Berry Islands District

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Berry Islands District
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    • Day 399

      Chubb Cay

      February 20 on the Bahamas ⋅ 🌬 72 °F

      We stayed at the private island and resort for a week to weather out the incoming storm. The area is lovely with a beautiful club house with good food and an amazing infinity pool with swim up bar. The kids enjoyed swimming up to get a beverage and then playing around.

      Off the side of the pool is a lovely beach and a movie area with seats for Friday night movies.

      We went on a diving trip one day when it wasn’t rough and the other few days we took the dinghy to explore turtle creek spotting numerous turtles.

      Bull sharks do live in the marina and get excited when the fisherman bring in their catch.
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    • Day 4–8

      Bullock Harbor, The Berrys

      February 29 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      We left West End at 11pm, starting the trip in the dark so we could use daylight to navigate the shallows as we arrived. The arrival had the water depth change from >2000 feet to 10 feet in the space of just a few miles. After getting in the shallows of an unknown harbor, your last 2-3 miles is at a snail’s pace as you watch for too-skinny water.

      We toured the inner harbor, and found no good places to anchor (just too small) and rejoined the cruisers congregating near the government dock. Edit: later we found that in the last westerly blow there were 22 cruisers in the harbor. So much for not enough room. I guess I'll be looking for land inontama soon.

      Due to the E-SE winds, we stayed on the west side of Great Harbor Cay. There was good protection from wind and waves, so we slept well after our overnight passage.

      We met a delightful couple from Canada on sv Carreauna Rodney & Yolanda) and shared a dinner and tools with them as we waited for better weather before moving on.

      In the meantime, we tried over to a beautiful beach on the E shore and walked in seclusion. We found two sea beans!

      We also explored the ruins of what must have been a premium hotel.
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    • Day 428

      Chubb Cay

      March 20 on the Bahamas ⋅ 🌙 72 °F

      We’ve come full circle in the Bahamas. It’s time to return home and weather is coming. Chubb is a good spot to wait for a weather window and start getting things packed up. We enjoyed our final few days in the Bahamas by the pool, on the beach, and walking around the garden where I found a banana plant.Read more

    • Day 6

      Beach Day in the Bahamas

      March 24, 2022 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      I'm writing this from where I am sitting on the beach at Great Stirrup Cay.

      What a delight it was to have a quiet evening as opposed to the hullabaloo we had to endure every night at the Brickell Arch residence pre-cruise in Miami. Not that we got to bed early last night. But this time staying up was by choice instead of out of necessity. No need to caution anyone about loud music either.

      Anyway, a good night’s rest, and we were up at 7:00a this morning … a little later than usual. A quick visit to the gym to do our stretches. Followed by a light breakfast on the aft deck at the Terrace Café. Then, it was time to get ready for our beach break.

      Cruise lines lease small islands from the Bahamas to create a private oasis for their guests. Great Stirrup Cay, in the Berry Islands of the Bahamas, is just such an island and is open to the three cruise lines owned by NCLH. There are facilities available … food, snorkel rentals, zip lines, kayaks, and such. But most are closed today. No matter … we don’t need any of that to have a good day on the beach.

      With Insignia anchored off the island, we were transported ashore by small ferry boats operated by the locals. By 10:00a, Mui and I were walking amongst palm trees fluttering in the wind. Our timing was excellent as we managed to get one of the few shade palapas that are set around the beach. At that hour, there were maybe 20-25 people ashore … a perfect time to wander around and take photos. There are more people on the beach now, but with Insignia at less than 50% capacity for this cruise, neither the island nor the beach is crowded.

      As you can see from the satellite map I’ve attached, there are a number of coves with white-sand beaches. I would like to have gone for a wander to check them out. However, we were not expecting this beach break so I was unprepared to wander in the sun … no need to court a sunburn. Instead, I settled myself under the palapa to enjoy some quiet time for a while.

      Mui’s been in and out of the water a couple of times. The beautiful hues of the ocean, ranging from the palest blue to aqua, to deep navy are inviting. Alas, being unprepared for sand & surf fun, I’m going to have to settle for a short walk along the edge of the water. At least I can get my feet wet … which is what I am off to do now! Maybe I’ll try out the swing set in the shallows, too.
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    • Day 19

      Great Stirrup Cay

      December 15, 2016 on the Bahamas ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Noch einmal entspannen und das Meer genießen war heute (Donnerstag) angesagt. Unser Schiff steuerte die kleine Privatinsel Great Stirrup Cay auf den Bahamas an, die ausschließlich mit den Gäste des Schiffs belegt war.

      Bei Sonnenaufgang wurden wir in unserem "Zimmer" geweckt, sehr schön ☺ Nach dem Frühstück waren wir schon um halb neun dort; viele Gäste kamen erst um zehn, elf Uhr an. Wir steuerten direkt eine Liege im etwas ruhigeren Bereich an, auch hier gab es große Party Areas für unsere amerikanischen Schiffsfreunde ^^

      Auch auf der Insel galt das all inclusive Angebot vom Schiff, die Crew wurde dafür schon vorab rüber gebracht. So war auch für Cocktails und ein Imbissbuffet gesorgt! Es waren sehr viele Liegen vorhanden, sodass es trotz der ca 2000 Menschen keine anstrengenden Überfüllungszustände gab!

      Das Meer war hier super zum Schwimmen, leider hat die Unterwasserwelt rund um Florida generell nicht soo viel zu bieten. Nach 2x Ägypten - wo die Riffe mit zu den besten der Welt gehören - sind wir hier vll auch etwas verwöhnt hat's Lisje gemeint 😉
      By the way - heut hat sie es sogar mal ins Meer geschafft! 👏

      Das wäre auch eigentlich so das Einzige, was unseren Once-in-a-Lifetime-Trip noch perfekter hätte machen können.

      Hier ein paar Bilder für euch von unsrem letzten gechillten Tag. Wir haben uns noch einmal schön von der Sonne wegballern lassen 😎🌴🏖

      Unser Bericht erreicht euch wohl erst am Freitag, wenn wir wieder in Miami angelegt haben.
      Ankunft ist dort um 7 Uhr, dann gemütlich von Bord gehen. Unser Flieger nach FFM geht dann um 17 Uhr Ortszeit, sodass wir uns die Zeit noch etwas vertreiben können. Die Landung in Deutschland ist dann nach knapp 9 Stunden Flug gegen 7:50 Uhr angesetzt.
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    • Day 1

      Getting there

      March 6, 2022 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      We departed Indian Rocks Beach at 8, and after a relatively uneventful 4-1/2 hour drive, arrived at the garage. Shuttled to the ship for easy check-in.

      This is a BIG ship. We spent a couple of hours getting settled and trying to figure things out, with lunch at the Mexican El Loco Fresh-.

      Sail-away was interesting. We proceeded inland in the channel to an open area, and basically pivoted (yes, I thought of Ross) so we could go out to sea.

      Dinner was crabcake and fish/scallops/shrimp for me with Key Lime pie for dessert. W had antipasto, the fish, and his favorite creme brulee.

      We were tuckered, so hit the sack.
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    • Day 2

      Blustery Day at Coco Cay

      March 7, 2022 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Coco Cay is a private island owned by Royal Caribbean, located north of Nassau. It has a water park, ziplines, a big tower thing, bars, restaurants, beaches, and all things Caribbean and beachy. Even the braid ladies.

      Our plan was to snorkel. We packed up our stuff, schlepped over to the island, and proceeded to find the snorkel station for information. Too bad for us. It was too windy to snorkel.

      Wayne went over to a bar area in search of conch chowder (there wasn't any.) I planned to meet him, but didn't see him. I stayed put for over an hour, and then discovered he was 15 feet away from me on the other side of a bunch of bushes. 🤷‍♀️

      After lunch, we went to lounge on the beach for awhile before returning to the ship for some iced coffee and snack at Park Cafe.

      Dinner appetizer was puff pastry with seafood for me, and escargot for W. We both had the most unusual interpretation of beef stroganoff we'd experienced, featuring peppers, pickles, celery, a slight amount of gravy, served over linguine. (I don't recommend it. Ever.) Dessert was Bananas Foster for me, and Chocolate Mousse cake for W. Both winners.

      I ended the night by watching the Aqua 80 show. Wow. It was a compilation of dancing, gymnastics, aerial stuff, high wire, synchronized swimming, high diving, and loud music. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

      And so to bed.
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    • Day 16

      Day 9 Great Stir Cay

      May 22 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We enjoyed the private island. I didn’t take my phone, so we got no photos.

      The water was cool, relaxing and refreshing. We were back on the ship by 12:30. Now time to pack up.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Berry Islands District, Distretto di Berry Islands

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