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    • Dag 30

      Krka - Nationalpark

      2 september 2022, Kroatië ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Für uns ging es ganz früh morgens in den Krka Nationalpark. Durch ihn fließt die für ihre 7 Wasserfälle bekannte Krka. Der Wasserfall Skradinski Buk liegt im Süden des Nationalparks, in der Nähe der traditionellen Wassermühlen. Im Norden führt ein Naturpfad an einem weiteren großen Wasserfall, dem Roški Slap, und am Kloster von Krka vorbei, das auf römischen Katakomben errichtet wurde. Auf der Insel Visovac befindet sich das Franziskanerkloster der barmherzigen Muttergottes aus dem 15. Jahrhundert. Wir haben eine Bootstour mitgemacht und haben dadurch das Franziskanerkloster sehen können. Aktuell leben auf der kleinen Insel 3 Priester. Die Wasserfälle waren auf jeden Fall sehr schön.Meer informatie

    • Dag 39

      Krka waterfalls

      29 april, Kroatië ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Last night, we signed up for a day trip to Krka National Park. I heard about this place in school a really long time ago and thought it looked beautiful. Now, years later, I'm going there. It's a really cool feeling, actually. On the drive out there, we drove past an old palace on the hillside in Split. Game of Thrones used this palace for one of the cities. Split has a GOT museum, but I don't need to go after going to the main one when I was in Ireland. The national park was about a two hour bus ride from where we were staying. For about the last half hour it was a beautiful drive with some really blue water beside us surrounded by trees. I couldn't wait to get out and abandon the rest of the geriatrics on the bus and go do our own thing. The entry fee to the park was €20 but I lied and said I was a student and showed my health benefits card from work, and they accepted it, I'll take that. As soon as we got off the bus and the tour guide explained the map to us, Pearse and I jumped ahead of everyone. As soon as we stepped foot on the boardwalk, I looked at the crystal clear water to see tens of fish swimming. We ended up googling it and found out there were a couple of types of trout in the park. We were 5 steps in, and I had already found a spot I could just sit and watch all day. Just around the corner from there, we could hear tons of frogs croaking, so we ended up looking for them. They were pretty easy to spot in the swampy areas because their cheeks would balloon up every time they croaked. I caught one for good measure. Pretty early on into the hike, we had our first lookout point of the falls. It was stunning. We didn't stay too long because there was a group of real geriatrics that we kept getting stuck behind. It must have been a seniors only type of tour. It was painful walking behind them. Once we got in front of them, though the hike through the trees was almost as relaxing to me as a beach day. I loved the birds and the frogs while watching the fish. You can constantly hear watter from one of the seven falls at almost any point. It was perfect for me. When we got to the bottom, we found a pretty good spot to post up and take some really good pictures. We found a beer and sat close enough to the falls to still hear them and just chilled out. The falls were stunning from the bottom. It was everything I hoped for and more. The tour also included a small town called Skradin. We did a wine tasting for an extra €10. The wine was okay, but the person hosting the event didn't really give any information on what we were drinking. He also just looked like he didn't give a fuck. From there, Pearse and I went to lunch, where we only had 45 minutes to eat and get on the bus. I had chicken stuffed with ham. It was pretty good, I think. I had to eat it so fast I might not have tasted it. We cut it close, but we made it with 2 minutes to spare. We're pretty good at doing that. On the way back, both of us got a bit of rest on the bus. We had a pretty chill night planned, we were going to chill and split that 2l bottle between us and call it a night. Until we heard someone inside say they were canadian. We went inside to investigate, and sure enough, three other Canadians were chatting. One was from Edmonton, and the others were from sask. I'm pretty sure one of the sask boys lived in Shorewood Park before he moved to Vancouver. Once we started chatting and talking about the coincidences, we decided to pull out a deck of cards and play the drinking game sociables. Pearse and I quickly grabbed a mini keg of hieneken and came back. I've never played a game of sociables and been okay after. Tonight would not be any different. Pearse and I finished all 7 liters of beer we had by 10 pm. The hostel closed the common area at 10, so we decided to go out to the bars. At the first bar, the doctor bought everyone a jager bomb, which would be the end of me. I was hiccuping and sweating. I knew I didn't need or want anything other than my bed. I ended up walking back to the hostel way before everyone and went to bed. Sociables is my biggest enemy. 10/10 will play it againMeer informatie

    • Dag 12

      Split & parc national de Krka (pov ju)

      19 augustus 2022, Kroatië ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Alors aujourd’hui jour du départ, j’ai pris en main le voyage en nous emmenant faire une excursion au parc national de Krka, un des 7 parcs naturels de Croatie
      C’était vraiment magnifique les photos parlent d’elles memes, si vous allez à Split allez y vraiment
      Dans le bateau y’avait une dame méprisable qui se pensait au dessus de tout le monde parce qu’elle déteste les touristes bref
      On s’est baignées aussi entre les montagnes c’était fou apres je voulais une crepe en vain ils faisaient que des burgers

      Apres on est rentrées à Split vers 20h, on a mangé, on est allées dans des toilettes publiques pour se préparer à la nuit dans le train et puis direction la gare et SURPRISE ! Un énorme feu d’artifice vient feter notre départ de Split quelle chance ! Nous sommes donc dans le train (Leila fait son pov elle est hilare je m’inquiete sur ce qu’elle va poster)
      Le train est fou, y’a des éclairs, des étoiles c’est sympa :)
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    • Dag 13

      Nationalpark Krka

      5 april 2023, Kroatië ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Die Sonne und die herrlichen Farb- und Wasserspiele täuschen gekonnt über die wirklich kühlen Temperaturen hinweg. Lufttemperatur 9 Grad, die sich durch den eisigen Wind eher wie 4 Grad anfühlen und Wasser knapp über Null.Meer informatie

    • Dag 129

      Skradin and Krka National Park

      26 oktober 2019, Kroatië ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We have once again returned to Skradin and Krka National Park. We visited here three years ago and knew we had to return to this stunning little village nestled on the banks of the Krka River. (Apparently Bill Gates favorite holiday location)Meer informatie

    • Dag 6


      5 oktober 2022, Kroatië ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Morgen geht's in den Nationalpark Krka....
      Heute schauen wir uns noch die kleine mittelalterliche Stadt Skradin inkl Festung an....
      Sehr gemütlich und hübsch hier.... Liegt evtl auch an der Nachsaison 😉Meer informatie

    • Dag 40

      Krka National Park

      9 oktober 2019, Kroatië ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Today we woke up at 6:00 in the morning and drove to Krka National Park. Once we got to Krka we took a ferry to the waterfalls. We did a 2 km walk around the park to look at many different sized waterfalls. At the beginning of the walk we came across a stand. The stand was selling lots of snacks like nuts, figs, candied orange peel and candied almonds. We got to try some of them but we decided to get some candied almonds. They were so good. We went on a bridge that had an amazing view of the waterfalls. There were a lot of little fish in the water. Some of the fish were the size of sardines and some larger fish were the size of 3 sardines. At one of the look out points there was an adorable little orange kitten. During the walk we saw a mill stone grinding corn flower. After the waterfalls we went to a different place to eat lunch. After lunch we walked up 517 stairs to a cave that people lived in for 8000 years. While walking down the steps, we saw a giant grasshopper and a praying mantis. We then drove to some military training ruins but on the way we came across an olive grove so we decided to pick some but when Sophie and Daddy tried them they had to spit them out the window. I threw mine out the window before trying them. In the ruins there was an amphitheater that had 4 entrances. From the ruins we drove for around 5 minutes to get to an arch from 1 AD. Me and Sophie climbed on them. They were very cool.

      _ _ _

      Aujourd’hui on a lever très tôt pour conduire à Krka. Quand on est arrivé on a embarqué sur un bateau quand le bateau est arrivé au chute d’eau tous que je pouvais entendre été les chute. C'était vraiment beau on a marcher autour du parc et on a vue beaucoup de chutes. On a aussi acheter des amandes confites il était très bon .Puis on est allés à une grottes ou des personnes vivait dans pour 8000 ans. Pour rendre au grottes nous avons grimpé 517 escalier. On est aller dedans et on a vue des stalactites et des stalagmites.Puis on a conduit à des ruines de camp militaire c’était vraiment cool. Puis on a conduit à des arches que moi et Sophie on grimper desu.
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    • Dag 51

      Krka National Park

      27 juni 2023, Kroatië ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      We took a boat trip to the Krka National Park which is famous for its waterfalls. It had the first hydroelectric power station built in 1895. Water mills and such before that no doubt. Amazing wild life, the frogs were so loud!Meer informatie

    • Dag 5

      2. Tag

      8 augustus 2022, Kroatië ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Früh am Morgen als die Sonne aufging, haben Michi und ich einen kleinen Ausflug mit dem SuP gemacht. Wir sind an eine nahe gelegene Fischfarm gefahren. Das war super spannend. Leider war am Tag eher Flaute, was den Wind angeht, aber unser Skipper hat dafür mit und Wassersport betrieben. Das SUP wurde hinter das Boot geknotet diente damit als Surfbrett. Das war super spaßig. Auf dem Weg nach Skradin haben wir die Stadt Sibinik aus der Ferne gesehen und sind durch einen Fjord, in dem viele Fisch- und Muschelfarmen waren, gesegelt. Am Abend konnten wir noch anlegen bevor es anfing zu regnen. Die 100 Kuna Bestechungsgeld bescherten uns einen schönen Liegeplatz direkt am Pier des kleinen Städtchens Skradin. Nachdem alle geduscht haben, ging's in ein Restaurant in dem vor allem Fisch gegessen wurde.Meer informatie

    • Dag 6

      KRKA Nationaal Park

      16 juli 2022, Kroatië ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Vandaag naar Krka Nationaal Park geweest.
      40 min met de auto tot Skradin en van daaruit een tocht van 25 min met de boot. Het was vanmorgen direct al boven de 30 graden. Gelukkig was het park grotendeels overdekt met bomen, maar het was toch behoorlijk zweten.

      Wat een prachtige natuur. Bij binnenkomst meteen al de grootste en meest indrukwekkende waterval van het park genaamd Skradinski Buk gezien. Daarna via een route van een tweetal km rond de waterval gelopen met allerlei kleinere watervallen, bruggetjes, meren en vissen. Echt de moeite waard. Peter heeft ook nog een mooi filmpje met de drone gemaakt van de waterval maar is helaas te groot om hier op te laden.

      Om 15.30u de boot terug genomen en naar Primosten terug gereden. Bij een restaurantje direct aan de zee gaan eten; mosselen en tonijn.
      Jamie lekker gespeeld in het water.

      Weer een geweldige aktie van mij om een mes in de zee te laten vallen, dat Jamie er later weer uit gehaald heeft 😁

      Na het eten nog een rondje rond het stadje gelopen. Vanaf het strand de zonsondergang bewonderd en Jamie in de zee gezwommen. Wederom een leuk drone filmpje gemaakt.

      Morgen onze laatste dag alweer in Dalmatie dus gaat weer lekker relaxen worden.
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