Yorkshire And Beyond

September 2023
Dale and Christine Johnson, Jim Cudworth and Suzanne Ranck travel through Yorkshire, England and beyond…… visiting cities, quaint villages, castles, and walking on the many footpaths throughout the countryside. Baca selengkapnya
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  • Day 11 - Anglo Saxons & Bury St. Edmunds

    20 September 2023, Inggris ⋅ 🌧 63 °F

    We took a chance and visited a reconstructed Anglo Saxon village on an old archeological site nearby. To our surprise, it was excellent. Their museum gave a wonderful chronology of settlement in England. The reconstructed houses, based on archeological evidence at the site, was equally fascinating.

    We also visited market day in our host town of Bury St. Edmunds. It was quite active and the architecture in the downtown area was wonderful. England has something we now rarely have in the U.S…….bookstores. Jim and I enjoyed stopping in and browsing like the old days. However, Jim thought a nation like England should have a better collection of poetry in their bookstores.

    Rain cancelled our regular afternoon walk on the footpaths. Maybe tomorrow.
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  • Day 12 - Windmills, Watermills & Dogs

    21 September 2023, Inggris ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

    Our morning outing was in the vicinity of the small village of Pakenham, which was nearby not only a windmill, but a water mill that began in 1089. After a quick photo stop by the windmill, we toured the working water mill that was actually in operation on our visit. It was fascinating and really one of the highlights of our trip so far. When constructing an itinerary, I like to include big name places, like Oxford, as well as great little sites that are off the beaten path. Of course, after the tour we stopped at the little outdoor cafe for tea. The cakes and scones were made by a group of women who were simply accepting donations for charity.

    Afterwards, we took in another walk. Instead of a walk through the countryside, it was in a park that has been around for over 200 years. Many of the trees were from all over the world and were huge due to their age. There were even a few enormous redwood trees.

    There are a couple of things we observe while on our walks. Walking in nature and the countryside is a big fabric of English life and we think it affects their tranquility and attachment to nature. Also, their dogs are a part of that walking as well as part of the rest of their lives. Dogs are everywhere, from footpaths to inside restaurants. Jim has noticed how well mannered the dogs are, like their English human owners.
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  • Day 13 - Quaint Villages

    22 September 2023, Inggris ⋅ ☁️ 57 °F

    Today was our last travel day as we ended up in our new base, Thame, near Oxford. The drive was not real long so we stopped in a couple of wonderful little villages……Great Missenden and Turville. Our destination of Thame is also a very English village in its history and architecture. Today’s photos are from these 3 villages and show beautiful buildings and several churches we visited.

    We also spent time on some incredibly narrow backroads where if you met another car, one of you must back up to a cutout so you can pass each other.
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  • Day 14 - First Train to London

    23 September 2023, Inggris ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

    We decided to make use of England’s excellent public transportation system and took the train into London and traveled around on the underground. Our main purpose was to spend some quality time at the British Museum.

    Afterwards, we played “Tommy Tourist” and tried to hit as many of the big name sites Jim and Suzanne needed to see since they had never been to London. Our 2 hour walk hit Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, St. James Park, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.

    We also ran into an anti-Brexit demonstration that contained tens of thousands of marchers. Apparently, the support for the Brexit decision continues to erode.
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  • Day 15 -Small Villages Again

    24 September 2023, Inggris ⋅ 🌬 68 °F

    After a hectic and busy day in London, we were off to more “off the beaten path” touring. Our main visit was to a village called Bourton-on-the-Water, considered one of the most beautiful villages in all of England. Christine and I first visited this town 15 years ago when Christine had a year job assignment in England.

    After spending some time showing Jim and Suzanne around Bourton-on-the Water, the three of us took a hike through the countryside on the footpaths to another lovely town of Lower Slaughter. During the middle ages, folks used the footpaths to travel to other towns or their garden plots. Once private land came to be the norm, the rights to walk these footpaths remained. These footpaths have been walked upon for centuries and the variety you see along them is amazing. At one point today, the footpath went straight across a wheat field. We have nothing like this in America.

    When Christine and I first visited our current base, Thame, 15 years ago, we knew it was the home of Robin Gibb, one of the brother Gibb, from the Bee Gees. Jim is so knowledgeable about pop music history. We both knew Robin had passed away 10 years ago and we found out his home was 200 yards from where we were staying. We then realized his grave was in the church cemetery between us and his house. Last evening, a community building in our street was having a dance. I walked by and they were dancing to the Bee Gees song, “Stayin Alive”. It was so ironic.

    Tomorrow will be the last day of our trip and I have a surprise for everyone.
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  • Day 16 - Home Again in Haddenham

    25 September 2023, Inggris ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

    The rest of our party was not quite up for a 4 mile walk this morning, so I left at sunrise to walk to the town of Haddenham where Christine lived for a year and a half, 15 years ago, when she was working on a company project for McCormick, the spice company. Haddenham is where I first learned about footpaths through the countryside. As I was heading east the sun rose and I was able to get some great photos. Having the footpath go straight through a field of sunflowers raised the walk to a whole different level.

    After arriving in Haddenham I revisited the old streets Christine and I walked on years ago. I caught the bus back to Thame and then drove everyone the 3 miles back to Haddenham so Christine could show everyone where she lived, including her house with a thatch roof that was built in 1564.

    After returning to Thame, I told everyone I was treating them to lunch at a beautiful pub that was a 2 minute walk from our apartment. That all led to the surprise of the day.

    Background: In 2018, when Christine and I were walking the Camino in Spain, we befriended a lovely young lady from Scotland, Mairi Therese. Eventually, Mairi Therese came to visit us in Lancaster. Many of our friends at Willow Valley met her and for a week we took her to all sorts of sites….Philadelphia, DC, etc,

    When Mairi Therese found out we were in Portugal and heading to England, she and I started working on potential opportunities to meet up. We worked on the plans for several weeks, but did not tell Christine , Suzanne or Jim. Jim and Suzanne had met Mairi Therese when she visited us in Lancaster.

    Today, we met up at a local pub and Christine had a few tears in her eyes when she finally realized the person she saw at the pub was Mairi Therese. The 6 of us had a great lunch learning about her new husband Marceli, of less than a month, and the near completion of their PhDs.

    It was a great end to our England adventure.
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