Corporacion Santo Tomas

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 34

      Santiago, Chile

      26 de novembro de 2017, Pimentão ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Today started on a rough note.We docked in San Antonio, a rough looking industrial port. Barb Trodd has a bad case of the cold and elected to see the ship's doctor. The rest of us headed out to meet our Tours by Locals guide on a misty, overcast and cool day. Victor Hugo (the guide) was late due to traffic problems and when he arrived, advised that we should change our plans and go to Santiago, rather than Valparaiso. His reasoning was that Valparaiso was due to have foggy and rainy weather all day so the touring would be pour. Santiago, the capital city, was forecast to have sunny and hot weather. So, despite our disappointment, we decided to take his recommendation.

      In the end, this turned out to be a good choice. Wendy and I, in particular liked Santiago and felt that it would warrant a return, multi-day trip.

      Santiago is the capital of Chile and is a very attractive city. It's 49 public parks (which are watered year round) have a wide variety of tress and flowers. As we were visiting on a beautiful Sunday, they were well used by the city's 8 million people. The people we saw appeared prosperous. Lots of families and very few street people. During the day, this is a safe city to walk in as there is a heavy presence of Carbineros (armed police officers), who, according to our guide, did not accept bribes. Noteworthy in South America, I guess. Definitely noteworthy is that over 50% of the Carbineros are women.

      Santiago was founded in 1541 by the Spanish and built following a street grid model. A river ran through the centre of the city was eventually re-routed and the river bed was used to create a wide boulevard that crosses the whole city. In addition to at least 2 lanes of traffic in each direction, it has a park-like boulevard for it's entire length. 47 districts have developed within the city, each with its own mayor! Hard to believe, but the mayors must work together to address common needs. It seems to be working as the streets, sidewalks, parks, monuments etc all seem to be in good condition and well maintained. Web saw very little litter or graffiti.

      Many of the neighborhoods have specialties such as specific products (for example shoes or women's clothing), restaurants and nightclubs, upper class housing and so on. Of course, ground zero is the Playa de Armas where the Spanish founded the city. Here, as in much of the downtown core, there is a mix of ultra modern buildings and Colonial structures (with a distinct Spanish look). Some of the modern buildings have unique facades. This mix makes for a visually interesting city.

      Behind the Presidential palace, now an administrative building, we watched the changing of the guard. It was a ceremony with soldiers, horses, and a band and very reminiscent of the ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

      But it was the flowers everywhere that I will remember the most. We finished our tour in the lovely Estacia Santa Lucia which is a part at the highest city point. The profusion of trees and flowers, and the care taken with the gardens was unlike any we had seen elsewhere in South America. When we climbed to the highest point and looked out over the city with the Andes in the distance, Wendy commented that it reminded her of Vancouver. I had to agree.
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    • Dia 2

      Flight to Santiago across the Andes

      31 de dezembro de 2018, Pimentão ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      What a hectic flight. 60min delay in Sao Paulo and only landed 1500 in Santiago.

      Then a taxi to Valparisio. We were always worried about this leg of the trip. Leave Johannesburg on 30 Dec and party in Valparisio midnight 32 Dec

      At least the view of the Andes made up for the hassle.
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    • Dia 56

      vamos al sur

      11 de março de 2019, Pimentão ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Wir sind gemeinsam mit Dru und Angor nach Calama aufgebrochen. Hier trennen sich unsere Wege. Sie haben uns herzlich nach Kenia eingeladen. Da gibt's mit dem Mount Kenia auch einen schönen Brocken zu besteigen. Na, mal sehen.
      Wir haben einen tollen Flug über endlose Wüstenlandschaften in der Abendsonne. Nach einem Zwischenstopp in Santiago geht's morgen weiter tief in den Süden
      nach Patagonien.
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    • Dia 21

      Enfin, les retrouvailles !

      4 de maio de 2022, Pimentão ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Du côté de Jérome et Enora, la journée commence dans le bus (toujours aussi peu confortable) 🚌. La nuit n'a pas été reposante. Nous arrivons à Santiago vers 6h45. Nous avons donné RDV à Héloïse dans le centre de Santiago, là où le bus la déposera. Nous l'attendons plus de 2h.

      Du côté d'Héloïse, la journée commence dans l'avion 🛬. S'enchaînent les paperasses à l'aéroport : contrôle sanitaire, test PCR (aléatoire, il fallait que ça tombe sur moi !), l'immigration, la brigade canine, la douane. Une fois mon sac Azen (de son petit nom) retrouvé, je prends le bus pour rejoindre Enora et Jérome. Bus dans lequel je rencontre Eva, une backpackeuse Suisse !

      Elle se joint à nous pour la journée. Il se trouve qu'elle est dans le même hostal que nous ! En attendant nos lits, nous (re)découvrons les rues de Santiago.

      La journée se termine par une soirée Free Pisco Sour à l'hostal, cocktail typique du Chili 🍸
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    • Parada técnica

      13 de março de 2022, Pimentão ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Nunca viene mal arrancar visitando una cara amiga, así que pintó esa visita a Ine&Fran y su hermosa casa en Santiago 😍.

      Nota mental para futuros vuelos a Santiago:
      - Te cagas de frío en el avión
      - Viajar a chile en pandemia es una PAJA (me hicieron hacer un test antes de ir, que claramente truché, y uno al llegar al aeropuerto) tarde como 3 hs. en salir😵.

      La visita tuvo que ser express ya que llegué como a la 1/2 pm y a las 5 pm ya tenía el vuelo hacia Cali. Por eso fue un día tranqui, fuimos a pasear por el Cerro, después a clavarnos un ALTO almuerzo y de ahí directo al aeropuerto para que la aventura realmente empiece.
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    • Dia 651–656

      Santiago de Chile • Chile

      12 de janeiro, Pimentão ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      👁️ Sky Costanera
      👉 highest viewpoint in South America (skysraper)
      👁️ Palacio La Moneda
      👁️ Araucana Park
      👁️ Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos
      👁️ Parque Forestal
      .....and much more.....

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