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    • Day 31

      Stubai Valley, Austria Day 30

      May 25, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      And the day dawned beautiful! Rain and grey clouds are gone replaced with blue skies and sunshine on the fantastic mountains! A great setting for our last day here in this quiet town with spectacular scenery.

      Off before !0 for the hike we had planned. Cable car up the mountain to the starting point. The goal was to hike to a monastery hidden in the Alps. Fun time, not a difficult hike, gravel path all the way. It is a popular trail for day hikers. Lots to see and do around the beginning as well. A slide for “kids” - that would be us. See video. Mountains all around -360. See 2nd video. Took our time, taking pictures and playing with our new app that identifies all the beautiful small Alpine flowers. Arrived at the monastery a bit after noon. Checked out the chapel, souvenir shop and lunch outside looking at the mountains. Took a different way back to the cable car and Carol found the first geocache for the trip! Very exciting. Then we had to do the slide as well. A great day in the mountains.

      Back home to relax a bit before going out to dinner. Many restaurants closed right now as they are in between seasons. Tried the Italian one on the plaza good , not great. Home to watch one more episode of The Tailor and pack.

      Off for Slovenia and Lake Bled tomorrow.
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    • Day 29

      Stubai Valley, Austria Day 28

      May 23, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Plan for today was to do a hike in the valley by the river that runs through it, waterfalls, etc. however Mother Nature decided we should not do that this morning for as we got to the starting area, (about 6 miles away) it started to rain and had no signs of stopping. So back to town, to walk the small center town of Neustift, much is closed as they are between seasons and businesses are taking a vacation or are closed on Tuesdays.

      However we did check out the church which was amazing! The church is the centerpiece of the town but it was the cemetery that caught out eye. There are probably around 150-200 graves - ALL had fresh flowers, growing plants and in designed floral beds All the plots were the same size and the “headstones” were decorative metal sculptures. I have never seen anything like it. The inside of the church was just as pleasing and lovely. Spectacular ceiling, all white walls, airy and light pastel,colors. So very modern looking. Even the organ was modern. The pews were all light roughly hewn wood and the stone floor was complimentary to all. A beautiful place. The first chapel on that site was in the early 1500’s, built by Maximillian I, they have had many renovations and clearly a recent one. A great find.

      Weather starting to clear, so we had lunch the one restaurant in town that was open and decided to do,the hike we had planned for the morning. The hike was great. Not too difficult, in the valley so not too much elevation. 5 miles round trip with waterfalls everywhere and the snow covered mountains always rising above all. It is truly beautiful here. The chairs that we are sitting on is the cover photo today are on a platform the spans the river right at the big waterfall. You can lie there and enjoy the wonderful view of the waterfall with the Alps above.

      Weather started to turn while at the platform and shortly after we started back the rain returned. Needless to say we got back much faster than we did going! 😂. Cocktail hour (good German white wine) and dinner at home tonight, pasta again.
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    • Day 28

      Stubai Valley, Austria Day 27

      May 22, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Out for our first hike in the Stubai Valley today. Good weather but more clouds and rain on the way the next 3 days. 😫. The coming weather influenced our decision to do the highest hike today and lower hikes in the next few days. With our apartment came a Stubai Super Card - a pass for the cable cars and other types of transportation. Really a nice perk as the cable car rides are 15-20 euros each. There is some hiking in the valley but most of the hiking is on the mountains. It is common to take a cable car up to a place on the mountain to start your hike. Which is what we did. There are 4-5 cable cars in the immediate area. Only 2 are running right now as the other 2 or 3 go higher and there is still snow up there. This area is between seasons right now - ski season is over and summer not quite here yet so they also do maintenance work on the cable cars.

      We took the Elferbahnen cable car from where we are at about 3400 ft to 5400 ft up,the mountain. Fun ride and paragliders everywhere! We walked around the area, taking in the huge wooden sundial, watched a lot of paragliders take off with their colorful chutes and raise with the air - so silent. Beautiful! Lots of trails take off from this location. We decided to take the one up to the Elferhutte, a building we could see from our restaurant at dinner last night. Quite the climb, but only about a mile. What great views and more paragliders. Took pictures, talked with some of the other people coming up the hill and walked a bit further up and then started our decent. Our quads got a real workout with the steep,part of the downhill. But we made it 👍 and we were very proud of ourselves.

      Back down the rest of the way via cable car, to the grocery store to get our provisions or this leg of the trip and home to put our feet up on our deck for awhile. And to wash out some clothes for reuse tomorrow. 😂. I went for a walk in the neighborhood before our nightly cocktail hour and pizza for dinner. Found Sky News on the TV tonight - only English speaking station I could find. No Netflix here.
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    • Day 27

      Innsbruck to Stubai Valley Day 26

      May 21, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      A travel day, although not far. Leaving our lovely apartment outside of Innsbruck. Packed up and out by 10A. Our final destination is only about 15 miles away in the Stubai Valley south of Innsbruck

      Spent the better part of 3 hours at Schloss Ambras, a castle overlooking Innsbruck. The castle was built in the 1500’s and was a gift from Archduke Ferdinand II to his new wife, Philippine. I sort of thought I was “done” with castles a few European trips ago however this one was different and very interesting. Ferdinand was a collector of all things art and curiosities. This claims to be the first museum in history. His collection was extensive with all kinds of lovely Renaissance pieces. Not so much art as “things”. He was clearly a lover of beauty. The museum had lots of techs films, screens to check out and terrific grounds with big trees, benches, a pond with black swans and lots of fish. We enjoyed a very good lunch there in an outdoor cafe.

      On to the Stubai Valley. A friend of Carol’s had been here which is why we chose this location for hiking. It’s only 10-15 miles south of Innsbruck so a short ride. Outrage new apartment is in the small village of Mildred, right next to Neustift which is the “big” town in the area, population ~5,000. A great accommodation again, we have really chosen well, so far. On the 2nd floor (3rd in US) but lots of room, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, kitchen with dining area and 2 balconies. Beautiful views from every room and the decks. We are very happy.

      “Nested” (unpacked and figured out how everything works) and a glass of wine from our host, then out for a walk. The Stubai Valley is a wide valley about 20 miles long with the Alps rising steeply on both sides. It is spectacular! There are 30+ glaciers and 109 peaks around 9,000ft in the area. Lots of cable cars to take you up to hike at different areas. Trails everywhere. A hikers paradise. I feel “at home”. 😀. Dinner at a lovely little town square restaurant in Neustift and home for some downtime. No Netflix on TV. 😫.
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    • Day 2

      Ankunft Stubaital

      January 21, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ -6 °C

      Nach fünf Stunden Autofahrt bzw. „Standfahrt“….🙈 bin ich im verschneiten Neustift angekommen. Gefühlt wollte ganz Holland zum Skifahren 🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘🚘…heute war nicht mehr ans Skifahren zu denken …freue mich auf einen morgigen entspannten ersten Skitag 🎿🌸Read more

    • Day 30

      Stubai Valley, Austria Day 29

      May 24, 2023 in Austria ⋅ 🌧 52 °F

      And the rains came! An all day rain expected today and so to Plan B. My “go to” traveling rainy day is always a museum. Carol agreed. So back to Innsbruck today via train. Fun to take the train and leave the car behind. We could catch the local valley train to Innsbruck about 5 miles from here. About 10 miles and took the better part of n hour. Beautiful countryside but very wet today.

      Raining in Innsbruck as well but we quickly found the Tyrolean Folk Art Museum. And with the same ticket also came entry to the Hofkirche, a church built in the 1500’s by Maximillian I as the church for his burial tomb. And it’s all there. An immense tomb in the middle of the church. In addition there were 28 of the original 40 life size statues of people ion Maximillian’s life and other figures important to him. E.g. King Arthur. Good audio on their app.

      On to the Folk Art Museum. Several floors with an extensive display of objects from early Tyrolean arts, culture and daily living. An enjoyable couple hours, taking in both sites. Beck in old town Innsbruck and raining significantly so we dashed into the closest restaurant we could find. Good lunch of typical Austrian food. Cheese dumplings with salad for me and ??? For Carol.

      A long walk to find the right train station and the right train. Had a wait so took in another church across the street, a Basilica. Another good example of Renaissance art and architecture. Home, with a stop,at the grocery store and dinner in tonight. Still raining. Should be better for our last day here tomorrow. 🤞
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    • Day 6

      Vierter Skitag

      January 25, 2023 in Austria ⋅ 🌙 -5 °C

      Einfach nur mega schönes Wetter…..also wurde der erste Bus zur Gondel genommen, um die ersten Spuren im Schnee zu hinterlassen ( ok, die Idee hatten wir nicht alleine 😇) aber es war trotzdem noch super leer auf den Pisten🎿
      Trotz blauen Himmels immer noch sehr kalt…aber Ausblick und Fernsicht …einfach nur super….Päuschen auf der Dresdner Hütte ….draußen….Sonnenschein…Family…gute Laune…dankbar💕
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    • Day 5

      Dritter Skitag

      January 24, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ -1 °C

      Der sonnige Morgen ließ auf einen sonnigen Skitag hoffen, der sich allerdings nur kurz am Nachmittag einstellte. Also doch wieder dick eingemummelt auf die Piste …❄️🎿❄️🎿…aber die Sicht war dann supi und wir hatten wieder viel Spaß auf den Abfahrten… und die Ausblicke sind einfach nur mega schön 🗻💕
      Heute Abend geht’s zur Winterwandernacht 💫🥾💫
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    • Day 3

      Erster Skitag

      January 22, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ -7 °C

      Nach einem leckeren Frühstück ging es heute das ersten Mal auf die Piste🎿…mit dem Skibus ging es zur Gondel 🚠 und mit dieser dann hoch zum Gletscher… Sonniges Kaiserwetter hat sich eingestellt ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
      Es war ein traumhafter Tag und die -13 Grad hat man nicht gemerkt…😉❄️☀️
      …love my family…💕

      Abends im „Platzl“ gegessen und dann müde ins Bett gefallen 🥰
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    • Day 1

      Dach überm Kopf

      July 10, 2016 in Austria ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Heute gab es einen anstrengenden Aufstieg zum Skigebiet Schlick 2000. Jetzt bin ich endlich im Bett und kann die müden Beine ausstrecken😴

      Und am Donnerstag gehe ich vielleicht in die Luft wie auf dem letzten Bild🐦Read more

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