Camden Council

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    • Day 85

      Mission completed 🦘

      April 26, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Mit dem heutigen Footstep sind alle Must-Do‘s unserer Reise erfüllt. Einer meiner größten Träume während dieser Reise war es, am Ende australische Kängurus zu sehen. Unser Blog heißt ja nicht umsonst „Sushi, Kiwis und Kängurus“. Ok, vielleicht hatte ich mir da ein sehr unrealistisches Ziel gesetzt. Felix gab sich auch viel Mühe, um meine Erwartungen nicht zu hoch werden zu lassen. Und er hat ja recht. In vier Tagen im Großstadtgetummel Sydneys Kängurus sehen? Wohl eher kaum… Zoo kam für uns auch nicht in Frage, da wir das volle Erlebnis wilder Kängurus haben wollten und sowieso finden, dass die Tiere nicht in Zoos gehören. Also recherchierte ich Tage lang wie, wo und wann. Nachdem dann auch sämtliche Tagestouren zu irgendwelchen entfernteren Nationalparks ausgebucht waren, war ich etwas ratlos. Aber nette Menschen im Internet kamen zur Hilfe und stellten 9 Orte um Sydney vor, an denen man mit etwas Glück an bestimmten Tageszeiten Kängurus sehen könnte. Also ging es für uns dann gestern fast 3h mit den Öffis zum National Botanic Garden of Australia, dem von uns nahegelegensten Ort. Dort machte bereits das Warnschild am Eingang Hoffnung. Nach einer Weile sprang auf einmal etwas im hohen Gras der untergehenden Sonne auf und ab. KÄNGURURS!!!!! Wir konnten unser Glück kaum glauben und ich hatte Pippi in den Augen. Je weiter wir durch den riesengroßen offenen Park liefen, je mehr wilde Tiere sahen wir. Neben kunterbunten Papageien 🦜 vor allem aber richtig viele Kängurus in sicherer Distanz. Perfekter hätte es für uns nicht laufen können. Wir sind unendlich happy. Somit konnten wir heute in aller Ruhe unseren letzten Tag mit leckerem Frühstück und perfekten Wellen zum Surfen verbringen. Morgen geht’s ab nach Hause.Read more

    • Day 205

      Melbourne & Sydney

      April 9, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      In Melbourne I stayed a couple of days and met some old friends. I also went skydiving in barwon, it was really cheap! Only $40 a jump including gear!

      One friend already booked a flight to Sydney but she went anyway with me with the car to Sydney. On our way we stayed on the dropzone in Nagambie. In the morning I did 2 jumps, first jump I did a frontflip out of the plane, that was pretty awsome! After our dock I did a 360 and afterwards a backflip. During the flip I got accidentally in sit-fly position. But got back on my belly again. After opening of the canopy I had no penetration so I had to land off dropzone. And that was 1km off dropzone so pretty far away. They came to get me with the car. Now I'm on 41 jumps.

      Then we left towards Sydney and watched power Rangers when whe got at the cinema. I dropped her off and went to mohamad. I helped mohamad during the week. Unfortunately I had to drive a holden commodore ss, it was quite hard to don't floor the throttle because it was a quick v8 and it drove really good!.

      On Friday I went with a friend to the figure of eight pools. That was really crazy, she lived for 25 years in Sydney and never went to the royal national park and even never went hiking. It's so close to home and never been there. (who recognized themselves? Haha) the weather was really nice, around 27 degrees and only sun. When we where there and tried to climb out of the pool there was a wave that came over the rocks and dragged us 2 meters. But we survived :-D

      I spend the weekend. In Sydney cbd (central business district) with other friends.
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    • Day 49

      Oran Park, Australia

      August 22, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      fertig lecker Schoko Sahne Torte 😍

    • Day 66

      last days with the family's

      November 21, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Thursday was a pretty relaxed day. I did some small stuff and learned a bit for my a license exam. And in the evening We watched Jason Bourne, at least until everyone fell asleep. Haha.

      Friday I did some small stuff on the day and in the afternoon I went with mohamad to his place. In his shed we placed some shelving for car parts.

      Saturday we cleaned the shed and sorted all kinds of car parts and other stuff on the shelves.

      Sunday I helped camal. He is the neighbor of mohamad and his partner in the mechanic shop. Camal also needed to clean his shed. So thats what I did. Afterwards I had a barbie @ his place and met his kids. They were 12 till 24 years. All the kids couldn't believe the first time that I was a backpacker and lived in my car. Pretty cool reactions. One of them had brought a quad the other day and they where driving in the front yard. He asked if I wanna drive. So you know me. I said, I wanna try l. And he asked if I know how to drive. And I said a bit shy yeah I think so. I jumped on the bike and made 2 rounds and they were looking surprised at me. They didn't expect that I would drive better than them. Haha. So funny! And everyone I told about skydiving, they thought I did only one tandem. And I always have to say afterwards that I did a couple of jumps. Currently 16, and everyone is then looking with big eyes like wtf 16!? Haha. I had a good time there. They tried to convince me to stay longer there, or even live there.

      Monday I went to the shop and cleaned my car. Afterwards I went to the dropzone and did my @ exam. It's pretty easy to pass so. Pretty easy peasy.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Camden, Camden Council, Conseil de Camden, Dewan Camden, Municipalità di Camden, カムデン・カウンシル, 康頓議會

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