Roadtrip Schweden 23

septiembre 2023
Una aventura de 12 días de Lisa Leer más
  • 14huellas
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  • 12días
  • 122fotos
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  • 3,9kkilómetros
  • 1,4kkilómetros
  • Día 9

    Långe Erik and a picnic with a view

    12 de septiembre de 2023, Suecia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    We woke up at the harbour Stallpläts and now with daylight we even found a toilet. My bladder and me were very relieved. Since it was sunny we made scrambled eggs för breakfast following Nene’s mom’s recipe. They turned out delicious:) We headed to the northern part of the Island and stopped at a sight where people had piled up thousands of flat stones along the coastline. Later on we drove to the „raukar“ where water had dug itsself into rocks and shaped them. For lunch we had a picnic in the sun at a spot we stayed for a while. The last goal of the day was to see the lighthouse called långe Erik at the very northern end of Öland. We even took a selfie with „him“. Even though it had been cloudy most time of the day, at Wikegård Camping, which my aunt had recommended, we were able to see the sunset while we took a quick bath in the sea. After a hot shower and a very tasty dinner cooked by Nene we‘re now super tired and ready to fall asleep:)Leer más

  • Día 10

    Rain, birkenstocks and saunafail

    13 de septiembre de 2023, Suecia ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    When we woke up at Wikegårds camp ground we got surprised by a pretty and colourful sunrise. The plan was to leave Öland and drive to Vimmerby and Lönneberga to „visit“ Michel, one of Astrid Lindgrens‘ protagonists in a a series of audiobooks and movies that had really marked our childhood:)
    On the way we stopped at Borgholm Castle and in Kalmar, where the famous Kalmarer Union was established by Denmark, Sweden and Norway. As we arrived in Kalmar it was raining and we escaped tried to escape it in a warm and cozy Café where we had coffee and glutenfree snacks (again you see me very happy kn front of the food). Still since we wanted to see the castle we fought our way theough the pouring rain in our Birkenstocks which in the end we could almost wrench out. The castle was very big and the view over the sea and the rest of the city was nice too, even though we didnt see that much considering the weather. We made our way up to Vimmerby and stopped at a small river for lunch where we had salmon, cucumber and philadelphia on crackers. Vimmerby and Lönneberga did not quite meet our expectations. There was a small Michel statue in a hut and as we drove a bit further there were a couple of red houses but it was all pretty deserted. Anyways first we wanted to drive all the way to Stockholm to be closer to the city, but then we found a nice camping on our way which even had a sauna! In order for us to be 100% sure we would get a spot in the sauna we made a reservation plus made a reservation for a nice place for our van right next to the water. On our way we saw the sunset on one side and really dark clouds on the other, it looked as if the world was going to end every second. When we arrived there it was already late but it wasn‘t completely dark yet so we could settle down properly, install everything and have dinner. It was beautiful, the whole camping was decorated with lights, it looked like a magical forest. Nene even managed to light the fairy lights that were hung up around our van:) There weren‘t any people in the camping though or we just couldnt see anybody. After dinner we got ready and went to look for the sauna. There weren‘t any signs or anything so we just started walking around and eventually looked it up on google maps. Nene was really sure that he had seen it so we walked and walked in that direction only to end up in front of a private building which definitely was not a sauna. We walked back and had almost lost all hope as suddenly we found it. However when we got in we saw we had to light the fire ourselves and there was barely any dry wood and just one small lighter. We didnt give up at first but after several attempts we admitted to ouselves that it was quite hopeless, so we walked back to the van. Our mood wasnt the best anymore but we decided to make the best out of the next day and set the alarm very early to arrive at Stockholm before 10am.
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  • Día 11

    Traffic disaster in Stockholm

    14 de septiembre de 2023, Suecia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    As planned we woke up at 6 and left for Stockholm right after we had packed everything together. We stopped only once for a small breakfast and of course coffee. Nene had a cinnamon bun with gluten, i‘m happy he did, he always tries to forgo good with gluten because of me, so i‘m glad when he doesnt once in a while and gets something really good:) he can enjoy it for the both of us I guess:) When we arrived in Stockholm we drove to the Avici Globe Arena first, to get a view over the city. Nene had been there as a child and wanted to take me there, I really liked it:) Then we drove to the city center and after a couple of attemps we managed to find a place to leave our van. We went to a vintage store called Pop, it was by far the coolest and most exciting vintage store i had ever been in. After checking it out for a while we chose outfits for one another, which was super funny and absolutely sexy as you can see:) Since we didnt have much time that day, we grabbed a segway scooter and drove to the Gamma Stad, the old town of Stockholm. It was funny but also kinda scary and sketchy. We strolled around the old town, drank a coffee, went into shops and eventually made our way back to the van. We had planned on driving to the coast, better known as „Schären“ :) but it turned out to be way harder than expected. It was almost impossible to drive out of the city and our GPS was going crazy (see the video) . At some point we finally made it and got on a highway that led us out of this hell. We had read that Waxholm was quite a nice city to see so we drive there but got quite disappointed. We had expected a cute little village at the sea but it was just some houses, no people and everything was closed. Having no other choice at that point we made fun out of it and drove on. We really wanted to find a place along the coast where we could jump off some stones into the sea but every single road led to a private property or somewhere we didnt want to go. A bit disappointed we looked for a camping for the last night which had showers, water, a kitchen and everything we needed to get the van ready.
    On the way while I was driving, I suddenly got the message that the results of the exams were out. After at least 3 mental breakdowns and 2 panic attacks (i’m not even joking) in a row I overcame my fear and opened the website where my grades were shown. Phuuu I passed, thank god. So we had to gelebrate. Arrived at the camping, we popped our bottle of wine and went to the sea where (wohoooo) we foung domr stones we could sit on and „jump“ off:) - the day was saved;) Before dinner we played minigolf, guess who won;). For dinner we finished our leftovers as good as possible and packed our stuff. It was already past midnight when we were finally done. Unfortunately the heating system of our car didnt work so we had a freezing night. Thank god it wasnt that long, since we had to wake up at 7 again to prepare for our flight.
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  • Día 12

    Byebye cold but lovely Sverige

    15 de septiembre de 2023, Suecia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    We were ice blocks once we woke up in the morning. The heating hadnt worked all night so we had cuddled as much as we could but it still hadnt been enough to keep ourselves warm. However we pulled ourselves together, finished packing everything and drove to the place where we had rented Bro, the van. On the road we stopped for a quick breakfast but since we didnt want to dirty our dishes again we had to be a bit creative and come up with a way to eat our muesli. I admit that it looked a bit nasty but its the naked truth. We dont want to cover up anything here;) At the rental we said bye to bro & got an Uber to the Airport, where we‘re currently sitting and waiting for our flight:)

    So, that was our holiday, hope we didnt get you toooo jealous:))

    See you (hopefully) soon for another blog:)))
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