it in and they took it again. I tried twice more until on the fifth go I finally got one. It was very small but well worth the effort.
    That night we stayed at Little Roper Stock camp in Mataranka Springs. We taught Molly and Bronte how to play spoons which is a game where there's one less spoon than people and you get dealt four cards. The dealer looks at the top card of the remaining cards and if he/she wants it they pick it up and swap it for one of the cards in their hand. If they don't want it they pass it to the next person without them seeing what the card is. The aim of the game is to get four of the same number or court card and once you've got them you grab a spoon and just keep playing trying to stifle your laughs as the other people keep trying to find there right cards. If you see that a spoon is gone you can just grab another one of the spoons.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 79

    Going to Jim Jim for a Swim Swim

    15 Temmuz 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

    On Saturday dad got up early to go fishing and we seized it as a opportunity to do some stuff for his birthday. When he got back I thought we had better stow these away hastily or he’ll see it but we convinced him not to look at our stuff.
    We set off for the beach on the Gulf of Carpentaria shortly after that with lunch packed and lots of water so we could do some fishing and have a paddle in the water. We didn't swim because there was crocodiles there. Erin and I first started by playing naughts and crosses then we made an interesting figure lying down on the sand. Erin and I then made a big river system (it wasn't that big) to form an island.
    When we got back to camp we went fishing in the boat again. This time Erin came as well. We went back to the corner we were in last time and dropped the bait in and suddenly Erin was on. When she got it in the boat we realised it was different to the type we were catching yesterday.
    On Sunday we left Secret Fishing Spot and went back to Alaska Pools for a quick dip and then back to the homestead for us. We got back and just relaxed for the rest of the day.
    On Monday was dad’s birthday so he got to decide what we would do. He decided that we will go to Nanny’s Reatreat and Fern Gully.
    We had got him some little brownies for dessert after eating a meal under the stars as they call it. We needed to get them cooked without him noticing so it would be a surprise.
    We arrived at Fern Gully first and it was a sort walk in up a gully which then opened out into a big pool. Some people had said that the pool was really cold except after living in Tasmania for 9 years nothing is cold. We didn't stay in for long because we still needed to drive and walk into Nanny’s Retreat.
    When we got there we needed to pack our lunch and then walk in for about an hour and then we'll be there. It was brilliantly spectacular, there was a little canyon you could swim up (it wasn't very long) that was quite deep and the water was as clear as day so it was really good for snorkelling.
    Dad went up a rocky hill to go to the toilet and when he came back he said “I've found a cave but we’ll have lunch first.”
    We went up and found the cave that he was talking about after lunch. We had to wade in through icy water or climb through a small hole that was up high and hard to get to. We all took the easy but cold option that opened out into the cave that had a few bats in it. On the other side of it I found an opening which led out into a rainforest except there was no path so we didn't do any further exploring there we just climbed over a rock and did some rock hopping.
    On Tuesday we just relaxed and in the afternoon dad and Erin went to Flying Fox Billabong while mum and I stayed home and she taught me how to cook chilli con carne.
    On Wednesday we drove to Fossil Fern. It was quite hard to find because it was facing in the opposite direction that you are walking. We then went to Wildfire George which had a short walk in then there was a massive cliff which you jump off into the pool at the bottom of it. We did some snorkelling around and there was lots of Dragon Weed and one clump looked like a city.
    On Thursday we were finally going to leave Lorella Springs. I was very disappointed because I was having a great time there because of all the fishing and swimming and it was just excellently, fabulously BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!
    A few kilometres out of Lorella there was another lost city (I'm not sure if I've told you about one already but anyway) and we did a walk around and in it. Although the walk was hot it was still good.
    We then went to Butterfly Springs for lunch and a swim in the spring which was refreshing. We went on to Towns River for the night. We had met a family called the Hearns at Lorella and camped with them. Their names are Molly and Bronte who were Ben and Michelle’s daughters. We made damper for dessert and had a little fish in the river.
    On Friday we got up early to have a little fish before we had to leave. I was having no luck with a popper so I decided to try a little one hooked laser for the baitfish near the spot where we were fishing. I still had no luck so went and got a bit of bread from the camper, put it on the hook and dropped it in. The fish took the bread so I put some more on and dropped it in and they took it again. I tried twice more until on the fifth go I finally got one. It was very small but well worth the effort.
    That night we stayed at Little Roper Stock camp in Mataranka Springs. We taught Molly and Bronte how to play spoons which is a game where there's one less spoon than people and you get dealt four cards. The dealer looks at the top card of the remaining cards and if he/she wants it they pick it up and swap it for one of the cards in their hand. If they don't want it they pass it to the next person without them seeing what the card is. The aim of the game is to get four of the same number or court card and once you've got them you grab a spoon and just keep playing trying to stifle your laughs as the other people keep trying to find there right cards. If you see that a spoon is gone you can just grab another one of the spoons.

    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 105

    Lake Argyle

    10 Ağustos 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Thursday 10-8
    We decided to go to Lake Argyle today so we set off and we went up to a lookout and had a look at Lake Argyle and the dam. When they built the dam, they built it 67 metres above the surface and when we looked at it it was about 15 metres above the surface of the water. After we’d finished looking over the lookout we drove across the dam to the picnic area. W.A. time is an hour and a half later than N.T. so we had a little snack. The people on the table next to us offered a chicken drumstick around and dad and I couldn't refuse a drumstick so we shared it between us.
    We then went to the boat ramp and had a little swim, we were skimming rocks and then one of the cruise boats came in and one of the tour guides came over and said “can you throw a rock in the water without making a splash?” He had a couple of goes except he couldn't do it. He described how to do it. You need to get a small flat rock and back spin it quite hard and it goes in the water with only making bubbles and ripples. At first I wasn't very good except on my fourth go I did it.
    We went to the museum about lake argyle and there were lots of rooms with photos in them and one of the rooms was based on when the big flood came. One of the photos on the wall was of a man standing on his roof with some photographers taking a photo of him.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 106

    Kununurra and Doon Doon

    11 Ağustos 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Friday 11-8
    We got up to find Bronte with red dots all over her face, arms and legs. Ben and Michelle decided to take her to the doctor. When we arrived at Kununurra mum did the groceries while Erin, dad and I went shopping for: a new fishing rod for me, a new reel for Erin, a coffee pot for mum and a drink bottle for dad. We got all those things except the coffee mug for mum plus we got me some new goggles. When we got back to the shopping centre mum said that she had seen Ben and Molly and she also said that the doctor thought that Bronte had got measles.
    We finished our shopping and drove to the hospital and saw Ben and Molly walking out from it. They said that, until Wednesday, they have to stay in the hotel. So we thought “Come on! they get air conditioning and a pool.” That night we stayed at Doon Doon roadhouse. A big road train came in while we were at the toilet and mum was taking photos of it when the driver came out of the shop and he said we could look inside the cabin. It was really cool inside it. There was the bit that they sit in and drive from and then behind that was his bed and he also had a fridge, a freezer and a microwave. He said that he used to have a television except when he was sleeping it fell down onto his feet.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 107

    Purnululu Echidna Chasm

    12 Ağustos 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Saturday 12-8
    Today we had a bit of a lie in (but we still got up at 6:30 because the of the change of time) then packed up the camper and drove to the Bungle Bungles. The Bungle Bungles are lots of big rocks that are a bit like Devils marbles but the rocks are bigger and they’re not stacked on top of each other. We did a walk called echidna chasm. Echidna Chasm was at first a hot walk in the sun which then closed into a chasm. The chasm was fairly long and near the end the path got thinner and Erin and I put both our hands and both our feet on opposite walls. When mum was taking a photo she saw a tail and she thought it was a snake except it was a fairly big lizard which we think had been squashed so we took it out to the sun and gave it some water.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 108

    Purnululu Domes

    13 Ağustos 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Sunday 13-8
    We decided to do half of the Domes Loop then go to Cathedral Gorge. After that we’ll go out to Piccaninni Creek lookout then go and do the other half of the domes walk, go back to camp and put tea in the dreampot so after the sunset walk we can come home to a warm tea. The domes were all shapes and sizes and some of them had been split in half. There was a little path off the track that led to a very small pool that had some fish in it.
    When we were near Cathedral Gorge we could start to hear some music. When we got in, it looked like a lady was playing an instrument and it was echoing off the walls but one of the tour guides had just put a speaker on one of the ledges and was playing music from that. The gorge was really cool (the temperature one) and it looked good as well.
    We made the mistake of doing the cooler walk into the gorge first and then the hot walk up to the lookout in the hot part of the day. The lookout looked out over the Bungle Bungles and that was a good photo to take and it was almost better than what a helicopter flight would've been.
    We arrived at the sunset spot just in time to see it disappearing over the horizon. We did some silhouette photos which look great.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 109

    Purnululu Mini Palms

    14 Ağustos 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Monday 14-8
    Today we got up, packed up the camper and drove to the start of the Mini Palms walk and I made a new name for it: Puny Palms.
    Although the start of the walk was hot it was still an amazing walk with a great lookout at the end.
    We stayed at Doon Doon roadhouse again tonight.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 110

    El Questro

    15 Ağustos 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Tuesday 15-8
    Today we drove back to Kunnunarra to stock up on food. The Hearns had already left Kunnunarra to go to El Questro, the start of the Gibb River Road.
    El Questro is about 40 times smaller than Lorella but is still pretty big.
    We found a rope swing which is the best to go on, it is awesome. There was a big root that we were going off at first then we went on a tree about half way up the bank. After that it was a tree at the top of the bank.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 111

    El Questro Gorge

    16 Ağustos 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Wednesday 16-8
    We are excited because we're doing El Questro Gorge and we had high expectations of it. We got there and set off. Our first real obstacle was a rock that was in the middle of the path. We realised there would be lots of them.
    Our next obstacle was a pool that, at the deepest part was about 1.5 metres deep. In other words 20 cm above my head. The obstacle thing about it was that we had to swim through it with our packs on, but we had electrical equipment in our packs. Of course Ben and dad would wade through the water with the packs above their heads and then pass them to me.
    It wasn't easy getting up out of the really deep pool (the same one as before) beacause we had to do a spider climb on the complete other side of the pool to what we started.
    From then on it was easy UNTIL we came to a waterfall that we had to climb up. It WAS like a set of stairs but it had water running down it which didn't help.
    We got to the Falls (spectacular) and had lunch and a swim then walked back. On the way back we saw a snake and at the obstacle pool there was a ledge that we were all trying to get up except no one could until I came and shinned my way up to victory! I did it only once more before we had to go.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 112

    Zeebedee and Brancos

    17 Ağustos 2017, Avustralya ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    Thursday 17-8
    Today we were going to do Zebedee Hot Springs and Branco’s Lookout. Zebedee Hot Springs was very small and all eight of us were literally kissing each other. It was quite warm but to be honest it wasn't that good.
    Branco’s Lookout was spectacular and there was a sharp turn up hill that got a little bit interesting. The road was running along the edge of the cliff and then there was the sharp turn that surprised us all.
    Surprisingly when we got back to camp the Trotts were there, who are also traveling around Australia except going the opposite direction. It was good to see Ella who is in my class.
    Back at camp we played on the rope swing for most of the rest of the day. When we had finished on the rope swing Erin, Molly, Bronte and I all made a damper. Mine was the usual ingredients with ##### in the middle (its secret) and it tasted really good. Erin, Molly and Bronte all used cinnamon.
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