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Top 10 Travel Destinations Jiangsu
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    • Day 7

      First week

      September 22, 2019 in China ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      My first week over, and because I have mostly been adapting and haven't yet explored that far beyond my local area, my thoughts mostly turn to the variety of food I have eaten. I am fortunate enough to get a free lunch at work, so even without trying I get a daily dose of Chinese cuisine. It's also a pleasure looking for nice things to eat in my spare time, be it Chinese, other Eastern dishes, or occasionally a nostalgic taste of something Western (French pastries and coffee will always be my weakness!). Food delivery is extremely popular here, so eating out is always easy, with a spare table wherever you go. Most Chinese food is somewhat familiar and I have enthusiastically dived in. But some takes getting used to (note the chicken foot in the first image!)Read more

    • Day 192

      The egyptian connection

      September 18, 2019 in China ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      My first coushsurfing surprise in China was to find out that most hosts were not Chinese. From Russia, Pakistan, England or the US.., many expats seem eager to invite other travelers at their home.
      A happy choice led me to an Egyptian - Tunisian household : Eslam, Yasra, both teachers at an international school, and their young son Adam. Eslam being also a cyclist, he was very understanding of my simple needs (shower, food, sleep !) and sent me many supportive messages to help me finish my long day of riding.

      The second surprise was that Eslam and Yasra were close friends with my next hosts, a few cities later ! Thus, with their help, I could master all their names (both english and arabic, for 5 people), before having met them. They were indeed a large Egyptian family : 4 warm and witty brothers, their mum, another Egyptian friend and the chinese girlfriend of one of the brothers. In this joyful company, I quickly had to adapt, switching from the usual quietness of my solo journey to a crazy/ loud/ lively atmosphere in their packed living room : everyone wanted to ask me a question, show me a video, share a story or a joke or offer me something to eat or drink, often all and everything at the same time ...
      Not only these 4-5 solid men enjoy having good food in their belly, they also have many flourishing ideas and projects in mind ! Around the table were thus gathered an English teacher, a computing engineer, a dentist ready to become a CrossFit trainer, another guy who wanted to open Kindergartens, and still another who seems to be the entry gate for any Egyptian in search for a job, an apartment, legal counseling or any other advice for a successful settlement in China...

      Everyone also had different timetables. Tito/ Tahar nicely shared his room with me, which was not complicated at all, since he only went to bed when I was waking up ! I admire the courage or their mother, who has to feed and take care of all these grown-up men, their friends and girlfriends and adapt to their busy lives... Anyway, despite the tiredness of long days of cycling, I spent great evenings with my hosts and will keep precious memories of this Egyptian connection as far as eastern China.

      NB : between these two homes, a few pictures taken on the road between Suzhou and Nantong.
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    • Day 196

      Un déjeûner improbable

      September 22, 2019 in China ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Le long de la route G204, j'ai eu pour le déjeuner une surprise rigolote qui m'a permis d'en casser la monotonie.
      N'ayant pas de quoi pique-niquer, je m'arrête vers midi dans une gargote. Elle est pleine à craquer. Alors que je suis encore dehors à garer mon vélo, je vois déjà tous les yeux des clients à l'intérieur rivés sur moi... Je prends néanmoins mon courage à demain et entre, espérant me trouver une petite place. A peine ai-je le temps de reperer les lieux qu'une bande d'hommes d'un certain âge m'invite à leur table, dans une salle quasi privatisée. C'est une table tournante chauffe plats, que les serveuses n'arrêtent pas d'alimenter.
      Parmi les convives, un monsieur a l'air en charge de resservir tout le monde généreusement en alcool de riz et ne m'epargne pas. Les gars trinquent ensuite deux à deux avec leur petite soucoupe (rituel à recommencer toutes les quelques minutes, on ne s'en lasse pas !). D'autres ne cessent de faire tourner la table pour me laisser les meilleurs morceaux de chaque plat : raviolis, viande, légumes, poisson, beignets...Les échanges sont impossibles : je leur adresse quelques mots pour les remercier et expliquer "mon cas" via un traducteur sur mon téléphone, mais ils ne savent pas l'utiliser en retour. Alors on se contente de manger et de trinquer !

      Après une bonne heure de festin, interrompu par les serveuses qui viennent me prendre en photo régulièrement - un peu gênant quand tu as la bouche pleine ou que tu galères à attraper un gros ravioli avec tes baguettes... - je repars ragaillardie, et surtout... bien emêchée, rigolant sur mon vélo... Les vieux ont aussi insisté pour m'offrir des cigarettes. Bien qu'un peu endormie par cette bonne chère et par l'alcool de riz, je suis au moins de bonne humeur pour affronter la suite de cette longue journée, très venteuse. Eux repartent tassés dans une BMW noire aux vitres teintés et me klaxonnent et font de grands signes en me dépassant. Sans le savoir, j'ai peut être déjeuné avec des apparatchik du PCC ? Merci en tous cas aux bons vivants de la G204 !
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    • Day 67

      Shanghai Day 2 Suzhou

      March 8 in China ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      I went to the canal town of Suzhou. Motorcycle blankets and embroidery were great. 😊

    • Day 63–64

      Nantong, Jiangsu Provinz

      May 1 in China ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nantong - die Ruhe vor dem Sturm im Shanghai ;)
      Eine interessante Stadt mit schönen Parks... die Luft war super frisch und teilweise sogar sehr blumig🌸🪻🌷🌼... perfekt zum bummeln und entspannen ^-^

    • Day 1

      Ersten 24h

      January 15 in China ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

      Der erste Tag arbeiten hier war super spannend. Man sieht so viel Neues sowohl auf den Straßen wie auch in der Arbeit. Mein Favorit heute waren Körbe für Jacken in unserem Restaurant am Abend. Wir haben uns hotpot gegönnt :)Read more

    • Day 4

      Tea egg

      January 18 in China ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Sieht super interessant aus und wird teilweise angeschlagen in Sojasoße und Tee gekocht. Innen ist es komplett hart aber sieht nicht wirklich anders aus als ein normales hartes Ei. Nur die Oberfläche hat dieses Muster. Beim Geschmack hatte ich mir mehr erhofft. Ich merke keinen unterschied zum normalen Ei. Sieht aber schön aus 🥲Read more

    • Day 7


      January 21 in China ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Am 21.1 ist das new Moon fest was der anfang vom chinesischen Neujahr ist. Deswegen sieht man überall Mädchen in traditionellen Kleidern. Ganz schön kitschig ;) aber auch irgendwie hübsch. Es gibt viele Parks die hier gärten genannt werden und sehr schön erhaltene Tempel oder Häuser haben. Leider war das alles ein bisschen kalt heute. Sonst hätte ich mir mehr Zeit genommen. Mir wurde auch gesagt dass es am schönsten im Frühling ist wenn alles blüht.Read more

    • Day 1


      September 16, 2019 in China ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      I really couldn't say what I was expecting of China, other than an adventure into the unknown. However my first impressions are very positive. As with every positive cultural experience, it begins with the people. I certainly stand out - I haven't seen another Westerner in days, and I get a lot of glances. But despite this, I mostly see curiosity. And when called upon, the people have been notably kind and helpful (and the children unbelievably friendly! ) . It probably goes without saying that the food is great though.Read more

    • Day 14

      Week 2

      September 29, 2019 in China ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      A short update this week, as I have been mostly been getting into the swing of things at work, and further adapting to life here. National Day is fast approaching, a national holiday where the country celebrates the founding of People's Republic of China. During this time, many people get a week off work, and go travelling to different parts of China. It can be very busy in the big cities during this week, with lots of activities and festivities taking place. For this reason, I will likely remain in Suzhou, as there is still so much I haven't seen here.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Jiangsu Sheng, Jiangsu, Province de Jiangsu, 江苏

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