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  • Päivä 29

    Day 29 Trevi

    22. syyskuuta 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    We made our farewells to Karl and Leslie and caught the bus to Santa Maria degli Angélil in order to take the train to Foligno. We had walked this section on a previous visit.
    It was initially flat and boring ex Foligno on the Via Roma with lots of traffic. We eventually left that behind and became a
    little confused with the multiple markings. I do wish the Italians would decide on one system instead of every Tom, Dick and Harry complicating things.
    It was mainly through Olive groves and relatively flat until the ascent into Trevi. We are in the Old town and there's not too much here.
    We are both pleased to be walking again with the realisation that our adventure is coming to an end.
    The view from our hotel balcony is quite spectacular.
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  • Päivä 28

    Day 27/28. Assisi

    21. syyskuuta 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

    The daylight hours are shortening and consequently the temps. It was 9 degrees when we left to walk to Assisi. A comfortable walk of 4 hours. Whilst walking through the woods we heard a pack of dogs close bye and we spent some anxious moments wondering if they were wild. Not so as we came upon some parked cars. They were probably hunting for wild pigs.
    The ascent into the city was quite steep with cars racing past.
    At St Francis Basilica we were stopped by military personnel and and had to show our pilgrim passport otherwise they would have searched our bags.
    We obtained our testimony and invited to the evening mass for pilgrims.
    All day we kept bumping into our fellow travellers and at the mass too.
    We dined with Karl and Leslie (Americans) along with their French friend Pierre. So I got to practice my French. A very enjoyable night.
    Our first task on the second day was the laundry which involved a bus ride to Santa Maria d'Angelli at the bottom of the hill. That done we went sightseeing and had the good fortune to come across an exhibition by a pilgrim who had walked 13,000kms in 15 months. His photos brought back many happy memories for us.
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  • Päivä 25

    Day 25/26. Valfabbrica.

    18. syyskuuta 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We spent the morning in Gubbio visiting other attractions we had missed yesterday before bussing to Valfabbrica.
    The bus was crowded with schoolchildren and we don't know if there would be a service without them.
    On arrival here we met Elizabeth and had a drink with her before we went to our accommodation. I think it's going to be a noisy night.
    We searched this small town for somewhere to eat tonight as Monday is not a good day for restaurants. We eventually found a pizza place. There's not much else.
    The next morning we had breakfast with Elizabeth, said goodbye, and then spent the day in Perugia. A lovely city with lots to see and do. We have been here before but it's that sort of city that deserves a return visit.
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  • Päivä 24

    Day 23/24. Gubbio

    17. syyskuuta 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    The overnight rain continued in the morning until we left Citta at 12:30 to catch the bus to Gubbio. Whilst waiting for the bus we met Karl and Leslie an American couple who are also going to Rome.
    Getting off the bus at Gubbio we met Ralf and Elizabeth.
    We went for a coffee and ice cream and met Gerry and Alice who came in like drowned rats after their long walk. Not too happy. Shortly after we were joined by Kathryn.
    The arrangements for dinner did not eventuate as the Italians and decided not to join Ralf, Elizabeth and us. We were joined by Maria(German). A pleasant evening.
    Day 24 we made our way up to the Piazza Grande, via the market, to take the tourist train around the city. We return to the hotel for extra clothes, It was fresh.
    Our visit to see the church where St Francis's wolf is supposed to be buried was in vain as it was closed.
    We wander through the narrow streets up to the Funivia(birdcage) to go up to the Basilica of St Ubalfo. They store the ceris here.
    On May 15th each year they race the three ceris up to the Basilica through the city. The Ceri are 3 tall, heavy wooden structures on top of which are placed 3 statues. St Ubaldo, protector of the masons, St Giorgio, protector of the merchants and St Antonio Abate protector of the muleteers and peasants. They are dismantled to pass them through the narrow portes. ( see photo of Shirl with arms outstretched.
    I suggest you google this Festa to get some the excitement, even fervour it generates. I had the good fortune to see when I was studying Italian at Perugia. An unforgettable experience.
    We had a break after a ice cream as we wanted to visit two other Churches.
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  • Päivä 22

    Day 21/22. Citta di Castello

    15. syyskuuta 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Patrizia wouldn't serve breakfast before 0830 so it was 0915 before we were on our way. Ralf had left before
    Us but Elizabeth was still at Le Burgne when we left.
    Downhill to start with and then we commenced our first climb. We met Ralph at a buffalo farm as he was about to leVe after a rest.
    We continued the uphill grind together looking forward to a coffee at Lerchi. A most welcome break.
    As we're leaving Elizabeth arrived with news that Tony(French) would arrive on a few minutes. Ralf decided to wait for him as they had walk during previous day's.
    After about an hour we reached the top of the climb,thank goodness, and from there it was relatively easy descent into Citta.
    On our arrival in front of the Cathedral we had a refreshing drink and got into conversation with an English family who wanted to know about our travels. The Gerry and Alice arrived. They are the Americans we had dined with at Stia.
    We checked into our apartment and went shopping for food and drink bumping into Kathryn who told us that Roxanne and Sandi )Australians) from Stia were having coffee not far away. They were in good spirits and enjoying their walk.
    In the evening we met Ralf and went looking for a restaurant and met Tony and some Italian walkers together with Elizabeth. 9 of us sat down to dine. Ralf (German), Tony (French), Cinzia, Nadia, Rosa and Roberto(Italian) and Shirl and I. A wonderful evening.
    I spent a few hours the next day trying to sort out a few problems before we did the washing and sight-seeing.
    We wondered around the narrow streets of Citta visiting a few churches and admiring the old buildings.
    A quiet meal. Tomorrow it's a bus to Gubbio.
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  • Päivä 22

    Day 20. Agriturismo Le Burgne

    15. syyskuuta 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Time to take it easy before the final stage to our overnight accommodation. The route out of town was a very busy and hair-raising so we left at 7 to avoid the worst of the traffic. Once clear of the major roads we sauntered along quiet, minor roads.
    We stopped for coffee and dolci in the very tiny village of Gricignano before continuing along flat roads.
    We missed out on a drink in Fighille due to poor instructions in our book so we continued up to Citerna. Quite a strep climb ensued but we arrived very early and so had lots of time to take it easy before the final stage to our overnight accommodation.
    We hadn't met any other walkers at this stage.
    The first part of the afternoon's walk was downhill and then, of course, it was up. We passed lots of tobacco fields.
    Nearing the top of the climb we were joined by Ralph(German) and we walked together to Le Burgne.
    Our hostess never stops talking. All on Italian and too bad if you don't understand.
    Dinner was delayed to await the arrival of Elizabeth (Austrian).
    For Shirl and I the meal was a disappointment. The soup was fine. It the rest was not to our liking.
    Company and conversation made up for it.
    Shirl's back is OK and we will continue to Citta Di Castello tomorrow.
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  • Päivä 19

    Day 18 & 19. Sansecolpro

    12. syyskuuta 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    It took us two bus and 1 train trip to Sansecolpro where we arrived at 2pm. We checked in and then found the laundromat. A successful day followed by a quiet evening meal
    Day 19 was reserved for sightseeing but first we sussed out the route out of town. The book had two options neither off which we acceptable to us so we planned our own quieter and shorter route.
    A visit to the Cathedral, several churches and the Civic Museum. The churches here of the early baroque style, not to our liking.
    The museum was a gem. Sansecolpro' s famous son is Piero della Francesca.. A painter of the early renaissance period. Paintings by him were displayed along with an early Michelangelo. Sculptures by Della Robbia and works by Luca Pacioli. Another Sansepolcro favourite son of the same period as Francesca. Quite a few frescoes on display as well as the synopsies.
    But the real gem was an exhibition by the American photographer Steven McCurrey. An exhibition which aroused the full gambit of human emotions.
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  • Päivä 17

    Day 17. A dismal day.

    10. syyskuuta 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    We woke to thunder, lightning and heavy rain. Our thoughts were with those walking. A good day to be indoors.
    A lazy morning , resting and planning.
    After lunch we caught up with some fellow pilgrims we had seen in Stia. Isa and her dog, Kira, Francis and Annimie.
    They walked today and the forest gave them some protection. It was a short walk and they started late.
    In the evening they had a Choral concert in the church opposite. 3 groups from Pistoia. The first group were the best by far. An enjoyable concert followed by a pleasant meal with the other pilgrims.
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  • Päivä 16

    Day 16. Badia Prataglia.

    9. syyskuuta 2017, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Today's journey to Badia involved two buses as it's out of the way. This was where we were suppose to walk to. Shirl's back is much better and tomorrow we might walk part of the track, without packs, to see how she goes.
    We don't plan to do a full day's walk for 4 days. It will give her back a good rest. After that we had planned to miss 3 long stages so hopefully by the time we reach Assisi all should be well.
    Well tonight in Badia Prataglia is the Festa dei Fochi. (Fie Festival). Their version of bonfire night. Quite spectacular but dangerous. With Italian precision it started 45 mins late.
    Then the fireworks until 2 pm.
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