Whistler Creek

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    • Day 9

      We're in Whistler!

      March 30, 2015 in Canada ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      And its awesome!
      Travs old school friend Blake came and picked us up from Vancouver (thanks so much Blake!) and we enjoyed the beautiful drive up... Known as the Sea to Sky high way its famous for its stunning scenery.
      Blake has been living in whistler for the last 7 years... Initially planning on coming over for a season and ended up not leaving. We can see why, its a pretty awesome lifestyle!
      He even managed to get us staff discount on an amazing chalet so we are living the high life for the next few days ☺
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    • Day 8

      Whistler BC - Bear Country und Bikepark

      July 3, 2015 in Canada ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Unsere Route führt uns weiter nach Whistler in Kanada. Hier verbringen wir die Nacht auf einem sehr schönen Naturcampingplatz mitten im Wald. Wir weihen unsere Hängematte ein und spannen erstmal aus.
      BC heißt ja eigentlich British Columbia was hier aber auch für Bear Country steht. Überall hängen Schilder wie man sich zu verhalten hat und es gibt bärensichere Mülleimer. Gesehen haben wir aber keinen. Den besten Tip finde ich ja, sich tot zu stellen, da Bären kein Aas essen,. "And if it's not helping, fight back aggresively" - klingt erfolgsversprechend wenn man bedenkt was hier für Kaliber rum laufen.

      Am nächsten Tag teste ich dann, ob Whistler wirklich der Beste Bikepark der Welt ist. Normalerweise ist man ja eher enttäuscht wenn man schon viel über das Größte, Beste und Tollste gelesen hat. Hier ist das nicht der Fall. Der Park ist einfach der Hammer und das Beste was ich mit einen Mountainbike bisher gemacht habe. Doro und Elli gehen so lange Whistler anschauen während ich feststellen muss, dass die Intermediate Level Strecken absolut ausreichend sind nachdem ich mich auf einer Expert Strecke direkt vor den Augen eines 55 bis 60-jährigen ablege, der den Drop genommen hat, den ich ausgelassen habe.

      Nach vier Stunden gönne ich mir dann einen "kleinen" Burger. Klein ist hier eigentlich nix. Alles gibt es nur im XXL Format. Dumm nur wenn man einen Becher Joghurt im Supermarkt kaufen möchte und die kleinste Größe 1,5 kg ist.

      Nach dem Bikepark Ausflug ging es dann zurück in die Nähe von Vancouver, was als nächstes Uf dem Programm steht.
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    • An Evening With Our Lifesavers

      February 9, 2019 in Canada ⋅ ❄️ 16 °F

      Dinner with our new friends Kathy, Pam and Elke. Kathy and Pam rescued Rhonda and I from the River of Golden Dreams, Whistler, last summer.

      Back in June 2019, Rhonda and I rented a canoe to enjoy the River of Golden Dreams tour. This journey take you across Alta Lake through the Whistler wetlands down a scenic glacier river. It is supposed to be a 3 hour tour (that's what Gilligan thought).

      The river was running fast and near flood stage. Halfway into the tour, our canoe was swept into the bushes with the fast and strong currents. The canoe capsized and flipped over. I jumped into the cold river. Rhonda was trapped in the shrubs with only her face above the surface and her legs entangled in the branches. I reached over and pulled her out of the branches and they both floated down the river, without our canoe and water proof bag with cell phone and wallets.

      As we drifted down the river, we were quickly rescued by Kathy and Pam (two sisters from Langley, BC) who were paddling an inflatable kayak up stream. They had us grab hold of there craft and we drifted down river to a small opening in the shrubbery where we could get out the water. Kathy and Pam went back to the canoe that was now lodged into the overhanging branches. Their first attempt to dislodge the canoe was unsuccessful. Not willing to admit defeat, they went back a second time and recovered our waterproof bag. While recovering the bag, they dislodged the canoe, but it was filled with water and they were unable to recover it. Rhonda and I watched from our micro-beach as our capsized canoe floated down the river to destinations unknown.

      We now had our phones and began calling Eco Tours for a rescue. I assured them that Eco Tours is a reputable operation and assured us of a prompt response. Kathy and Pam insisted on staying with us until the end (thank God they did). I called every 30-45 minutes asking where our rescue team is. Every time, I received a different and more creative excuse. After of 3 hours of waiting on our micro-beach, we decided that we are on our own for rescue. Rhonda carefully placed herself on top of Kathy and Pam's two person kayak and floated down the remaining part of the river. I hitched a ride with another tour company back to the drop off point where Rhonda, Kathy, and Pam were making plans on where to go to dinner that evening.


      So on February 9th, Kathy, Pam, and Pam's wife Elke were planning to stay and a friends condo and meet us for dinner later on. They arrived at the condo, only to find that it was being rented. They had no place to stay! This is called "Homeless in Whistler" when there is a mix up with your accommodations and you have no place to stay. So Kathy called us and were more than happy to "rescue" them. We had a wonderful dinner and lively conversations. What a great evening!
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