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    • Dag 47

      Weiter Erkunden von Phillip Island

      19. januar 2020, Australien ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      Nach dem wir noch auf der Farm eine Schafsschur bestaunen durften😱 ging es weiter an 2 Beaches, welche aber durch die Ebbe nicht gerade einladend waren😥.
      Am Horizont über Melbourn wurde es verdächtig schwarz und bereits waren einige Donner zu hören, nicht schon wieder🌧⛈⛈ bitte.
      Nun sind wir nach Cowes, um zu schauen was dort noch so los ist. Wie immer, als wir angekommen sind, war die Veranstaltung, welche am Nachmittag, dort war zu Ende🙈🙈.
      Es fand eine Amiauto Treffen statt mit viel Autos, einige haben wir noch geshen.
      Somit schlenderten wir an den Läden vorbei, wo Susanne endlich ihre gestohlenen Schuhe ersetzen konnte👍😂🙃👏👏.
      Weiter gings zum Pinguinen🐧🐧🐧🐧 Parade im Süden der Insel, dort konnte man bei Sonnenuntergang (21:00) sehen, wie die kleinsten Pinguine in ihre Näster laufen, etwa 1500 an der Zahl. Nur es kostet wieder ein heiden Geld und man dürfte wieder keine Bilder von diesen machen, wieder mal nix für uns😡🙈🙈.
      Etwas habe ich aber endlich gefunden , einen Hut aus 🦘 Leder, welchen ich gleich kaufen musste.

      Deshalb sind wir an den äußersten Zipfel gefahren und habe dort einen Spatziergang gemacht, dort haben wir dann einzelne 🐧🐧🐧 gesehen und durften sie auch Fotografieren.😮😮😛😛

      Übrigens das schlechte Wetter war wieder weg, in Melbourn hatten sie starken Sturm mit Hagelschschauer🥴

      Nun wollten wir noch zu späten Stunde 18:30 die Pyramiden Klippen anschauen gehen.
      Aber dieses erwies sich nicht so einfach🙃😂😂
      wir mussten über eine 3 km lange Waschbrettpiste fahren, welches dem Camper wieder alles abverlangte bezüglich Federung😛🥴🙈😂😂😂, die Klippen waren dann natürlich auch nicht das Highlight😡
      Dafür haben wir auf diesen 3 km unzählige 🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘 gesehen auf der Strasse und den Feldern👏👏👍👍👍.
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    • Dag 5

      Phillip Island

      25. februar 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Hüt si mir dr camper ga abhole u si afe mau imne aldi ga iichoufe (viu schoggi!!😁) mits ufem aldiparkplatz hei mir z mittaggässe. Näre hei mir üs ufe wäg gmacht für uf d phillip island wo mir 1000 pinguine hei chönne zueluege wiesi vom meer zum strand watschle😍 sisi nume 33cm gross! Soo härzig xi!!Læs mere

    • Dag 42

      Phillip Island

      31. marts, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Bei herbstlichem Nebel sind wir von Foster nach Phillip Island losgefahren. Der erste Stopp legen wir an der Küste bei Kilcunda ein. Da gerade Ebbe herrscht, können wir die Klippen erkunden. Es ist interessant was alles zum Vorschein kommt. Bei San Remo geht es über die Brücke nach Philipp Island. Zu Fuss laufen wir der Woolamai Beach entlang bis zu den grossen Felsen und schauen den Surfern zu wie sie auf den riesigen Wellen reiten. Für einmal sind wir nicht alleine am Strand unterwegs. Nächster Stopp, Red Rocks.Læs mere

    • Dag 159

      Phillip Island

      8. september 2017, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      This weekend Ingrid is hosting us at her family holiday home in Ventnor, Phillip Island. It's around 90 minutes from Melbourne so Maddy took the day off work so we could head down a bit earlier. We woke to the sun shining (I knew the sun cream would come in handy) and headed out for brunch at a nearby cafe and sat outside. It was lovely in the sun and I only had to put my fleece on a couple times when it ducked behind a cloud.

      On the way to Phillip Island we popped into Maddy's parents house so that she could grab a couple of bits. We got to meet Maddy's mum and her nephew, as well as their 2 alpacas, Monty and Simoneious. I have been previously warned that under no circumstances should I go in Maddy's Wendy house at her parents house as it is basically a giant nest for huntsman spiders. I have been living in fear since we arrived in Australia that I will bump into one of these giant critters and fortunately I am yet to see one. Maddy is desperate for me to see one so she had a peak in the Wendy house to check. Luckily for me there wasn't any in there! Apparently there may be a few on Phillip Island so perhaps I'll get unlucky there instead! After a cup of tea and some cheese and biscuits we made a quick stop at the bottle-o (off licence to non Aussie folk) for supplies. We eventually arrived in Phillip Island around 7pm so pulled up at a pub in San Remo (just off Phillip Island) for a drink and waited for Ingrid and Dan to join us.

      Back at Ingrid's humble abode we tucked into some Thai before a long overdue catch up, a good old cards against humanity session and a hilariously long game of heads up! I even managed to stay up until 2:30am which is very impressive for me!
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    • Dag 160

      Day 2 - Phillip Island

      9. september 2017, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Ingrid and Dan had organised a touristy day of fun on the island so after a late start (due to a few fuzzy heads) and a banging breakfast of eggs, avocado and tomatoes, the five of us squeezed ourselves into Maddy’s car. Our first stop was The Nobbies where we strolled along the boardwalk with great views of the coast. Although it was a bit windy the sun was shining and there is nothing better than a sea breeze to cure a hangover.

      We then visited a couple of gorgeous beaches. They were both completely empty, apart from one which had a few surfers, so we had the entire beach to ourselves. For lunch we headed into Cowes and grabbed some sushi before heading back to the house to get ready for the part of the day I was most excited about, the penguins!

      Now we had loved seeing the little blue penguins in New Zealand, but they were nothing compared to this. We arrived around an hour before sunset and headed down to the viewing area. Whilst we were sussing out the ‘perfect’ spot, one of the marshals recommended sitting down on the beach in the roped off area as quite a few of the penguins would come up the beach by there. He was not wrong! The penguins were so close that I could have scooped one up and put him in my pocket, no trouble at all. In fact, it was pretty hard to restrain myself from doing that as they were soo cute! It was such a magical experience! I’m so glad that we didn’t spend loads of money on premium tickets where you are supposed to get the best view as we could not have been any closer if we tried.

      Once we had seen a few groups of penguins come in we walked back out to the car park via the boardwalk. The boardwalk took us through the middle of the nesting area, so all around us were squawking penguins making their way back to their nests. It is also mating season so at times we got a little more than we bargained for!

      Waiting for us at home was a delicious feast of chicken parma, chips and salad which Dan had been preparing while the rest of us were hanging out with the penguins. We did have a slight hiccup on the way home when Maddy tried to make a detour to see if we could find some wallabies or kangaroos. A wrong turn resulted in us getting the car bogged and after a few failed attempts of pushing it out, we gave up and walked back to the house (fortunately it wasn’t far at all) for dinner. The parma was delicious and a million times better than the one we had in the pub the other night. After dinner, Simon, Dan and Maddy headed back to the car with a torch and some wood to try and unbog the car. Ingrid and I opted to stay back and ‘keep the fire going’ as we didn’t fancy going out in the cold. Around an hour later they returned with the car, absolutely plastered in mud but very pleased with their achievements.
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    • Dag 17–19

      Phillip Island

      15. november 2023, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Von Mittwoch bis Freitag waren wir mit Casey im Sommerhaus der Thomsens auf Pillip Island. Die Natur ist unglaublich schön, Strände gibt es mega viele und die Tiere sind überall.

    • Dag 51

      Philip Island

      25. februar 2020, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      So mir hei gester dr Camper abghout u si scho mau bis ufd philipp island gfahre. Dert hei mir am abe chönne zueluege wie d pinguine usem meer zrugchöme u ueche zu ihrne ligeplätz watschlä 😁.

    • Dag 25

      Kinotag auf Phillip Island

      25. februar 2018, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Selbst gebautes Kino mit zwei gekoppelten JBL Boxen. 😍

      Einfach mal im Auto die Serie "Dark" auf Netflix geschaut und sich dabei ein Bierchen gegönnt. 😁

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