Berry Islands District

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    • Day 3

      Up Up and Away in Coco Cay!

      March 5 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Up very early to make the most of this beautiful day in the Bahamas!
      Fab Abs class at the gym at 7:30 before a light breakfast of fresh fruits.
      By 9:00 we were heading off the ship to head to for a Perfect Day in Coco Cay, a private island owned by Royal Caribbean.
      After lounging on the beach all morning I surprised the girls with a hot air balloon tour above the island!
      Such a beautiful view which even allowed us to see sting rays and a shark!
      After lunch we spent more time on the beach and at the pool before heading back to the ship around 3:30.
      The girls had fun dancing at the Sail Away Party when we left Coco Cay this afternoon!
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    • Day 104

      Great Harbour to Chub Cay

      December 2, 2023 on the Bahamas ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      I have no idea how, when I look back at these photos, I am going to tell one beautiful beach from another. They are all so beautiful! But I can't stop taking pictures of them, so I will inundate this site with indistinguishable sunrises, sunsets and pristine beaches.

      Great Harbour was a beautiful little island that was wild and fairly uninhabited. We drove around the island in an hour and tried to get groceries at the smallest little grocery shop. We stopped for lunch and learned an important lesson that had already once been told to us. If you want food at a lot of these restaurants, you need to call ahead and let them know you are coming. The restaurants are usually in someone's house and they are only making what people have pre-ordered. The proprietor made an exception for us on our adventure and we were fed porkchops and pasta salad from the special of the day. Dave also asked for his coleslaw and the woman made it right there for him.

      The marina we stayed at was very rustic but did have 2 wild cats that loved to torment our dogs. There were also manatees that came up and played in the water the attendants would squirt out for them. There were also some fisherman at the end of the dock and we bought some lobster from them for $15 a piece that were HUGE and so tasty on our grill. All in all it was a quaint and peaceful stop.

      Dave and I are still "discussing" what moving the boat looks like between these islands. I really hate the crashing into the surf at high speeds with wind in our face. Dave doesn't mind so much and he wanted to test if we could compromise with a small trip so we moved from Great Harbour to Chub Cay, which was about 3 hours away, in winds that were not at our back. Most of the trip was fine with side winds, but those winds in your face, make me go downstairs and read to try to ignore the crashing feeling. I am praying our days of this type of travel will be mostly behind us from here on out.

      Chub Cay is another resort. Everything is curated and catered and it is not that great for the dogs, but perfect for beach sitting and hanging out in the pool to capture sunsets. With our discussion of wind travel, we may be here for 3 nights. Not so hard on me, but not the perfect place to be stuck.

      What Could Go Right? The weather has been so beautifully temperate. We get a few showers here or there and then a gentle breeze and bright beautiful sun. It has been very nice. Also, IT IS SO QUIET everywhere. We sleep so soundly. It is lovely.

      What Could Go Wrong? Bugs love the humidity and bugs love me. I keep a constant layer of bug repellent on me at all times and I am still getting bit. The good thing is salt water seems to dry up the bites fast. Also, have I mentioned the leaks? Yeah those really are a bummer.
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    • Day 28

      JRH3 Pirate Invasion Cruise 24 - Bahamas

      January 28 on the Bahamas ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      We stormed the beach (of Great Stirrup Cat), and took no prisoners. After stacking the corpses on the beach, we commenced with a 1 mile hash trail (damn island is tiny) . . . but as you can see, I had to do a little extra scouting just in case we ever come back. Or, maybe it was the check back 77 . . . who can be sure? While making my way around the back side of the beach area, I got chased down by a couple security folks (lets just call them golf cart ninjas), who promptly got me turned around.

      After an hour of ocean swimming, we circled up in the water and abused some of the pack that managed to do stupid things (yup, me included). As we walked back to the tenders, we just happened to walk past the bar, and you know, whatever. Had to stop for a couple beers and sing some songs.
      Tomorrow is a day at sea, as we make our way to Falmouth, Jamaica, where anything can happen (yup again, my turn to set trail). 😝😆😝

      I did not take any pictures of trail (just a few getting off the boat), but others did . . . and I'll post them once I get them.
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    • Day 7

      Great Stirrup Cay (just kidding)

      December 23, 2022 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      We had great plans to be one of the very first folks off the boat for today's stop -- the Norwegian Cruise Line's very own island, the Great Stirrup Cay. Room service was delivered to the room bright and early at 7:30 ship time (6:30 eastern). We slammed down the coffee, Caty wolfed down a croissant or two, we packed our bags, and headed straight for the tender line to catch a ride to shore. We made it onto the tender, and spent a good 20m waiting for it to be filled to capacity... before we were informed that the winds had picked up too strong for us to be able to safely disembark/re-embark and that we needed to return to the ship.

      Plans shot, we mentally prepared ourselves to spend another day on the ship instead of on a private island as originally planned.

      We took advantage of the confusion to rush the gym while few folks were at it (as we have a lot of food/drink to burn off). Following a good session, Laura took a nap while Caty and I enjoyed some screen time, and then we had fancy lunch at the ship's tapas restaurant. Laura had scallops and then red shrimp, while I had blue crab over toast and then lamb skewers wrapped in bacon in an onion sauce. Caty didn't join us, and instead hit the buffet for more pasta.

      The rest of the day was spent soaking on the sun deck, in the hot tub, and at other leisure points around the ship. We were determined to make the most of the 75° weather given that we know it's below 0° at home...

      As has become a routine, once cocktail time arrived we met our good friends (the bartenders) at the Haven cocktail lounge before dinner for an aperitif or two. At dinner, we each had a selection of our favorites. While we didn't match the gluttony levels of some of our fellow guests this past week, I'll definitely be cutting back on red meat in January...

      Tomorrow, we arrive back at port at a reasonable hour. Our bags are packed, so we'll have an easy morning of coffee and breakfast before we disembark and catch a shuttle to the airport. We're thankful to have spent the past week enjoying the warm temperatures, good food, and some lazy days... but are ready to go back home and spend Christmas day with our pups.
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    • Day 8

      Crazy Day at Coco Cay

      February 25, 2023 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      There were two ships at the dock- Oasis and Liberty. A day at Royal's island with 10,000 of our closest friends. Our friends, Darla and Greg were aboard Norwegian Prima, which was anchored off Great Stirrup Cay- the next island over.

      We found a couple of chairs, and the kids enjoyed Coco Locos. ( I had a sip or three).

      After a bit of a swim, Julianna and I headed to the Snack Shack for some eats. I headed back to the ship, and they did some snorkeling.

      We had dinner in the Solarium Bistro, and saw a beautiful sunset, then went to Cats. Bags out to the hallway, then some wine on the balcony. It was a lovely, calm way to spend our last evening.
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    • Day 8

      Perfect Day at Coco Cay

      March 6, 2023 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Unser erster Stopp war die Privatinsel "Perfect Day at Coco Cay" von der Reederei Royal Caribbean. Natürlich waren wir wieder mit die ersten auf der Insel und sicherten uns schnell zwei Sonnenliegen am Pool. Wir besichtigten das Paradies, holten uns ein Sonnenbrand, kühlten uns im Pool ab und aßen lecker Mittag. Zurück an Board ging dann auf die Welle. Abends dinnierten wir im edlen 3-Gänge Restaurant.Read more

    • Day 4

      Day 2

      May 10 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Our first day was mixed with meeting new friends and reconnecting with old friends.

      After our evening session, I took Elisa around to show her some key concepts of the cruise ship. I was particularly looking for ice cream. I didn’t want to have to pay for it. We found

      I met the cruise director!
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    • Day 101

      Grand Bahama to Great Harbour Cay Cont..

      November 29, 2023 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      Grand Bahama was so much different than we thought it would be. Dave literally had it marked as a "gas stop". It was, in fact, a cultural delight. We had another epic adventure here with the boat and were able to spend a little more time than planned. First, the marina itself, it was a very welcoming marina resort with pool and restaurant and access to beach clubs and shopping district. We were able to dinghy or walk to entertainments and beaches as we desired. Second, the people at the marina turned out to be VERY helpful.

      After staying two nights and deciding on a good enough weather window, we took off for our next stop. Less than a mile out of the marina, one of our engines made a HORRIBLE noise and stopped running. After a quick diagnostic, Dave said, "turn around, we are going back." Back we went, only to discover that a $75 part in the United States that we now needed was going to cost us $750. But the good news was that the people of the marina helped us get the part and get around. They were impressed that Dave knew what he was fixing and how. They expressed some dismay about the discrepancy in the pricing, but, it was agreed, "This is boating in the Bahamas!"

      We spent the next two days focused on getting the part made and installed and getting laundry done and dogs seen to. It went pretty quick. But we did get out to the local area and enjoyed the sights. Then we decided it was time to make another 75 mile jump to Great Harbour Cay.

      Do you remember when we crossed the Delaware bay and I said we would never do that again? Well today was another of those crossings. We will NOT do that again. The wind was around 15 to 20 miles at our side (we have learned some lessons, like no head winds or cross winds to waves) with waves going in the same direction, but these waves took on a life of their own. Pushing us and pulling us in all sorts of directions. Dave, at one point, said, "Driving was like wrestling an alligator!" And it went on for 5 hours! Nope, not going to do that again. It is really hard to explain how stressful it is rolling in the ocean while at the same time holding on to the belief that anything that could happen could be fixed. It's exhausting and for Duke, it is literally sick making.

      But land in Great Harbour Cay, we did and it is wonderful. A sparsely populated island in the middle of the Bahamas with dirt roads and a beautiful beach. We took the dogs for an extra long walk and let them run free after their days of being cooped up (yacht clubs are not conducive to freedom for dogs).

      We really aren't sure how long we are going to be here in Great Harbour. One school of thought has us here until Friday, one until Saturday and yet another until Monday. We are playing it by ear.

      What Could Go Right? Once Dave fixed that part, What Could Go Wrong? ran like a champ. Smooth as silk through all that upheaval we experienced in the crossing. Also, while both dogs MUCH prefer to run the beach, they are both doing so well with boat life. Finally, we are meeting so many people with such interesting stories. The most interesting to me, are the people that solo cruise for months or even years at a time. They find their peace and gratification in being on their boats alone managing all these things I would NEVER NEVER NEVER do without Dave.

      What Could Go Wrong? We wrestle with the solar power and equipment on our boat. It is a constant awareness of what we have gained vs. what we have lost and what we need. Like watching the weather, we find that watching the batteries is a full time unpredictable job!
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    • Day 7

      Day 3: at sea

      November 12, 2019 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Getting to bed after midnight is becoming a thing. Guess I will just have to work on catching up on my sleep all day.
      Took the tour of the galley. Pretty impressive, but I'm not sure I would have done it for full price, $48. Bibi, our dining section's supervisor, got us in for $33. They crack 30,000 eggs a day! And only 2 people do it!? Each head chef (by floor I believe) has a budget of $80,000 per day, and he will have to explain himself if he exceeds it.
      Checked out the gym. I did OK for an old guy. I can still max out the back machine.
      Jordan arranged for us all to have formal pictures taken. This tied in with the formal dining night.
      Debbie's already looking to book our next cruise, probably Australia & New Zealand.
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    • Day 6

      Day 2: Coco Cay

      November 11, 2019 on the Bahamas ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Coffee? Where oh where can i find coffee? Help!!
      Off to Coco Cay...
      Had a great time. Weather was perfect.
      I was surprised the ocean wasn't warmer. It wasn't cold, but it definitely wasn't warm.
      I enjoyed the company and the conversation. All we did was sit around in the cabana and the get wet, either in the ocean or the bar pool.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Berry Islands District, Distretto di Berry Islands

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