Ta Prohm

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    • Day 150

      Siem Reap - Ta Prohm

      January 28, 2020 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Weils so schön war, sind wir ein zweites Mal zu Angkor Wat zum Sonnenaufgang gegangen. Diesmal konnten wir ganz entspannt die Stimmung genießen, da wir ja schon am Vortag die perfekten Fotos gemacht hatten 😜. Anschließend gingen wir zum Tempel Ta Prohm. Das besondere an diesem Tempel ist, dass er in dem Zustand erhalten wird, in welchem er aufgefunden wurde. Er steht somit mitten im Dschungel und es gibt einige sehr beeindruckende Bäume, die auf den Ruinen wachsen. Hier wurden auch Szenen für den Tomb Raider Film gedreht. Toll war auch, dass ständig das Gezwitscher der Vögel zu hören war. Nervig war allerdings, dass nachdem es anfangs noch relativ leer war, immer mehr Touristen-Reisegruppen kamen. Und da die meisten Toursiten (insbesondere Chinesen) immer und überall dämliche Fotos machen müssen, wurde es immer komplizierter mal ein Foto ohne Personen drauf zu machen.
      Nachdem wir diesen, für uns wirklich beeindruckenden und schönen Tempel angeschaut hatten, waren die weiteren Tempel nicht mehr ganz so beeindruckend. Nach so vielen Tempeln haben wir uns ein bisschen satt gesehen, es hat sich sozusagen „ausgetempelt“. 😁 Daher waren wir froh, dass wir nach einem halben Tag fertig waren.
      Wir sind anschließend zu einem kleinen Restuarant in einer Nebenstraße beim Hostel gegangen, zum "Khmer Hidden Home Restaurant". Hier haben wir sehr leckeres landestypisches Essen bekommen und sogar gratis Eistee und Früchte zum Nachtisch. Dann haben wir nochmals ausgenutzt, dass das Hostel einen Pool hat und haben die Sonne genossen.
      Abends waren wir mit Sothea, unserem Tuk-Tuk Fahrer zum Essen verabredet. Er führte uns in ein Lokal, das normalerweise nur von Einheimischen besucht wird. Hier gab es kambodschanisches Barbecue und Bier. Das Barbecue bestand aus Rindfleisch, aber auch aus Innereien. Es war nicht so ganz nach unserem Geschmack, aber sehr interessant. Zum Abschluss, und weil Tills Urlaub zu Ende ging, gingen wir nochmals in die Pubstreet auf Bier und Cocktails.
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    • Day 14

      Ankor Wat & Jungle Tempels

      July 19 in Cambodia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Vandaag naar Ankor Wat gegaan. Had een fantastische privé tour gids Láná (te zien op een van de foto's) die me alles vertelde over het oude Khmer rijk, het hindoeïsme en boeddhisme en het leven in Cambodja.

      Tussen de tempels reden we op zijn oude motor die het nog nauwelijks overleefde op jungle weggetjes die nog meer gaten hadden dan de wegen in België. Daarnaast was het oppassen voor tijgers, giftige cobras en landmijnen uit de Vietnamoorlog nog, sorry mama 🫶🥺 ik droeg wel een helm 😅
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    • Day 33

      Angkor Day 1: Exploring Ta Prohm & other

      October 6, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      We had an exciting start to our Siem Reap adventure by renting e-scooters for the entire journey. Most popular is renting a tuk tuk for the day(s) for about 15-20USD but we liked the idea of freedom and being flexible with our route, not following the herd of tourists but swimming against the stream. Our first day started early, getting up just after sunrise but we were excited for a day filled with temple-hopping- hopefully before the crowds hit. Now while the infamous Angkor Wat stood tall as we drove past, we decided begin with the mystical Ta Projm Temple in the morning. Reason being that in the small circuit people usually start at Angkor Wat at sunrise and then make it to Ta Prohm around lunch to afternoon. It was already super hot and humid, but driving through the jungle was quite refreshing the trees providing shade and cooling the air. We had high expectations for the temple after some reasearch and still were struck in awe after we made it there after a short walk. Ta Prohm is colloquially known as “ Tomb Raider Temple “ since some scenes of the 2001 with Angelina Jolie were filmed there. We really felt transported into something akin to Tomb raider or Indiana jones. What is most alluring and fascinating about Ta Prohm is that in contrast to most other temples in Angkor Ta Prohm wasn’t completely reconstructed, you can imagine how the temples looked when the French explorers rediscovered them in the 1860s. Nature has reclaimed what king Jayavarman VII, king of the great Khmer Empire of Angkor, built in the 12tg century conquering nature .It really made our jaws drop to what level of details the reliefs are carved into the stone, carpeted by moss and arches being crushed by root. The morning was perfect to appreciate its mysterious beauty, sunlight shrouding it in green light. One of the most impressive trees still standing is the “ crocodile tree” stretching its muscular roots over the ceiling of the ruins of the Buddhist temple. We continued our explorations throughout the day, visiting several other incredible temples during our first round trip of the grand circuit. We were incredibly lucky being frequently almost alone at temple sections, and able to really immersive ourselves in the grandeur of what remains of the great kingdom of Angkor. Interestingly they are a mix of Buddhist and Hindu temples, many blending both. We also appreciated the grand tour with the lesser known temples because a lot of tourists skip it. Other temples worth a mention were Pre Rup, climbing up the steep platform felt like a good achievement; Neak Pean, walking across the water and Preah khan, where we realised that the scenic route around the temple in wet season involves muddy wet feet. Our e scooter unfortunately was on its last legs so we got stranded before getting back to our hotel, but some locals were nice enough to let us charge against a purchase of a cold drink. Virtually everywhere by the temples you can buy cold drinks and myriads of souvenirs, unfortunately advertised with the persistence of vultures descending on you. We were back at our hotel by lunch after a temple filled day, and really wondered how people try to do it in one day (37 USD) we had made the choice of a three day ticket (60 USD), like in Europe at some point in the day you have seen enough. We also had a dip in the pool and slept early, with our alarms set to an ungodly time for the next morning.Read more

    • Day 157

      Biking through Wat?

      September 8, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      I booked an e-bike tour around the Angkor temples but didn't quite realize what kind of bikes I'd booked.
      So we sent our 10 year old off riding a kind-of motorbike through the streets of Cambodia. Apart from one small crash (into her sister) and a little bit of blood and a mum nearly having a heart attack she was fine.
      We got to explore some of the lesser known temples, paths and jungle of Angkor and the tomb-raider temple! So cool to see how the jungle and massive trees grow over the structures and how they've been restored.
      I did miss the fine-print that Angkor Wat was not included in this "Most famous temples of Angkor e-bike tour" ... ha. (3)
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    • Day 157

      The Temples of Angkor By Ariah

      September 8, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Today we woke up at 5am to get to the breakfast before we had to go on our E-BiKes to some temples. Anyway, after breakfast we went down to reception but we were waiting for about an HOUR!!
      It turned out that the e-bike company didn’t know we had a booking because the tour agent didn’t tell them. But in the end the we got in contact with them.

      When they got there mum was surprised to see that we were riding on motorbike type things.

      We went to some temples and the old Royal Palace. (Ta Prohm, the tomb raider temples with trees growing over it that looked like a waterfall, snakes and a hand and Bayon temple, in the jungle with the elephant terrace and leper terrace) Butterflies were flying around and one landed on my shoe. Once we got to near the 2nd stop I crashed into india and got a bunch of scratches.
      We went to a Cambodian restaurant by the lake for lunch and it was really good.

      We rode our bike through the gateway of death and along a narrow dirt path, with lots of bumps, rocks and branches, on top of the old walls that they used to patrol the city on elephant. No one else was there and the sun sparkled on the grass so it looked like a fairy garden. After that we went to the old Royal Palace. Lots of you-tubers were filming the monkeys. I grabbed a palm fruit when fell down from a palm tree with a clunk. I fed it to the monkeys.

      When we got back to the biKes, we got on our bikes and rode home. Our top speed was 32kph. We went in the pool when we got home. For dinner we went to a restaurant called
      Best mom and I had a really good smoothie!
      When we got home | was sooo tired so
      I went straight to bed.
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    • Day 17

      Tag 15 Ta Prohm

      March 18 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Der Gebäudekomplex Ta Prohm ist eine aufgegebene Tempelanlage in Kambodscha bestehend aus Tempel, Kloster, weiteren kleineren Gebäuden und der umgebenden Mauer mit Ecktürmen und Gopurams. Sie liegt etwa zwei Kilometer nordöstlich von Angkor Wat, dem bekanntesten und größten Tempel im Gebiet von Angkor.Read more

    • Ta Prohm Temple

      November 24, 2019 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Founded by King Jayavarman VII – aka J 7 – in the late 12th century, about 800 years later, Hollywood discovered Ta Prohm for Lara Croft’s Tomb Raider. Hence, everyone’s quite excited for the tree hugs in the Angelina-Jolie-Temple!Read more

    • Day 94

      Ta Prohm, Siem Reap, Cambodia

      January 8 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      This is known as the pretty temple and great for photos due to the amount of massive trees growing in and around the structures. It did mean there were far more people here 'doing it for the gram', but we managed to find pockets of quiet still. It really was a beautiful location too, so we can understand the draw.Read more

    • Day 18

      Angkor Wat

      December 4, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      We visited the Angkor Wat temples yesterday it was amazing, some temples are in better shape then others but Angkor Wat was built 900 years ago and took 37 years to build. The temple was originally buddhist religion with the first king then was turned into Hindu
      Religion from the next king. They used elephants to transport the sandstone from the mountains and used to shape it using other rocks and grinding it down into a rectangle/ square shape.
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    • Day 7

      Tempelanlage Ta Prohm

      November 2, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Da da Restaurant in der Nähe der Tempelanlage Ta Prohm lag, entschieden wir uns kurzerhand für ein Programmtausch.

      Die Tempelanlage besteht aus dem eigentlichen Tempel, einem Kloster und verschiedenen Gebäuden und wurde im späten 12. Jahrhundert bis hinein ins 13. Jahrhundert errichtet. Im Tempel werden rund 260 Götter und Göttinnen verehrt.

      Besonderheit des Tempels ist, dass bewusst entschieden wurde den Tempel nicht zu restaurieren. So soll ein Tempel im Angkorreich der Zeit bzw. Natur überlassen werden.

      International bekannt wurde der Tempel durch den Film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ta Prohm, Та Прохм, タ・プローム, ប្រាសាទតាព្រហ្ម, 타 프롬, ปราสาทตาพรหม, 塔布茏寺

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