East Ballina

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    • Tag 50–52


      19. April in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      First stop: MacLean, a very Scottish town with around 240 tartan painted power poles! They even have an annual Highland gathering. We had a browse around Ballina town centre before coming to our campsite. It's a Holiday Park, so lots of activities for families ... We had a round of crazy golf, something we haven't done for years!
      Next day: the wettest day of the whole trip ... So hardly any photos of the coast up to the famous Byron Bay. We had problems finding a parking space..most were limited to 6 m length and we're 7 m. Surfers paradise, lots of young folk, mainly girls under 25 yrs.

    • Tag 21

      Lucky 300

      26. Februar 2018 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      300 Kilometer pro Tag - soweit bringt uns unser kleiner ‚Hippie‘ im Schnitt! Das ist gerade eine Tankfüllung à 30 Liter. Gemütlich reisen wir, fängt die alte Kiste doch an zu vibrieren sobald man die 100 km/h Grenze übersteigt - aber das ist auch gut so, es gibt einiges zu entdecken und ab und an muss man reaktionsschnell einem Schlagloch ausweichen.

      Nach der beeindruckenden Weltmetropole Sydney sind wir für 2 Nächte untergetaucht und haben jeweils auf einem kleinen Rastplatz neben dem Highway übernachtet. Die erste Nacht durften wir neben einem Golfclub verbringen, von welchem wir im Morgentau den Kängurus beim Frühstücken zusehen konnten. Die zweite Nacht war dann sehr heiss, wir waren auf einem grossen Parkplatz. Je nördlicher wir fahren, desto wärmer wird es - mittlerweile sind wir bei 30 Grad angekommen (juppyyajjee endlich die langen Kleider im Rucksack verstauen und die Badeklamotten auspacken). Aber auch der Regen setzt vermehrt und sintflutartig ein - der ‚Hippie‘ ist nicht mehr 100% dicht, lustigerweise dringt das Wasser von unten in die Fahrerkabine (denkt man doch, der Regen kommt von oben🙏🧐).

      Im Moment sind wir auf einem Camping und geniessen einen der seltenen Internetzugänge (Hallo ☺️). Morgen geht es weiter über die ,Byron Bay, und die ,Gold Coast, nach Brisbane.

    • Tag 61

      At Homstay family

      29. Dezember 2023 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Weihnachtsferien Alltag ist im Moment angesagt. Der Tag beginnt mit der Fahrt an den Strand, möglichst früh am Morgen, 06:15, dann ist es noch kühl. Ein kurzer Lauf am Beach entlang, ca 4-5 Km. Danach Frühstück, heute ausnahmsweise im Strandcafe. Es ist immer lustig, weil meistens die ganze Familie dabei ist. Es wird viel gelacht und diskutiert. Anschliessend machen wir nicht mehr viel, da es bei 30° bis 33° einfach zu heiss ist.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 94

      Byron Bay

      22. Juli 2015 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      The night’s rain dripped methodically off the garden’s foliage as we breakfasted on a creamy porridge with strawberries, bananas and oven roasted nuts. Tie-dye sheets hung from a sheltered washing line whilst a colony of ants marched up a drainpipe. Out of sight wildlife nattered and chirped, making the sounds of laser beams and rattles.

      We decided to immerse ourselves into this hipster surfer’s paradise by taking a morning class of yoga. Drawing back the heavy fabric door, we ducked into a marque tent of Hindu imagery, calming music and scented candles. We sat in a semi-circle of mats as our calm instructor, Jane, took us through a class of restorative moves. Kim had tried yoga before but never with Alex, for whom this was a first. Whilst it took time for our brains to truly relax by the final ‘svastha’ we were completely ‘chilled out’.

      Feeling like new age hipsters and beaming with energy we took a quick lunch before heading off for an afternoon surf lesson. Our instructor, James, was every bit the stereotype we had in our minds of an Australian surfer ‘dude’. Tanned skin, crow’s feet around his eyes and a beard peppered with greys whilst his sun bleached hair was tied back. Radiating cool with his accent and persona, he looked like he might have been born on a wave. After donning our wetsuits and receiving beach side instruction we took our boards out onto the waves.

      Treading the water, we watched and waited with giddy anticipation as the waves rolled in. Jumping up onto our boards we paddled hard as the rush of white water clipped the back accelerating us forward. This was our signal to get up into a standing position and surf our way out. However describing it and rehearsing it on the beach is one thing, doing it and staying upright on the board was another. As the staff said, ‘practice practice practice’ and once we started we couldn’t get enough. Our wetsuits and adrenaline kept us warm as we nosedived and tumbled into the water again and again. Salt water filled our mouths and blurred our vision but each time we strode back out into the waves, eager to improve our technique.

      When the moment came that we succeeded, it was exhilarating, so much so that all the technique left us and we fell back into the water whopping with laughter. As our session came to an end James announced ‘one more wave’ but neither of us wanted to leave and we sneaked in as many waves as we could before it was finally time to go.

      Alas there are no photographs of us surfing to share as we were unable to take our own and the company running the surf lesson wanted alot of money for just the few pictures of us. Those that they showed us were more funny than cool but we had a brilliant time!

    • Tag 51

      Surf's Up

      1. März 2018 in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      We leave continuously later in the morning, this morning we didn't leave until 8 o'clock in the morning. We drove north to the small town Lennox Head, where we had a surf lesson with MOJO surf.
      Now, I already had a surf lesson in New Zealand and hoped these guys would teach us the same method, but they didn't. They taught us a different 4 step method that I actually preferred, however, the waves in Raglan were easier to read and ride. So even though I caught more waves in Lennox Head I preferred the surfing in Raglan.
      After the surf lesson we took a swim in the lake. The water looked really questionable, but the surf guides had recommended it, so we went in. The questionable colour of the water was due to Tea trees. Their roots go into the water and leak a red substance, which is antiseptic, so it is beneficial to swim in Tea tree lakes.
      From the lake we drove 40 minutes up the road to Byron Bay a town known for surfing hippies and parties. We checked in at Arts Factory where we are staying in bungalows. Emily, Katha, Lisa, and I went to the beach where especially Emily and I really got the hang of body surfing.
      Most of our group went to dinner at the neighboring brewery and had quite good food.

    • Tag 25


      8. Dezember 2019 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nach weiteren 3h Fahrt erreichen wir Ballina (ca. 200km südlich von Brisbane).
      Sehr schöner Küstenort mit vielen Sportseglern im breiten Flußlauf der sich durch die ganze Stadt zieht.
      Wir finden einen wunderschönen Strand an dem wir unseren Tag verbringen😍Weiterlesen

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