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    • Day 147

      Volcan de Lodo El Totumo 🌋

      February 9, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Aujourd’hui c’était bain de boue !

      Un vrai volcan (le plus petit du pays) de 15m de haut avec dedans une boue épaisse. La boue est tellement dense qu’on y flotte, mais c’est visqueux donc ça fait un peu bizarre quand même. Bien sûr les locaux nous garantissent tout plein de bien faits de cette boue.

      Après le bain, petit saut dans le lac Cienaga Del Totumo pour tenter de se laver.
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    • Day 30

      Kleinster Vulkan ever

      April 15, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Heute waren wir auf dem kleinsten Vulkan ever. Wir haben einen Tagesausflug dahin gemacht - weil man das hier wohl macht. Ehrlichgesagt etwas enttäuschend, weil es wirklich nur ein kleiner Haufen getrockneter Schlamm war.
      Aber wir haben das beste drauß gemacht und waren dann sogar ein Schlammbad darin gemacht. Das war eine wirklich ausgeprochen sonderbare Erfahrung. Man hatte total viel Auftrieb und konnte sich kaum fortbewegen. Aber es soll wohl gut für die Haut sein.
      Danach gings mittag essen in ein Resort und dort konnte man dann noch chillen. Anna und ich sind dann noch zum Strand gelaufen, nicht so schön zum liegen, weil er so windig ist (aber dementsprechend perfekt für mich zum kitesurfen).
      Abends waren wir dann noch schön essen - mein Favorit: Arroz de Coco. Und dann saßen wir noch mit einer neuen Freundin aus den Niederlanden bei ein oder zwei Coco Loco in Getsemany und haben viel gequatscht. Ein schöner Tag ☀️
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    • Day 49

      Totumo Muddervulkan

      October 22, 2022 in Colombia ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Idag har vi rigtig været på tur. Vi havde booket en halvdagstur ud til en muddervulkan. Det skulle være en aktiv vulkan, som har et mudderbad i midten. Vi troede bare vi blev kørt ud til vulkanen og tilbage igen, men igen havde vi ikke helt spurgt ordenligt, hvad turen faktisk indeholdte. Så vi blev hentet omkring klokken 9 imorges og først kørte vi ud til en lille landsby, for at se er museum omkring salt, fordi lige udenfor byen havde de nogle saltsletter. En lokal dame fortalte os lidt omkring de forskellige redskaber de brugte til at udvinde saltet og sortere det. Så blev vi kørt ned for at se selve saltsletterne. Det var mest vand nu, og den lokale dame sagde, at normalt var det her om sommeren de fik den meste salt, når vandet tørrede og saltet kunne krystallisere. Desværre har klimaet ikke været godt til de i år, så de havde næsten ikke fået noget salt.
      Bagefter var det så meningen, at vi skulle køres til muddervulkanen. Så skete der istedet det, at bilen brød sammen og vi kunne slet ikke køre. Istedet kom der en lokal bus og kørte os det lille stykke til vulkanen. Da vi kom derhen kunne vi så få badetøj på og komme op i mudderet. Det var meget underligt, fordi der var så meget tryk i vulkanen, så man flød faktisk i mudderet. Vi ved ikke, hvor dybt der var, men vi kunne på ingen måde komme ned og røre bunden. Simon synes det føltes som, hvis man badede i honning. Det var meget underligt. Efter vi havde ligget lidt i mudderet skulle vi op igen og ned til en lille pool, hvor vi så kunne vaske alt mudderet af. Det må være virkelig godt for huden, for vi har helt babyblød hud nu.
      Så var det egentlig meningen at vi skulle køres videre til en restaurant og få frokost, men fordi vi ikke havde nogen bus, skulle vi vente på at en anden turbus kørte deres tur på restaurant og så kom tilbage og hentede os. Det tog så halvanden time inden de kom tilbage.. Klokken blev tre og vi var ret sultne da bussen endelig kom. Vi blev så kørt tæt på Cartagena, hvor vi fik noget god frokost, inden vi blev kørt hjem igen. Vi endte med først at være hjemme klokken 5, men det har været en god dag ☺️
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    • Day 128

      Totumo mud volcano

      February 4, 2018 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      The van arrived to pick us up a bit late and we along with about 10 other people started towards Totumo halfway between Cartagena and Barranquilla. We reached El Totumo around 3:30 pm.

      El Totumo Mud Volcano is an active mud volcano located near sea level in northern Colombia. It is a local tourist destination, popular for its alleged healing mud bath. It is the smallest volcano in the country. The mound has a height of about 15 m and is accessible via a staircase that leads to the crater. There is a small place at the crater where 10-15 can stand around before going down about 4-5 meters via another wooden ladder into the thick mud of the pool. There's a separate ladder to come out from the pool.

      A mud volcano or mud dome is a landform created by the eruption of mud or slurries, water and gases. A mud volcano or mud dome is a landform created by the eruption of mud or slurries, water and gases. The mud produced by mud volcanoes is mostly formed as hot water, which has been heated deep below the earth's surface, begins to mix and blend with subterranean mineral deposits, thus creating the mud slurry exudate. This material is then forced upwards through a geological fault or fissure due to local subterranean pressure imbalances.
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    • Day 128

      Mud monsters

      February 4, 2018 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      As soon as Hristo came in, we moved away to one corner. To move, we had to lie on our back and use our arms to move. Here, we tried doing different stuff with the gooey muck. We realized that if we stood straight, our legs would go straight down without touching anything. We tried to push further down and were able to get down to our necks but would blob out as soon as we stopped pushing down. It was yucky but fun 😁😁Read more

    • Day 128

      Getting the mud off

      February 4, 2018 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      The next thing to do is to go to the lake nearby to get the mud off. Here again, the enterprising locals were standing all over the lake shore with a small half cut plastic can and using that as a mug to pour water on anyone entering the water to clean off the mud. This was so ridiculous 😨😨 imagine using the water from the lake to pour small mugs of water on people entering the lake... Unbelievable!! 🤣🤣
      We just pushed past them and headed for deeper water. On seeing this they started shouting "peligro.. peligro.." (dangerous.. dangerous..) to us. We completely ignored their warnings and had a nice swim to wash off all the muck off us. After frolicking around for 10-15 min, we came out clean... Almost 😁
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    • Day 8

      Volcan El Totuma

      June 26, 2015 in Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      I just had to go to Volcan El Totumo after reading about it as it seemed like a lot of good fun. Our B&B arranged transport for us and so off we went on a hot and humid Friday morning.

      The drive to Volcan El Totumo took about an hour. Leaving Cartagena, we took a road that hugged the hot and dry coast east of Cartagena. There were many new luxury developments on the northern side of the road along the coast, and on the southern side of the road we saw less privileged families living in run down housing. It was quite a contrast.

      Arriving at the volcano, we saw that it looked like a giant anthill. We followed the drill:
      - Climb up the stairs.
      - Strip down to trunks.
      - Hand your footwear to one guy, hand your camera to another guy who will take photos of you and your party.
      - Climb down the ladder into the squishy mud.
      - Once you're in the mud, someone grabs you, floats you on your back, massages you (or rubs mud into your skin - I couldn't quite tell), flips you over, massages you some more, and then pushes you away into a corner so that he can massage his next customer.
      - Once you've had your fill, you climb up the other ladder where someone will flick mud off you back into the crater (suggestion: when you're in the mud, don't hang out under this ladder).
      - Descend the hill, walk to nearby freshwater lake.
      - At the lake, a woman with a small pail will grab you by the hand, pour water all over you to wash off the mud, and violate your ear orifices. She'll then instruct you to take off your trunks. Horrors, the lake is shallow so you have no choice but to flash her. She'll then wash your trunks and hand them back to you.
      - At the shore, the guy who took your footwear and the guy who took your camera will be waiting for you. Before you get back to your car, the massage guy will also show up.

      Here's where things got iffy. The camera guy, the footwear guy, the massage guy and the old lady will all descend on you to ask for payment. Nothing is negotiated beforehand but the going rate seems to be COP10,000 for the massage and COP3,000 for everybody else. I had read about this but boneheaded me left the small change at our B&B so we had to scramble to get small change, and we had to pay some of them in USD.…

      Once we were all cleaned up, we headed back to Cartagena. When we got back to our Les Lezards and got back online, we found that social media had gone crazy with news that the Supreme Court had legalized same-sex marriage throughout the U.S. What a great day!…
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    • Day 19

      Tour - El Totumo

      September 8, 2022 in Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Nachdem wir uns über den Transport zu der Tintipan Insel und nach Santa Marta informiert hatten, haben wir am Nachmittag an einer Tour zum Vulkan "El Totumo" teilgenommen. Dieser Vulkan ist ein Schlamm-Vulkan, welchem verjüngende Effekte nachgesagt werden. Somit war das Highlight, dass wir ein warmes Schlammbad nahmen. Der zähflüssige Schlamm ist so schwer, dass man nicht absinkt und man das Gefühl des Schwebens hat. Im Anschluss an dieses Bad wuschen wir uns im See neben dem Vulkan und nach einem kleinen Imbiss und Getränk traten wir wieder die Rückreise an.Read more

    • Day 17–18

      Loma de arena ~ El Totumo

      February 8 in Colombia ⋅ 🌬 30 °C

      Petite ville tranquille des caraïbes, où se situe un volcan de boue.

    • Day 523

      El Totumo 🌋

      June 5, 2021 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      A mud volcano somewhere in nowhere.

      El volcán del Totumo es un cono volcánico lleno de lodo. La formación presenta una escasa elevación (aproximadamente de veinte metros) para llegar a su cráter es preciso ascender por una rústica escalera de madera.

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