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    • Hari 44

      Erkundung in Dubrovnik

      14 Mei, Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute haben wir die Stadt erkundet! Es lohnt sich einmal hier gewesen zu sein! Viel Geschichte!
      Aber auch viele Infos über den Krieg 1991 gegen die jugoslawische Armee im Kampf für die Freiheit Kroatiens.
      Viele Opfer waren zu beklagen
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    • Hari 42

      #Tag 42

      16 Jun 2023, Croatia ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Am Morge scho zimmli früh ischs Gotti Fabi be eus ahcho😃
      Mir speziell Tyara natürlich hend sich riiisig gfreut.

      Mir hend eh gmüetleche Tag gha miteme wunderschöne Obig in Old Town und freuet eus uf ganz vell Sonne morn nach 2 Rege Täg.

      #nofilter #wunderschön
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    • Hari 271

      Dubrovnik, Teil 1

      29 Mei 2023, Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Heute geht es nach Westeros, so könnte man meinen wenn man die vielen „Games of Thrones“ Souvenir Shops hier sieht. Hier werden sogar „Games of Thrones“ Touren angeboten.

      Wir Jahren mit der Cable Car auf den 778 m hohen Berg über der Stadt. Traumhafte Aussichten auf die Altstadt und die Küste.

      Der Kaffee kostet zwar 5€ … aber die Aussicht …
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    • Hari 19


      17 Jun 2023, Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Ce matin, j’ai prévu d’aller au mont qui surplombe Dubrovnik. D’autres gens de l’auberge ont aussi prévu d’y aller, alors on monte à 4 : 2 allemands et 1 russe qui vit maintenant en Amérique. C’est sympa, ça passe plus vite quand on discute!
      Pour ce qui est de la vue, c’est pas le meilleur truc au final d’être si haut, on préférait la vue pendant la montée.
      On rentre manger à l’auberge puis on va à la plage. Olala le monnnnde, j’imagine pas en plein été. On se baigne mais pas trop longtemps, l’eau n’est pas très chaude.
      Ensuite, je rentre prendre mon sac car j’ai mon bus pour Kotor (Monténégro) à 17h30. Dans mon bus, des français s’assoient à côté de moi! C’est bien rare tiens. Ils sont là juste pour un weekend prolongé, ils viennent rendre visite à un ami qui fait un voyage du même style que moi. On s’aperçoit aussi qu’on est dans la même auberge.
      Le trajet est plus long que prévu avec le passage de frontière. On voit des trop belles couleurs avec le coucher du soleil. Les paysages de Kotor sont vrmt jolis avec l’eau et les montagnes autour. Quand j’arrive, je mange et je rejoins la soirée organisée par l’auberge. Je rencontre des locaux, je suis super contente c’est sympa d’avoir un autre point de vue plus authentique! Les monténégrin sont super grands et costauds olala. J’ai même appris à dire « je suis française » dans leur langue. A minuit, on va dans un bar mais ça ferme à 1h. Je retrouve les français du bus et on va à la plage pour continuer la soirée. Y’a un des volontaires qui s’appelle Pi et il connaît les 200 premiers chiffres du nombre Pi, c’est un fou!! En plus de ça il parle 6 langues.
      Bref encore une soirée bien sympathique mais qui finit bien tard…
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    • Hari 144

      Dubrovnik (Sail Day 1)

      8 Ogos 2023, Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Sail Croatia time! We dropped off our luggage on the boat earlier in the morning and then went back to the Airbnb to have breakfast and chill out before properly checking out.

      We left Alex and Nicky to do their own thing whilst we went zip lining! We were picked up near the boat as well as a few others through the same sail tour company who were doing the zip lining. We were driven up Mt Srd, one of Dubrovnik's highest peaks, and started getting fitted with our gear. We were given a quick safety briefing before we set off on our 4 zip lines over Dubrovnik. This wasn’t a normal zipline in that we were able to control our speed and break ourselves so we could stop and admire the views over Dubrovnik (it definitely meant you had to think!) It was such a cool experience and our guide even gave us a few facts between traversing the zip lines:
      - There are 1244 islands in Croatia with over 1000 uninhabited. This includes the island just off Dubrovnik called Lokrum which has some crazy stories based on a curse which is believed to have been made on the island. Many people who have tried to inhabit the island have died sad lives.
      - The word ‘dub’ means oak and they originally built the walls in oak in the 13th century and that’s how Dubrovnik got its name which literally translates to ‘City of Oak’. Later, the walls were remade with stone from 12-17th century after the fire destroyed the original walls.

      After the zip lining, we were dropped back near the boat and then we went to the Lapad district with one of the other girls for lunch. We had a delicious sushi board and cocktails which was super nice and relaxing! We haven't had sushi for this whole trip so really nice to try it with fresh fish!

      We made our way back to the boat to check into our rooms and starting meeting some of the other people who we would be travelling with for the next few days. There are 32 people on the boat and all except two are Aussies!

      We had our welcome dinner, and then got right into the drinking on the boat with plenty of shots and getting to know our fellow boat members. There is a bell on-board and if someone rings it then they buy shots for the whole boat. The bell rang quite a few times tonight! We then went out clubbing in the Old Town in an old castle which has been turned into a club. We partied until the early hours of the morning and had a fantastic night dancing with Nicky, Alex and our new friends!
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    • Hari 30

      Christmas Eve

      24 Disember 2023, Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      This morning we did a steep descent hike up to the mountain and fort which look down over Dubrovnik. At the end of each of the 14 switchbacks on the track was a plaque for the Stations of the Cross, which was a very convenient way of knowing how far we had left to go!

      Unfortunately a bit of cloud cover came in over the horizon out to sea during our climb, but the views were great anyway.

      Christmas Eve is a big deal, and there was a cacophony of sound reaching us as we hoked. We could hear music coming from a concert in the old town, canons being intermittently fired, with one round having 20 shots fired, intermingled with church bells. We could also see loads of people in the main square.

      On our descent we headed into the main square, but since we were in our walking gear and all the locals looked dressed as though they were attending the fanciest wedding they'd ever been invited to, we felt very out of place and as Craig put it "like we turned up at a party we hadn't been invited to". The square was packed, so we grabbed some food from the bakery and headed towards home.

      We have cracked open the butterfly jigsaw and the edge is almost impossible. As we were doing that we had a knock at the door and Robert, the son of Ari the owner dropped by with a plate of various homemade cakes his mother had made. Robbie, who is only 19 and just started uni 3 months ago, was up for a chat and stayed for ages. I think I forgot to mention that Ari had dropped in the night before with two bottles of wine for us too.

      To get to the start of the track up to the lookout we had to walk along the edge of a road which is the main highway going south through Dubrovnik. We moved to the other side of the guard rail favouring falling down the hill over being run over by a car. Unfortunately this caused Craig to snag his jeans on the guardrail and rip a 30cm hole down the side seam. So he spent several hours tonight starting sewing them back together, necessary because he only has two pairs of jeans with him.
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    • Hari 8


      10 Jun 2023, Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Dubrovnik, visita della città. Siamo saliti con "cable car" sulla montagna forte la città per avere una fantastica vista sul paesaggio, anche se è costato 27 euro ne è valsa la pena! Poi un giretto sulla muraglia attorno alla città vecchia, passeggiata sotto il sole rovente per quasi 2 km! Un'esperienza unica! Quanta storia a Dubrovnik! Marina fantastica e non troppo costoso (88 euro per la barca ⛵ di 12 m) da consigliare!Baca lagi

    • Hari 52

      Dubrovnik - Aussichtspunkt Dubrava

      29 November 2023, Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Eine aussichtsreiche Wanderung auf den höchsten Punkt bei Dubrovnik (Dubrava).
      Fallschirmspringer, Kühe und verträumte Pfade inklusive.

      A promising hike to the highest point near Dubrovnik (Dubrava).
      Skydivers, cows and dreamy paths included.
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    • Hari 20

      Croatia ... Dubrovnik Part 1

      31 Ogos 2023, Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Our morning started with a trip on a cable car to the top of the mountain overlooking Dubrovnik "old town". Surrounded by Bosnia and Herzegovina 🇧🇦 Montenegro 🇲🇪 Italy 🇮🇹 and the Adriatic Sea. The long history and, more recently, war ravaged region was told to us by our most amazing tour guide, as we ascended in the cable car, and on our walking tour around Old Town. Many locations from Game of Throne were clearly identifiable. An amazing day in Dubrovnik Croatia.Baca lagi

    • Hari 15

      Unterkunft in Dubrovnik

      30 Ogos 2023, Croatia ⋅ 🌩️ 21 °C

      Nach 9 Stunden sind wir nun in Dubrovnik angekommen. Unsere Unterkunft liegt am Berg und zum Glück regnet es, so habe ich eine Ausrede, heute nicht mehr los zu müssen 😃 wir machen es uns heute Abend auf dem Balkon gemütlich. Dubrovnik ist morgen auch noch da 😃! Für heute hatte ich sooo viele tolle Eindrücke, die will ich erstmal sacken lassen 🥰Baca lagi

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