West 2019

lutego - czerwca 2019
February - June 2019 Czytaj więcej
  • 60ślady stóp
  • 1kraje
  • 132dni
  • 205zdjęcia
  • 3filmy
  • 5,5kmile
  • Dzień 15

    Madisonville, LA - Fairview Riverside SP

    28 lutego 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    "Down on the Bayou"!

    We are now perched on the northern shore of Lake Pontchartrain which places us directly across the Lake from New Orleans. We have visited New Orleans twice, once prior to Hurricane Katrina and once after. So, visiting the city is not on our itinerary this trip. Besides, with Mardi Gras only days away, the city is full of revelers warming up for the big day. Can't see getting into that chaos. However, we found a little celebratory food that could be for Mardi Gras, or St Patty's Day. See picture below.

    Despite our desire to avoid all the Mardi Gras chaos, we found ourselves stuck right in the middle of a very large celebration. At first our adventure started innocently with a local shopping trip. By chance, we found ourselves at a side street staging area for Mardi Gras parade floats. We wandered around the floats admiring the festive colorful presentation. The parade would take place that evening as one of the many local festivities leading up to the big parade in New Orleans. Our adventure continued as we elected to celebrate Birthday Boy's number 71 with a special dinner at Trey Yuen Cuisine of China restaurant only a 15 minute drive from camp. We enjoyed a great dinner! Little did we know our night was to get more adventurous. Leaving the restaurant, we found ourselves in the midst of closed streets, thousands of people, and of course, a Mardi Gras parade. We're talking a very big parade. We could have been in New Orleans. Even with the GPS it took 2 hours to get back to the campground. All part of our camping adventures.
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  • Dzień 17

    Scott, Louisiana - Lafayette KOA

    2 marca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone

    Why are we in Scott, Louisiana? Well, for no particular reason, except it's between " here" and "there", between our last stop and our next stop. Had to stop somewhere!

    Turns out we have been to this campground before. We did get surprised by getting a great campsite. The campground added a new section since our last visit. We got one of the new sites right on their lake. Very nice. The lake is home to a Mallard Duck family and to some yet unidentified paddlers. Nice neighbors!

    It also turns out, Scott, LA is famous. Scott is the "Boudin Capital of the World". And what is Boudin (pronounced BOO-DAN)? It's a sausage made of ground pork, rice, onion, green pepper, and Cajun spices and seasonings. The result is an intensely flavored Cajun creation. We've eaten this southern Louisiana staple and Mardi Gras essential; not seeing the attraction. This coming from someone who likes Scrapple.

    Not much else notable about Scott. It's a suburb of Lafayette. Lafayette is the home of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette "Ragin' Cajuns"". The area developed from an agricultural based economy, raising sugar cane, to today's industrial economy based upon petroleum. Lafayette is home to the 2nd largest Mardi Gras celebration in Louisiana. Once you add a heavy dose of Cajun and Louisiana Creole heritage, you have the Lafayette metropolitan area.

    "Laissez les bon temps rouler" (Let the good times roll)
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  • Dzień 21

    Sabine Pass, Texas - Sea Rim State Park

    6 marca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    We have arrived in Texas!

    Some days it's better just to be lucky. We have stumbled upon a beautiful Texas State Park, Sea Rim. There's space for only 15 campers and we are one of the lucky 15. We are camped right on the Gulf of Mexico. WOW!

    The drive from the interstate highway to the Park was an adventure in itself and while interesting, it couldn't be confused with scenic. The approach to Sea Rim SP took us through the port city of Port Arthur. This city is home to the largest oil refineries in the US and is the center of a very large oil refinery network. How anyone can control and track all the pipelines and oil tanks in this labyrinth is both a mystery and marvel.

    Back to Sea Rim State Park. It is a remote secluded gem. It's "Where the Gulf Meets the Marsh". There are acres to explore and miles of accessible beach. It's small size and seclusion lends itself to quiet serene enjoyment.

    There is one opportunity for potential excitement. You have to take notice when you find posted, "Alligator Ettiquette".
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  • Dzień 23

    High Island, Texas - High Island RV Park

    8 marca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Wandering southward along the Texas coast, following the Gulf of Mexico. While not camped in a quiet State Park, we are now camped in small quiet coastal town, High Island, TX, 80 miles east of Houston. How can a town with a population of 500 not be quiet? The town's remoteness is characterized by no condos, no rental houses, and no bars; just one restaurant and one hotel and they are in the same spot.

    High Island's name comes from the large salt dome on which the town sits and its 40' above sea level height. It is one of the highest points along the Gulf coast between Alabama and Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

    The area was once noted for it's large number of producing oil wells. Pump jacks still dot the landscape. Today the area is a nationally famous destination for bird watchers who are drawn to by the Houston Audubon Society's four bird sanctuaries.

    Never heard of Texas oranges, but photo evidence doesn't lie.
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  • Dzień 25

    Livingston, TX - Rainbow's End RV Park

    10 marca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Another "why are we here place" since there is not much to say about Livingston, TX. However, there is a reason for being here. Specifically, we are going to get our motorhome weighed.

    Weight, specifically weight distribution is very important to RV safety. The campground where we are staying is home to the Escapees RV Club (we're not members) which offers a program called, Smart Weigh (available to anyone). We have an appointment.

    For some reason 5,000 live in the town of Livingston. The main attraction here is a Texas Department of Justice state prison that happens to be home to the Texas death row. If this doesn't draw your attention to Livingston, there are 500 Native Americans housed on the Alabama Cousharrac Indian Reservation and the obligatory casino.

    Being only 75 Miles from Houston practically makes Livingston a suburb, which might make Livingston attractive to some. Everyone has to live somewhere!
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  • Dzień 27

    Coldspring, TX - New Adventure RV Park

    12 marca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    We are traveling the back roads of East Texas and have found a unique campground. It's full name tells it all - New Adventure RV Park & Horse Motel. Yes, " Horse Hotel". For our larger four legged friends, there are pens with covered stalls, and a fenced pasture. The campground is adjacent to the Sam Houston National Forest where there are 163,000 acres available for unlimited riding.

    Our stay at this location spans 5 days. The longer stay is due to this week being Spring Break for the entire Texas school system. Finding available camping spots during this time is virtually impossible. So, we'll are staying put for the duration.

    In addition to the National Forest, the area is home to Lake Livingston. The lake, the third largest in the state, provides many recreational opportunities and is the primary water source for the city of Houston. To attest to it's largness, the lake is 7 miles across at it's widest point. The Lake was formed by construction of a 2.5 mile long earthen embankment dam across the Trinity River.. Water flow is controlled by a 12 gate concrete and steel spillway. What's unique about Lake Livingston is that it was not built for the purpose of flood control. What water comes in, goes out.

    Doesn't every Dam need a liquor store? See photo below!
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  • Dzień 32

    New Waverly, TX - Sam Houston Nat Forest

    17 marca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Yet another small town along our rural Texas wanderings. We moved only 30 miles from our previous spot, but this stop was selected with a specific purpose, to camp in our first National Forest.

    Our campground is located in the Cagle Recreational Area of the Sam Houston National Forest, right along the shoreline of Lake Conroe. What a beautiful, peaceful setting! We are camped right on the lake amongst tall pine trees.

    Lake Conroe was created as a reserve drinking water supply for Houston. Being only an hour drive from the city, the Lake has developed into a aquatic recreational area for fishing, boating, and related water activities. All this water and fun has contributed to the area becoming a vacationland for the city folk. Lucky for us we are secluded in the Sam Houston National Forest.

    As for the town of New Waverly, its claim to fame comes from being the home to the gymnastics training center operated by famed coach Bela Karolyi. He trained Olympic champions Nadia Comaneci, Mary Lou Retton, and many others. Never know what you'll pass while on the road.

    Also, you can't pick your neighbors. Woke up this morning and found a Super Hero making breakfast next door. See photo below!
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  • Dzień 35

    Edna, TX - Brackenridge Rec Complex

    20 marca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Have moved southward, but still in rural Texas. We are 100 miles south of Houston and 25 miles from the Gulf of Mexico, in the small (5800 pop.) town of Edna. Small is relative since Edna is the county seat and largest town in the county. If you live here, this is a big town. Besides its "bigness", Edna's draw is Lake Texana and the Brackenridge Recreational Complex on the lakeshore.

    Lake Texana is a reservoir for recreational purposes formed by damming the Navidad River. The Lake is named after the town of Texana which now lies on the bottom of the lake. Texana was a ghost town when it was inundated. Texana's populace had moved to Edna as a result of Edna getting the railroad. The same happened at our previous stop where New Waverly came about when plain ol' Waverly was bypassed by the railroad. When the railroad comes to town, better pack your bags and get ready to move.

    Today Edna retains its agricultural base, raising cotton, corn, and rice. Throw in some grazing cattle and petroleum extraction, add a big lake, and you have Edna. The lake provides a beautiful setting for some peace, tranquility, and solace after navigating Houston traffic on our way here. Houston is the country's 4th largest city, and most of the people were on the road, even during early afternoon hours. What a way to live, YUK! Time to relax, camped right on the lake! Beautiful!
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  • Dzień 37

    Three Rivers, TX - Choke Canyon State Pk

    22 marca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Another beautiful Texas day! And in more ways than one.

    First, weather is great with a sunny sky and a temperature of 82°, even in March. Doesn't get much better. And the travel scenery is GREAT. Today's trip involved mostly rural highways and a smidgen of interstate travel. However, no matter which, the Texas byways are in full bloom. There are gorgeous wildflowers all along the roads. Red, pink, orange, yellow, and the blue of the Texas state flower, the Bluebonnet. Compare this to the Pennsylvania roadside flower, the dandelion. It's great to be a Winter Texan.

    Our home for the next 2 days is Choke Canyon State Park which is 70 miles south of San Antonio, in an area known as the South Texas Brush Country. The campground is on the shore of the Choke Canyon Lake, which in turn is surrounded by a Texas wildlife management area. The WMA is home to numerous animals - deer, javelins, turkey, rabbit, coyote, feral hogs, mountain lion, gray fox, and hundreds of bird species. Management requests that you remember "this is not a petting zoo." Also, the lake is home to alligator which gives new meaning to "swim at you own risk".

    Speaking of bird species, yesterday we spotted a Crested Caracara, or Mexican Eagle. He was dining on the lakeshore.
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  • Dzień 39

    Crystal City, TX - Triple R RV Park

    24 marca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Taking in the sights as we move further south. We're now 2 hours south of San Antonio and only 45 minutes from Mexico. Our travel inquisitiveness stops at the border. You know you're close to the border when Border Patrol vehicles are a regular sight.

    What brings us to Crystal City,TX? It's not so much the town, but rather the campground. We have been here before and that stay was memorable. The Triple R RV Park is actually part of a working ranch. During the previous stay we got to see an actual (not staged) cattle roundup. The campground borders pasture and the cattle were brought across the entrance road and herded into pens. The roundup was done by Vaqueros on horseback. Not something you often see in Pennsylvania. We're hoping for a replay, but will settle for just watching the herd.

    Our trip here brought us across a vast oilfield, filled with pumpjacks (the above ground portion of the oil well), drilling platforms, and many tanker trucks shuttling the oil. The industrial drabness was made more palatable by the patches and fields of blooming wildflowers.

    And Crystal City's claim to fame is....... It's the Spinach Capital of the World. Del Monte has a processing plant here. Apparently Texas and spinach go hand in hand.
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