Costa Rica

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    • Day 13

      Puntarenas, Costa Rica

      January 1, 2024 in Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Costa Rica will forever be linked in my mind with The Bike ride.
      When we signed up for the biking excursion, we thought they were E-Bikes. We found out that they were not E-Bikes, Bob decided not to join what would end up being a torturous ride. I was not so intelligent.
      I donned my biking gear along with a cooling scarf and fan as the forecast was that the temperature would be low 90's with very high humidity and headed to the bus at 7:45 AM. We took a van ride for about an hour. We were assigned helmets and gulp...mountain bikes. My thought was...really??? I thought we would be riding beach cruisers on a flat, paved trail. Do they not know that we are a bunch of old people?
      We were given very brief introduction to the bikes and how to shift gears. They could have just skipped how to shift because the bikes had a mind of their own and would, or would not, shift totally randomly.
      Ultimately, off we went. Our journey began with a couple of gradual inclines. We then began a descent on roads with huge potholes and loose gravel. My thought at this point was: Well, I can handle this. They were brilliant in planning this ride. Having transported us to an elevated beginning with only a slight incline and then all we would have to do is ride down to the ocean.
      Hmmm...this was only wishful thinking. We then began climbing mountain after mountain after mountain on bikes that would not shift. At this point, my heart is beating at 170 BPM, I am sweating like a pig, and I am gasping for breath. I am wondering how others being me are fairing and trying to remember my CPR training because as much as I was suffering, I was sure someone in our group was going to have a heart attack. I finally called uncle and got off my bike before I came to a complete standstill, fell off my bike and end up rolling in the dirt. Upon looking behind me, there was not one person still on their bike.
      This process continued summit after summit.
      We were so thrilled for the guide to have spotted some monkey in trees so we could all have a chance to catch our breath. We all pretended to be enthralled with the monkeys until our breathing normalized and we were now melting because it was so hot that we jumped back on our bikes just to get some breeze and cool off a least until we hit the next mountain that we would have to summit.
      My thought was, where is Chris Abbey right now? I need to be in his slipstream before I die.
      We finally made it to the beach. I desperately wanted to jump into the water but there was so much trash on the beach that I feared for my health if I got into the water. We had some fruit and we all were lining up our bikes to have them loaded on the trailer only to be told that we had to get back in our bikes and ride back up the hill that we had just rode down. Come to find out, this was only so we could ride to a place where there were restrooms which were quite questionable. I passed on the restroom break.
      Finally, we all hauled our sweat, exhausted carcasses into the van. We were so thankful that the air conditioner was actually working.
      We made the journey back to the ship.
      I promptly jumped in the shower and collapsed in bed.
      Meanwhile, Bob went to a town square and watched children dance. His and Dale's impression of Costa Rica was a clean country with very little graffiti.
      My impression was that of a hot, filthy country with a lot of graffiti. I am surprised that a country that a country is dependent on Eco-tourism doesn't concentrate more on garbage removal.
      Bob came back to the room to find me passed out on the bed with exhaustion.
      He aroused me from my stupor to notify me that I had about 15 minutes to get ready for dinner. I flew out of bed, threw some makeup on, hair went up in a clip and I made it out the door in less than the 15 minutes he had granted me.
      This will not be the last time that we go from a dead stop to a full sprint. My time management is proving to be very faulty.
      We had our first dinner at Manfredi's.
      Unbeknownst to us because we were having such a lovely dinner and conversations with Dale and Jenni, the ship had turned around and headed back to Puntarenas. We stopped in the harbor. One.of the tenders was dispatched, went ashore, and returned to the ship an hour later.
      We discovered that there was a medical emergency. I later heard from one of the patient's friends that the person was to spend a week in the hospital. No further information was given.
      This is the explanation for the return sailing to Costa Rica.
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    • Day 10

      Day 10: Good Morning Costa Rica

      January 1, 2024 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      It’s hard to believe last year on this date, accompanied by my “Wing Man” Donny Austin - Donna & I were at the shoreline of Long Island Sound in Connecticut plunging into the icy cold waters of the sound.

      This morning while sipping on my Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie we prepare to explore Puntarenas (Puerto Caldera) Cost Rica. This makes five different countries we have discovered. Like the traveler’s of old - each port is a new discovery for Donna and me - each port filled with expectation and adventure.

      Our tour is at 9:00 AM - Happy New Year 2024 - If you are going to start a New Year this isn’t too shabby a way too start.

      My 2024 wish and hope for all who read this is that your lives are filled with joy - that Faith, Hope, and Love are the guard rails of your lives. My hope for our world is that we can learn from the 1,500 or so people about the Neptune - It is very possible to be very different and live together in a world without war. Let’s put any greed and ego behind us and find those things that bring us together in 2024.

      It’s time to wake up Donna and head to breakfast.

      #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune #CostaRica
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    • Day 8


      November 25, 2024 in Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Lai arī bijām nolēmuši pa Puntoarenas pilsētu vsirs nestaigāt, skopums ņem virsroku, un mēs ceļu līdz lielajai šosejai nolemjam veikt ar piepilosētas sutobusu, kas atiet no blakus ielas. Taksis maksātu 40 dolārus, bet buss maksā tikai 3.
      Mūsu šodienas ceļojums paredzēts līdz Nikaragvas robežai, tad pāri tai līdz Ometepes salai ezerā, uz kuras paceļas 2 vulkāni - Concepcion un Madeiras.
      Ceļš izrādās sarežģīts. Kad tiekam līdz šosejai, kāda amatpersona mūs iestumj nākamajā piepilsētas autobusā uz Liberijas pilsētu, kas ir tuvāk robežai. Pēc divarpus stundu brauciena pilnā, karstā un lēnā autobusā, nonākam Liberijas autobusu stacijā, kas izrādās legālo un nelegālo viesstrādnieku pārkraušanas punkts. Nav nekādu cerību no šejiemes tikt līdz robežai ar sabiedrisko transportu civilizētā veidā, tàpēc pieņemam vietējā vedēja Leo piedāvājumu aizvest mūs par 55 dolāriem līdz robežai.
      Leo par taksistu strādā jau 25 gadus, taču uzsācis medicīnas studijas, un pēc 2 gadiem plāno kļūt par ārstu. Ceru, ka šis stāsts ir patiess, lai arī izklausās apbrīnojams.
      Kostarikas - Nikaragvas robeža atgādina īstu nelegālās cilvēku pārvietošanas midzeni - no kalniem lejup ved dubļainas takas, korumpētas amatpersonas selektīvi pārbauda bariņos pulcētus cilvēkus.
      Mums robežas šķērsošana aizņem 90 minūtes, kuru laikā secinām, ka Nikaragvas puse šķiet mežonīgāka un koruptīvāka. Mūs gan tas pārāk neskar, jo mums visi dokumenti ir kārtībā, un no obligātajām nodevām necenšamies izvairīties.
      Tā nu esam Nikaragvā, un mums iz 70 minūtes laika līdz pēdējam kuģītim uz Ometepes salu, jāveic kādi 50 km, un, diemžēl, atkal jāņem taksis. Šeit cenu līmenis pilnīgi cits - mums prasa 15 dolārus, es nokaulēju pieklājības pēc līdz 12, taču brigās samaksāšu 20, jo kauns par veselas stundas braucienu maksāt mazāk.
      Uz kuģīša nonākam pulksten 16.58, un uzreiz aiz mums tiek pacels traps. Ar šādu precizitāti esam šodien ceļojuši.
      Ometepes salā 40 kilometrus līdz iecerētsajai naktsmītnei ar auto braucam stundu, autobuss šo ceļu veicot 4 stundās, jo ceļa praktiski nav, ir tikai iebrauktas sliedes pār vilkāniskās lavas kunkuļiem.
      Beigās gan ir cāļa fileja un auksts alus Victoria, un saruna ar šīs vietas saimnieku par Porziņģi. Porziņģis šajā pasaules daļā rullē, un mums ir prieks ar viņu identificēties.
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    • Day 10

      Day 10: A walk around Costa Rica

      January 1, 2024 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☀️ 84 °F

      Here are my iPhone photos for today. More to come from my camera later. We have a couple of sea days ahead of us I hope to get caught up.

      Just to let you know cruising is hard work. There is so much to do. The day goes by quickly.

      #myvikingjourney #vikingneptune #CostaRica
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    • Day 43

      Costa Rica 🇨🇷

      October 25, 2023 in Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

      Costa Rica… ganz reizend…zwar nicht der schönste Strand hier, rau und auch schmutzig und heute ist es wolkig hier, trotzdem sehr sehr heiß ☀️und es hat hier eine entspannte Atmosphäre, fühlt sich gut an… gerne würde ich hier länger bleiben und die Umgebung erkundigen. Kommt definitiv auf die Urlaubsliste.🏝️Read more

    • Day 27–29


      August 11, 2024 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Statt wilden Tieren gibt es jetzt Sonne, Strand und Meer! Vor der Haustür liegt der Playa El Cocal mit schwarzem Sand. Am zweiten Tag fuhren wir mit der Fähre nach Paquera auf der Nicoya-Halbinsel und weiter zur Playa Organos. Nach kurzer Pause ging es weiter zur Playa Cocalito mit dem Catarata El Chorro: kilometerlanger Strand, den wir ganz für uns alleine hatten.
      Nach Einbruch der Nacht wollten wir noch die Biolumeszens sehen: Algen, die blau schimmern, wenn sie in Bewegung geraten. Diese sind jedoch leider nicht vom Strand aus zu sehen.
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    • Day 2


      April 19, 2021 in Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Nach einer Nacht in San Jose ging es mit dem uber ab nach puntarenas, schönes Örtchen aber nichts zum bleiben.
      Den ersten Leguan gesehen und endlich am Meer 🌊 Aber zum surfen noch nichts dabei.
      Fantastisch war allerdings das gallo pinto (Reis & Bohnen) am Busbahnhof , davon reden wir noch 5 Monate später 😂
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    • Day 9

      Costa Rica-Day 8

      January 25, 2023 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☀️ 88 °F

      Restless nights sleep, can't be perfect...oh well onto the day.

      Had our usual great lunch, then to the aft sanctuary pool. Shot pics of our port called Puntarenas. Pretty hot today...about 96 f. Decided not go.. health of the explore on the return.Read more

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