Galeries royales

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    • Päivä 28

      Training it from Bordeaux to Brussels

      11. lokakuuta 2022, Belgia ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Our train trip to Brussels departed from Bordeaux St Jean at 12:58 and was scheduled to arrive at 18:43 at Brussels Midi. We met our host Charlotte at the apartment to hand over the keys and provided her with some feedback, all of which was good. It was drizzling a bit, but we decided to walk to the station. As the train trip was about six hours, we thought the walk would do us good. We arrived at the station a little damp and had more than an hour to wait, so found a place to sit and wait for the platform to be announced. We also bought some food for lunch etc and, before too long, everyone was heading to the platform to board. It was all a bit chaotic, but we found our carriage, stored our suitcases and found our seats. As I had booked well in advance, we had seats that faced one another with a table in between and which are more comfortable and roomy.

      We departed on time and the journey was pretty uneventful. We had about five stops across France with the last one being in Lille, close to the Belgian border. We arrived in Brussels and, once out of the station, Ian put the Airbnb address into his phone and said it was 2 kms away, so we decided to walk. It wasn’t a good decision, as we didn’t think about the difficulties of dragging suitcases with wheels across the cobblestones that pave most of the footpaths in central Brussels. It was hard, judder-bar, going, made worse by some dickheads standing on the pavements not making any effort to move to let us pass. The closer we got to the city centre and our apartment, the more difficult it became. I nearly lost it at one stage but wasn’t willing to be defeated by bloody cobblestones.

      We finally made it, picked up our keys from the Dominican Hotel located close by, and found our apartment. It was a lovely place, a centrally located duplex with a lovely terrace with great views across the old city. Ian suggested we head out to a café-bar around the corner from us which we have been to before. It is quite a Belgian institution and is called “A la Mort Subite”. It was busy and had a nice vibe. Ian ordered a Belgian beer and I had a glass of rosé, and we both had omelettes that definitely hit the spot. We then shared a chocolate mousse before heading back to our apartment to unpack and get a good nights sleep.
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    • Päivä 29

      Hello Brussels - we’ve missed you

      12. lokakuuta 2022, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      It was our first full day in Brussels and, except for meeting Brigitte for lunch, our plans were fairly fluid. We had breakfast at a little place in the covered galleries near our apartment before heading off to explore Brussels. We had to locate an Apple Store and a Nespresso store, so with the assistance of Apple maps we went in search of these stores, stopping frequently to snap photos of the gorgeous old buildings we saw on the way.

      Unfortunately, Ian’s Apple phone charger got fried yesterday. I was using it on the train, it worked initially and then stopped charging, but I didn’t notice anything unusual. However, when we got to the apartment last night and he plugged it in, it wouldn’t work and it tripped a power circuit, which meant several lights and power points wouldn’t work. That’s when Ian noticed his charger had black marks on it. We located the switchboard and re-set the tripped circuit, but his charger was cactus.

      We found the Apple Store and we were assisted by the very helpful Patrick, who was chuffed to serve his first ever Australian customers. What should have been a 5 minute transaction took about 45 minutes as Patrick was very happy to chat with us about all things Australian. Finally, with a new charger purchased we farewelled Patrick in search of the Nespresso store. Again, they were very happy to be serving Australians. After we had selected our pods we were offered a coffee, which we gladly accepted.

      With the essential shopping done we wandered around this beautiful city, heading back towards our apartment as we were to meet Brigitte at 1 pm for lunch. Her request was to return to the same Italian restaurant, Sole d’Italia, where we had eaten together just over 3 years ago, and we were happy to agree. We found the restaurant and, as luck would have it, we were seated at the same table!

      We all chose pizzas and a lovely bottle of Nebbiolo which went down a treat. After lunch Brigitte came back to the apartment to check it out before heading off home. We did a bit of food and essentials shopping and then went out for dinner to a great wine bar called Unik - it is literally 30 metres down the road. We had a charcuterie and cheese board, including vegetables, and a glass of red. It was a great place, with fabulous food, good wine and a wonderful team of staff. In fact the guy serving us had come out to Melbourne just before ‘the COVID’ (as it is referred to in Europe) to play football for Melbourne City. This obviously didn’t happen and now he is back in Belgium working as an assistant manager in a great wine bar, his football dream gone.
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    • Päivä 1

      Les Galeries Royales St Hubert

      25. joulukuuta 2022, Belgia ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      Während der Suche nach etwas leckerem zu Essen haben wir die Galeries Royales entdeckt. Die Architektur dieser kurzen Einkaufsstraße ist einfach wunderschön und passt perfekt in die Stadt. Rechts und links gibt es Brüsseler Schokolade, Waffeln und Pralinen soweit das Auge reicht. Die Läden sahen einfach alle so schön aus und vor Allem die Pralinen soo lecker, aber leider auch sehr teuer. Dazu war alles noch, wie der Rest der Stadt weihnachtlich geschmückt, was den Charme noch mehr hervorgehoben hat. Wir waren kurz davor eine Waffel zu essen, weil das Café wir alle anderen auch, wirklich gut aussah aber dann hatte Rebecca ein anderes Café etwas außerhalb entdeckt, weswegen wir dann beschlossen haben dort hin zu laufen…Lue lisää

    • Päivä 177


      3. heinäkuuta 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Brüssel, Belgien

      Das Wochenende verbrachten wir auf einem schönen Campingplatz in Grimbergen, dem geneigten Biertrinker ist dieser Name sicherlich ein Begriff. Wir verbrachten die Zeit mit Badminton, Frisbee und einem Besuch der Grimbergen Abtei, in welcher das Bier ursprünglich gebraut wurde.
      Am Montag gingen wir dann nach Brüssel. Zuerst besuchten wir das Atomium und danach fuhren wir mit einem E-Scooter weiter ins Stadtzentrum. Ich machte einen Abstecher ins Europaviertel während Marion die Umgebung um den Grossen Marktplatz erkundete. Wir trafen uns wieder beim Jaenneke Pis und von dort begaben wir uns auf eine Tour der Brunnen. Es folgte das Manneken Pis und Zinneke Pis. Natürlich durfte auch eine Portion belgische Frites nicht fehlen bevor es zurück zum Campingplatz ging.
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    • Päivä 3

      Brussels day 2

      10. kesäkuuta 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      Saturday - We split a really good raisin brioche loaf for breakfast and then went to the Choco-Story museum in the morning. It was interesting. We walked to Cinquetnaire Parc via Parc Leopold. Great to see another area of Brussels. We walked to Maison Antoine to have frites but the here closed due to technical issues. Had a beer at The First. Great neighborhood. Walked back. Had dinner at 9 et Voison. Known for Belgian food. Michael had rabbit in a cherry beer sauce and Carrie had a pork knuckle with a mustard sauce that was fantastic. Needed to have a waffle at Belgian Waffle for dessert. Stopped for one beer at Scott’s before heading back.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 1

      In the capital of chocolate

      24. kesäkuuta 2018, Belgia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      So wie Croissants und Baguettes zu Paris gehören, ist Brüssel untrennbar mit Pralinen und Schokolade verbunden.

      In der Capitale Belgiens, verführen unzählige Schokolaterien, vor allem rund um den historischen Grote Markt und in der Galeries Royales St.-Hubert, zu einem süßen Einkaufserlebnis der ganz besonderen Art!

      Schokolade in jeglicher Form, wird in Brüssel zum Kunstobjekt - hochwertig bis extravagant, von den Maitres du Chocolate in den Schaufenstern und Verkaufsräumen ihrer Fachgeschäfte präsentiert - dabei, überraschen die unterschiedlichsten Konzepte!

      Wie direkt aus einem Harry Potter Film entnommen, verzaubert ein fantasievoll gestaltetes Schaufenster mit seinen Leckereien.

      Direkt daneben, ziehen der spektakuläre Schokoladenbrunnen und Skulpturen aus der süßen Versuchung, die Blicke besonders langsam gehender Passanten auf sich.

      Die Verkaufsräume einer Schokolaterie gegenüber im Vergleich, erinnern mit wertig präsentierten Köstlichkeiten, eher an einen teuren Juwelier ( ) - wahrlich, bei weitem nicht nur ein Fest für den verwöhnten Gaumen!

      Das die kleinen, kalorienhaltigen Kunstobjekt auch einen ganz besonderen Preis haben, erklärt sich von selbst.

      Jedoch, völlig zu Recht - zaubern sie doch nahezu jedem, ein breites Lächeln ins Gesicht.
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    • Päivä 12

      Westvleteren Trappist beer!

      15. lokakuuta 2017, Belgia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Up and ready to travel! Mike was so very keen to taste Westvleteren 12, we retraced our steps to return to the monastery we'd stopped by on way to Brugge - only 45 minutes or so and sure enough! The tap room next to the monastery was open! An absolutely stunning Sunday morning to enjoy a fabulous learning about this special (Holy Grail) beer.
      Pictures tell the story.
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    • Päivä 3

      Big balls and a magic mushroom

      14. lokakuuta 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Atomium tour, garden walk (including jardin de fleuriste), Belgian waffles, Saint Michael and Saint Gudula church, shopping and tea at Wolf Market, Grand Place at night 🌟🌙

    • Päivä 6

      Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert

      22. kesäkuuta 2016, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C





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    • Päivä 1–4

      Day 1: The adventure begins... 🎒

      11. huhtikuuta, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Wooooo!!! I've made it to my first hostel in Brussels! No travel disasters and I haven't fallen over (...yet) so everything's going well 👌😂 Exhausted and very ready for an early night😴

    Saatat myös tuntea tämän kohteen näillä nimillä:

    Galeries royales, Galeries royales Saint-Hubert, Koningklijke Sint-Hubertusgalerijen


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