Deltar 2. apr. 2022 Les mer
  • Dag 15

    Back into South Australia

    12. november 2022, Australia ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    Decided yesterday to head back across the Nullabor to the Eyre Peninsula and spend some time exploring there as the weather was coming in quite bad in Esperance.
    Left Esperance at 8am and arrived at Madura Oasis Caravan Park about 5pm ( same place we'd stopped on the way over). Big day of driving. No real sight seeing. Set our watches onto South Australian time so we hit the road really early WA time but 8am SA time. Headed east back across the border, we stopped at Eucla and made our lunch with our salad so as not to get stopped at the border, but when we arrived the sign says no stopping required, just drive straight into SA.
    Stopped at Great Australian Bight Marine Park to check out the Bunda Cliffs, wow!!.
    Didn't have a solid plan in place for tonight but decided to stop at Nundroo roadhouse caravan Park as the winds had picked up alot and it was 4:30pm.
    Les mer

  • Dag 13

    Cape Le Grand National Park

    10. november 2022, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    Spent the day out at Cape Le Grand National Park today. What a fantastic day, sun, rain, thunder and lightning!
    First beach we visited was Lucky Bay. Walked the whole bay, round trip about 7km. Just beautiful and the sun was shining, well at least to start! Both ends of the bay so lovely, on our way back the dark clouds chased and caught up with us, we had to make a run along the beach to get back!
    That shower didn't last long and we didn't get very wet so set up our cooker and had a bbq at one of the picnic tables.
    Then off to Thistle Cove where the whistling rock is. The wind makes a weird whistling noise through/ around the rock.
    We then stood on the rocks of Thistle Cove and watched a lightning show over the bay, great until a crack of thunder boomed right overhead and the rain came again. Another mad dash back to the car!
    The showers were short lived and no wind around so we continued to enjoy the day, next beach was Cape Le Grand Beach. This one was a special beach for Rob- first time he drove his Pajero on the beach. Lots of fun. He then braved the waters for a swim, me? I looked after the car keys!
    Lastly we went to Hellfire Bay where we walked the bay while watching more black clouds roll closer, deciding to jog back along the beach to beat the weather, good decision, just back in the car heading back to Esperance and down it poured. 5 minutes later sun out and rain all over. Great day!
    Les mer

  • Dag 12

    Legs get a workout

    9. november 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    So Rob's idea of fun this morning is to wash the car and van. Hmm... Not mine. I decided to get him to drop me off at Castletown Cove for a run along the beach instead. Such a lovely running track.
    Weather much nicer today with no wind and the sun trying to pop out at times so we headed to Fourth Beach for a 2 hour beach walk this afternoon. Just lovely to walk along a deserted beach for kilometres enjoying the sun when it popped out and the sound of the waves.
    Stopped at Rotary Lookout on the way back for a different perspective on the ocean drive road.
    Home to listen to Rob play some tunes on his guitar before dinner.
    Les mer

  • Dag 11

    Picnic on Salmon Beach

    8. november 2022, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Packed a picnic and headed to Salmon Beach.
    Weather still overcast and not really what you would call warm, but we want to explore as many beaches as we can and not alot of wind today.
    Salmon Beach was really nice and we set up our gas cooker and had a cuppa and toasted sandwiches for lunch. The gas cooker works great.
    After lunch we went to Observatory Beach this was nice but so much erosion in the sand dunes showed how unsafe a cliff face area can be.
    Thought we were then heading for Dolphin Cove but when we got there the sign said Picnic Cove, so not sure. But not a really nice cove/beach.
    Headed back into to Esperance and went for a walk along the Esplanade and out the main jetty which is 400m long and has a great diving platform off the bottom of it and an artificial reef built for scuba divers. Better weather may see us trying this another time.
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Wet rainy night

    7. november 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    What a wet and thundery night. The rain and thunder set in from 3:30am and didn't stop till mid morning.
    So instead of exploring more beaches this morning we explored Woolworths instead!
    Did a quick grocery shop then had a relaxing coffee in the free wifi cafe called dome in Esperance main centre.
    After lunch when the rain stopped we headed to Eleven Mile Beach with the drone again.
    Getting better each flight.
    We did an hour walk along Eleven Mile Beach in overcast conditions. Still lovely even if the sun not shining.
    Then we went to the old Wind Farm to read about when they had 2 farms working. Now only the bases still standing and the turbines of one on the ground for viewing.
    After an early dinner in the van we went for a walk along the Esplanade but the weather started to turn so didn't get in many of the jetties, will go back another day to complete.
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    A good day for a drive

    6. november 2022, Australia ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

    After a later start, hopefully finally adjusting to WA time we got up about 7am.
    We decided on a drive out to Cape Le Grand National Park to see how the campground worked for our stay later on.
    A lovely drive out seeing some very well fed cattle in the paddocks, sharing the grass with just as many kangaroos at times.
    Cape let Grand National Park didn't disappoint.
    We checked out the camp grounds and decided if we can which sites we would prefer when we arrive next week. It's pick a site from what's available on the day.
    We then checked out Lucky Bay and Hellfire Bay. Both stunning bays. At Hellfire Bay we were even lucky enough to see a seal swimming around in the shallows.
    Les mer

  • Dag 8

    Esperance Stonehenge

    5. november 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Started the day with a lovely run along the town esplanade passed the whale tail with little windows of stain glass along its edge.Then we had a visit to the towns Visitor Centre, they had plenty of great brochures with places to visit so took a few to explore.
    Walked past a small lake covered in water lillies, just beautiful also went past a few big wall murals painted on sides of buildings done by some very talented artists.
    We decided on a short drive out to Esperance Stonehenge, a full size replica of the original "Stonehenge" in the UK as it would have looked around 1950BC, but made out of pink granite instead of sandstone. So this will not deteriorate like the original has.
    What an amazing site and to know each stone weighs between 35-50 tonne and they are just stood in place, not secured in anyway.
    After lunch we went to West Beach, again another stunning beach. Had another more successful go with the drone which was good to know we can improve!
    Les mer

  • Dag 7

    Wow Esperance, what a place!

    4. november 2022, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Wow, we were hoping that the beaches would be nice in and around Esperance, and they are not disappointing.
    We have only been to just a few but they are beautiful.
    Ten Mile Lagoon this morning was so lovely we walked all the way to Nine Mile Beach and back again, about 75 minutes. Already catching some sun to colour my legs!
    This afternoon we headed to Twilight beach and Rob just had to have a swim it was so lovely.
    The winds picked up and so we headed around to a more secluded bay called Observatory Bay where we tried out my drone. A bit too windy and being complete novices we nearly lost it! But the little footage we did get was spectacular. This bay just beautiful.
    Les mer

  • Dag 6

    Esperance here we come

    3. november 2022, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Woke up super early as our bodies have not adjusted to WA time.
    Backed up and was on the road before 7am ( but at least in WA the sun is up at this time).
    Continued to head north and decided to see how the day went and where we ended up.
    Stopped at cocklebiddy roadhouse to se the rescued wedge tailed eagles Samantha and Bruce, beautiful birds but a bit sad to se them caged.
    On a bit further to Belladonia for a breakfast coffee and bite to eat. We walked thru the Heritage Museum inside the roadhouse, mostly reminded me of my grandparents farm.
    Back onto the highway and the start of the "90 mile straight" Longest straight road in Australia.
    And yep, you guessed it, it was straight and long!
    Arrived in Norseman early afternoon for a late lunch, thought we might try the cafe... Nope, lunch in the caravan was more appealing. Lovely wall art where we parked our van, but not alot else appealed about the town so
    decided to drive the last 200km and get to Esperance today. Lovely park we've booked in for the next couple of weeks.
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Hit Western Australia today!

    2. november 2022, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Left Penong as the sun shone through the clouds at 7am and headed for the Nullarbor.
    Stopped for a look around the old Nullarbor Roadhouse and a quick coffee / breakfast in the van.
    When we got to the top of the Great Australian Bight we stopped at Oceans Lookout to check out the view.
    Very overcast but beautiful, rolling waves onto the rocks below.
    Then onto the quarantine checkpoint where the lady only had a quick look in our van fridge from the door and didn't look in any cupboards or want to check the car fridge.
    We didn't have any fruit or veg so was all good.
    Back on the road and across the border into Western Australia.
    Stopped at Eucla for more fuel (seems that's all we've been doing is filling up) this was the dearest at $2.89 a litre so far, but was cheaper than back at the Nullabor roadhouse where we didn't purchase at $3.09.
    Staying tonight at Madura Caravan Park, a bush setting, power but no water, choose your own spot.
    Les mer

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