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    • Dag 8


      23 augusti 2023, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Early bird 🥰

      Dieser Ort ist ein klassisches Negativ-Beispiel für Tourismus- wenn er in Massentourismus ausartet. Als wir gestern Nachmittag um 16.00 ankamen war absolut tote Hose, abends um 22.00 Halligalli in der Hauptgasse, die Bars und Cafés aber nur halb voll, jeder ein Eis und die Kinder nen Slush in der Hand. Oh je oh je. Aber: morgens und Nachmittags einfach ein toller Ort! 🥰Läs mer

    • Dag 7


      22 augusti 2023, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Ich glaube ich hatte heute Mittag den richtigen Riecher, als ich befürchtet hatte, dass hier am Abend der Touri-Bär steppt. Wir sind in dieser süßen Beachbar zum Essen geblieben und nachdem wir dann durch die Stadt geschlendert sind kann ich nur sagen: Alles richtig gemacht 😃.Läs mer

    • Dag 6

      Day 6 - No call from the police..

      5 augusti 2022, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      I woke up quite a few times that night because I heard something moving around the forest close to the tent. I tried not to bother about it too much and eventually fell back to sleep. Around 6am (it was bright already) I heard it again amd decided to get up and check. In about 10m distance to my tent a sheep and a little lamb were staring at me. 🐑🐑 I guess we were camping on their trail and they weren't sure what to do about it. At some point they walked off into the woods again but I stayed up and continued reading my book in the hammock until Chris and Heike woke up.

      Once we packet our stuff, we went for a little cycling trip in the holm oak tree forest / national park, in which we got a little lost. On the way out we wanted to take a different route and ended up carrying our bikes and bags individually down a very steep and rocky hiking path for about 600m. 😅 Not the best start of the day but once we grabbed breakfast in a little town nearby it got better. We cycled back to Rab where we split up and said goodbye for now. I stayed in Rab for some strolling and a ferry to Pag island in the afternoon, while Heike and Chris moved on to the south. I locked my bike including all my in a very public and busy spot, thinking that the more people there the less likely it gets stolen. I'm still struggling a bit with leaving all my stuff unattended for quite some time but it's way too exhausting to take it with me on a walking tour. It was still there once I got back. 😁 I also called up a campsite in advance to check for availability this time so that I could search for wild camping spots along the way alreafy if there's again nothing available.
      The taxi boat ride to Lun (Pag island) took around 20 min, when I got to the small boat I wondered how all people including me and my stuff will fit on it but the captain didn't seem to worry. 😅
      Arriving in Lun I had to cycle up a really steep hill (well, I pushed half the way), but once I was up there it was worth all the hassle!! There were beautiful olive trees everywhere and cycling along that ride with sea view on the right and the Velebit mountains to the left was amazing. Also it wasn't that hot anymore.

      I arrived at a little campground and went straight for swim. After I was hanging out in my hammock at the beach and read a little until the sun was set.

      All in all it felt good to leave Rab island and it felt like moving on from my passport disaster, even though it wasn't found that day..
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    • Dag 5

      Day 5 - I think I lost my passport..

      4 augusti 2022, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Good morning people - I lost my passport. -.-

      Chris, Heike, and me woke up around 6am this morning because the guy from yesterday came by and parked his car literally right next to hour tents. He fed his sheep and left again. We then packed up and cycled back to Rab City to grab a coffee and some breakfast. My plan for the day was to stroll around the city and catch a ferry in the afternoon to Pag. Before we left our bikes and bags unattended, I wanted yo grab my valuables to take them with me. Well, I couldn't find my passport. I unpacked everything but it wasn't there anymore. I started to get stressed. It's the only valid ID I took with me and I will need it to get into Albania since it's not EU territory.
      The last time having the passport for sure was at the first campground in Rab City where I took it out to check in. Once that didn't work I put in the front pocket for easy access at the next campground. On the way there, I took my phone out of this pocket for navigation a few times. I assume the passport fell out at some point. 😞 I also did leave my bike unattended for a few minutes twice that time for a swim and the supermarket. But I honestly doubt it was stolen.

      I skipped on the city tour and drove back to the first campground, then our sleeping place and called the second campground. I unpacked everything again to make sure and called the police then. They told me to come by to get a confirmation for the loss which would allow me "to get out of Croatia and back home", since Croatia is not a Schengen-country. So I went there and it took the very friendly police officer 1.5h to manually write down in Croation bold letters what happened. He asked pretty detailed where I've been since I recognized the loss, even wanted to know the supermarkets. I had to kind of alter the reality a little when it came to the sleeping situation, so I told that locals allowed us to stay with them but holding back the fact that it wasn't actually their propery..🙈 In the end he recommended me to stay for another night on the island in case it was found and handed to the police, and to call the embassy in Zagreb to get a replacement.

      So I will stay for another night on the island wild camping with Chris and Heike, waiting for a call from the police which didn't happen. I called the embassy and willl go there on Monday for a day. They will give me a temporary one year passport that will allow me to continue my trip for 540 Kuna (~70€).
      The rest of the day was pretty relaxed, not much cycling but camping in one of the largest and mosr beautiful holm oak forests in the Mediteranean area and having a swim in the sea.
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    • Dag 4

      Day 4: From Krk (City) to Rab (City)

      3 augusti 2022, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      I got up early this morning, had breakfast with my two tent neighbours, packed my stuff and saddled the bike to get to the ferry terminal in Valbiska. It was only a 10km ride with around 200m elevation, but it was ridiculously hot day and I arrived pretty exhausted at 11:30am. I was also rushing a little since ferrys here don't always stick to the schedule (they arrive, load, and once their full they just leave again), and I was late - as usual. 🙈

      The ferry ride took about 1.5 hours and offered some great views on the surrounding islands on its way. I mostly stayed inside the air conditioned sitting area though and read a little.

      I arrived in Lopar on the island of Rab. From this very touristy place I cycled along the coast towards Rab City. There were some amazing views along the way and for some kilometers I was cycling right along the sea, which was great.
      Once I arrived in Rab around 5pm I went to a campground close by to ask for a night stay, but the lady told me they are more than full and I should cycle further south and try a little campground in Barbat. So I went there but as expected, it was also full. 😬 Germans on the campground offered me to set up my tent in their pitch but the owner didn't allow it, however, he offered me to use the washrooms and recommended to just sleep at the beach without setting up my tent. This way it wouldn't be too obvious and they apparently don't control this beach too frequently (wild camping is forbidden in Croatia, it's a 400€ fine if they catch you 🤑🥴). I didn't feel very comfortable just sleeping there thinking I wouldn't get a proper rest.. it was a pretty busy and open beach and there was nowhere to hide my stuff and bike. So I checked up the ferry time table to leave the islands again and decided to cycle back to Rab to catch the last ferry to Pag island at 6:55pm. It was around 6:30pm when I arrived in Rab City again and I had to check the way to the ferry terminal when I stopped along the road where two other bikepackers where jist having a break. We started talking and they told me that they mostly wildcamp and never got caught. They offered me to join them for the night instead of taking the ferry which I then did. So we cycled again(!) to the south to find a sheltered sleeping space, which we found on a dead end road past the houses on a hillside. We set up the tents, when a curious older couple came past. Since they obviously noticed us, we asked them if we could stay for the night which was fine with them.
      I had a sunset swim in the sea, went back to the camp and chattet with Heike and Chris for two more hours before we went to sleep.
      They are truely amazing people from Berlin. They are in their 50s and already did many of such trips, this time they started cycling in Vienna. I was lucky to bump into them! :)
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    • Dag 9

      Zadar - Insel Rab

      21 juli 2022, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Die vorletzte Etappe führte uns von Zadar weiter entlang der Küste zur Insel Rab. Kurz vor Ankunft, gab es in der vorgelagerten Eufenia Bucht die Möglichkeit zum Baden im Meer, da die Adriatica dort für gut eine halbe Stunde ankerte. Der Stadtrundgang am Mittag führte uns durch die gleichnamige und wirklich sehr malerische Altstadt Rab. Für mich ein Highlight der Reise. ...vermutlich auch, weil es gefühlt fast keine Touristen hatte :-).Läs mer

    • Dag 7

      In Rab auf Rab

      19 juni 2020, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Heute haben wir Lopar für einen Ausflug nach Rab verlassen. Damit meinen wir natürlich den Hauptort der gleichnamigen Insel. Rab hat eine schnuckelige Altstadt zu bieten. Nach einer Stunde Stadterkundung ist aber erst einmal eine flüssige Erfrischung notwendig!Läs mer

    • Dag 11

      Rab Tourist Trophy Pt. 2

      23 juni 2020, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      14:00 Uhr und ein paar kleine Buchten und Orte weiter... Zwischendurch überkam uns der Hunger, also wieder zurück nach Rab ins Dock69... ein sehr leckeren Veggieburger für Co und ein warm-kalter Oktopus-Salat für Tho - sehr lecker 😋Läs mer

    • Dag 11

      3. Ziel: Insel Rab

      30 maj 2017, Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Am dritten Tag wollten wir bis zur Insel Rab segeln. Aus dem Segeln ist mangels Wind wieder eher eine Motorboot-Fahrt geworden, dennoch hatten wir unseren Spaß mitten auf dem Meer beim Baden und hinter-dem-Boot-herziehen-lassen;)
      Rab ist ein sehr schönes kleines Städtchen mit einer sehr schönen und sauberen Altstadt. Hier haben wir in kleiner Runde lecker Tapas gegessen :)
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    • Dag 13


      25 augusti 2017, Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Wieder in der Zivilisation. Rab ist der Hammer. Die lassen sich wirklich was einfallen für die Touris. Aperitif hatten wir ganz oben an der Altstadt. Mit Super Sonnenuntergang. Cocktails in kreativem Ambiente.
      Essen in der Konoba war ok. Wir mussten etwas suchen weil ich keine weissen Tischdecken und keine Kellner mit langen Schürzen wollte. Wir sind halt eher die Groben.
      Danach noch durch einen Künstlermarkt schlendern. Und jetzt sitzen wir auf dem Boot in der Marina Rab gegenüber der Altstadt.
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    Du kanske också känner till platsen med följande namn:

    Rab, Ραμπ, ראב, Pulau Rab, Arbe, ラブ島, Arba, Раб, 拉布島

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