Gorilla Trekking (2 of 2)

It's a little hard to describe this experience. Trackers preceed the groups, to inform the guides where the gorilla family is. Ours was a family of 17, including two Silverbacks and a 1 -month oldRead more
It's a little hard to describe this experience. Trackers preceed the groups, to inform the guides where the gorilla family is. Ours was a family of 17, including two Silverbacks and a 1 -month oldRead more
Today is the most adventurous day of the trip, mainly because it involves a border crossing into the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the more unstable and corrupt places in Africa. We startedRead more
Hierdie fris 5% Kongo-bier kom in 'n allemintige 650 ml-bottel - jy moet dus gereed wees om bier te drink wanneer die kelner hom voor jou neersit. Simba is lekker, en sonder fiemies. Dit het goedRead more
Still a slip and a fall on the way down on moist and slippery lava rocks. This was an amazing experience made possible by a great support team who keep us safe traveling along a sometimes in conflictRead more
Now dangerously cover up with growth but just a few feet off from our hiking path this is the location where the volcano last erupted from the side not the top of the month. I throw a rock into theRead more
Vandag het ek die voorreg gehad om berggorillas van naby te sien in die Virunga- nasionale park in die Kongo naby Goma. Ons was ook gelukkig: 'n nuwe kleinding het deur die nag aangekom en ons was dieRead more
Dit was harde werk: vyf ure se steil klim byna reguit op teen die Nyiragongo-vulkaan - met los klippe, reën en krampe. Maar was dit die moeite werd! Bo gekom is jy op die kraterrand van dié aktieweRead more
Früh Morgen nach etwas Tee ging es gleich los. Wir stapften auf schmalen Pfaden immer weiter bergauf. Der Dschungel war enorm dicht, so das man nur ein paar Meter sah. Ich kämpfte mich weiter, warRead more
Zuerst ging es zu den Ranger, um uns nach der Möglichkeit Gorillas zu besuchen zu erkundigen. War auch kein Problem, sie würden uns führen. Kostete halt 100US$.
Da waren wir nur mehr zu Zweit, nurRead more
Really incredible! [Tom]
Traveler Looks like an AWESOME experience!
Traveler Enjoying your adventure!