La Pampa

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    • Day 7

      From La Serena: Valle del Elqui

      January 7, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      I had the great fortune of being a kilometer away from an A+ tour agency, so I booked tours for the 2nd and 3rd of January there. I used to be a “tour snob,” trying to find places by myself. This is a good process in large cities where a map and a guidebook are enough, but to see what’s OUT of town, a tour delivers. Both of mine included 14-15 people, we rode in vans, and the drivers were also quite excellent guides who spoke extensively and knowledgeably throughout via a microphone on board.

      The Elqui River empties into the Pacific Ocean two kilometers north of where I was staying. But its origins are in the west Andes, from which it flows into a fertile valley to the west of La Serena. Here a good portion of Chile’s vegetables are grown—especially lettuces, avocados, and olives for olive oil.

      Our first stop was a dam of the river, and we dutifully walked over the top of it. Actually, the first stop of day-long tours is for breakfast—a kind of prize for the night owls who actually got up in time to catch the van.

      To wake us up further, the second stop was at a pisco distillery. Pisco is an unaged brandy made from Chilean (or Peruvian) white grapes, and is distilled (without water) at 38-48 proof. Our tour guide also had extensive knowledge of the process, so we did our thinking before our drinking, to paraphrase a Spanish saying. (“Primero el deber, luego el placer.”) The classic South American cocktail is a “Pisco Sour,” which is pisco with lemon juice and shaken a great deal. We sampled it without the shake-up.

      Other stops were at Vicuña, the birthplace of Gabriela Mistral (Nobel Prize winning poet), lunch in a nearby town, and on the way back, a place to buy goods produced in the valley.

      You can see from the photos that it was quite a lovely trip. I wasn’t my usual chatty self with the other tour members, but stayed quiet and observant for a change. (A big change.)
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    • Day 70–74

      La Serena - Urlaub vom Urlaub

      December 21, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Die letzten 66 Tage hatten es in sich. So beschlossen wir es über Weihnachten besinnlicher angehen zu lassen und uns etwas Ruhe am Strand in einer kleinen Hütte mit Pool zu gönnen.

      Bei frühlingshaften Temperaturen, ließ es sich ganz gut am Strand aushalten, man musste sich nur etwas anpassen.

      Jeden Morgen war es bewölkt, da war genug Zeit im Bett zu lesen, fernzusehen, zu spazieren oder Sport am Strand zu machen. Gegen Mittag lösten sich die Wolken auf, sodass wir bis zum Abend blauen Himmel bei 20C bis 25C hatten. Die Wassertemperaturen lagen bei erfrischenden 15C, für einen kurzen Dip ins Wasser reichte es gerade noch.
      Abends aßen wir in unserem Lieblings-Strandrestaurant.

      Am 23. schlossen wir uns einer Kaffeefahrt ins benachbarte Valle Elqui an, in der Wein und Pisco-Gegend zeigte man uns wie Pisco gebraut wird und Reben gepflanzt werden. Das Tasting selbst, und die schöne Landschaft waren das Highlight der Tour.

      Der 24, war ein klassischer Strandtag mit etwas Improvisation am Ende. Alle Essenmöglöchkeiten hatten geschlossen, sodass wir uns im Strandsupermarkt mit Empanadas und einem Pisco-Sour versorgten. Ein traumhafter Sonnenuntergang begleitete uns bei bestem Blick aufs friedliche Meer. Wir sind glücklich, dieses Leben führen zu dürfen und denken an unsere Familien und Freunde!

      Feliz Navidad!
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    • Day 25

      Coquimbo, Chile (2nd time)

      February 7, 2023 in Chile

      Today we docked at 7:00am, but our private tour did not start till 9:00am. We met with our group of 9 people and proceeded to meet our guide. We had to walk 10 min through cargo port to get out of the port. We met our guide and driver and started to drive north along the endless beach. The weather was cool and not sunny.

      The ocean in Coquimbo is always calm, but the water is cold and there were no people on the beach or the water. We saw few stands with vendors selling fresh fish.
      The further north we drove, the rougher the ocean became.
      We stopped at the lighthouse that was build 50 years ago.

      We also stopped at the 21st division of Chilean military, training facility.
      There are 500 recruits training there.
      Boris and Mui had a long conversation with a lieutenant colonel.

      We also stopped at the local market and then at the upscale stores to go to the bathroom and get some good chocolate.

      We had to be back on the ship no later then 3:00pm to arrive to the next port on time. The traffic was extremely heavy. Tomorrow, close to 200 passengers leaving us and more people are boarding the ship.
      In order to be on time, we cut Japanese gardens and going up on the cross out of our itinerary. In addition to that, everyone was hungry. It was not a very exacting tour, but we saw something different. We got back on the ship before 2:00pm, had late lunch and resting to be ready for tomorrow’s tour.
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