Une aventure de 14 jours par S En savoir plus
  • 16empreintes
  • 11pays
  • 14jours
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  • 4,4kkilomètres
  • 1,1kkilomètres
  • An inauspicious start...

    17 décembre 2017, Barbade ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    So, the alarm set at 4.30am will give us 90 minutes to pack before getting in the car for the airport...plenty of time. Of course it is, provided you don't kick the mug next to your bed, breaking off the handle before then standing on it with all of your weight slicing open your big toe. Bright red blood everywhere and a swift debate about urgent care or not and after steri-striping the wound back together we were on our way to the airport.

    The flight was fairly uneventful except for keeping on eye on my toe and having to add another plaster occasionally, before landing in 29° Bridgetown, Barbados.

    After a wander around the ship, the Marella Discovery, and a quick nap, we headed down to the waiter service restaurant for dinner...where the port was free but the sparkling water was not! After redressing my toe, we headed in for an early night after a long day. Day at sea tomorrow!
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  • Jour 1

    Day at Sea

    18 décembre 2017, Caribbean Sea ⋅ 🌫 0 °C

    A relaxing start to the holiday enjoying a day at sea and getting over the time difference and a term of school. Inside cabins always make for a good night's sleep in the absolute pitch black darkness and when we did wake we made a day of eating, drinking and reading.

    We spent some time planning ahead and looking at the shore excursions on offer and the Lonely Planet guidebook. We also spent a very anti-social afternoon watching Madagascar, Monsters Inc and Minions rather than up on the packed pool deck.

    The evening was 'dress to impress'...but Thomson-style, i.e. pre-tied bowties and short-sleeved, collared shirts!! We made a vague effort for dinner, but first enjoyed the warm sunset whilst drinking prosecco.
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  • Jour 2

    Philipsberg, St Maarten

    19 décembre 2017, Sint Maarten ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Unsure what we'd find in each stop, and with the advice for each destination including only a couple of points from Lonely Planet, we ventured early into Philipsberg to see what we could see. The after effects of the hurricane were evident on the walk in - twisted shopping containers which has clearly been tossed around as if they were nothing more than cardboard, roofs missing from buildings and windows from cars, as well as uprooted palms trees along the way. Nonetheless, the capital of the Dutch side of this island has clearly been working to reopen in anticipation of the tourist trade and was busy with locals even at 9.30am.

    We walked along the seafront boardwalk in a humid, salty heat which suggested the midday sun would be almost unbearable. The sea was a brilliant blue, but not clear; we found out later the locals were dubious about snorkelling due to concerns about remaining debris in the water. On our return along the main shopping street, a brief but heavy rain shower offered respite from the heat. Sadly the museum appeared to not be open, damaged from the hurricane.

    Our jaunt in was brief but pleasant. We resolved to book on a few excursions as a result so we could snorkel, kayak and paddleboard in recommended areas. I also resolved to better strap up by toe which, whilst seeming to be healing, is still swollen and yet to form to proper scab.
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  • Jour 3

    Tortola, British Virgin Islands

    20 décembre 2017, Îles Vierges britanniques ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    The British Virgin Islands, we discovered, are actually 36 islands. Of the one we were visiting, Lonely Planet said there was nothing wrong with it...but nothing right either! Road Town, Tortola, had too taken a battering from recent hurricanes and many of it's 'attractions' were closed. We went for an early wander around the bruised town in search of just one thing - playing cards. Having purchased these, we wandered back to the ship.

    We spent the afternoon much as the afternoon before it, relaxing in the Glass House - the indoor pool and sunbeds, alternating between eating, reading, swimming and sleeping! The holiday has been nothing if not relaxing.

    We returned to the Glass House for dinner - tapas and meat boards. The main restaurant on the ship looks the part, but the good has been fairly lacklustre, so we thought we'd give this a go. The food here was excellent, despite small portions. Our after dinner entertainment consisted of two trivia quizzes...one which we have won if we'd got there on time, and one of musical theatre in which we scored a respectable 50%!
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  • Jour 4

    Bassaterre, St Kitts

    21 décembre 2017, Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    An earlier start today, and it was evident as we docked over breakfast this was a more thriving port than the previous. It seemed largely unscathed by recent storms and we docked alongside the Celebrity Silhouette with the Aida out on another pier too. A quick jaunt into town for sunglasses (because we forgot both sunglasses AND playing cards....sigh...) before meeting at the end of the port at 10am for some stand-up paddle boarding.

    We were transferred out to Frigate Bay where a small, elite group of us were kitted up and required to sign indemnity forms (including indemnity from things covered by statute law...not sure how that even works!!!). Launching into a turquoise ocean in glorious weather we went from kneeling, to kneeling up, and, once we had "conquered" this, to standing up! The first fifteen minutes were hardest, largely due to not realising the paddle was extendable...d'oh. However, the whole experience was brilliant. It reminded us, both in terms of scenery and activity, of Madeira. We paddled down the coast, past fish, seabirds and sadly litter-strewn coves. I made a rather ungracious rear-ward exit off my board, being rather too preoccupied with taking a photograph! Undeterred however, I managed to reboard and continue; thankfully (or sadly, depending on your perspective) I was not filming at the time of my fall! Ben however was a pro...despite complaining about his calf muscles screaming at him he powered through and did not fall off once. Can't wait to see the GoPro photos and footage 😊.

    On arriving at the beach, we splodged in the sea for a bit before trudging to the car park for an exasperating game of "where's our transport?". The Tui Destination Services have been rather poor in their service so far, being unable to deliver timely port maps, the excursions for our second week or indeed any real information about the excursions that we've booked. Nonetheless, the paddle boarding was excellent...and here we sit, promised a bus back to the ship at 1pm. So depending on what happens in five minutes time, I might have more to say on the matter!

    (Only a few photos today as they're mostly on the GoPro!)
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  • Jour 4

    Bassaterre pt. II

    21 décembre 2017, Saint-Christophe-et-Niévès ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    In all of the excitement about paddle boarding, I forgot that we went to the National Museum in the morning. This small single floor museum looked at the history and culture of St Kitts and Nevis, the latter of whom apparently fought for independence from St Kitts despite its small size.

    Anyhow, back to paddle boarding. So, our transport did not turn up. As we waited, it became apparent the other passengers were rather upset about the whole day - the lack of information generally, safety brief, instructors who were poorly trained and one woman even drifting out to sea! We hadn't realised the others had had such a poor time...however their complaints meant we were all refunded the trip! Despite the transport gaff, we actually had a great day. Sadly however, I left my hat where we had initially landed and by the time I realised it was too late 😕

    On return to port, we wandered into town where local dancers were out in the streets providing some evidence of the culture we'd been reading about in the museum.

    Back on board we were treated to a cloud free, and quite spectacular sunset. In the bar, we made a reasonable stab at the trivia quiz, scoring 11/15. However the multimedia challenge was about reality TV. We scored 1. I was heartened that my knowledge of this subject was so poor.
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  • Jour 5

    Snorkelling, St John's, Antigua

    22 décembre 2017, Antigua-et-Barbuda ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    On arriving at St John's, there seemed a little for us to do independently than other stops so far. Maybe not. We initially walked up to the cathedral, which seemed to be entirely locked up and quite dilapidated. Just a block over though was the National Museum, housed in the former courthouse. Some of the same contents as the museum in Bassaterre but a little more on geology and anthropology which was interesting. Final stop was St James' fort.

    We walked through ramshackle housing estates with buildings made from wood and aluminium and windows an ad hoc feature - some missing, some plastic, some glass, some boarded up. As we rounded the road into the fort it became apparent it'd be quite tricky to get to as it was seemingly in a container port...alas, we were in fact headed to the wrong ruins! Nonetheless, an interesting jaunt.

    In the afternoon, we'd a kayak and snorkel excursion planned. We took a bus ride with our local guide Darie who talked about sugar plantation history, education and healthcare on Antigua, and national heroes.

    From the centre, we took a speedboat to a kayak station amongst the mangroves. The guide spoke about the four kinds of mangroves, of which there we red ones. Apparently, they act as a nursery for all the sea young, provide wind protection and prevent sold from being washed out over the coral reef which would suffocate it. The speedboat retrieved us, and went onwards to the snorkelling site - AMAZING. From the surface it was not apparently different to any of the water over which we had travelled, but the moment you want underwater, the life was astonishing. Teems of fish, varied in size and colour, feeding off a great variety of coral, including 'brain coral'. We took loads of photos on the GoPro. The swell of the ride was quite large and we had to be really aware of the tide essentially dropping us into the coral and breaking it.

    All too soon, we were summoned back and headed to a nearby shore for swimming, birdwatching and rum punch, before speedboating back to the centre to get out taxi back to the ship.

    The taxi was about a 45 minute journey, made much longer by the crazy traffic around St John's - our guide had informed us on the way out that 'every hour is rush hour in Antigua'!

    On board, we tried out hand rather more triumphantly at the trivia quiz, winning a phone fan for our trouble!
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  • Jour 6

    Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

    23 décembre 2017, Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Our only tender port so far, Bequia is an island of just ten square miles and 5,000 people. From the port, we walked a kilometre down the coast to Princess Margaret beach - this was the most traditional 'postcard' Caribbean view we'd had so far. An array of yachts sorted the water in front of the white sandy beach, served only by one bar and no other facilities. We took the opportunity to enjoy some freetime swimming whilst deciding on our plan for the day.

    We had considered a scuba dive but ended up putting against it due to the timings. Instead, we enjoyed a brief jaunt around the beach and town before tendering back to the boat for lunch before an afternoon reading by the pool (and briefly on the adult-only veranda which quickly proved to hit g is with Ben burning his feet on the hot deck!!).

    The shore excursions for the firsy three of our days next week had become available so we booked into some more kayaking, snorkelling and hiking - all quite reasonably priced and we certainly struggled to find lower independently (which is very unusual!).
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  • Jour 7

    Turtle watching in Barbados

    24 décembre 2017, Barbade ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

    We spent our morning swimming with turtles! Nice cruise up the Barbados coast past half-million dollar houses to a reef where we swam amongst turtles 😊 a great experience. The big ones got right up close, swimming around and underneath us if you stayed still. It was a little jarring with the number of people there, especially given some of the frentic activity when a turtle came by and some people even touching them 😕 The reef was also teeming with other aquatic life which made for fab viewing! After the swim, we returned on the boat before a wander into UNESCO protected Bridgetown.

    The town itself was a little underwhelming but the walk along the promenade was very pleasant.

    Unfortunately, by the time we returned that evening, I had become one of 'those' people - a beautifully punk western tourist, despite sunscreen. Lathered on the moisturiser and pledged to look for more sunscreen!!
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  • Jour 8

    Snorkelling in St Lucia on Christmas Day

    25 décembre 2017, Saint Lucia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We left the boat early for a Christmas bimble aroind St Lucia...and got hassled continually for our trouble! Apparently walking is not the done thing and we should definitely take a taxi...We wrestled our way through to a predictably quiet, but nonetheless lacklustre town centre.

    After an hour back on the boat, we met our excursion on the quayside - a few hours swimming and snorkelling at Pigeon Island. The thirteen of us shared a whole catamaran up the St. Lucia coast, and Ben and I enjoyed laying on the netting over the front and falling the swell of the tide.

    Back in port, the 3 for $5 local beers made for a useful WiFi stop (and some video calling home for Christmas day!!) before boarding the cruise shop again. We did have a formal Christmas dinner sitting but that was at 8.30pm, so instead we had a Christmas dinner at the buffet before trying our hand once again at trivia...a hearty 13/15 today but beaten by the team of seven who got full marks 😕
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