Dominikanska republiken
Las Terrenas

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    • Dag 22

      Manty‘s Dominican Food

      16 juni 2022, Dominikanska republiken ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Since Nina, Mirjam and Felicie are leaving this weekend we decided to spend one last night all together and go wat dominican food. I knew a hostel where they cook delicious and typical dominican food, because we went there once and organised everything for the whole group. I called the hostelmom Manty 2 days earlier and asked her if she could cook dinner for 11 people and what the price was gonna be per person. She was really nice and told me that for 500 pesos per person, which is about 9 dollars she would prepare different dominican style veggies, fish, chicken, rice, fresh fruit and of course beverage. The day we planned to eat all together, suddenly Manty texted me and asked for a confirmation of the dinner, which I gave her right away. Then she admitted that she still had to go buy the food she wanted to cook but that she didnt have enough money, so she asked me to lend her some money to go to the supermarket. Of course I told her that I would help her out and we met on the street. She sent me a selfie of herself before, so I would know it was her for sure and she even told me what she was wearing. I gave her 2000 pesos, which is only 35 USD… i was shocked and surprised and didnt know what to think of it. She was so thankful, hugged me and apologized a million times. When we went to the Hostel in the evening everything was perfect. No one was late, to start with and we arrived in time. Manty had prepared a huge buffet with everything one could dream of. We ate a LOT and enjoyed every bite of the delicious food. My favourite was the „pescado al coco“, I almost can‘t say it, but I refilled my plate 3 times.
      Afterwards Theresa and I were so full, we were carrying around food babies. But we managed to dance them away at Etno during the following night.
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    • Dag 2

      First Dive

      27 maj 2022, Dominikanska republiken ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      After Theresa and I ate breakfast together, I walked for 25 minutes (morning workout) to get to the diving school where I was welcomed by Daria, the Diving instructor and my fellow volunteers. While the others got ready Daria helped me to pick my wetsuit and diving equipment. I had forgotten how heavy these tanks are and I almost fell when I put it on the first time. When everybody was ready we discussed the plan: we would first count a special type of sea urchins, which unfortunately at the moment are threatened by a local disease, and later on pick up trash from the bottom of the sea. I stayed with Dario throughout the whole dive, who turned out to be italian by the way (so we switched from english, to spanish to italian) so that I could readjust myself and get used to diving.
      After the dive we had a quick talk about the results and then I walked home. Unfortunately on my way it started raining very very much, I needed to hide under a roof. Luckily some other volunteers with a car let me ride with them and drove me to our appartments where I had lunch with Theresa.
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    • Dag 1

      Arrival in Las Terrenas

      26 maj 2022, Dominikanska republiken ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Turns out the three german guys I had eaten breakfast with planned on going to Las Terrenas too, so they joined me on the busride. I was really happy to have them with me, I felt way more secure and we had very good talks. I was impressed by the scenery and by the landscaped we passed, from green fields, over mountains with an awesome view to jungles, rainforests and busy cities.
      When we arrived in las Terrenas, I got picked up by Rio, a guy from my project. At the volunteer apartments I was introduced to my Coordinator Camilla and my roomie, Theresa from Germany. We got along very well right from the beginning. We went to the beach and ate a smoothiebowl. Afterwards we went grocery shopping, but forgot to bring bags for the groceries so we had to put everything into „carton boxes“. We were already late for spanish class, therefore we had to run through the whole town with these boxes in our arms in order to get there in time. We were late, but it didnt matter:)
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    • Dag 13

      16.08 - Las Terrenas

      16 augusti 2022, Dominikanska republiken ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Nach einem sehr entspannten Vormittag in unserem Dschungelhostel in Cabarete, ging es um 13:40 mit dem einzigen Guagua, einem privaten Minibus, an diesem Tag, direkt auf die sagenumwobene Halbinsel Samana, genauergesagt nach Las Terrenas!
      Gute 4 Stunden dauerte die Fahrt. Inklusive mehrerer Tankpausen und DriveThrough-Momenten. Um kurz vor 6 waren wir endlich in Las Terrenas. Auf der Fahrt nach Las Terrenas ging es gefühlt durch das Auenland und gleichzeitig auch durch einen kleinen, aber intensiven Schauer. Angekommen im unserem Hotel war das Staunen groß. Nicht nur hatte es eine 1a Lage direkt am Strand, sondern haben wir auch ein Upgrade bekommen. Vom gebuchten, normalen Standardzimmer, ging es dann doch ins zwei-etagige Superiorzimmer mit Terrase, Küchenecke und Flatscreen. Beschweren wollten wir uns da nicht und rein sprachlich kann ich es auch garnicht :)
      Kurz frischgemacht, liefen wir die Strandpromenade herunter um etwas leckeres zu essen zu finden.
      Ein OrangeChicken später ging es uns bestens. Mit einem Bier genossen wir den anstrengenden Tag auf unserer ersten „eigenen“ Terrasse auf dieser Reise.
      Morgen geht es zum berühmten Salto Limon - dem berühmtesten Wasserfalls der Republik.
      ¡Hasta la proxima!
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    • Dag 12

      Sleeping under the stars

      6 juni 2022, Dominikanska republiken ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      After a spectacular deep dive at 9am in the morning, another urchin monitoring dive followed. Unfortunately we barely found urchins which were still alive, but also only descovered two skeletons of dead ones. We were diving in a place with huge rocks with caves and lots of fish. I was particularly interested in one cave since I was quite sure I could see light at the other end. So I looked at it more carefully and figured that I could actually dive through it. As I was swimming through the tunnel I started realizing that it was way tighter than I had expected and that I couldnt turn around, so I had to get to the other end anyways. Suddenly in the middle of the cave, I saw something moving in front of me. A lionfish. Oh Oh.. not good.. not good at all.. i thought. Lionfish are not agressive but they‘ll harm you if you get too close to them. They are poisonous and dangerous to humans if they sting you. So i put my hands to the sides of the cave and slowly tried to push me backwards out of it. I made it out safe but was quite under a shock afterwards. In the afternoon it was my turn to fill up the tanks. Unfortunately today, due to our double dives, we had used 10 tanks total so it took me about 3 hours until I was done. Then I went to playa anclon with the others where we got stung by so many sandflies, it was crazy. In the evening Theresa and I prepared food and brought it up to the rooftop where we met all the others for dinner. We tried to cool plantains like they do it here but it turned out to be an epic fail, it was almost inedible. Even though we didnt go to the club nor stayed at a bar, it was my absolute favourite evening so far. We sat at the table for hours, listened to music, sang along, discussed and laughed. At some point, when there were only René, Rio, Mirjam, Nina and me left, I said that I was so tired but that I didnt want this evening to end so I wouldnt go downstairs to my room. Then suddenly René suggested that we could just sleep up here. We all laughed (at the joke) at first but then looked at eachother and then I knew, yes, we were crazy enough to do it. Half an hour later we had brought up all oir matrasses, brushed our teeth and were laying on the rooftop under our blankets, admiring the stars. We went on talking for a long time and even downloaded an app to figure out which star- constellations we could see. Apart from the obvious big dipper, We saw the scorpion, the swan and the harp. Time flew while we were stargazing and eventually we fell asleep.Läs mer

    • Dag 16

      Bachata Night

      10 juni 2022, Dominikanska republiken ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      A big part of the Dominican culture is dancing, especially Bachata and Salsa. That‘s why a couple of days ago I visited a Salsa/Bachata class in order to learn the basics. It was really fun, we were about the same amount of women as of men, so we could actually try out the steps and moves with partners. They were mostly between 40 and 60 year old retired, rich, french people livong in Las Terrenas, but it was cool anyways. The teachers were young dominicans and you could tell dancing is in their blood. So on Friday we had a double dive and we were 8 People, accordingly we had to fill up 16 tanks!!! We knew this would take forever, especially because with this immense heat, the compressor would need at least 5 breaks and maybe even a piña colada to cool down, so we decided to stay at the diving all together instead of one person staying there and doing it. We ate bananas, drank Santo Libre (Rum-Sprite), Lime-Tonics and played card games. In the evening we watched the sunset and I took a Motoconcho to get home. This dude was really crazy, he drove so fast that i had to hold myself onto him instead of only to the moto. He didnt even care about the speed boosters and bumps on the road, we basically just jumped over them. I was glad to still be alive when I arrived at the ayuntamiento next to our appartment and cooked dinner. Our dancing instructors had invited us to a bar-restaurant, where there would be dancing at night. We went and were amazed by what we saw. There were many locals, includind a youg dominican dancing teacher I had met at the beach once and I had already danced with, dancing bachata and salsa in the middle of the room with guests, people walking by, waiters and with each other. I was happy I could try out the new steps I learned and didnt feel too lost after all. We stayed for a long time and enjoyed the atmosphere & the delicious sangrías;)Läs mer

    • Dag 1

      Meeting the others

      26 maj 2022, Dominikanska republiken ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      After spanish class we were starving, so we ate an apple and some crackers and started reading our contract we still needed to sign. After we finished we went out and saw a very pretty sunset, the clouds were all pink and the houses stood in a golden light. We ate dinner at a mexican restaurant, where we met some of the other volunteers.
      That‘s where I got my message that I would have to work tomorrow..
      10 am in front of the diving center - I‘m excited!
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    • Dag 9

      Wreck Dive

      3 juni 2022, Dominikanska republiken ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      In order to get our advanced divind license, today we had to dive to an old shipwreck. It was at abput 30metres unter the waters‘ surface and I think it was the deepest dive of my life as far as I can remember, but also one of the most exciting ones. I had gone early enough to sleep the night before, I was feeling very well and everything worked out perfectly. Oh, and I also had my mask again, so that I could see and breath. After diving the guy from the restaurant next to the diving offered me a frozen moca with oreo cookies and whipped cream on top of it (for free), because he knows that I love iced coffee, since I had ordered one a few days before. But unfortunately i‘m not really into whipped cream nor can I eat oreos, so I gave this coffee shake to mirjam and ordered an iced coffee for me:) Today it was our turn to fill up the tanks and we had a lot sp it took us about 2 hours in total, but we played some vard games and chatted and then walked home together. In the afternoon we went to the beach all together and in the evening Theresa and I cooked vegetable pasta:) we also went out but I came home earlier than the others, after I had fallen asleep on a chair at Etno because I was so tired.Läs mer

    • Dag 172

      Playa Bonita

      26 april 2022, Dominikanska republiken ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Wir fahren von las Terrenas um die Ecke zum Playa Bonita. Wir Ankern in der kleinen Bucht nördlich des Playa Bonitas. Diesen Tipp haben wir von Richard bekommen, dem Segler dem wir die Ankerkette aus Sint Maarten mitgebracht haben. Leider ist dieser Ankerplatz auch etwas wellig. Am nächsten Morgen fahren wir mit dem Beiboot zum Strand. Hier in der ruhigen Brandung kann Marie ausgelassen spielen und rumkrabbeln.
      Am Nachmittag gehen wir am langen und schönen Strand spazieren. Hier tummeln sich einige Wellenreiter in den Wellen. Die Hotels sind nicht hoch und klotzig und fügen sich gut in die Natur ein. Hier gefällt es uns sehr gut. Zum Sonnenuntergang setzen wir wieder zur Enjoy über. Das war ein schöner Strandtag!
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    • Dag 5

      The Dominicans

      30 maj 2022, Dominikanska republiken ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Even though the Dominican Republic is famous for the carribean beaches, the exquisite food and the beautiful sunsets, my personal highlight are the people and their culture. My day started off at the diving center: we went on a dive to a coral nursery stations, where we cleaned the corals and the metal structure the reef is built on, with toothbrushes. It‘s basically like gardening under water in 12 meters depth. Later I went to the beach, where a nice dominican girl randomly gave me „Mamancillos“(a typical fruit I had never tried before), because I was just looking at the fruits in her hand. Later on, during a walk on the beach, I met two dominican guys with a coconut. I talkes with them in spanish for a while until they offered me to get me a coconut. So one guy just climbed up a pretty high palmtree, got me a coconat and opened it up for me. Later that afternoon we were invited on a luxuriois katamaran yacht by some very crazy rich dutch people, where we spent the whole day until sunset. They had two private captains who cut us fresh pineapples, we had drinks and we could jump off the boat at the bays we sailed by. You gotta be lucky..
      After our boat adventure we stayed at the beach, met the other guys and talked and talked until it got dark. Then when it was only Rio, Rene and me left, we saw plankton shimmering in the water. We drove home on Rios motoconcho and even though it is only thought for 2 people we managed to fit on it pretty well.
      Before going to sleep I went on a „short“ one and a half hour walk at the beach wirh Rene & then I finally went to sleep after a really crazy day.
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