Praia do Leme

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    • Day 8

      Sugar Loaf and being a beach bum

      September 9, 2019 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Joe’s rich pasta dish last night must have not been the best choice, or maybe the tap water did it, but for whatever reason, we had a very late morning start. I took advantage and walked a few miles up and down the beach, and by 11 or so we were on our way to the “bondinho” (cable car) up to Sugar Loaf Mountain. It is a big piece of rock jutting out of the water, with amazing views. Getting there involves a stop on an intermediary rock, about half as high as Sugar Loaf itself. The views at every turn were pretty amazing, but I have to say I was left wishing I could have seen the bays and coves and mountains before all the high rise building.

      After a lunch in a beach café, I was once again left to entertain myself for a few hours, and this time I spent a good chunk of post-elliptical time sitting on the roof of our hotel in a beach chair next to the pool with views over the ocean below. Yes, very uncharacteristic of me to sit and do nothing, but it was relaxing, I will admit. Not sure about dinner tonight, that will depend on Joe’s stomach.
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    • Day 18

      Favela Babilônia

      May 29 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      On arrive ce soir pour 2 nuits dans une favela, une vue incroyable sur le corcovado, ici les gens sont incroyablement gentils, même s'ils sont armés jusqu'aux dents dans les rues !
      Ce n'est pas Vincent en noir mais un brésilien armé dans la favelas, on a aussi vu un enfant armé ils défendent leur territoire, il y a aussi des guetteurs à chaque coin de rue.
      Notre hostel est en plein milieu il nous a expliqué que c'était une favelas pacifique.
      Assez impressionnant .. mais pour le coup on voit vraiment le Brésil !
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    • Day 11

      Folklore and Presidents

      September 12, 2019 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      We had a really nice combination of things to do today. First to the folklore museum — nice artifacts, but for me the highlight was the cute groups of school kids. Then a short walk to the former Presidential Palace now a museum, and the place where the dictator Getúlio Vargas committed suicide. The gun he used and his bloody nightshirt are on display, kind of grotesque, I thought. All of our day’s locations were within a km or so of each other, so we walked around downtown a lot. That is one of my favorite activities when in a big city.

      Lunch in another restaurant Joe remembered — another white tablecloth place, I am getting the idea that he was usually living high on the hog down here. From there we went to the Institute where lots of research was done. And since Joe has never met an academic bookstore he didn’t love, he was in hog heaven. We got inside the institute and walked around his old haunts, even though the archives where he spent the most time have been moved.

      Dinner tonight in a Lebanese restaurant — after a week in Sao Paulo with its excellent Lebanese restaurants, this one has a pretty high standard to live up to, we will see!
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    • Day 10

      Downtown Rio

      September 11, 2019 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We had a vague plan when we left this morning. First stop, the Museu do Arte do Rio, in an old train station, Interesting collection, fun to visit, and with a great view from the sixth floor rooftop! Across the praça is the futuristic waterfront Museu de Amanha (Museum of Tomorrow). We didn’t visit it but really enjoyed walking around and getting the views of the port, Niteroi across the bay, etc.

      Joe remembered good lunches in the Cafe do Colombo, where we headed for lunch, getting lost and ultimately hopping in a cab. Belle Epoque, this place used to be for the upper crust, but is very democratic nowadays. Really lovely, with three different floors of different kinds of service. We took the top floor — better food and nicer surroundings.

      From there we walked to the National Library where Joe spent many many hours doing research way back when. It was a nice trip down memory lane. Across the street is the over the top Municipal Theater, built in the early 1900s in four years of non-stop building and cost overruns. The total price, ten times the projected cost, constituted 2% of the GNP for one year. But it is gorgeous — nothing built in Brazil, evry single thing was imported from Europe in pieces and then assembled on site. Stained glass from Germany, marble from Italy, etc etc.

      Time is flying — we have only two more full days and then a long haul back to the midwest.
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    • Day 63–67

      Rio - Copacabana & Sugar Loaf Mountain

      March 1 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Exchange Rate – 1 GBP to 6.46 Brazilian Real
      Population (2022) – 215.3 million (Rio de Janeiro 13.82 million)
      GDP (2023) – US$ 1.92 trillion

      Next stop for us was Brazil and the iconic Rio de Janeiro. Our first challenge was adapting to a new language after honing our Spanish over the last few months. In Brazil they speak Portuguese and whilst there are similarities between the languages we found it difficult to transition. We stayed directly on Copacabana Beach, one of many iconic sites the city has to offer and probably one of the most famous beaches in the world! Unsurprisingly our first afternoon after arriving involved sitting on the beach, watching the ‘entertainment’ (other beach goers) and taking in more sun, sea and sand. One of the big differences we noticed arriving in Rio was how the geology differed from the countries we had previously visited. The beach has a really beautiful backdrop of granite hills with the extensive white sandy beach and aqua seas. Being the weekend we arrived at a time when all the locals descend on the beaches which also brings out the many hawkers (food, clothes, bracelets and music aplenty), as well as the plethora of scantily clad beach goers posing for their social media posts (they certainly like their Instagram poses in Brazil)!

      On day two in Rio we headed out to Pao de Azucar, or Sugarloaf Mountain in English. It towers over the city and offers spectacular 360 views across the city. Pao de Azucar is so named because of its resemblance to the traditional shape of concentrated refined loaf sugar which was transported in conical moulds. At it’s highest point it sits at 396m above the harbour below, access to the top is via cable car which is a fun experience in itself. First you get to the top of the neighbouring peak called Morro da Urca (where you can walk around gardens and a small museum) before jumping on another cable car to the top of Sugarloaf. The highlight of the morning for the children were the little common marmosets, small ring-tailed monkeys with fluffy ears, that frequent the mountain! It was another hot day in paradise and because we had Bertie with us we were fast-tracked through all the cable-car queues – great service! After spending a few hours taking in the sights from the top we headed back to the beach to cool off in the sea.
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    • Day 9

      Back in full tourist mode

      September 10, 2019 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Last night I was once again mistaken for the women’s soccer coach. I looked her up and see that she was a very controversial hire and has not done anything good for the Brazilian team. Currently ranked number 10, that is their lowest ranking ever. Not a great doppleganger to have!

      Joe felt much better this morning, so we decided to head for Corcovado. The weather shows clouds and possible showers later in the week, so decided that though the morning was a bit hazy, we should carpe diem. Probably everyone has seen the statue of Christ the Redeemer way up on the top of a huge rock. The cog railway took more than a half hour to get up there, through jungle type forest. We spent about an hour up there looking around, walking through some paths from one view to the other, really a highlight of any trip to Rio.

      Unfortunately the Primitive Art museum we thought was right up the hill has closed, so on to Plan B. The Botanical Gardens. As is usually our experience, especially in small tourist venues, the café/restaurante in these places tend to be just fine. And this was no exception, a really nice, cool spot with decent food. Lots of orchids, 150 year old palm trees, jacarandá trees, you get the picture. Very pleasant, good recommendation Katy!

      Tomorrow we will probably head downtown to some more serious touristic visits — palaces, churches, monasteries and stuff like that.
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    • Day 7

      On to Rio

      September 8, 2019 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We sadly said goodbye to dear daughter, who is staying another day in Sao Paulo to see friends, and hopped on a short flight to Rio. At the airport, a group of about 5 was obviously talking about me, and 2 took my picture. I guess this is as close to famous as I will ever be — my son told me I should put on a Brazil selection shirt or jacket and then see how I get the royal treatment. :-)

      Uber has flooded the Rio airport. There are special signs pointing you down the Uber path, and a meeting point with about 20 parking spots. Three Uber employees direct traffic, announce arrivals of drivers, and call for passengers. The fare into town was about $10, compared to $50 in a cab. As you might imagine, there was nothing going on at the taxi stands.

      Our hotel is right on the beach named Leme, the so-called “quiet family zone.” We’re on the 15th floor with a pretty decent side view (I guess you pay more for a beach-facing view, but at least we are not in the back!). We have eaten, walked, and worked out (LifeFitness elliptical, woo hoo!), and it is night. The roof-top pool has a restaurant with great views. I assume the food is bad and overpriced, but we may just go ahead and splurge tonight.

      Since we have lost our tour guide, we will have to start reading up on the sights and planning a few days’ worth of activities. The one thing I was sure to do was book a feijoada in the Copacabana Palace for Saturday. Feijoada on Saturday is a Brazilian tradition and the one we had there 30 years ago was pretty good!
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    • Day 7

      Umzug & Detox - Feliz ano novo

      January 1, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Das neue Jahr startet entspannt, ausruhen nach der langen Silvesternacht lautet die Devise. Zudem stand ein Hotelwechsel an mit etwas mehr Comfort, weiterhin an der Copacabana.
      Kurzes Ausruhen an der rooftop bar und dann in den neuen Zimmern.
      Am Abend kurzer Strandspaziergang und Einkehr in ein italienisches Restaurant - ganz entspannt.
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    • Day 295

      Rio de Janeiro

      June 17 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Endlich 30!!! Und endlich 64!!! So sah unsere Woche in Rio de Janeiro aus. Helenas Geburtstag am Mittwoch und Marks Geburtstag am Freitag. Diese Tage wurden gefeiert mit ganz viel Schwimmen im Meer und das Treiben an der Copacabana beobachten. Wir unternahmen einige touristische Dinge, Mark und Franny mussten wir jedoch bei unserem Ausflug zur Christus Statur zuhause lassen. Und auch Helenas Geburtstagsfrühstück verbrachten wir alleine. Sonst gab es für jeden das Richtige, genau nach seinem Geschmack. Helenas Geburtstag wurde beim Libanesen mit 1-5 Caipirinhas gefeiert und Marks Geburtstag beim All-you-can-eat Grillrestaurant mit 1-5 Caipirinhas.
      Leider musste Franny am Donnerstag geplant an der Hüfte operiert werden und danach mussten wir viel aufpassen und einer immer mit ihr zuhause bleiben. Trotzdem war die Woche wunderbar und die perfekte Geburtstagswoche!
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