North Ryde

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    • Día 37

      Anfahrt auf Sydney

      9 de enero de 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Zu Beginn unserer Rreise hätten wir nicht erwartet, so ohne Probleme nach Sydney zu kommen. Rauch war kaum mehr Sichtbar und auch den Geschmack nur selten. Nächster Halt war Newcastel (inklusiv Lunch) Bild alter Leuchtturm. Über den alten Pacific Highway ginges dann Richtung Sydney.
      Bis nahe an die Grossstadt (4 Milionen Einwohner) hat es riesige Wälder und für die Autobahn wurden die Felsen geteilt. Unser Campingplatz für die nächsten 4 Tage liegt 10 Fahrminuten vom Zentrum und im Grünen🤗
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    • Día 34

      Lane Cove, Sydney

      27 de febrero, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      I natt har vi sovet i telt her på campingplassen. Vi har sovet litt så der… Nå har vi jo ikke så mye campingutstyr som vi hadde på New Zealand. Allikevel har det blitt noen timer med søvn. Her i Australia er jo krypdyr en liten ekstra greie som man må ta hensyn til. Derfor må vi sjekke teltet godt før vi legger oss, og sjekke sko og hva som er rett utenfor teltet før vi står opp. Jeg var litt skeptisk i starten, men det går litt greiere nå.

      Fordi vi ikke har så mye campingutstyr, måtte vi i dag finne et sted å spise frokost. Vi søkte på Google og fant en flott liten frokostkafé bare 700 m unna. Det var hyggelig det og…

      Vi har leid oss en liten Nissan som vi har brukt disse dagene på østkysten. I dag skal vi utforske litt mer i Sydney sentrum.
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    • Día 631


      14 de febrero de 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      We pitched up at Lone Cove National Park site in the northern suburbs of Sydney, where we are staying for a few days. We were soon visited by a curious water dragon, and again we are surrounded by bird life.
      On Saturday we went for a general wander around the city. Taking the metro and train into the Town Hall we wandered through the city past the Anzac memorial through to the Botanical Gardens. We popped in to the art galley for a look at their offerings, where there was a nice mix of the old and new. Some of the aboriginal art was very interesting.
      Continuing our walk we took in the gardens where there was a festival dedicated to the tomato, then on to Mrs Macquarie's seat for the iconic views of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. In the afternoon we took a walking tour hosted by Jasinda who took us through some of the less well known areas of the city and to some more of its landmarks.
      Sunday saw us taking the train into Central where we walked along to Victoria Park. We knew that this was going to be very colourful as the Park was hosting the start of the Mardi Gras fesitival which culminates in the Gay Pride Parade two weeks later. The LGBT fair did not disappoint -a very colourful morning with all sorts to see. Jamie had advised us previously that, when he applied for his Aussie citizenship, he could define his sexuality in any one of up to 25 ways on the application form and surely the fair must have encompassed them all. The LGBT logo had been extended to LGBTQIA on many stalls -there were certainly a good number of queens there - great fun and all very friendly. We then wandered down through Bath Street and Wellington Park to the fish market - it was absolutely buzzing and the food looked delicious - we resolved to spend a lunch time there whilst we were here - so we passed through to have a look at The Rocks Sunday Market. Our feet were tired after so much walking so we jumped on the Manly ferry at Circular Key and took a quick look at the beach there prior to a swift return.
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    • Día 42–44

      Lane Cove, Sydney

      11 de abril, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Before we drove up to Sydney, we had a look at Kiama, famous for its blowhole and rock formations. Blue skies and sunshine today, but enormous waves...perfect for the blowhole. We had to cross Sydney to reach our campsite...took almost 2 hours, but we arrived early afternoon so we could go off into the city. The Metro/train system is fortunately quite easy. We're no longer used to the bustle of a mega city (5.3 million inhabitants), but enjoyed wandering around Darling Harbour, where we last stayed in 2002.
      Next day: Spent a lot of time trying to find a campsite for tomorrow night, not easy with it being a weekend plus local school holidays starting tomorrow. Then back into the city for a full day's hop on/ hop off bus tour doing 2 circuits. Everywhere very busy, and heaving with tourists, especially since there are a couple of cruise ships in the harbour.
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    • Día 634


      17 de febrero de 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      On Monday we again took the metro and train into the city. We walked across the Sidney Harbour Bridge, but decided against the walk over the top (looked incredibly scary!). We then met up with our nephew William with his partner Sarah and their new son Angus. We met at the Australian Hotel, a traditional old pub above The Rocks, and enjoyed a couple of beers as we tucked into kangaroo, emu and crocodile pizzas. All very pleasant, and it was great to meet up with and have a cuddle with Angus. Afterwards we wandered down to Bangaroo to have a look at the new park that has been built on the headland. A nice day for Karen's birthday.
      Tuesday was spent on the site having a rest from all the walking - we read our books beside the site pool. In the evening we enjoyed a couple of beers with our site neighbors Bronwyn and Frank who own an Autotrail Delaware just like ours. They rent their appartment and have been travelling in Australia for 18 month. In a couple of months they will embark on a trip to Broome in the north west for the winter period.
      A spectacular thunder and lightning storm passed over head through the night and once again out tent performed perfectly.
      On Wednesday we took public transport to Coogee Beach and completed the cliff and coastal walk to Bondi beach. A wonderful walk with great views along the coast. There were many people also doing the walk in both directions. After a couple of hours on the beach enjoying the sunshine and surf we took the bus to Watsons Bay where we hoped to get the ferry back through the harbour to Circular Key. We had left it too late, so we returned to site by bus and train.
      In the evening we had a close encounter with the local wild life, Karen had read that Kookaburra often steal sausages from bbqs as they are meat eaters. We were tucking into a very nice steak when K turned her back for an instance, at which point a Kookaburra flew under our awning to make off with her steak. It all happened in a flash. We will be more careful next time!
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    • Día 9

      Bulli Beach, Stanwell Lookout &Lane Cove

      7 de octubre de 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Wir sind mit wunderschönem Wetter am Kendalls Beach aufgewacht.. ☀️

      Für und heißt es erstmal zur Werkstatt fahren.👨🏼‍🔧 Wir sind zu einem VW „Spezialisten“ gefahren, welcher bis Dezember ausgebucht ist.😬 Das wussten wir natürlich bei der Ankunft nicht.😉
      Naja nach langem schnacken mit dem Mechaniker und per Telefon mit dem Vermieter des Vans, sind wir zu dem Entschluss gekommen, dass das Auto nicht repariert wird. Die Kosten sind dem Vermieter zu hoch, daher werden wir nur noch die andere Tür zum ein und aussteigen in unser Bett benutzen. (Ist ein wenig umständlicher alles, aber wird schon.) Ein wenig positives hat die ganze Sache: Wir bekommen ein bisschen Geld zurück erstattet, weil wir schon ein paar Probleme mit dem Van hatten. 🤓

      Da wir nur ca. Zwei Stunden zu unserem nächsten Campingplatz fahren, haben wir uns dazu entschieden den Tag ruhig angehen zu lassen.

      Dazu sind wir zunächst zum Bulli Beach gefahren, um dort zu Frühstücken. Pancakes waren keine gute Idee, da es für den Gaskocher zu windig war. 🫣 Spontan haben wir uns dann Sandwiches gemacht und sind anschließend eine kleine Runde am Strand spazieren gegangen. 🏝️

      Anschließend haben wir verschiedene Lookouts angesteuert, welche jedoch in den meisten Fällen überfüllt waren. (Es ist Samstag, war ja eigentlich klar. 🤦🏼‍♀️)

      Am Stanwell Lookout konnten wir endlich einen Parkplatz finden und die atemberaubende Bucht bei besten Wetter betrachten. 🌊☀️
      Wir hatten auch Glück und konnten Hängegleiter beim Starten beobachten (s. Video). 🪁

      Da es recht frisch mit dem Wind wurde, sind wir weiter zu unserem Campingplatz am Lane Cove National Park gefahren.
      Nachdem wir uns kurz eingerichtet hatten, sind wir ein Stück in den National Park spazieren gegangen und haben den Fluss angeschaut. 🏞️ Auf dem Weg sind uns australische Truthähne begegnet, welche uns auch beim Abendbrot begleitet haben.🦃
      Zum Abendbrot gab es bei uns Wraps, welche nicht nur uns gefallen haben, sondern auch allen flugfähigen Tieren in unserer Umgebung. Was Pascal kurz zum Verhängnis wurde, da ein Laughing Kookaburra auch mal probieren wollte und im Sturzflug ein Stück mitgenommen hat.😅

      Den Abend werden wir heute auch wieder entspannt ausklingen lassen, da wir hier noch eine weitere Nacht schlafen werden. 🌃
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    • Día 54


      22 de diciembre de 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nach unserem Flug heute Morgen sind wir um 13:30 Uhr in Sydney gelandet. Wie in jeder neuen Stadt mussten wir wiederum herausfinden, welche Verkehrsmittel es gibt und welche Tickets man braucht. Dank Internet und der Unterstützung vom hilfsbereiten Ticketverkäufer haben wir das auch hier geschafft. Er hat uns sogar noch Tips für die günstigste Verbindung gegeben! Das Hotel ist sehr zentral gelegen und ein wunderbares Zimmer hat uns erwartet. Sofort haben wir die Barangaroo Promenade erkundet und auch gleich bei einem Inder gegessen. Alle Lokale waren voll und die Leute flanierten am Wasser entlang. Wir sind begeistert von Sydney❤️ 😃 🤩 !Leer más

    • Día 637


      20 de febrero de 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      On Thursday we returned to the city centre, as we had booked a visit around the Opera House, after which we walked over to the fish market for our lunch. A most enjoyable morning - the opera house is holding up well and is well maintained. It is undergoing a further refurbishment in the main concert hall ready for its 50th anniversary in a couple of years time. We got to see a couple of the smaller theatres and concert halls and the Joan Sutherland Hall. A structural engineer's delight throughout and a tribute to my old employer Sir Ove Arup.
      We were not disappointed with our fish dinner and returned to the site after walking through the Queen Victoria Building on George Street - this is now host to boutique shopping on 4 levels and holds a letter from ER which is to be opened in 2085.
      On Friday we had a bit of a rest day - we took a walk in the adjacent National Park and shared a coffee with Bronwyn and Frank before lunch after which we enjoyed some quiet by the pool. The National Park trails by the river were predominantly shut whilst Rangers sorted out storm damage, but we got a good feel for this nature reserve in the middle of the city. Maybe next visit we will be able to walk the 17k down to the harbour through the park.
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    • Día 37

      Ziel Sydney erreicht......😅

      2 de marzo, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Nach 7333km si mer über d Harbour Bridge in Sydney gfahre....u de äs Schmitte Bier 16'600km wäg ve dehei zur Belohnig gnosse.....isch uf dene Aussie Highways guet düre gschüttlet worde.....

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    North Ryde, NRE

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