Czech Republic
Český Krumlov

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    • Day 1

      Cesky Krumlov este

      April 3 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Megérkeztünk Cesky Krumlovba és elfoglaltuk a szállást. Kb 1km sétára van az óváros. Kis pihi után lesétáltunk az óvárosba és beültünk vacsizni a Bohemian étterembe. Menet közben készült pár fotó is.

    • Day 4

      Krumlov - Krumau an der Moldau

      September 21, 2023 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Unsere Reise führte uns heute nach Krumlov, demselben Ort, an dem wir am vergangenen Montag im Kaufland unsere Einkäufe erledigt hatten. Krumlov liegt entlang des malerischen Flusses Vltava (Moldau) und ist für seine atemberaubende historische Altstadt bekannt, die wir unbedingt erkunden wollten.

      Wir hatten noch einen besonderen Grund zur Freude, denn wir feierten Kais Geburtstag in dieser bezaubernden Stadt. Das machte unseren Aufenthalt hier noch bedeutungsvoller.

      Nach unserer Ankunft in der Stadt spazierten wir gemütlich durch die engen Gassen und historischen Gebäude. Die mittelalterliche Architektur und der Charme der Stadt faszinierten uns sofort. Die engen Kopfsteinpflasterstraßen führten uns vorbei an alten, gut erhaltenen Gebäuden, die von der reichen Geschichte dieses Ortes zeugten.

      Während unseres Spaziergangs entdeckten wir zahlreiche kleine Geschäfte und Souvenirläden, die eine Vielzahl von Erinnerungsstücken und handgefertigten Kunstwerken anboten. Magnus bekam einen niedlichen tschechischen Maulwurf als Souvenir, und Mama erweiterte ihre Magneten-Sammlung um ein neues Stück aus Krumlov.

      Krumlov ist berühmt für sein imposantes Schloss, das hoch über der Stadt thront, sowie für seine jährlichen kulturellen Veranstaltungen und Festivals. Die Atmosphäre in Krumlov war einfach zauberhaft, und wir genossen jede Minute unseres Aufenthalts in dieser historischen Altstadt. Es war ein weiterer unvergesslicher Tag auf unserer Reise, der uns die Schönheit und Vielfalt dieser Region näherbrachte.
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    • Day 52

      Cesky Krumlov

      August 8, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Drove northeast back into the Chez Republic again for 2 nights in the ancient walled city of Cesky Krumlov. We are staying in a lovely old hotel on the centre of the walled city. The is our hotel and the view from my window!Read more

    • Day 27

      Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

      September 29, 2016 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      It's about 8:30pm as I am writing this post waiting for Mitch to wake up from a nap. I just took one before him when we came back from our walking tour of Vienna (that we'll write about later) which made us both pretty tired. We're almost back to normal from being sick so that's good news but I think a few more naps after long days of sight seeing should do the trick.

      Anyways, I just wanted to give you all a quick update on Cesky Krumlov. We decided to jump to the Czech Republic after being in Hallstatt since it was closer to get there on the way to Vienna rather than backtrack. Since I'd already been to Prague the most popular Czech city we landed on coming to Cesky Krumlov instead because we'd read that it was a smaller Prague with less tourists and cheaper prices. We'd have to agree on the cheaper prices, Mitch was happy about his beers costing only $1.60! There were still many tourists but definitely less then Prague so Mitch was able to get a good feel for a medieval Czech city which is surrounded by a winding river. The history of the town was interesting, especially seeing the recent communist influence 25 years ago.

      Ok, time to wake Mitch up so we can head to dinner and have a traditional Austrian wiener schnitzel which I'm sure we'll post about next time!
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    • Day 53

      Castle & town Cesky Krumlov

      August 9, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      In the morning we did a walking tour of the town and up to the castle. This is the 2nd biggest palace complex in Chez R after Prague Castle. The town and castle here are world heritage listed and wonderfully preserved with frescoes on many of the buildings. Town is on the winding Moldau River with hundreds of people canoeing down- only one way due to the Rapids.Read more

    • Day 86

      Český Krumlov

      July 2, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Stuart finally saw a bear!! Luckily for me it was safely walled into the moat of a castle and not just hanging around in a Czech Forest..

      We were in Cesky Krumlov, a popular tourist spot due to its beautiful old town with red roofs and its Castle overlooking the town. As you will see from the photos it is quite a sight with the river running through it.

      We wandered around appreciating the architecture that seems to us to be unmistakably Czech, comparing it to other places we have been in Europe so far. Powered by the sugar of the 'trdelník' (see photo) that we ate (definitely not by the worlds smallest panini that we had previously eaten), we then climbed up to the castle grounds. Seeing the sign for "Bear Moat" I thought it must be some historical name but no, there actually was a brown bear in the Moat. As you can see from Stuart's face, he was rather pleased by this.

      You can wander all around the grounds and the beautiful gardens, where I tried and failed to climb a tree.

      We then drove back to the apartment in a sea of Skodas.. which I now know are manufactured here in Czech Republic hence every second person drives one.

      Off to Prague tomorrow x
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    • Day 27

      Three border crossings in a day

      October 7, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      So many choices. Sometimes it is hard to decide which one to go for. Our options were a walking tour of Passau, a full day Salzburg 'Sound of Music' tour or a full day tour to Český Krumlov in the Czech Republic. We chose the last one.
      We hadn't had a chance to look at Passau, the port where we were docked, but as our bus was driving out of the town and the morning sun was in just the right position, Brian spotted some stunningly beautiful views of the old buildings. Sadly there was no time to grab the camera in the small time slot before they disappeared from view. These Kodak moments went unrecorded, which was rather a shame. Fortunately, and by way of compensation, we were to get other equally good shots elsewhere as the day progressed.
      Český Krumlov is nearly two hours away by bus, and we thoroughly enjoyed the views as we travelled from Germany to Austria to the Czech Republic.
      The Bavarian landscape was the prettiest and tidiest by far. It all looked so green and fertile and we went through large forested areas. In true German fashion everything was tidy and orderly. The Czech Republic isn't nearly as rich, and by contrast it was far less tidy, it was less heavily wooded and the buildings in the towns and villages that we passed through generally looked a bit rundown. Our guide pointed out that much of this was a legacy still from the communist era, when there were no environmental considerations.
      A few kilometres before our destination we reached a large artificial lake, Sebevrah, which is a major holiday resort area for people from the Czech Republic and neighbouring areas. The lake itself is most attractive, though we were less attracted by the large number of hotels, pensions, guest houses and eating places throughout Evidently it is ridiculously jam-packed at the height of the holiday season. One definitely wouldn't want to be there. Furthermore, all the narrow country roads which lead to the place get totally jammed up.
      Reaching Český Krumlow the first thing we saw as we walked from the bus was the spectacular Castle Bridge. It really does stand out. Walking under it and into the town itself it was obvious that we were going to have a great time and would get the chance for some good photos in the fine sunny (but 12 degree) weather.
      Our excellent guide took us through the town, pointing out various things of interest, then up the hill to the castle. Český Krumlow has been awarded a UNESCO world heritage listing, and as a result a great deal of international money has been poured into its restoration. The result is a beautifully restored town offering many spectacular views.
      Our guide then took us up the hill to the castle, after which we had a few hours of free time. Even though the place wasn't packed, by our standards it was quite busy, with many (mainly Asian) tour groups. It made it that bit harder. But then, something surprising happened. We decided to walk a further 200 metres or so up a steepish path above the castle and we came upon these large and immaculately maintained gardens, with hundreds of metres of perfectly trimmed hedges, beautiful flower gardens and several fountains. The best part of all was that the place was almost deserted. Clearly, very few tourists take the trouble to walk those extra few metres, which was clearly to our benefit.
      After taking numerous photos we wandered down to the town, where we decided to have some lunch. After all the food we had been eating over the previous ten days or so neither of us was really hungry but Brian nevertheless was determined to try some genuine local food. We went in to one of the many restaurants. Mary wasn't at all hungry so decided on a plate of chips, done Austrian style - sliced very, very thinly and really crisp. Whenever there is duck on the menu then that’s what Brian orders. The dish he got served was huge. As well as the potato dumplings and red cabbage there was the most beautiful duck breast and leg on the bone. This giant bird had not died in vain. It was the most tender and flavoursome meat which was totally fat-free and so tender that it fell off the bone. By then Brian was absolutely full, but he simply couldn't leave it there. The cherry strudel was to die for.
      By then the tourist crowds had thinned, so Brian grabbed the opportunity after our lunch to take a lot more photos.
      We were due to rendezvous with our guide outside the Museum of Torture at 4.15pm. As we still had a bit of spare time we decided to visit the aforementioned museum. The displays were done realistically, so much so that we started wondering why anyone, us included, would voluntarily subject ourselves to the torture of thinking about such things while enjoying a dream holiday. We didn't stay there very long.
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    • Day 19

      Shooting Zeds and a Pub Dinner

      August 2, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Another lunch on the river this time Kim chose the restaurant (poor choice). Beer was good that's all I can say.
      Another trip back to the shop - still closed.
      A slow trudge back to the Tower for an afternoon snooze.
      5pm saw us on the river bank with a wine and a beer watching the river traffic and some local urchins jumping into a water hole.
      Off to Depo for a Chicken Schnitter and Pork Belly and Spinach - excellent.
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    • Day 8

      Cesky Krumlov Castle

      May 9, 2023 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Amazing history and buildings.

      The Gothic castle above the meanders of the Vltava River was mentioned for the first time in writing in 1253 as the seat of the South Bohemian Vítkovec family.

    • Day 2

      Чески-Крумлов, Ческе-Будеевице

      April 7, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Путешествовали мы сами,заранее купили билет на автобус до Чески-Крумлов (проездом через Ческе-Будеёвице). По пути остановились посмотреть замок Глубока над Влтавой

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Český Krumlov, Cesky Krumlov

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