Tšekin tasavalta
Staroměstské náměstí

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    • Päivä 5

      Exploring the Old city square

      27. joulukuuta 2023, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      After exploring the Castle and it's surroundings, we wished to visit Charles Bridge. However, it was already dark, and there was a huge rush over there, with not much of lightings. So, we thought it wouldn't make much sense if we are unable to checkout the statues of Charles Bridge after going to Charles Bridge. Therefore, we decided to checkout other attractions around the Old city square - Starometska. We needed to board Tram 22 from the Castle's stop, and we got to see the Christmas celebration spirit of Prague in a tram that was lit up in a beautiful decoration in white lights. Unfortunately, it wouldn't have led to our destination, so we just enjoyed it's view.
      Then we boarded our tram and reached Starometska station.
      We visited the Rudolfinum, a Concert and gallery building situated right beside the main river of Prague - Vltava. There were thousands of lighted candles in front of this building, and got to know that this was in the mourning and honor of those 14-15 students who died in the Mass-shooting spree that happened in the Charles University just a few days back. There were some candles that were extinguished due to improper covering, which we duly lit and covered them to pay our respects. We went near the river bank to realize the beauty of Prague Castle from afar, with the colourful nightlights on the Castle. We enjoyed the view here, relaxing and smelling the fresh air blowing across the river, and headed off towards other attractions.
      We went ahead to visit the Jewish Quadrant and the Paris street, which is supposed to be the most expensive street in this city (by extension, in this country). All branded shops were available on this street, and we did what we do best in such areas - Window shopping! The prices mentioned for the items made it look like Euro is a joke. We concentrated our energy in enjoying the lit street with the decorations for Christmas and we ended up near the Old city square, where the Christmas market was at it's full flow! Various shops and items were lined up. We tried tasting all we could, and somethings were really tasty, like the Ratatouille dumpling, freshly fried potato chips and the Meade. We realized that the Astronomical tower is right near to us, and we decided to be in front of this tower at 20:00. When the time came, we got to witness one of the most amusing chimes and the cuckoo was replaced with human dolls doing strange things. We roamed around the Christmas market and around the Old city market area. After a while, we returned to the market and stood atop a pedestal, which gave a good view of the market from above. The Christmas tree that was erected was glittering brightly and we enjoyed it..
      While returning, we were feeling hungry again, after looking at a Burger place. We are the burger, and by far it was the worst we ever tasted. Cursing the owner, we made our way to retire for the night.
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    • Päivä 7


      21. heinäkuuta 2023, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Unser letztes Reiseziel war Prag. Hier übernachteten wir im "Botel-Marina-Prag". Wer etwas ausgefallenes sucht, ist hier glaube genau richig. Unser erstes Tagesziel, war die "Petrinske sady". Das ist eine Art Straßenbahn die schräg am Berg hoch fährt. Oben angekommen ging es zum Aussichtsturm "Petrin". Prag ist einer meiner lieblings Städte, da man jedes mal etwas anderes erkunden kann.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 26

      Czech Republic, Prague

      3. heinäkuuta 2017, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Left Vienna bright and early for our journey to Prague. It was a pleasure driving through the city at 8.30 on a Sunday morning. We hit the autostrada and that was we stayed for the next 350 or so k's. Most of the driving was in the Czech Republic, we knew when we had reached the boarder as there were Casino's (not quite Vegas!), sex shops and a biker bar. Couldn't be further from Vienna if we'd tried!!! The driving was pretty horrendous, it would have to be the worst road surface I have ever driven on. A concrete panel road surface in really poor condition with road works for much of it, with rain for some of it. We arrived in Prague early afternoon and for those of you that know Prague our hotel was on the main square right opposite the astronomical clock. This is of course a huge pedestrian plaza that is incredibly busy. This small piece of detail was not known to our GPS. I ended driving driving right through this space, and had a very nice tour guide stop to tell me to drive out as quickly as possible before the police came. Managed to do just that, parked illegally and walked back to the hotel. I do all of the driving on our trips, Rogers not interested and I don't mind it. Once we had checked in, the Hotel staff went back to the car with Roge to move it to the hotel car park. Both Roger and I expected that that hotel,guy would drive. Not so. Roger had his very first European driving experience in Prague central. Needless to say he needed a drink. We had booked a private walking tour before leaving Vienna and we met our guide at 4pm for a 3 tour. Best money ever spent. Our guide was an amazing young American woman living and studying in Prague for the last five years - her speciality - Eastern European politics. This woman showed us and taught us things we would have had no idea about if we'd been on our own. At the beginning I was thinking that 3 hours might be too long but it sped by. We now thinking we'll see if we can do the same thing at our next two stops, Berlin and Amsterdam. She recommended a great place for dinner and that was where we finished the night, with Roge having the local speciality of Pork knuckle.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 27

      Czech Republic, Prague

      4. heinäkuuta 2017, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We're really loving this place. It has such a rich an interesting history and is quite a vibrant place - very different to Vienna which was lovely but nowhere near as vibrant as Prague. I find most of the buildings in Prague a little bleak, there is none of the wild decorative work that you see on other buildings in European cities. I had desperately wanted to visit the Klementinum, a very baroque library (which I discovered is now closed to the public) but could easily have walked right past this building - very plain on the outside considering what it houses on the inside (if you don't know it it's worth the look on google images). Our tour guide of the day before had recommended we get to the main bridge that crosses the Vitava River well before the crowds at 8am, so this is what we did before breakfast. The bridge leads away from the old town (where we are staying, right opposite from the astronomical clock) to the "new" town on the other side where the Prague Castle sits. Compared to what the bridge was like when we crossed back late in the day it was a good plan. After breakfast we went across the bridge again to the Castle. We spent a few hours here talking around with the crowds. It is quite a big site and it is a little limited to parts you can go into, but very interesting anyway. From here we went further up the hill to the Strahov Monastery where there is a baroque library, quite small, but it was the consolation prize for not getting into the Klementium. The monks also have a brewery here, pretty popular, so we joined the crowds and had a few beers. That ended our day sight seeing....dinner in a restaurant just off the town square - lovelyLue lisää

    • Päivä 27

      Chech Republic Prague

      4. heinäkuuta 2017, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Today was a walking day, (aren't they all!). We set off this morning after a latish start and walked along the river for about 3 kms to where there was another castle. This one was called Vysehrad, I don't think it really matters how long we are here for we still cannot understand a single word spoken or written ! Lucky for us English is widely used. It was interesting, mainly built for defence, not much castle left but lots of churches and other buildings behind the enormous walls. This was the original home to the Chech rulers with settlements here going wayback to prehistoric times. It was certainly a very interesting place. Found a nice place for lunch and had a lazy afternoon walking with a bit of retail therapy thrown in. Just getting ready to go out for dinner. This eating and drinking thing certainly take up a lot of your time!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 6

      Last Day in Prague

      25. elokuuta 2017, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Paul, Den and I went for a walk this morning to Wincleslas Sq. Not far, but kind of came home the wrong way so it ended up being a 2.5 hr. walk. Some beautiful views along the river (Vltava River). This afternoon we took a cab up the hill to Prague Castle. What a beautiful, huge place! St. Vitas cathedral originally started in about 900AD with many many renovations. Stunning. Also St. Georges Basicila and the 'summer' palace of the King (Charles I think). Called Rosenberg Castle. Didn't have time to see it all, but what we saw was fascinating. We walked down the hill, having dinner along the way, then crossed the Charles Bridge. This is a pedestrian bridge with millions of people and many vendors. It was a lot of walking today! Paul 'lost ' Cheryl and Agnes near the bridge but all have found their way back to the Lippert Hotel.

      Prague is a beautiful, walkable city. The people are pleasant and the prices fair. Would be nice to return, and glad we made the trip. We are packing our bags tonight as we have a car picking all 8 of us up at 9am for a 6 hr. drive to Budapest, Hungary.We 8 are: us, Paul and Cheryl, friends of Paul and Cheryl - Margaret and Greg Hurley and 2 dear women Agnes and Phyllis. All getting along well together and travelling smoothly. Tomorrow we meet up with Lee and Joyce in Budapest.
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    • Päivä 7


      7. toukokuuta 2018, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Even after getting in at silly hours of the morning we were up at 9.30am and out the apartment by 11am, leaving our suitcases behind to go and collect again later. First stop... to get a drink. We had one in the coffee shop opposite our apartment, Leah and Katie ordering lemonade which came out as tap water with raspberry bits and flavouring in (they’re not having much luck with ordering drinks).

      We hadn't had breakfast and so decided to treat ourselves to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe (yes we may of fallen in love with this place, 2 down, 189 to go). The food is just amazing and tastes heavenly (that’s no exaggeration), although we are all craving a roast and some vegetables now after nearly a week of eating very unhealthy.

      We spent the afternoon looking around some shops and introducing Leah to the world of Hamleys the toy shop. It has been extremely hot today and having been walking around for a good 2 hours now it was time to stop for a drink break, this time in Starbucks where they actually understand what an iced coffee is 😂. Time was getting on and we had a train to catch at 6.01pm so we made our way back to the apartment to collect our belongings and then found our way to the train station to catch the first of our three trains to Rome 😁 This journey in total will take 18 hours 😬

      The first journey to Linz HBF in Austria went quite fast. We passed the time by catching up with people back home on FaceTime. We also noticed houses in Austria are clearly built for very small people as they were tiny 😂 After a 40 minute stop off we were boarding the night train at 22.58pm.. excited but also very nervous not knowing what to expect. We were in a compartment with 3 other people and I can only describe my nights sleep as sleeping on an ironing board suspended from a height 😂 It was very cramped! We managed to get some sleep however it was extremely loud and the rocking motion all night was very strange. We arrive in Venezia Mestre at 8.12am tomorrow!
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    • Päivä 1

      Wunderschöner Altstädter Ring

      12. lokakuuta 2018, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Direkt vor der Teynkirche ist der wunderschöne aber auch extrem überlaufene Altstädter Ring. An diesem großen Platz gibt es eine große Ansammlung an wunderschönen Gebäuden. Das historische Prager Rathaus, die Prager Rathausuhr, das Jan-Hus-Denkmal, die St. Nicholas Kirche und viele schöne Gebäude, die wir nicht genauer benennen können. Auf dem Platz steht aktuell ein Kunstwerk, bestehend aus zwei Autohälften mit einem Bogen. Der Altstädter Ring, auch Altstädter Markt genannt, ist der zentrale Marktplatz der Prager Altstadt. Er nimmt mehr als 9000 m² ein. Das Jan-Hus-Denkmal wurde im Jahr 1915 enthüllt, am fünfhundertsten Jahrestag der Verbrennung von Jan Hus auf dem Scheiterhaufen in Konstanz. Seit 1962 ist es als Nationales Kulturdenkmal geschützt. Über den Altstädter Ring ging es dann zum historischen Rathaus.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 1

      St. Nicholas Church am Alstädter Ring

      12. lokakuuta 2018, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Als letztes Ziel am Altstädter Ring hatten wir die St. Nicholas Kirche auserkoren. Die St.-Nikolaus-Kirche in der Prager Altstadt ist ein in den Jahren 1732 bis 1735 errichteter Barockbau. Er wurde als Ersatz für eine durch einen Brand zerstörte romanische Pfarrkirche errichtet. Die Kirche ist sowohl von außen, als auch von innen wunderschön!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 1

      Parizska Street - Prager Luxusstraße

      12. lokakuuta 2018, Tšekin tasavalta ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Um vom Altstädter Ring zum jüdischen Viertel zu gelangen, sind wir durch die Parizska Straße. Keine Straße für uns zum Einkaufen, trotzdem einen Besuch wert. Hier haben sich alle großen und namenhaften Marken angesiedelt und bilden damit die luxuriöseste und teuerste Straße in Prag. Wir haben uns mehr mit der wunderschönen Architektur beschäftigt und vorm Verlassen der Straße sind wir auf etwas sehr sinnvolles gestoßen, eine öffentliche Toilette in einer Säule. Super Idee!Lue lisää

    Saatat myös tuntea tämän kohteen näillä nimillä:

    Staroměstské náměstí, Staromestske namesti, Old Town Square, Piazza della Città Vecchia


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