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Top 10 Travel Destinations Antwerpen
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    • Day 91

      Zuhause in Antwerpen ...

      September 21, 2019 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Ein schönes Grillrechen im Indian Summer von Belgien. Wir haben auch "Sander" den Bruder von Charlotte kennen gelernt 🤗 Leckere Rindersteaks und feinstes belgisches Bier gab's bis spät in die Nacht. Oli hat sich an der Tischdeckenrolle zu schaffen gemacht aber es lässt sich auch sehr gut als Didgeridoo verwenden 😆Read more

    • Day 16

      Day 16!🇩🇪🇳🇱🇧🇪

      August 5, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      A day with three flags? Yes, that’s what it is!
      We woke up in Dortmund, Germany with Sotiris. He insisted on making us a slice of bread with butter and jam for breakfast even though it was super early again (5:45 to be exact). It felt just like home - I told him that’s what my mum does in the mornings too 😂.
      We took the train at 6:45 for Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We got to Amsterdam at 11:00. Stepping outside of the train station was chaotic, but first glance of the town seamed beautiful already. We started walking in the tourist shops to get our magnets and postcards and had a snack of fried potatoes with cheese sauce. We thought we’d do most of Amsterdam today because we’ll be back on Sunday again, but will be rushing for our flight. So we walked into town, the famous nine streets where is full of canals and boats that take you on rides. All I could see were beautiful shops with antiques and posters, my favourite kind of shop. Also there are a lot of flowers around, and tulips that are their national flower. I really wanted to visit the Anne Frank museum but the tickets have been pre booked and I couldn’t find any🥲 I’ll have to come back for that one..we did however find tickets to the Van Gogh Museum, but they are on Sunday as well. So we thought it would be a good idea to go to the shop today instead of Sunday, so I can enjoy my shopping😂. Beautiful shop, I’m sure I’ll be in it again on Sunday.
      After that we went looking for a snack and stopped at the “Amsterdam cheese deli” that had delicious sandwiches and pastries.😋 definitely our packed lunch on Sunday is from there.
      Boarded the train and headed for our third country for the day, Brussels, Belgium. Brussels where very cold and crowded but a beautiful city. We saw all the famous chocolate shops that sell Belgian chocolate and admired the pretty windows. There’s also a big square with beautiful old buildings. In Brussels is the building of the European Parliament, so we walked to that too. Not a special building from the outside but a special place for all Europeans. We had pizza at a restaurant and then boarded a train to where our hostel was, Antwerp, Belgium. When we got there everything was closed and empty. We arrived quickly at our Hostel which was a lot lot nicer that we expected. It felt like a hotel with it’s nice decor. We found our room with the help of the girl at the reception desk, left our rucksacks, went up to the rooftop of the hostel for a quick explore and then headed for our showers and our sleep.✌🏼 goodnight from Antwerp!
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    • Day 22

      Exploring Antwerp!

      February 4 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Exploring time! We really wanted to get to a cool church today but it was rather far away from where we were staying. But we persisted! We caught a bus that got us to Antwerp central station and then the plan WAS to catch another one that’d get us within walking distance to the church. However once we got on this bus we looked on google maps and quickly realised it was going the opposite way. Did we get on the right bus on the wrong side of the road? Absolutely. Were we annoyed and confused? Sure thing. Anyway then we waited for another bus that’d get us there as well. We had to wait quite a bit, all the while we are getting later and later for this church. So this bus finally arrives and we wave for it to stop and it. Drives. Past. Not cool. So then we persisted even more and decided to rent bikes and and just cycle the way there. Way quicker, way more fun. No idea why we didn’t just do that in the first place! Ah well church was fun! And the people were so so nice. Afterwards we decided to stick with bikes from then onwards and went to the Meir - a big shopping street where we spent a lot of our time…wait for it…shopping. We went to a whole bunch of clothes shops and recreated a photo from back in 2019! Sarah had her fist waffle from Antwerp and it did not disappoint. We went to a cool bistro place for lunch and I had fristi for the first time in so long. My inner child was again healed. It was getting pretty late so we headed back to Opa Jan’s house for dinner (via bike of course) His friend Allal was there too and he made this super yummy chicken with sauce and veggies thing mmmmm we stuck around for a bit of a chat before heading back to Ina’s for bed. ZzzzzRead more

    • Day 9


      May 19, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Had a nice city tour on foot this morning by a young guy who used to be an art student but is now working on his PhD thesis in economics. He had studied for 6 months in Austin Texas some 10 years ago. His English was perfect. The boat is moored right at the city gates(see pics). Walking thru , town, we came to this amazing church home to a number of Rubens paintings. After touring the church we struck out on our own to buy some of Belgiums finest chocolates and then finished it off with a tasty Belgian waffle with fresh strawberries. Yum. Back to the ship and another hearty lunch followed by 2 miles on the treadmill to bring the blood sugar down. Now they want to do tea and snacks at 4 pm and I'll be back on the treadmill.Read more

    • Day 123

      127ème étape ~ Anvers

      December 3, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Nous avons fait étape à Anvers de nuit, ce qui n’a fait que d’ajouter de la magie à cette ville en préparation pour le marché de noël.
      Nous nous sommes baladés dans les rues jusqu’au château, nous avons admiré la grande roue.
      Nous avons dégusté une bonne gaufre liégeoise. 🧇
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    • Day 92

      Slayer-Oli in Antwerpen City :D

      September 22, 2019 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Einen entspannten Sonntag haben wir uns dann in der historischen Altstadt gegönnt...und Oli hat sein coolstes Shirt an 😬😉😜🤘 Irgendwie hat jede Stadt etwas, wobei das in Belgien nicht so einfach ist, ...vieles wirkt etwas trist leider. Aber Antwerpen hat etwas Amsterdam Feeling und vorallem gutes belgisches Bier und leckere Fritten👌😊. Wir wussten bisher nicht das belgische Pommes so hochwertig und lecker sind!!!Read more

    • Day 42

      Antwerpen 🇧🇪

      April 23, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Meine letzten 3 Tage habe ich in Antwerpen verbracht. Antwerpen ist eine echt schöne Stadt und auch wenn das Wetter leider nicht immer mitgespielt hat, hatte ich hier eine echt tolle Zeit 😊 Neben vielen tollen Shops hat Antwerpen gerade architektonisch sehr viel zu bieten 🏘 Auch sind hier viele wunderschöne Zunfthäuser, mit ihren kunstvollen Goldornamenten, zu finden, aber auch das Stadthuis (Rathaus) aus dem 16ten Jahrhundert. Ebenfalls die Liebfrauenkathedrale in ihrem gothischen Baustil ist nur einen Katzensprung entfernt und auf jeden Fall einen Besuch wert ⛪️ Direkt vor der Kathedrale befindet sich die Nello & Patrasche beeld. Diese Skulptur ist einer Geschichte aus dem Jahre 1872 gewidmet und symbolisiert unter anderem bedingungslose Freundschaft, welche sich, wie ich finde, auf jeden Fall in der Skulptur wiederfindet.
      Auch der kleine botanische Garten ist sehenswert und im Sommer, in voller Blüte, sicher noch schöner ⛲️🌳🌺 Am Ufer der Schelde findet sich neben einem Riesenrad, die Het Steen, die Stadtburg von Antwerpen 🏰 Diese entstand Anfang des 13ten Jahrhunderts und hat bis heute verschiedensten Zwecken gedient. So wurde sie bereits als Gefängnis, Wohnhaus, aber auch als Museum genutzt, um nur einige zu nennen. Zuletzt sollte man in Antwerpen das Bahnhofsgebäude Antwerpen-Centraal besuchen. Nicht umsonst wird das Haus auch Eisenbahnkathedrale genannt, aber seht selbst 🚂🚃🚃
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    • Day 24

      Exploring Antwerp again!

      February 6 in Belgium ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      After a much needed rest, we decided today was another day for exploring! First stop was obviously Chocolate Nation. And a chocolate nation it was. I have never been to a place with that much chocolate and happiness ever. It was a museum which described how chocolate was made, why Belgian chocolate is superior, who the famous chocolatiers are etc... We got to try so so many chocolates which I would die to do again. it was SO GOOD and SO DELICIOUS. Afterwards, we hopped up and took a train to Groenplaats (a pretty shnazzy square) the reason we went there was to go see Brabo, a big famous statue in the middle of the square. There’s a whole bunch of history around him and why he’s throwing a dude’s hand, but that’s for your own research. After chilling with him for a bit, we couldn’t help but notice the huge cathedral there as well! Very big, very cool. We then went to a nice little Italian place for lunch, where my two uncles (Janneman and Jonathan) joined us! It was the first time seeing Janneman so that was nice! After some catching up Jonathan decided to be the most qualified tour guide ever and show us around the place. He took us to a place called Vleeshuis which directly translates to meat house. Where back in the day…they sold meat. Anyway after that thrilling experience we went to the MAS - a big museum with nice views. We went all the way to the top before heading to Janneman’s cafe! Being the nephew of the guy who owns the cafe means free drinks woo! We skipped out on dinner because we were still way too full from lunch oops. Opa Jan and Ina joined us there for a bit before we all rode the bike home. Traffic here is bonkers but we made it! ZzzzzRead more

    • Day 1

      Erstkontakt Antwerpen ❤️

      September 7, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Bei einem belgischen Chardonnay Sekt erst einmal mit Locals ausgetauscht. Im Anschluss ein kurzer Nachtspaziergang durch die Innenstadt. Unser Airbnb liegt direkt an der Grote Markt, der Partymeile der Stadt 😎Read more

    • Day 3

      Het Steen und eine kleine Sünde…..

      July 2, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Erfrischt zieht es mich erneut an die Schelde.
      Auf der Einkaufsmeile ist der Ausnahmezustand ausgebrochen - Summer Sold out!
      Vorbei am Eiermarkt komme ich zum Rathaus, ebenso zur Liebfrauenkirche, die schon geschlossen hat.
      Vor dem Rathaus „liegen“ Nello und sein Streunerhund Petrasche - große Rubens Fans (Statue des Künstlers Tist).

      Weiter zieht es mich zum Het Steen, dem ältesten erhaltenen Bauwerk Antwerpens. Die ehemalige Burg, die von 1200-1225 das Schloss Antwerpens war, wurde restauriert und beherbergt aktuell die Touristen Info.

      Hungrig geworden finde ich vis a vis der Liebfrauenkirche ein kleines belgisches Restaurant, das Xaverius.
      Untermalt von Klängen zweier Straßenmusiker (Songs aus den 60ern) gibt es ein Potpourri aus Neptuns Garten zum Abendessen.

      „Heimwärts“ zieht es mich dem Fluss entlang - die Abendstimmung ist herrlich!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Antwerpen, Provinz Antwerpen, Provincia dAnvers, أنتفيرب, Правінцыя Антверпен, Антверпен, Província dAnvers, Provincie Antwerpen, Antverpy, Αμβέρσα, Antverpeno, Provincia de Amberes, Antwerpeni provints, Anberesko probintzia, استان آنتورپ, Antwerpenin provinssi, Province dAnvers, Provincia de Antuerpen, Անտվերպեն, Antwerpen-hérað, Provincia di Anversa, アントウェルペン州, ანტვერპენის პროვინცია, 안트베르펜 주, Antvärrpe, Antverpia, Provënz Antwerpen, Antwerpe, Antverpeno provincija, Antverpenes province, अँटवर्प, Wilayah Antwerpen, Antwerp Séng, Província dAnvèrs, Prowincja Antwerpia, صوبہ انٹیورپ, Antuérpia, Провинција Антверпен, มณฑลแอนต์เวิร์ป, اینٹورپ, Antwerpn, 安特衛普省

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