Stafford Point

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    • Tag 23

      Chasing Waterfalls

      28. Januar 2020 in Australien ⋅ 🌧 79 °F

      Day 23
      Today I went to Cape Tribulation and Daintree Rainforest which are popular places to visit when in Cairns. The day started with a stop at the animal sanctuary in Port Douglas where I saw several kangaroos with babies in their pouches and being fed by their mothers. It was so precious and really cute to see. We then made our way to Cape Tribulation and went for a walk in one of the rainforest national parks in Daintree called Mossman Gorge (we walked really slow and didn’t go too deep in which was disappointing, there was only one other girl my age, others were older or families with teenagers). We stopped for lunch and the tour guide showed us 2 big spiders on the fence in the parking lot; Australia has a lot of deadly spiders. Lunch was at Cape Tribulation Beach House, it was included on the tour and we had several options to choose from. I decided to go with the kangaroo steak (stepping out of my comfort zone). Kangaroo is similar to steak but it was very gamey. I felt guilty eating it after spending part of my morning hanging with baby kangaroos so I didn’t eat all of it. After eating we headed down to Cape Tribulation beach to walk around for a half hour before getting back on the bus. We had extra time so we were able to stop at a local fruit farm that makes their own ice cream and gelato onsite. I got to try 4 different flavors in a cup and it was incredible. We returned back down to Daintree River where we went on an hour long river cruise to spot crocodiles and see other wildlife (we did see a couple of crocs but not many). On this tour we headed up spending a lot of time on the bus due to everything being so far apart but parts of it was a beautiful coastal drive and other parts were surrounded by rainforest so there was still plenty to see from the window. When I got back into town, I grabbed dinner and hung out in the hostel relaxing a little before going to bed.

      Day 24
      Today I went to Atherton Tablelands, a region of rainforests and waterfalls. This was another early morning, I got up at 6:45am to walk and meet my tour group. Unfortunately, it was pouring out but it actually ended up working out great because the waterfalls were in full effect. Our first stop of the day was at a rainforest where we went for a walk and then had morning tea and biscuits at a couple of picnic tables under a gazebo. We were all soaking when we got back onto the bus. Our next stop was Josephine Falls, which has a huge waterfall and then a flat rock in the water that is used as a natural water slide that you can slide down when swimming. Due to the weather the falls and water flow was very strong and we were unable to go swimming here. It was still amazing to see, and crazy to hear how high the water levels had gotten overnight because of all the rain. We then got on the bus and went to Milla Milla Falls, this waterfall is famous for being the location they filmed one of the herbal essence commercials. You can’t visit here and not take a picture flipping your hair in the water. Since the weather wasn’t great, we were the only group here. The rain didn’t affect the swimming conditions here so me and a couple other girls decided to get in for a swim. The water was pretty cold and it was very rocky making it difficult to walk into without hurting yourself. We got our hair flip pictures, swam next to the waterfall and then got out to have lunch which was an assortment of different deli meats and veggies to make sandwiches. We stopped to see the Cathedral Fig Tree (an enormous 500 year old strangler tree) to take some quick pictures. Our last stop of the trip was to Lake Eacham, which has beautiful blue green water and has a freshwater crocodile in it that has been sighted on very rare occasions. Some people choose to go for a swim, I decided to take a walk around the lake to take in the scenery. It was a beautiful walk through the woods with views of the lake peaking out here and there. We had another snack before getting onto the bus to head back to Cairns. On my walk I managed to get bit by a leech between my second and third toe. When leeches bit they insert an anesthetic and anti clotting so you don’t feel that you got bit and it bleeds a lot. By the time I noticed the leach had already fallen off my foot. Very strange. The beginning of the day was very wet but midday the sun came out and it actually turned out to be a great day. When I got back to the hostel I packed my bags because I was leaving the following day.

      Day 25
      I checked out of my hostel and facetimed Kelly before getting on my shuttle to the airport. My flight to Melbourne left at 2:30pm and landed around 7pm so it was a day of traveling. Once I landed I grabbed a bus to the city and then walked 20 minutes to my hostel, which was right near Chinatown. I stayed in a 16 person dorm with a lot of long timers staying there so people’s stuff was everywhere. I got settled and went to bed in probably the worst hostel bed I have ever stayed in; the springs were coming out of the mattress.

    • Tag 43

      Schnorcheltrip zum Outer Reef 🐟🐠🍥

      28. November 2022 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Heute haben wir uns einen zweiten Schnorcheltrip für insgesamt über 330 € mit dem Schiff Silverswift zum Outer Reef gegönnt. 🙂 Das Outer Reef des Great Barrier Reefs soll wohl am besten mit Nährstoffen versorgt und deshalb noch am besten erhalten sein. Es war tatsächlich etwas bunter als beim Schnorcheln beim Low Islands Reef vor ein paar Tagen. Trotzdem war auch hier schon ein großer Teil des Riffs abgestorben und die Farben waren stumpf. Wir haben allerlei bunte große und kleine Fische gesehen und einen kleinen Hai. Ansonsten nichts besonderes. 😉 Das Wetter war nicht so perfekt. Die Hinfahrt zum Riff war ganz schön turbulent und beim Schnorcheln hat einen die Strömung ziemlich arg vom Schiff weggetrieben. Wir durften an drei verschiedenen Stellen schnorcheln und an der letzten Stelle musste ich am Schluss echt kämpfen, dass ich es wieder zurück zum Schiff geschafft habe. Die Natur ist einfach unberechenbar. 🌊Weiterlesen

    • Tag 43

      Tag 43 - Cairns

      28. Januar 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Nach den letzten sehr vollen Tagen war heute wieder ein Tag den wir entspannt und ohne geplantes Programm verbracht haben.
      Wir waren im Einkaufszentrum ein wenig bummeln.
      Am Abend ging es dann zum letzten Pub Crawl auf dieser Tour. Insgesamt waren wir in 4 Pubs und endeten dann im Club direkt bei unserem Hostel.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 45

      Tag 45 - Cairns

      30. Januar 2023 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute war der letzte offizielle Tag der Tour!
      Einige mussten wir schon am Morgen verabschieden, da sie in ihr nächstes Abenteuer geflogen sind und der Rest, der nicht mit nach Green Island gefahren ist, ist im Pancake House noch frühstücken gewesen.
      Dann war ich noch Pizza essen und ein bisschen shoppen.
      Am Abend haben wir uns dann noch im Salthouse getroffen um uns von den nächsten zu verabschieden die Früh am nächsten morgen entweder weiter oder nach Hause reisten.

    • Tag 46

      Tag 46 - Cairns

      31. Januar 2023 in Australien ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Heute stand nicht viel auf dem Program.
      Ich habe die Zeit am Pool verbracht, bevor es dann gegen Mittag zum Tattootermin ging.
      Eine kleine Erinnerung an meine Zeit hier in Australien, die leider viel zu schnell vergangen ist!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 59

      Cairns, Australia

      3. März 2023 in Australien

      Viaggio avventura, la Msc vuole trasformarci in novelli Indiana Jones. Per fare il bagno nelle spiagge di Cairns occorre lottare con gli squali, annientare le meduse. Ma noi non temiamo nulla. Almeno finché il piccolo recinto costruito per gli umani dimostrerà di reggere. Bello il giardino botanico, ma dopo le tappe di Sydney e Surfers Paradise, qui siamo su un piano inferiore.
      Stasera serata di gala ad invito. Il comandante, in persona, ha scelto i personaggi più importanti da invitare in un ristretto manipolo di eletti. Io credo di esserci rientrato per meriti di calcio balilla. Fabio, credo, in quanto uomo… di peso. O forse per il fatto che siamo due italian sex symbol.

    • Tag 15

      Cairns- Hitting the Town

      24. Juni 2023 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      Today we took a slow start to help our bodies adjust to another 2 hour forward time adjustment. We are now 15 hours ahead of the central time zone. Amy was up anyway and saw a beautiful sunrise. We walked into downtown Cairns and visited a few information centers to gather brochures to help us plan the next few days. We walked to the Hemingway brewery for lunch and reviewed the brochures we picked up. Right next to the brewery was a huge cruise ship that was loading. After making decisions about the next two days, we rented Beam scooters and went to book our Great Barrier Reef tour. The tour we booked included an introductory scuba dive. As we discussed the scuba dive, we were told that due to some medications taken, Emily and Amy would need to get a note from a doctor to be able to scuba. Emily and Amy took the scooters to the 24 hour medical clinic, but it was too busy and they weren’t able to see a doctor. They were able to set up a telehealth check with an Australian doctor who concluded that one medicine could make us sleepy so we won’t all be able to scuba.

      We put away the scooters and walked to the Cairns museum. It is a small museum, great for visiting in a couple hours. Cairns was founded by white settlers in 1876, but the aboriginals were there loooooong before that. Some of the history, such as the efforts in WWI and WWII were great, some of the history of the exploitation of people of color was rather shameful. All the history here is directly tied to the geography of the city: the water (rivers and ocean) and the climate (hot for raising sugar cane) and now the tourism of the Great Barrier Reef.

      We finished the day with dinner at Muddy’s Cafe and a rousing game of Crew.

      Tomorrow we go to the tropical rain forest and see koalas!

    • Tag 17

      Goin’ Down under Down Under + Em’s B-day

      26. Juni 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      It was a wonderful long day out on the water. We got up early and scootered over to the marina to catch our boat for the day. Em and Maddy grabbed drinks before we loaded up our full boat. The drive out to the reef this morning was full of many safety briefs (about the boat/water safety, scuba diving, and snorkeling), breakfast and some sickness (Dad and Emily needed some fresh air). Maddy was the only one able to scuba dive so she got her three rules and group number and then everyone was ready to start snorkeling. The boat anchored at Saxon Reef, 55km northeast of Cairns, part of the Outer Great Barrier Reef. We were given flippers, masks/snorkels and wet suits for Dad and Maddy and we jumped into the water.

      The reef was amazing. So much coral and many many fish to see. We saw a shark and a turtle! It is literally a whole new world down there. Mom’s favorite was a rainbow fish and Dad loved to be able to breath underwater. After about an hour it was Maddy’s turn to try an Introductory to Scuba dive! She and two other people joined her guide Harry. After she reviewed the three rules of scuba diving: 1) keep breathing 2) equalize your ears and 3) follow your guide, and passed the two skill tests, Maddy was underwater. She thought It was so cool to be down there, and be surrounded by coral and fish and highly recommends it!

      After the morning snorkel and dive we were served a delicious barbecue lunch, and were able to relax. We traveled to our next location on the reef, about 200 meters away. After our food all settled, we were ready to hit the water again. At this point, we’re all expert snorkelers and were exploring the reef in no time. We saw a turtle again! After an hour or so we headed back to the boat, returned all our gear and started our trek back to the shore. While we drove back we were served a glass of wine and some crackers and cheese. Maddy and Emily hung out on top while Dad tried to get over his seasickness inside with mom.

      Once we made it back to land and our hotel, we all got cleaned up and ready for Em’s birthday dinner! We had a reservation at a steakhouse right by the pier. We hopped on our scooters again (Maddy wishes they had cruise control!) and were there in no time. We all enjoyed tasty steaks and a lovely birthday brownie with sparklers to celebrate!

      Today was a great day exploring the great barrier reef and celebrating Emily :)

    • Tag 7


      22. Oktober 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Just arrived. Such different scenery. We had the afternoon to just relax, so we did not take many photos. Our buddy Dave is a retired firefighter from St. Louis, so I grabbed a picture of him!

      Tomorrow is Great Barrier Reef day. Hope to get a few good photos!

    • Tag 73–75


      2. August 2023 in Australien ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Mit etwas Verspätung kommen wir am Abend in Cairns an. Auch hier haben Amelie und ich uns dazu entschieden die beiden Nächte bei einem Local über Couchsurfing zu verbringen. Brent ist Pilot bei Jetstar und holt uns netterweise trotz der Verspätung am Flughafen ab. Da er den kommenden Tag arbeiten muss, verbringen wir den Vormittag recht gemütlich in Cairns, sehen uns etwas die Gegend an. Allerdings ist das Wetter nicht wirklich auf unserer Seite und es fängt immer wieder zu regnen an. Gegen Nachmittag ist Brent wieder zuhause und er nimmt uns noch mit zu einer Wanderung zu den Fairy Falls. Eine kleine Wanderung führt uns zu dem schönen Wasserfall inmitten des Regenwaldes. Aufgrund der Niederschläge sind die Felsen super rutschig und die eigentlich leichte Wanderung wird zum Abenteuer. Am Fuße der Fairy Falls kann man in einem Pool baden gehen, was wir uns natürlich nicht entgehen lassen. Das Wasser ist zwar eisig kalt, aber eine tolle Erfahrung. Im Anschluss fahren wir noch an einen Aussichtspunkt mit einem super Blick über die Stadt, bevor wir uns zurück auf den Weg machen und vietnamesisch Essen gehen.
      Am nächsten Tag holen wir auch schon unser gemietet Auto bei Travellers Autobarn ab und machen uns auf den Weg in Richtung Norden zum Daintree Regenwald.

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