Tsjekkisk Republikk
Wenceslas Square

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    • Dag 23

      Primeiro dia em Praga

      6. april 2023, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

      Após nosso ultimo dia de trabalho no escritorio de Berlim, fomos para a estação central de Berlim e pegamos um trem para Praga na Republica Tcheca. Ao chegar, nós comemos varias comidas acreditando que fossem tipicas daqui em uma feira. Descobrimos horas depois que era um pega turista, mas ao menos eram boas.Les mer

    • Dag 21

      DAY 20 - Prague (Trikes & Pedalboats)

      11. september 2023, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      This morning, we went to collect our electric scooters (with seats) for our self-guided tour. Once there, we were up sold to the trike tour with a guide. This was clearly the better option, the scooters on cobblestone would have destroyed us all. We rode past the Lennon Wall and Charles Bridge before heading up to the Letna Park to take in the views of the city.

      After seeing them yesterday, we decided it was our turn on the pedalboats. All four of us jumped on the same boat. Somehow, we ended up pedalling Sean and Zoe with no option of changing seats. We had a great time on the water, enjoying the views and watching the nutrias (a water rat that looks like a beaver).

      We grabbed a drink at Pivovar Národní (brewery) before heading up to the Ice Bar. The Ice Bar was a good escape from the heat but soon became too cold (15mins might have been 10mins too long). We decided to grab our next drink from the Stravhov Monestry Brewery.

      We tried taking scooters to the Stravhov Monestry, but after 10mins or them not starting or having low batteries, we abandoned this idea. We hiked up the hill towards the brewery with a few stops on our way to enjoy the views and give meg a chance to relax her knee (which at this point was causing her some issues). Once there we followed our maps towards an entrance which didn't look quite right, after a few moments we realised this was the entrance to the art gallery. The Monestry itself was quite nice to walk around. We finally found the pinovar (brewery), where we grabbed a quick bite and some drinks. We had a slightly strange experience here (at least Scott did). He tried ordering the sour beer, and at first instance it seemed that they were trying to put him off ordering this. After ordering it the second time, there seemed to be a bit of chatter behind the bar, and after a bit of waiting, it finally came out (with a second glass for good measure). In hindsight, we should have avoided the sour beer.

      We grabbed a Bolt (car) back to the apartment where we got ready for the night. Scott and Sean played pool with a less than ideal pool table (not flat, missing cue tips, and odd sized balls).

      Dinner was at U Fleků where we sat in an outdoor beer hall, listening to a guy play the accordian. The servers walked around with trays of beer or shots in their hands. Obviously, we opted for both. The dinner was delicious, even if Scott ate too much.

      After dinner, we found another bar when both Sean and Scott ordered Cuban ciagrs and sipped on their whiskey. For that 45mins they may have mistakenly considered themselves as somewhat classy.

      Our final stop for the night (partially because Scott had eaten too much) was a cocktail bar on the main strip. The cocktails were delicious and our beds at 2am were even better.

      We say goodbyes to Sean and Zoe tomorrow. We originally thought they were staying another night, so in a last minute scramble yesterday, we managed to secure accom for another night.
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    • Dag 25

      Praga | terceiro dia

      8. april 2023, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Utilizamos nosso terceiro dia em Praga para caminhar pela cidade e conhecer a estatua de Franz Kafka. Foi um dia bem agradável, aproveitamos para parar em alguns lugares e ficar observando a cidade. No fim do dia, fomos em uma pizzaria chamada Sasy, uma pizzaria italiana aqui em Praga.

      Em resumo, o que visitamos nesses dias foi:

      • Powder Gate
      • Orloj
      • Charles Bridge
      • Casa dançante
      • Muro de Lennon
      • Praça Wenceslas
      • Castelo de Praga
      • Praça da cidade velha
      • Estatua do Kafka
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    • Dag 20

      DAY 19 - Berlin to Prague

      10. september 2023, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Our morning bus ride with Sean and Zoe to Prague was less than ideal. There was no wifi, the cooling was barely on and we were stuck in a bus for 4hrs. Thankfully we were able to get some sleep (Meg almost the entire bus trip).

      The check-in for our Prague accom was a bit strange. We first went to the address provided before being directed to our apartment (another 15min walk...). The location more than made up for this slight inconvenience.

      Once settled, we were desperate for lunch. Having seen it on the walk to the apartment we went to Výtopna Railway Restaurant (Scott's choice). This certainly beat the KFC alternative, delivering our meals and drinks by train.

      We then went for a walk towards the Charles Bridge, passing the Astronomical Clock on our way. On the other side of the bridge (Malá Strana) we grabbed a hot dog for dinner (this may have been a mistake given the way we felt afterwards). We continued exploring and ended up at Rudolfinum (a concert hall/theatre). They were playing landscape style music while a screen on one side of a large cube. We sat on the steps of the theatre watching this for a little, before heading to a cute and incredibly humble wine bar overlooking the Vltara River, with views of Manes Bridge and Prague Castle. A perfect way to cap of a lovely day (minus the bus trip).

      We're excited to tick off a few more tourist attractions tomorrow on our self-guided scooter tour.
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    • Dag 1

      Auf in die Altstadt

      2. mai 2023, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Nachdem wir das Hotel zogen hatten, haben wir eine erste Erkundung gestartet. Es ging über den Wenzelsplatz direkt und per Zufall zur Astronomischen Uhr.

      Auf dem Weg dorthin, sind wir über einen sehr urigen Candies Laden gestolpert. Da haben wir uns gleich wie in Hogwarts gefühlt. Natürlich sind auch ein paar Süßigkeiten mitgekommen. Die haben aber nicht lange gehalten. Den Laden kann ich echt weiterempfehlen.Les mer

    • Dag 31

      Prague Day 1

      26. juni 2023, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      We started the day by taking Rick Steve’s guided city walk, which took us around the old town, as well as the portions of the new city. We also travelled through the layers of history - from medieval to its painful history of Nazi and Soviet occupations. We saw the enormous square (more like a long rectangular than a square) where Soviet tanks rolled in 1968 and where the famous Velvet Revolution took place to usher in Independence. In the afternoon, I took VoiceMap tour about old house signs, which in medieval times usually depicted something unique about the house owners. And in the evening I listened to a classical music concert in a beautiful church, and strolled across the Karlov Bridge at sunset.Les mer

    • Dag 10

      Jour 10 : Train (puis Prague)

      20. august 2023, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Longue journée de train pour rejoindre Prague. La Deutsche Bahn n'est pas un exemple de ponctualité, mais après 5 trains et 4h15 de retard nous sommes arrivés !
      On a hâte de découvrir Prague demain !

    • Dag 2

      Dag 2: Praag

      13. juli 2022, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Na een goede nacht slaap inhalen stond ik vanmorgen rond 9u al buiten. Het plan was om even snel ontbijt te halen en shampoo die ik blijkbaar vergeten was. Eenmaal buiten bleek de temperatuur precies goed (voor mij), dus ging ik snel terug, gooide ik de essentials in m'n totebag (ik weet hoe dit klinkt) en begon ik m'n wandeling naar format.coffee. Dit ligt in 't noorden van Praag en aangezien het een warme dag beloofde te worden was dit een mooi moment hiervoor. De koffie vond ik wat gemiddeld na een lange wandeling op een lege maag en op 't laatst nog een heuvel op, maar de brownie die zo machtig was dat ik er een half uur over deed om 'm op te krijgen maakte alles goed.

      Dit deel bevindt zich in Praag 7 en is net wat alternatiever. Rond twaalf uur begon de zon door te breken en dat was het perfecte moment voor een museum: DOX Centre for Contemporary Art. Ik heb niet zoveel met oude meuk en hier is nu een heel indrukwekkende tentoonstelling van Badiucao. Volgens google maps kon ik in de buurt de beste burger ooit scoren, dus dat was het volgende plan. Na een korte wandeling bevond ik me in wat men een achterbuurt kan noemen en vond ik 'FATFUCK smashburgers TAKEAWAY WINDOW'. Het was op een parkeerplaats, ik was alleen, hoorde vooral sirenes en chinese muziek van 't restaurant erboven (twee restaurants op een parkeerplaats?), maar hee: het toeristische centrum van Praag of de beste burger van Praag? Ik drukte op het belletje dat ik bij een van de ramen vond en daar verscheen iemand. Na wat handen- en voetenwerk had ik een burger besteld and it did not dissapoint! Het was zo'n typisch Amerikaanse burger (denk ik).

      Omdat ik wel genoeg had gewandeld, het tegen de dertig graden was en ik een after lunch dip voelde opkomen nam ik de metro naar Botanica Coffee truck, ook redelijk ver van het centrum van Praag, richting het oosten. Je kunt namelijk niet een heel lijstje met koffietentjes maken en er dan maar één bezoeken. Deze truck staat in een binnentuin vol met planten en gezelligheid, weg van de drukte. Heerlijk om een paar uurtjes neer te strijken en lezen.

      Hierna besloot ik terug te wandelen naar m'n appartement, want ik was al zo'n 9 uur op pad en 35 minuten wandelen leek me nog wel haalbaar. Maar. Praag heeft veel heuvels. Heel veel heuvels. Dus, toen ik langs een restaurantje liep dat ook op m'n lijstje stond en waar ik ook wel heel graag heen wilde, vond ik het een goed idee om even bij te komen. Ook hier zouden ze namelijk de beste burgers verkopen. En hoe kan ik die andere burger anders beoordelen? En, na 15 km wandelen moet je goed eten. En lekker dat-ie was! Er zat trouwens een slice gegrilde cactus onder de burger, om even in de details te treden. Coconut ipa erbij, genieten. En fijn om dat drempeltje van alleen uiteten over te zijn. Toen ik ging backpacken vond ik dit niet meer dan normaal en zo zou het hier ook moeten zijn!
      Ja Hannie, morgen ga ik weer koken, mét groenten.
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    • Dag 13


      11. august 2021, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Erstes Hostel: bunte, leuchtende Bilder lockten uns auf der Webseite und dann gibts keine Fenster😳 ??? Naja...schließlich haben wir ja "romantische" Kapseln gebucht. Is ja voll im Trend😏🤪
      Den Schock musste Moni erst mal verdauen.
      Letztendlich war alles halb so schlimm 😅🍀
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    • Dag 12

      Last Night in Prague

      8. august 2018, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      For our last night we visited the Horror Thrill Dungeon. It was pretty good.
      Then as a family we all ate some Indian food and then headed into town. We went to a neat cocktsil bar with no menu, the man asks you what you like and figures something out. We walked through the streets to the big old gothic bridge.Les mer

    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Wenceslas Square, Wenzelsplatz, Václavské náměstí, Place Venceslas, Piazza di San Venceslao

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