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    • Day 24


      July 28, 2022 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Dubrovnik needs no introduction, with its towering UNESCO world heritage city walls encircling the famous old town. Historically known as Ragusa, it has been part of Italy, Austria-Hungary and even ruled itself as a free state for 500 years.

      During our spontaneous daytrip here, we explored the pretty old streets, climbed up to the scenic Mt Srd and dunked our heads into the glistening Adriatic. It really is remarkable to consider that war occurred here as recently as the 90s, especially with surroundings as beautiful as these.
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    • Day 9


      August 26, 2022 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Na het dagje strand 's avonds nog even met de boot naar Dubrovnik. Lekker gegeten bij de Heritage of Dubrovnik en genoten van de oude stad in het donker. Ook nog enkele filmlocaties van de Game of Thrones gevonden.Read more

    • Day 6

      Dubrovnik - Old Town & New

      May 1 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      While Sue & Duncan did another tour, we explored more of the Old Town and went by bus to the new area of Dubrovnik.
      Firstly we visited Fort Lovrijenac and were able to see the Old Town from a different perspective. Of course this meant climbing many stairs, but the effort was worth the glorious views.
      To escape the hoards from cruise boats, we got a bus to the newer area of Dubrovnik and walked along the coast before returning to the Old Town.
      We bought a Dubrovnik 7 day Pass which enables us to visit a number of museums, etc. We went to the House of Marin Drzic (Croatia's equivalent to England's Shakespeare) and then to the Ethnographic Museum which is housed in Dubrovnik's old Granary. A comprehensive display of Croatian costumes and life over many centuries.
      Back to our local alfresco restaurant 'Castello's' down a few steps from our apartment for pizza and a glass of wine before heading back 'home' for a rest!
      Sue & Duncan arrived back at 5 pm. They had a wonderful day touring in a small coach. Their photos are stunning. We joined them for a drink and then had dinner at another, quieter, alfresco restaurant. Thunder then rain! However, that didn't stop us getting our gelato prior to returning to our apartments!
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    • Day 7

      Last day in Dubrovnik

      May 2 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      A slower start to our last day in Dubrovnik. After breakfast, Duncan & Roger visited the Maritime Museum while Sue & I browsed the shops. Sue bought a lovely Adriatic sea coral necklace & earrings. We met up with the boys and enjoyed some pastries from the bakery for lunch.
      We decided to do a bus tour of Dubrovnik and hired a quirky electric vehicle & driver (Meoh) for 1.5 hours (100 euros). We thoroughly enjoyed the tour and hearing more about life in Croatia from Meoh.
      We celebrated our lovely week in Croatia with a shared pizza and wine at an alfresco bar near the sea.
      Dinner was at the local restaurant 'Castello's'. Duncan enjoyed black risotto and the rest of us had lasagne & salad. Of course we finished our meal with gelato!
      Tomorrow we leave Dubrovnik and board the Harmonia - a boat that will be our home for the next week as we ride a number of islands between here and Split.
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    • Day 8

      Old Town Dubrovnik to boat Harmonia

      May 3 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Today we begin the second stage of our Croatian holiday. Firstly we packed our cases again (with difficulty) then had our last breakfast in the Old Town. We were concerned about getting our cases down the 64 steps, however, we found it much easier than dragging them up the stairs! Caught a bus to the Ferry Port and took our luggage on board.
      Embarkation is scheduled for 2.30 pm so we walked around the inlet and found a nice bar/restaurant on the marina where we enjoyed .. yes, correct, some wine and cheese, together with possibly the best bread we've ever eaten. Yum!
      Back to Harmonia to unpack our luggage in our cabin before a 3 pm briefing and nibbles. The crew offered a 3 hour tour of the Old Town, which we declined. Instead we found another bar/restaurant where we sat and chatted before returning to the Harmonia in time for a 7.30 dinner and briefing for tomorrow's ride. The 3 course meal was delicious! Starting to meet the other people on board. Lots of Americans. Everyone we've met are interesting and lovely folk around our age, some much younger!
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    • Day 148

      Dubrovnik, Croatia

      October 3, 2022 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      The inevitable charm and beauty of today’s Dubrovnik lies in its long and rich history. Over the many centuries of its existence, Dubrovnik has established itself as an independent, powerful and influential city. Its specific geographic position helped in the development of successful merchandising and maritime tradition. Dubrovnik has always been valued as a safe harbour, shielded by the group of islands rising in front of it, but also being intersection of the important maritime and trading routes.

      It is believed that Dubrovnik was founded in the 7th century when Croatian tribes expanded to the area in attempt to hide from the barbarians. They formed a number of small settlements that gradually, over the centuries, merged together, forming a single city shielded by the today famous ramparts.

      Dubrovnik soon established itself as a prosperous trading and maritime center at the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea. Despite turbulent historical circumstances, Dubrovnik fought to preserve its trading autonomy and valued independence in dark medieval times, even under the Venetian reign.

      The era of true prosperity of Dubrovnik begins with the foundation of the Republic of Ragusa or the Dubrovnik Republic in the 15th century. It was an independent aristocratic republic, with its own authorities (the Rector and the counsellors), currency and flag with an image of St. Blaise, the city patron. The Republic of Ragusa was the first European country to abolish slavery. The age of prosperity and well-being reached its culmination in the 16th century with the development of the maritime trade and the local merchant navy, placing Dubrovnik among the most valued trading contractors in the world. The era of financial security and development helped in the formation of a specific lifestyle in the city. A circle of humanists supported the blooming creativity resulting in magnificent artistic achievements in architecture, urbanism, poetry, literature and science. Some of the most famous buildings from that period include the Church of St. Blaise, The Dubrovnik Cathedral and  the Rector’s Palace. However, the era of prosperity was replaced with the deep political and economical crisis in the 17th century culminating with the great earthquake in the 1667, which almost destroyed the city. Balancing between the wars against the Turkish Empire and the Venetians and struggling with the ongoing crisis, the Dubrovnik Republic ceased to exist in the 18th century as a result of Napoleon’s decision. It became a part of the Dalmatia, a region at the south of the Croatian coastline, sharing its political and historical destiny to the present day.

      In the late 20th century, Croatia declared its independence followed by the Serbian aggression on Croatian territory. Dubrovnik was among the first cities to be attacked in 1991, suffering brutal destruction and significant losses. Most of the destroyed parts of the city are today restored, preserving the priceless beauty of Dubrovnik and once again establishing it as one of the most beloved Croatian summer destinations. It is now made more popular from HBOs Game of Throwns TV series which used old town dubrovnik as the filming location for Kings Landing.
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    • Day 15

      Last morning in our paradise

      July 14 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Last morning in our paradise. Michael and Dad went to 7am Mass just out of town. Dad and the Burlingames departed at 9am. Michael, Mum, Amr and I went to 9am Mass at the Cathedral. It was a beautiful cathedral and the service was in Croatian. We then walked to St Ignatius church, beautiful architecture and paintings. We made it back for breakfast, soaking up the last of the view from the hotel. We said farewell to Michael, Lisi, Cami and James who are heading to Hvar. The rest of the crew were picked up and taken to the airport via a viewing spot, all heading to Dubai. The Farrells will stay for a few days and Rosie, Amr, the kids and I are heading on to Sydney. We have landed in Dubai and said farewell to Paul, Tallie, Jax and Sonny. Tired and waiting for our 2.15am departure for the 14 hour flight ✈️ after 2 buses, a rude man, and a train trip we are now waiting at the gate. What a special family reunion and European adventure. Amazingly no arguments and for the Farrells that’s saying something! A sensational, special and successful trip.Read more

    • Day 7

      Der Preis ist heiß - Dubrovnik 🇭🇷

      July 8, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Nach einer kurzen Stärkung am Morgen, ging es für uns heute relativ früh in die nächste Stadt.
      Mit 1,5 Stunden Fahrtzeit und ein bisschen Glück an der Grenze, waren wir zeitig in Dubrovnik, Kroatien.
      Da wir noch nicht in unsere Unterkunft einchecken konnten, entschieden wir uns dafür, das Auto in der Nähe stehen zu lassen und zu Fuß in die Altstadt zu gehen.
      Dubrovnik ist wohl eine der schönsten Städte der Welt, aber man hört in den letzten Jahren immer wieder, dass ein Besuch derzeit sehr unansehnlich ist, weil die Stadt zu überlaufen sein soll. Jedes Kreuzfahrtschiff, welches auch nur annähernd die Route passiert, macht einen Stopp in Dubrovnik und dementsprechend hat sich die Stadt auf die Touristen eingestellt.
      Das merkt man vor allem an den Preisen in den Restaurants und den Promotern, die überall versuchen Kunden zu gewinnen.
      Immerhin durften wir die teuerste 0,25l Cola der Welt trinken. Bei 5,90€ hätten wir eigentlich noch eine Showeinlage erwartet, aber diese blieb leider aus 😩.

      Die Altstadt an sich ist aber tatsächlich eine besondere Augenweide. Besonders, weil die Stadt komplett von einer massiven Steinmauer umgeben ist und damit einen Festungs-Vibe versprüht. Hinter der Mauer hört man das Meer an die Steilklippe schlagen und die engen Gassen erinnern an Venedig und verführen zum Verirren. Obwohl die Stadt in den 90er Jahren Ziel im Kroatienkrieg war, sind die Bauwerke gut erhalten (oder restauriert).
      Nach unserem Rundgang haben wir in einem bezahlbaren Restaurant außerhalb der Stadtmauern zu Abend gegessen und den Heimweg angetreten.
      Trotzdem bedarf es uns nochmal nach einer Abkühlung und wir sind zum Sonnenuntergang nochmal an eine kleine Badestelle mitten in der Steilklippe abgestiegen. Eine willkommene Abkühlung nach diesem heißen Tag in der Stadt.

      Morgen werden wir nochmal einen Zwischenstopp in Baška Voda machen, bevor es uns dann an unserem letzten Tag zurück nach Zadar treibt.

      Bis morgen!
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    • Day 8


      August 25, 2022 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Vandaag met de boot van Mlini naar Dubrovnik. Een vaartocht van een klein half uurtje. We waren er vroeg bij vandaag om de passagiers van de vele cruiseschepen die hier dagelijks aanmeren voor te zijn. Toen we aankwamen hebben we eerst een wandeling over de stadsmuren gemaakt.Read more

    • Day 53


      September 13, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We left Dugirat, our little beach town to go to Dubrovnik, another beach town. It was a mix of my two favourite things about Europe the beach and the old towns. We went for a swim at the beach and went back up to our apartment (which was pretty spacious) and played a few rounds of 500.

      On our second day in Dubrovnik we took a tour in the old town. We learnt a lot about it all but I think I liked Germany’s old towns only because it’s more colourful. The city had a funny history with lots of story’s from cats who got a small palace outside a museum to a monk who cursed a whole island. That night we chilled on the beach and then watched a movie to finish off our day.

      Our 3rd day Dad and Mum got up real early and went down to the old city. We then went to a new beach and chilled there. I finished another book too.

      The next day we went to the orchestra and into the old town at night. The orchestra was really cool to watch and see the professionals do it. It was also in a really cool room. Then we got ice cream. We also saw a tv news presenter

      On our last day in Dubrovnik we basically did what we did most days. Hang out on the beach and chill around Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik was really good and relaxing the only downside to it was that there were a lot of stairs.
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