South East Asia

Ogos - November 2022
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  • Hari 42

    Melakka and goodbye Malaysia

    10 Oktober 2022, Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    After I wanted to chill out more, Melaka was a suitable place to calm down, although due to Islamic holidays the city was crowded of Muslims (65% of Malaysians are Muslims). After I went to a night market with the hostel, I saw friends from Langkawi. Also, I saw crazy tuck tucks with music and all sorts of kid heroes, which was almost annoying haha.

    At the next day I was able to see the most beautiful places relatively quickly, and I noticed a lot of transport ships on the Strait of Malacca. The city has grown on wealth due to spice trade in the past, which was one reason of invasions of the Portuguese, Japanese and the Netherlands. [Grown trough trade because of his strategic location like in Georgetown].

    A mosque close to the water was my highlight, which was rounded off with a food coma at the food court. [2x main course, 1x smoothie and a giant ice cream sundae for dessert for €7.31😂.

    Melakka is a very nice and smaller city, which offers you good evenings.

    In summary Malaysia is a more advanced country as Thailand i would say and a little bit more expensive as the South of Thailand.

    Soon it is time to move to Singapore, then to Indonesia to see Mount/Volcano Bromo and Crater ijen. Rounded will be Indonesia in Bali and probably with the Gilli islands and Nusa Penida.
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  • Hari 44


    12 Oktober 2022, Singapura ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Today I arrived in Singapore by bus and I will stay there for one night. In the bus we were 3 white people and only myself had the Singapore Arrival card.. what a good organisier I am..😂

    Unfortunately my cigarettes at my trousers were taken away at crossing the border, because it is not allowed to import them.I still had 4 in my backpack..😂

    I visited the Singapore flyer, which is the 3rd biggest ferry wheel on the world (165m) and it is 30 meters higher than the Golden Eye in London.

    Also I went to the marina Bay, where I was able to see the marina bay sands. Nice view.

    When I was walking around with my backpack and bag, I have seen the singapore track of the singapore GP, which was 1 1/2 weeks ago. It was the first time, I was on a F1 grid💪🏽😍 (The track is trough the whole city)

    The highlight of my short stay was the light show at gardens by the bay, which was very impressive and for me better than the water show in KL.

    Three nice facts:

    Singapore is soo clean and every bank of the world is here

    Even if Singapore is such a small country, they have 5,5 million habitants.

    The Singapore airport has 7 terminals and I think I will never see a more luxury airport again in mz life.

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  • Hari 46

    Fucking amazing day at Mount Bromo

    14 Oktober 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    After sleeping at the airport i took my flight to Surabaya and i got fast my visa on arrival. (This process tooks much much longer, what i heared, if you land in Denpasar/Bali). Via Bus i arrived
    at a not touristic area, which what has been showen by greeting me everywhere and making soooo much pictures with me, what was at the end very annoying for me. After i wanted to walk 1h to my hostel, nicely a local drove me to my hostel and we changed numbers, because he offered to me, that he would do this again.

    After connecting with a Dutch couple for the next day, we began our sunrise tour at 2:00 am. There my first accident happened, because i have not seen the sand on the ground in the dark. Myself had no injuries, but my scooter was not driving fast after that. At the end i could not speed up anymore. I really believed, that with that my tour falls into the water. Luckily i only needed to take away the sand at the brakes. In summary I only needed to pay 3,2 € for the repairing costs.

    Now we were able to watch the sunrise as well as the 3 vulcanos after 1h hiking at the King Kong hill, which was incredible, but unfortunatelly a lot of people, and it was foggy as well. Because i stayed longer there to enjoy the view, i splitted up with the dutch couple.

    Because of my good research, I was able to pay not the entrance fee of 15€ for the Mount/ Vulcano Bromo. For this I took a hided path into this area. (The vulcano Bromo errupted the last time in 2011 and 2 people died..)

    At the crater i was able to smell the outcomming gases for 2-3 times. It was amazing to see the flora and fauna as well how the river builded upm themself in this area. Before i went down I wented down of the crater, an indonesian guy gave me a specific indonesian coffee. I meet him at the sunrise viewpoint and spoke a little bith with him there. Because i liked the coffee (well, coffee..) he gave me a new package. Wow I was fucking touched, because he didnt wanted money and their salery is not soo high..

    After that i drove to a waterfall to relax there and didnt expect a lot. But Wow, the view was soooooo stunning...

    It is worth mentioning, that you need to pay here for everything. Parking, Toilet,... and this is not so nice, because I feel a deduced.
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  • Hari 48

    Chilling, memories Indonesia plan

    16 Oktober 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    After I had a rush in Singapore and at the same night I went to the mount bromo, I relaxed in the hostel in Probbolingo with guys from Hongkong and Japan. After a transfer of 5h at the train to Bunyawangi, I catched up there two Danish girls at the hostel, which I met in the Hostel in Probbolingo. (Sarah and Regnitze). I decided to chill with them one more day, so that we can go together to the Ijen Crater Tour. So we decided to go to a beach and go snorkelling at the next day, where I have seen 1,5m big baby sharks. We were again the only white people and to see how many mens made pictures of the Danish girls (White, blond, blue eyes) was again scary to see. I think today ~20 people asked us for pictures. “No” was at the end our answers, because it was too annoying.

    Tomorrow: Ijen crater tour
    🔜Bali, Ubud (I will skip Changgu and Kuta, because it is a party and surf location, what is not mine, especially partying.)

    The plan is to go after that to Gilli T or air, as well as Nusa Penida. Because I don’t want to be so in a rush, I don’t know till now if I will go to Lombok. Kuta(Party) should be the end of Indonesia, where I will decide where to go next. (Philippines or North Thailand).

    When u withdraw money here it is crazy, because 1€=15.000 Indonesian rupiah (Picture: ~300€)

    I need to wake up in 3h for the ijen tour, so good night
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  • Hari 49

    Crater Ijen

    17 Oktober 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Yes…. Because I was not able to fall asleep, I wasn’t waking up at 24:00 to the tour and someone of the hostel I met at the day before woke me up. At the end we still had time.

    Unfortunately it rained so fucking hard, that we were not able so the the blue fire at the crater Ijen. (That arises, when a gas fountain blowes up at night at the ijen acidic lake)

    The crater is as well known for acidic crater lake, and labour-intensive sulfur mining. Our guide was a miner. Hike 2h in a such a crazy rain.

    After 6 of 8 people went down, because it was to cold for them and they had not seen the blue fire, Regietze and myself had an private tour at the crater ijen with our guide. There we have seen the lake quite nice as well as the gas exit holes. We needed to wear a gas mask because of the gases there. It smelled very strong as well. Unfortunately a stripe of my mask cracked, so I needed to hold it by my hands.

    Our guide earns more money now with the tours instead of sulfer mining (150kg each day, before carrying now a buggy for that) à 1.000 <200.000 Rupien).

    In summary I had a nice tour, but it was quite hard and exhausting. It was a big pitty, that I have not seen the blue fire…
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  • Hari 50

    Transfer, Partying and Lessons learned

    18 Oktober 2022, Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

    After our group arrived in the hostel in Banjuwangi after the tour erveryone except one person had the plan to go to Bali with a ferry. Although I wanted directly to Ubud, I decided that to go to Canggo, because I wanted to make party there. Also I heard also something about that place and I wanted to see if it is true (spoiler: yes)

    Before we went to the ferry, we got in touch that at night it rained so hard in Bali, that at the main route im the south a bridge was broken. We were not sure if we can go to Bali, but our hostel arranged a cheap minivan to Canggo. When we arrived it rained as well very hard and some streets were overflowed and full of soil and trees and it was very very muddy.

    On Monday it is a huge party at Luigis. Spontaneous I decided after the hard hike, that I will go with the hostel and especially with two American nurses (Amber and Sophie) to the party.
    So we drunk before in the hostel, where I got closer in touch with Rekha (37, from india).

    When I was walking outside of the grab to Luigis, I saw directly Anna from Bangkok again and had a good party with her as well. Wow, so randomly but so nice.

    So after the morning hike and the long transfer I went partying, crazy😂.

    The next day was only exploring Canggo a little bit, because It rained again. I hoped that it is not so much the case in Bali, but it is currently unfortunately…

    To Canggo:
    Hipster place with so much traffic and digital normades and fancy restaurants. And surfet place as Kuta and Uluwutu. In the Restaurants very a lot of digital normades. Everyone is partying and drinking so much, what is not my kind of travelling I want to do (So lessons learned: Sometimes partying is ok, but not 1-2 weeks long as everyone is doing it in Kuta and Canggo and Uluwutu. furthermore it is to expensive and I rather spend my money and time for activities and exploring everything. I already made that, because I got with peoples in touch who stayed already 2-3 month with that lifestyle in Bali.

    Although here are very much native English speaker (UK and USA, Australia) which is quite hard for me to follow ans communicate in the conversations sometimes.

    As well to see all the white people in fancy restaurants and next by the locals work hard to build new buildings is not very cool to see…

    Tomorrow I am looking forward to see Shawn from phi phi islands in Ubud again.
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  • Hari 52

    Ubud Part I (hopefully!)

    20 Oktober 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    I arrived in Ubud, where I have met Shawn from Phuket and Phi Phi again as well as got in touch with his Dutch Group (Diane, Nikki, Gillian). Because they made an rafting tour, I Spender my first hours at the monkey forest. In the evening I had a very nice time with them, very funny. I heard now there from the Dutch girls again, that I look like Justin Bieber😂.

    At the next day we went with a huge group zip lining at the tegallalang rice terrace, which I have made for the first time. It was a nice experience to explore the rice fields!

    After that we went to some waterfalls, which was nice, but there are much better ones here.

    I want to see more of ubud (more waterfalls and coffe tasting.) Here you can buy the most expensive coffe, which is made of the crap of a animal called Luwuk).

    But I decided to go with the group (Shawn, 3x Dutchies) to go to Gilli T.
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  • Hari 55

    Gilli T

    23 Oktober 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We arrived in Gilli T in our Party hostel, which is 2/3 full of Dutchies. The island is so small, that you can drive around the with a bicycle within 40 minutes. I love that!! ( no scooters here)

    Although I wanted to chill more, the hostel is not the best because of a lot of party😂. At the next day I enjoyed with Shawn and two Indian people smoothies at the beach and we went snorkelling. There I have seen turtles, which where ~1 meter tall. What a nice experience!

    At the evening we went to a sunset boat tour with the hostel, which was so amazing… After that I felt not good for the first time, but at the next day it was ok.

    At the next day Shawn, myself and one Indian guy went to the beach and chilled out there. So good…

    Tomorrow I have to say goodby to Shawn again. I will stay two more nights here, because I love the small island😍
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  • Hari 58

    Resting and good life part II

    26 Oktober 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    The next two days I chilled at the beach again and had a nice time with Aaron and Antonia. What a good life here… good food (Pizza and beer for 4,8€), chilled bars with live music and nice beaches😍

    Now I am looking forward to go to Kuta Lombok so that I can explore more, because in Gilli T was not much to explore.
    But I wanted some rest & especially with good friends here I had a very nice time (Shawn, Antonia & Aaron)

    I also went to the barber and have short hairs now,(6mm) because the long hairs were annoying for me. After the haircut my barber played guitar and it was a very cool experience, that we sang and danced a little bit together💪🏽

    In one evening I met one local from Gili T (1 of 80; two others are working for snorkelling tours. What a cool and chilled evening😂💪🏽

    The most Gilli T workers were grown up in Lombok and they only work at Gilli T & visit on the day offs the family in Lombook.

    This island has not a big infrastructure and is it only party and drinking tourism as in canguu (they say here, is is the Mallorca of Europe in Canguu, Kuta and Gilli T). Gili meno and Gili Air are smaller and there were so less people.

    They also deliver everyday a lot of stuff from Lombok with local boats, what a supply chain.. (In Koh Tao and Koh Phangan they did that with bigger ferries, also because of the longer distance)

    Now I am looking forward to explore Kuta Lombok with Aaron & Antonia. I also booked a flight to Bangkok on the 4th November to explore North Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. I will fligh with the same plane as Aaron and Antonia.
    We also want to explore Bangkok, because we made only party there 😂

    (Last pic: the minivan shuttles are driving at Indonesian time, which means they wait until the van is full, so it could take hours..😂🤦🏼‍♂️)
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  • Hari 60

    Kuta Lombok exploring

    28 Oktober 2022, Indonesia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    I arrived with Aaron and Antonia as well as with Oliver (Catched him up in the hostel) in Kuta Lombok. At the evening we chilled after food at Kuta Beach.

    At the next day we explored one beach, where it is usual, that water buffalos are going on that beach, so it was nice to see that. After that we explored one waterfall on the way, where no one was there, so it was relaxed to go there 💪🏽 After That, Oli and myself chilled for the rest of the day at Bay, which was very chilled. So less tourists are here in Kuta Lombok, what I really enjoy 😍

    In the evening we played cards and got in touch with Hidde from my hostel, very chilled and nice evening!

    The day after we relaxed on another quite beach, but unfortunately Oli, Aaron and Antonia are not feeling good right now🥲
    We saw the sunset on a very nice viewpoint, which was fucking amazing!
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