Ma‘bad al Uqşur

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    • День 7


      30 апреля 2023 г., Египет ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Suite de la rive est : l'immense temple de Karnak qui fait pres de 100ha! Construit il y a 4700 ans, le temple a été en chantier permanent, chaque pharaon ayant ajouté sa touche personnelle....
      Mais pas seulement pour embellir le temple : les pharaons n'hésitaient pas à s'approprier les travaux de leur prédécesseur en changeant la cartouche (signature en quelque sortes) sur chacune des oeuvre, à faire tomber les statues et buriner les visages des pharaons avec qui ils étaient en froid, à faire murer les obélisques...

      Bon pour nous difficile de reconnaître autrement que via les panneaux quelle partie correspond à quel pharaon, d'autant plus qu'une partie du site reste à restaurer et à découvrir.

      Par contre gros coup de cœur pour la salle hypostyle (=avec un plafond) avec 134 immenses colonnes dont certaines sont encore joliment colorées.
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    • День 5

      Luxor Tempel - Steinerner Papyrus

      25 мая 2023 г., Египет ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Der Tempel in Luxor liegt in 2,5 Kilometern Entfernung und ist hauptsächlich der Göttin Mut geweiht, aber auch Amun und ihrem gemeinsamen Sohn Chons.
      Die Anlage wird auch hier von Steinsäulen dominiert, die Papyruspflanzen darstellen.
      Erbaut wurde der Tempel im Wesentlichen von Thutmosis III., Amenophis III. und dem unvermeidlichen Ramses II., der den ersten Säulenhof und den Pylon am Eingang beisteuerte.
      Beeindruckend sind auch die 6 Statuen am Eingang, die jeweils Ramses II. darstellen.
      Der östliche Teil des Hofes ist mit der Moschee Abu el-Haggag überbaut. Unter ihr befindet sich, in einer ehemaligen koptischen Kirche, das Grab des Ortsheiligen von Luxor, Abu el-Haggag. Die Moschee steht etwa fünf Meter über dem Tempelniveau, da zur Zeit ihres Baus der Tempel bis auf dieses Niveau verschüttet war.
      Dies erklärt auch den zum Teil guten Zustand der Farben bis auf Bodenniveau.
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    • День 5

      Schwarz-weiß und in Farbe

      25 мая 2023 г., Египет ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Wände, Säulen und Tempel der Anlage sind mit Reliefs reich verziert.
      Diese zeigen Opferszenen und Darstellungen aus den zahlreichen Kriegen der Pharaonen. Beeindruckend hier vor allem die Farben und die Detailtreue.

      Die Tempel von Karnak und Luxor sind verbunden durch eine 2,5km lange Sphingenallee, die zur pharaonischen Zeit für Prozessionen verwendet wurde. Die Allee ist erst seit November 2021 wieder vollständig hergestellt und begehbar.

      Anschließend wurden wir ins Hotel Jolie Ville chaufiert, einer traumhaften Anlage auf einer Insel im Nil, wo wir ein sehr gutes Zimmer in einer Bungalowanlage bezogen haben.
      Jetzt legen wir erstmal die Füße hoch - heute herrschen hier 41 Grad!
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    • День 267


      10 ноября 2023 г., Египет ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Took a night bus from Cairo to Luxor. It was probably the most comfortable night bus we've taken on this trip and was a very smooth journey - we even arrived in Luxor half an hour early! We took a boat from the East Bank to our apartment on the West Bank and had a slow day of napping, swimming and eating to recover from our hectic few days.

      The next day, we visited Karnak Temple (the 2nd largest temple complex in the world after Angkor Wat) and Luxor Temple on the East Bank. While both the temples, statues of pharaohs and hieroglyphics were very cool to see, we had more of an adventure getting to/from the temples. As we are staying on the West Bank, we have to walk to take the public ferry across the Nile. On the 10 minute walk to the ferry, we were hounded by relentless boat drivers - one even kept touching Cass's arm until she had to yell at him to stop. We were then hounded by taxi drivers when we arrived on the East Bank, where two drivers almost got into a fist fight over our business so we quickly jumped into a horse carriage passing by. The horse owner said it would cost 30EGP to get to one temple, and 60EGP return. We thought it was a good deal, so we paid him 50EGP for the first half (we didn't have change) and he waited for us outside Karnak temple and took us to the 2nd temple. It turns out that he wanted 90EGP total, not 60EGP. He also conveniently forgot that we already paid 50EGP and wanted an additional 60EGP on top of that, plus a 10EGP "tip" for his horse. It's not a lot of money, but we were annoyed that he was being dishonest so we argued with him until we just gave him 40EGP and walked off. We had heard about people being relentless and likely to scam you in Egypt, so we weren't too surprised that this happened, but still annoying that it's everywhere and you have to constantly be on your guard.
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    • День 197

      Upper Egypt (Part II)

      13 июня 2016 г., Египет ⋅ 🌙 36 °C

      The next morning we flew to Luxor where many sites that were utilized during the Old Kingdom were built upon and expanded during the Middle Kingdom, the New Kingdom, and the Greco-Roman period of Ancient Egypt. Our guide, Hassan, made sure to point out the differences and development of art and architecture within and across the sites. It really felt like we were amateur Egyptologists by the end of our time in Luxor, able to make educated guesses as to the time period of different buildings and art (not that we were right or could do it alone, but we knew some of the clues to look for!). The thing about Luxor is it is extremely hot. It is unbearable to be outside from noon to 3 PM. It was over 115 degrees Fahrenheit every day and at times even hotter. Our guide wanted to start at 5:30 everyday but our hotel didn't serve breakfast until 6 AM and with it being Ramadan, there were not really any other daytime food options while on the road, so it was important that we eat something before heading out. That all being said, we were never done by noon, though we tried to be in the car or hotel during the hottest periods.

      Now, for the fun stuff! On our first day we visited both Karnak and Luxor Temple Complexes. It was very cool to see how different pharoahs had made each place their own, or at least more representative of their artistic style. For example, Ramses II wanted big images of himself everywhere and even co-opted statues of previous pharoahs claiming them as his own. Meanwhile, Hatshepsut had a more understated but still firm presence in her art; the columns in her section are smaller and more detailed than those in Ramses II's section at Luxor. In Karnak, however, she had erected two obelisks, taller than the others nearby. Hers were simpler in decoration but, Rachel thought, more elegant. Unfortunately her step-son/successor tried to delegitimize her rule so covered her obelisks (ultimately protecting the carving on the one that still stands) and chiseled away her name and image all over ancient Egypt. Women were not supposed to be pharoahs, but a series of interesting events and religious claims led to her having power. There is a lot of controversy over whether she was a benevolent ruler or a power-hungry jealous woman, though the former opinion seems to be growing in popularity. There isn't a lot of information on her, and she certainly didn't have a diary in which we could find a record of her feelings and motivations, so the best we can do is guess based on the context clues. She was certainly an interesting woman to learn about and worth a second look if you are interested.

      On our second day in Luxor we ventured north to the ruins of Abydos (amazing art, primarily for god Osiris) and Dendara (Greco-Roman rebuild based on Old Kingdom ruins, primarily for goddess Hathor - similar to Aphrodite). While we had seen some paint remnants the previous day, this was our first experience with really noticeable paint remains on the ruins. We could still see white, blue, green, brown, yellow, red, and black paint on sections of the walls. Our guide also showed us a recreation of what the temples may have looked like when covered with paint and surrounded by people. It was a long day and extremely hot, but we were so glad we added these optional sites to our week of tours.

      On our last day in Luxor we visited the Colossi of Memnon, Hatshepsut's mortuary temple, and the Valley of the Kings where 64 underground New Kingdom tombs have been discovered. It's hard to put this day into words. We couldn't figure out how this day could be better than any other so far, but it blew us all away. The phrase "I just can't" gets thrown around a lot these days, and this writer hates its use, but, seriously, I just can't. This day was too epic for words. Hatshepsut's temple is a grand work of art (Rachel even remembered learning about it in her art history class). The Valley of the Kings is legendary, and we could have spent days just there. Our entrance fee included admission to three burial chambers, plus we bought the extra ticket to see King Tut's tomb (which was not as visually impressive as the others but it's historical significance made up for that;plus King Tut's mummy and two of his sarcophagi are there). Hassan selected three excellent tombs to explore which exemplified a wide variety of art and history: Ramses IV, Horemheb, and Thutmose III. I would recommend all of these. The tomb of Ramses IV had wonderfully preserved, extravagant art on the walls and ceiling. Horemheb's tomb is unfinished so had mostly white walls; however, we were able to see evidence of the multi-step process involved in the carving and painting of the wall art. For Rachel, this really humanized this ancient civilization; instead of picturing people closer to the stone age cave painters, the original sketches and planning that was visible created an image of people just like us who sketch with a drafting pencil before finalizing our work. It's hard to explain exactly, but even though there was less art in this tomb it was one of the more stunning as it puts all the rest of the art into perspective. Lastly, the entrance to the tomb of Thutmose III (Hatshepsut's successor) was carved high into a cliffside and then descended (in a tunnel, of course) down into the depths of the mountain with it's trap pit and multiple chambers. The style of art and writing in this tomb was so drastically different than the others, it was much simpler. Instead of intricate carvings, there were stick figures for people. All of the requisite symbolism and prayers were painted on the walls, but it felt like a different era than the rest of the tombs. In reality, it did not represent an earlier time but just a different artistic style.

      We ended our time in Luxor with a boat ride on the Nile and some shopping in the street market. Tonight we take the sleeper train back to Cairo and tomorrow we see the more "modern" areas of Cairo, from closer to 1000 and 2000 years ago, before we head to Morocco the following day. We are sleeping literally across the street from the pyramids tomorrow - too cool! Hopefully this (extremely long) post has been able to share some of the excitement of Egypt; no matter how much one tries, I think it's impossible to convey the feeling of being here through words or even pictures. We have friends who had visited previously and tried to tell us, but we just couldn't fathom it until we came and saw it for ourselves. It has been simply wonderful. A big thank you to Rachel's mom Linda who joined us and organized this amazing week of tours.
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    • День 4

      Luxor Tempel

      3 апреля 2018 г., Египет ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Der Luxor-Tempel (altägyptisch Ipet-reset) ist eine Tempelanlage im heutigen Luxor in Ägypten. Er wurde zur Zeit des Neuen Reichs errichtet und südlicher Harem des Amun von Karnak genannt. Er war dem Gott Amun, seiner Gemahlin Mut und ihrem gemeinsamen Sohn, dem Mondgott Chons, geweiht.

      Der Tempel steht seit 1979 zusammen mit dem Karnak-Tempel und der thebanischen Nekropole auf der Weltkulturerbeliste der UNESCO.
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    • День 4

      Luxor Temple

      13 октября 2018 г., Египет ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Luxor Temple is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex located on the east bank of the Nile River in the city today known as Luxor (ancient Thebes) and was constructed approximately 1400 BCE. In the Egyptian language it is known as ipet resyt, "the southern sanctuary".
      Unlike the other temples in Thebes, Luxor temple is not dedicated to a cult god or a deified version of the king in death. Instead Luxor temple is dedicated to the rejuvenation of kingship.
      To the rear of the temple are chapels built by Amenhotep III of the 18th Dynasty, and Alexander. Other parts of the temple were built by Tutankhamun and Ramesses II. During the Roman era, the temple and its surroundings were a legionary fortress and the home of the Roman government in the area.
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    • День 5


      15 января 2020 г., Египет ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Luxor muss man gesehen haben. Nach 3,5 Stunden Fahrt (mit Sonnenaufgang) würden wir am Karnak-Tempel von unserem Guide empfangen. Mit seinem fundierten Hintergrundwissen sollte der Tag wie im Flug vergehen. Nach dem beeindruckenden Karnak- Tempel führen wir mit einem kleinen Boot auf dem Nil. Nach dem tollen Mittagessen ging es weiter ins Tal der Könige. History pur! Anschließend ging es dann zum Tempel der Hatschepsut. Man spürt die Geschichte in diesem einzigartigen Bauwerk. Gegen Abend führen wir wieder zurück nach Makadi Bay.

      Ein anstrengender,aber lohnenswerter Trip zurück in die Geschichte des alten Ägyptens.
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    • День 37

      Luxor Temple

      15 июня 2015 г., Египет ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

      We went to Luxor Temple at night as we arrived in Luxor, it was beautiful! I think the best time to see it is at night when it is lit up!

    Вам может быть известно это место также под этими именами:

    Ma‘bad al Uqşur, Ma`bad al Uqsur, Luxor Temple, معبد الأقصر

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