Асенова махала

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    • Day 22

      Weliko Tarnowo

      August 23, 2022 in Bulgaria ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Weiter geht es nach Weliko Tarnowo, eine für die Geschichte Bulgariens wichtige Stadt. Die Stadt ist bei Touristen wegen ihrer Architektur und der Lage sehr beliebt. Die Jantra schlängelt sich hier durch das Balkangebirge und die Aussicht von unserer Unterkunft und vom Burghügel Zarewez aus ist eine willkommene Abwechslung nach den ganzen Städtetrips bis hierhin.

      Auf diesem Zarewez wurde nach dem Sieg über die Byzantiner 1187 das zweite Bulgarische Reich gegründet. Sodann gelang es den bulgarischen Zaren nach und nach, weitere Teile der Balkanhalbinsel zu erobern und zu einem mächtigen Staat zu werden. Auf dem höchsten Teil des Plateaus wurden die Paläste des Zaren und des Patriarchen gebaut und von hier aus wurden die Fäden des Staates gezogen. Das uns inzwischen so bekannte Osmanische Reich konnte aber dann 1393 das durch innerpolitische Streitereien geschwächte Reich erobern und bis zur Zeit der Bulgarischen Wiedergeburt halten. In dieser Periode rebellierte das bulgarische Volk innerhalb des Osmanischen Reiches; mehrere Aufstände waren erfolglos. Erst der Russisch-Türkische Krieg konnte das Osmanische Reich genügend schwächen, so dass 1879 die "Verfassung von Tarnowo", die erste demokratische Verfassung für Bulgarien, ausgearbeitet und in Kraft treten konnte.

      Von der Festungsanlage auf dem Zarewez ist noch viel erhalten und wir freuen uns, endlich mal wieder eine Burg zu betreten. Auch Eli trägt ein erstes Mal finanziell etwas bei: Wir erhalten einen Familienrabatt!
      Von hier aus hat man auch einen schönen Ausblick auf die Stadt und die schönen Häuser der Altstadt. Es ist heiss heute und trotz vielen schattenspendenden Bäumen kommen wir kräftig ins Schwitzen.
      Auf dem Rückweg stärken wir uns mit einem typisch-bulgarischen Shopska-Salat. Kaum zur Siesta in der Unterkunft angekommen, bricht ein kräftiges Gewitter über die Stadt herein. Auch diese Abwechslung heissen wir heute herzlich willkommen!
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    • Day 277

      Veliko Tarnovo, capitale historique

      December 16, 2023 in Bulgaria ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Avant de rejoindre Sofia, première ville du pays, nous effectuons un détour par sa capitale historique, Veliko Tarnovo !

      Gabrovo se trouve sur notre route. Nous y fréquentons notre première blanchisserie ; en Bulgarie, il n'y a aucune laverie self-service (!). Une fois le sentiment étrange de laisser l'entièreté de nos sous-vêtements, des vêtements et nos draps à des inconnu•e•s pendant 24 h, la situation nous paraît finalement plutôt confortable ! Nous recevons notre linge plié dans de grands sacs plastique le lendemain. Il est possible que nous nous habituions à ce luxe....! 😅

      Ce matin, nous nous réveillons sous un épais manteau de neige. Même pas une petite once de luminosité pour notre panneau solaire, de mignonnes mini stalactiques se sont formées le long du pare-brise à l'intérieur de l'habitacle et le ciel n'est plus visible à travers la vitre du lanterneau gelé. Actuellement, la consultation de la météo est devenue primordiale. Ayant eu connaissance de la potentielle chute conséquente de neige, nous avions pris la décision de dormir en ville pour bénéficier d'un déneigement des routes rapide et pouvoir circuler facilement. Les joies de la vie en van en hiver !

      Et c'est une place de choix qui attend Phoeni au cœur de la cité perchée de Veliko Tarnovo ! Près de la statue iconique dédiée à la dynastie des Assen, surplombant la Yantra, face aux maisons suspendues, nous nous sentons privilégié•e•s (c'est rarement le cas niveau spots lorsque nous sommes en ville !).

      C'est ici que nous flânons au cœur de notre premier marché de Noël (un brin dépeuplé en ce samedi après-midi) et le long de la ruelle réservée à l'artisanat.

      Le lendemain, nous nous réveillons sous un ciel bleu sans nuage, météo parfaite pour arpenter davantage cette ville intrigante, capitale historique de la Bulgarie sous le second empire !

      Cette cité ne ressemble à aucune autre. Il faut plus d'un regard pour en discerner les contours, en comprendre les formes épatantes. Construite sur trois collines, l'une d'elle abritant la forteresse et la cathédrale des empereurs bulgares, elle domine les environs. Contempler, le visage interloqué, les maisons qui s'imbriquent, s'enchevêtrent et se bousculent est sans aucun doute l'une des activités les plus passionnantes à faire à Veliko Tarnovo. On a l'impression d'observer des champignons poussant dans tous les sens, tentant de s'extirper de la masse, de se frayer un chemin.

      Veliko Tarnovo est l'une des villes les plus anciennes du pays, et celle qui fut la plus prospère et importante au Moyen-âge. Capitale de la Bulgarie, elle fut, comme le reste du pays, occupée au 14è siècle par les Ottomans (et ce, jusqu'en 1877 !), mais resta l'endroit où le cœur vibrant des opposant•e•s politiques demeura.

      Impossible de passer ici sans visiter la forteresse médiévale de Tsarevets, ses murs d'enceinte plutôt bien conservés, sa vue incroyable sur le reste de la cité et les environs, sa tour Baudouin où l'on peut grimper et sa cathédrale restaurée aux peintures intérieures modernes, datant de 1985, tranchant avec l'ambiance moyenâgeuse !

      Pour clôturer notre visite, nous reprenons la route pour 15 petites minutes et montons une route sinueuse jusqu'au monastère de la Sainte transfiguration de Dieu. Un joyau si peu restauré aux magnifiques peintures. L'endroit semble à l'abandon. La vue de la petite église jaune y est fabuleuse !
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    • Day 8

      Tsarevets Fortress

      May 26, 2023 in Bulgaria ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Tsarevets (Bulgarian: Царевец, romanized: Tsarevets) is a medieval stronghold located on a hill with the same name in Veliko Tarnovo in northern Bulgaria. Tsarevets is 206 metres (676 ft) above sea level.[1] It served as the Second Bulgarian Empire's primary fortress and strongest bulwark between 1185 and 1393, housing the royal and the patriarchal palaces, and it is also a popular tourist attraction.Read more

    • Day 54

      Veliko Tarnovo

      May 27, 2017 in Bulgaria ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      So last night Will said to turn off my alarm and just let us sleep. That ended well, we got up at 1.
      JESS FOUND MUNSTER - sooooo relieved! She did not need anything else happening. Genuinely so happy. He was in a neighbours yard cowering behind a shed.
      We got up and had breakfast/lunch on the balcony.
      The floor is filthy and feels so gross under my feets. I think it's part Oreo crumbs but also crap from our shoes.
      We had a productive morning - it was raining heavily so we decided to book accommodation. We decided to smash it out so we have now booked for Sofia, Brussels, Ghent and Bruges. Feeling stress free because that means Belgium is completely booked!
      We are staying in Hostel Mostel in Sofia which is only $10 a night and has been recommended by a few different people.
      Then in Brussels and we are arriving late so we are going to stay in a BNB and our host is willing to stay up for us so that's great!
      The next 2 spots are also hostels.
      So I can't really remember what we did next. I know i went up to the street store to buy juice, coke and more Oreos for Will. I then watched the Trollz movie and half of magic mike before I told Will I was hungry. I don't know what he did for those 3 hours.
      We looked up trip advisor and went to the #1 ranked restaurant on there - It was called Shtastliveca.
      It was delicious! Because we didn't leave the house all day, we splurged.
      We got a bottle of Pinot wine. Will got the lasagne and o for the roast lamb with potatoes and other fancy words.
      Yummo! Our waiter was very good - he guessed we were Canadian or American though 😒
      He recommended a dessert for us which we went with. It was like a cookie, dough, honey walnut combo. He said it was a cake but it looked like ice cream scoops.
      The wine went straight to my head.
      For a splurge night it still only cost us 77 Lev!
      On the walk home we went to the tequila bar. It served a yogurt cocktail which sounded so awful I had to try.
      To be honest it was actually alright. Just tasted like strawberry yogurt drink with bit of a kick.
      Will had. Jack Daniel's and coke and had the same scenarios last time - was given a coke bottle, a glass with the shot and 2 separate glasses with ice. We have preciously inquired why they do that and apparently it's to prove to the customer that they aren't getting ripped off with the alcohol content which I understand but I feel this new method means a lot of unnecessary washing up lol
      We have now walked home - which I made a complete dick of myself on the way. I started marching down the hill like I was on stage/ a solider for unknown reasons and speaking in time to the march - Will started laughing and wouldn't tell me why - when we arrived at our door he told me to look up and to the left..... about 5-10 people standing onto of the building watching us and having a giggle. Yep, didn't see them. 😧hahah oops. How embarrassing.
      We are now home - Will watching American gangster while I wrote this and will crash soon.
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    • Day 51


      May 24, 2017 in Bulgaria ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      I woke up at 4:50 and was devastated to discover my alarm would go off in 10 minutes 😒 We got up to say goodbye to everyone, eat breakfast and pack. Danny said he would be a max 40 minutes before he came back to get us. He took 2 hours. Just upset because I could have slept longer.
      He drove us to the next town over to the bus station where we were told different times for the buses - 8:20 and 9:20. Having no faith in the system, he then left us alone in a location of questionable functionality to fend for ourselves. We asked him where to stand and he said under the sign that said Veliko Taranovo.... all letters are In the Cyrillic alphabet... what pointless advice. 😒
      The bus was pretty on time - only 10 minutes late. It was a tiny little thing but we got on woohoo! One stress down! The bus took an hour through windy mountains.
      Veliko Tarnovo looks like a shit hole but it's been really talked up so im holding out hope..

      We got off the bus and Will was about to wee himself so that was job one.
      Job two was find wifi to contact our host but first we for some banitzas at the convenience store nearby.
      We got a lady taxi driver who didn't speak English. I'm so over giving them the address, then saying ok, putting our luggage in the boot, sitting in the car and then the driver communicating they don't know the address. Like, if you don't know where you are going don't let me get in the car 😩
      Anyway she drove us. I was having such bad anxiety the whole way because she didn't understand the address so we "communicated" to take us to the castle - I didn't know if she had understood.
      We were told it was about 3km away. But because today is some Slavic holiday there were road closures and we went on some massive detour. I focused on my breathing. Lol
      We got dropped off at the bottom of a hill near the castle and had to lug our bags up because of another road closure.. -.-
      We found a cafe with free wifi and sat there for a few hours while we waited for our host to reply.
      He never did so we went looking for the apartment. Boy oh boy was that not fun. Why is it so difficult every time? When we put the address into maps it took us to a bunch of trees.
      We, again, had to ask several different people where to go. I was so hot and flustered. It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have our luggage.
      We asked the people across the street and they took 4 minutes to figure out where to go but they found it for us thank heavens.
      The owner was inside so we were thankful the journey was over.
      He was nice but had the worst coffee breath and his English wasn't the best so it really took a long time for him to string sentences together.
      The view is spectacular- it's right across from the fortress/castle and on the best street we have seen so far. The area has a nice vibe - lots of souvenir shops.
      I had a 4 hour nap IN A BED ❤️❤️❤️ and we both spent an unnecessary amount of time on the toilet just savoring the moment.
      After my nap we went searching for food and an ATM. We got rejected from 3 separate ATM's with our travel card so we just used Wills normal bank card which is annoying and would have cost a lot more. We don't know why majority of the Bulgarian ATMs haven't worked.
      There was a congregation of people in the street waiting for a parade or something but as we didn't know the start time we didn't bother hanging around.
      We ate at a pizza/Grill resturant and took the leftovers home to put in the fridge.
      I had a shower but the water turned cold halfway through so I'll have to shave the other leg and condition my hair tomorrow haha.
      We plan to have a sleep in extremely lazy tomorrow - so very excited.
      We have 5 nights here so we have time. There is a multimedia tourist thing across the road I want to go to. it is medieval things out the front - Veliko Tarnovo was the old capital of Bulgaria apparently?
      Will is watching liar liar on the to at the moment.
      I still have nightmares about 'the claw' thanks Trevor. 😰
      I was so thirsty when we went walking. I need to drink more water.
      I don't know if our Johanna and Danny enjoyed having us. Comments they both made this morning kind of put me off a bit. Danny said something along the lines of "rose picking isn't your thing" LOL
      That was probably Will complaining about his back but still little awkward.
      They knew I don't like early mornings but I really enjoy picking. They must just not know me well enough to know the things aren't related.
      I hate getting up for work but I do love my job. Nothing will make me like mornings lol.
      I think Will took the piss too often too. That's a cultural thing though and can't be changed.
      Their loss 😛
      I did like them a lot though.
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    • Day 52

      Veliko Tarnovo

      May 25, 2017 in Bulgaria ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Things I have previously forgotten to add:
      - Will fell in an ant nest when removing stumps/roots and had bites all over his back
      - Jaxon turned 1 yesterday and got diagnosed with chixkenpox
      - Yesterday I was very tired and after my shower went to the room to get changed - Will called out from the other room " uhm, isn't the blinds open on there?" Yes, yes they were... I flashed the entire street - we are Pretty much on ground level.

      Ok so, I slept In Only until 9:45 because Will called Helen and I needed to say happy birthday to her so I woke up.
      We left the house around 12. We would have left much earlier but it was bucketing down with rain.
      It stopped but naturally started again when we started walking.
      I Iike the always flowing bubblers all of Europe seem to have. I like that the water just stays running and you dont need to press a button - it's beneficial for stray animals and birds too. :)
      After about 1km we took shelter in a cafe and had a drink to wait the storm out a little bit.
      The juice I got was expensive- well not really but we have now accustomed to east European prices and this fresh juice was a whopping $5
      Outrageous lol.
      I was so hungry by now because it was 1pm so I wanted to eat asap so I made us go to the first resturant we are across. It was rubbish lol. Will kept giving me crap because once we left we learnt there was a burger shop next door " you couldn't have walked another 5m could you?"
      Hehe oh well. I just wanted to eat because if you don't know the city you don't know how long you might walk until you find the next place.
      After we just kept walking and came across a fresh produce market. I bought a bunch of cherries for a steal! I got about half a kilo for $2 and they look fresh and delicious!
      We went back to a grocery store we had passed earlier and bought some staples i.e. Milk, bread, cheese, cereal, and sandwich ingredients for us to make lunch with. Loving that we have a fridge to store things! I also bought some tea :)
      Will went and got a burger from the store he saw earlier. We walked back to the apartment, taking gorgeous photos along the way and dropped everything off.
      We went across the road to the 'Tsarevgrad Turnov' multimedia centre.
      Even though I didn't have ID I got a student discount woohoo! So it was 20 Lev all up. 10 for Will, 5 for me and another 5 because I wanted to take pictures. I got a little sticker for my photo to say it was an approved device lol.
      There was a school group in front of us so that was super annoying because we had to lag.
      It basically was a museum with figurines showing how life was like in the fortress during the second Bulgarian rule. It showed insides houses, different trades, the king/queen (Tsar?) on their thrones, weapons, clothing and a battle scene of a crusader being captured.
      We were told that there was videos in English - in my Jess I imagines screen sized projections and not the little laptop we walked past early on - so we missed that aspect but oh well. At one of the scenes I accidentally set the alarm off because I was trying to see the facial expression of one of the figurines and must have stuck my head into the exhibit too far haha oops!
      We finished (it wasn't as long as expected) and then went up a set of stairs to a church we hadn't paid entry for - so just stuck our heads in. It was nothing special but still nice - like all before it. I doubt there will be many "ugly" churches on our travels.
      We've come back home (I enjoyed looking at the street art on the way), eaten some Oreos and will go out for dinner soon. We've decided we will always have dinner out but try and eat the other 2 meals at home or take pre-made sandwiches with us. Will is excited, we bought lutenitza** for his sandwich. It's a tomato, eggplant, capsicum spread. I'm very encouraging as it's the only form of vegetable I can get into him! Haha
      At about 5pm Will says to me "you've had something on your neck all day and it's been annoying me" he removed it and it turns out it was a booger. He had let me walk around all day with a booger on my body. Cheers Willy 😑
      I just hope it was mine not his... don't know how it would have got there hahaha
      We found a place for dinner and it was amazing. The food not so much BUT THERE WAS A CAT SITTING NEXT ME 😻😻😻
      He was so cranky it was amazing. He was sleeping on a chair and people came to sit at the table he wouldn't move so they had to sit around him hahaha.
      There was also a dog inside that came over for pats. We wasn't starving - I gave him a potato and he just looked at it and nuzzled in asking for more pats ❤️beat resturant ever.
      The potato salad was a shocker though. It was cooked potato - no sauce.. not good lol.
      But I don't care, anything animal friendly gets bonus points!
      We are back home now and I've been doing my journal book by sticking in bus tickets.
      Will is now playing nostalgic music and we are going to watch Aladdin shortly :)
      We are going to the fortress tomorrow - hopefully the rain stops but first we have a Skype date with mum and dad :) it's been 2 weeks so I'm keen to talk with them 🙃
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    • Day 53

      Veliko Tarnovo

      May 26, 2017 in Bulgaria ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      I slept so good ☺️
      We got up and had some cereal on the balcony when mum and dad called through. We chatted for half an hour. I try to think of things to tell them that aren't in this journal but it's hard.
      After we hung up we got ready to go to Tsarevets fortress on Tsarevets hill.
      It was only 6 Lev each which was great. We thought that this was a big enough attraction to warrant the selfie stick so Will quickly walked back home to get it while I tried to navigate my way through the sea of school children.
      We didn't get an entrance ticket only a crappy receipt which I'm disappointed about so I plan to buy a postcard to stick into my paper journal so I can have a token from the fortress.
      We met up and walked through up the bridge to the main entrance. You could so easily imagine people riding there horses up into the fortress. We took a lot of pictures!
      We walked around the edge where there are lots of ruins but still clear outlines of buildings you could imagine as houses or little shops/blacksmiths etc.
      Unfortunately there were no English signs and even the Bulgarian signs were scarce.
      We went up a watch tower which had a set up you could pretend to chop a persons head of with - so we did. I think Will enjoyed it a little too much.
      We went to the very edge and from what I gather it was an execution site. Not sure if they meant this is where the beheadings took place or if this was the wall they threw people off because it was very high and would have been just as effective lol.
      Will does not take safety signs as seriously as me. He wanted to climb down and have a look and I said no because there are signs specifically saying not to do so lol. They have left it as authentic as possible meaning very real DANGER lol. No, I do not want to climb over walls that are hundreds of years old, falling apart and on top of a very big drop!
      His main motive was to try and find a medieval sword... 😏
      We then went walking and then realized we had definitely taken the wrong path. We were just walking in the bush haha. We turned back, and ended up in "the palace ensemble". It was under construction which of course Will ignored so we entered some building. Will thinks it's the reconstruction where the King and Queen lived ( original was destroyed by Turks in the 1200's) but I think it is too small especially for royalty. We walked up the hill to the church - it's interior artwork was so odd! I've never seen designs like it - well, in a church.
      There was a big original slab.
      The school groups are really annoying but I spoke that's how you work out if you are visiting a worthy attraction or not... their presence is a good sign lol.
      We say the outer battle tower then went for lunch.
      The strawberry lemonade was superb 🤤🤤🤤
      We went and got Oreos and juice from a convenience store and on the way home Will was being impatient and tried to overtake a tour group and ended up falling down the hill. Hahahah he went so red and was so embarrassed he got angry at them. "Stupid asians" it was literally all his fault though because he wasn't looking where we was going. He fell into one of them. Silly William. He crushed some of the Oreos and his knee bled a little bit but he gets little sympathy from me because I received none when I fell over at the acropolis.
      Back at the apartment we finished watching Aladdin and watched the Truman show. I did it for English in year 11 or 12 but never actually saw the whole thing.
      Can anyone sayyy A+? Hahahah
      Will wanted to go on a pub crawl but we couldn't find any so we just went for a walk to a place we ate at the other day and had nargile and drinks. The nargile was crap - not enough flavor. The waiter was fantastic though - he gave me a free lemonade and opened up the terrace area just for us so we tipped him - first person in ages.
      Naturally because Will wanted me to look presentable when we went out he asked me to not wear my hiking boots - it poured rain.
      My hiking boots are waterproof but noooo I had to wear my other shoes 🤦🏼‍♀️#poohead.
      We were lucky though because here drainage isn't the best and cars were spraying water everywhere where but we avoided it :)

      Also note today we saw the Asen Dynasty monument. 👍🏼
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    • Day 55

      Veliko Tarnovo

      May 28, 2017 in Bulgaria ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Missed the tour I planned to do. Too tired and couldn't be bothered. The town is so small I feel like I've seen the main points and Will didn't want to come anyway so my motivation went way down.
      Got up at 12 and had tzatziki because Will ate all the cereal 😒
      And we literally haven't done a thing since. I think we are both quite bored of Bulgaria. Though truly beautiful we both are ready to move on.
      We spent about an hour arguing about whether I could buy another magnet or not. I want to buy the same magnet I already have - the rose, except in Pink because we picked pink roses and not red. He says I cant because I already bought one. I would accept this argument if buying another magnet cost more that 70c and if I had bought lots of souvenirs- but I haven't I have only bought 1 magnet per country which is amazing considering my normal souvenir buying rates.
      He also won't let me buy a postcard for my grandma because I already bought a post card for my book.... he can shove it, I'm going to buy one for her.
      He ended up getting sick of my whining and I went up the the shops. On the way it started torrential raining so i ducked into a shop - I amused myself in there for 15 mins waiting for it to stop - I found an even better, cheaper magnet and bought it instead. It had PINK roses and the fortress + Alexander Nevsky Cathedral- a much fuller picture of our Bulgarian experience.
      We are now going to have a nap and pack later. I'm having a tea because I felt dizzy when walking and should up my water intake.
      We are hoping our Bnb host offers to drive us to the station tomorrow - he originally offered to pick us up from it so hopefully he reverses the gesture, lol.
      Ok so I had a nap while Will watched car videos.

      Noteworthy experience:
      I had a shower earlier and brushed my teeth, spat the toothpaste out but as I was sitting in the shower some of it caught my knee.. my knee literally felt minty fresh for about an hour afterwards. Will scoffed me off and said I have autism again but it was literally so bizarre i had to tell him.
      Didn't know a knee could feel minty fresh.

      Will wanted a kebab for dinner so we went walking to the cheapo place he got a burger from the other day.
      It was average. This is the 2nd place who has put chips in the kebab. Not sure how I feel about it - In theory it's fantastic but it hasn't been executed perfectly yet.
      Will was still hungry so we agreed if he bought another burger I could get a gelato 🤗😃
      We went to another show called Aladins - the menu looks hectic and super cheap - 70c for a slice of pizza the size of my head.
      He only ate half because he psyched himself out because the chicken was a little too pink for his liking.
      I got my snickers gelato on the way home - the place charges off weight and not scoops.
      When home I packed my bags and cleaned up a lot of rubbish. Will did nothing. He says he is going to do it in the morning. -.-
      I charged the battery charge, kindle and go pro. I need to buy a new phone cord - it's not working with anything/ takes 10 attempts then you can't move it an inch without it disconnecting.
      Fireworks went off next door. They love them here. While I charged my phone off the computer I looked up things to do in Brussels AND made the horrifying realisation that we have booked our accommodation in Brussels from the wrong airport. We are flying into the crappier airport which is 60km away from our Bnb. We fly in at 10:50pm - it's between 90€ - 120€ during regular hours...
      I've been messaging the chick all night and had a semi breakdown so Will is going to take over responsibility tomorrow and decide what we are going to do.
      There is apparently a shuttle bus that will take us half way but that means the cleaning lady can't stay up for us so we will need to go to a completely separate home to pick up keys......
      Only positive is at least i realized this huge problem before we arrived to the wrong airport. Lol.
      And we have 4 days to make a plan.
      Our current host has agreed to drive us to the bus station tomorrow woohoo.
      I feel a little sick. Not sure if anxiety or because I ate too much hahah.
      I messaged Bronwyn about changing our return flight too.
      The fact I am the organized one is scary.
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    Асенова махала, Asenova makhala

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