DR Congo

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  • Day 3

    Gorilla Trekking (2 of 2)

    November 1, 2024 in DR Congo ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

    It's a little hard to describe this experience. Trackers preceed the groups, to inform the guides where the gorilla family is. Ours was a family of 17, including two Silverbacks and a 1 -month old baby. When we got close, our first glimpse was of a couple of juveniles playing, and an adult hanging out. The guides, however, do a good job of teasing out where the others are, and bringing us closer to them. We were very close to some, in fact Deb had a leg brush with one of the larger adults! It was very cool to watch them for an hour...Mother doting over baby, 3-year old jumping and spinning around, Silverback moseying over to the others, juveniles climbing trees and playing. The hour went fast! Here are some pics, but of course it's hard to capture the experience adequately with photos.Read more

  • Day 11

    Ramble in the Jungle, DR Congo

    July 10, 2017 in DR Congo ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Today is the most adventurous day of the trip, mainly because it involves a border crossing into the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the more unstable and corrupt places in Africa. We started early with a 6am departure, knowing that the border crossing may be a lengthy process - and we weren't disappointed when it took over 2 hours!

    Arriving at the Rwandan side at 6.10am, we joined our first queue at immigration. After getting the required exit stamps we walked across the rattly wooden bridge (with plenty of slats missing), into the Congo and met the vehicles on the other side. When we arrived, an official asked the drivers to park off the road, so we suspected we were in for a long wait.

    After presenting our passports and completing an immigration form, our yellow fever certificates were recorded in a manual ledger. We were told that the supervisor had to approve our access. He told us that another more senior supervisor also needed to approve us, and he contacted the national park we were visiting to confirm our identities. He received verbal confirmation, but had to wait for an email confirmation before we could continue. We finally got the go ahead just after 8.15am. As a side note, our driver paid the first bribe of the day to the border guard who said he'd need to buy some new pens because the driver was using his... so $20 USD should get him a few, and probably got us moving a bit sooner!

    The town of Bukavu is huge (population 870,000), but the main steet is mostly dirt with small sections of asphalt among the potholes - the difference between The Congo and Rwanda is like chalk and cheese - Congo has piles of rubbish on the streets, terrible roads and corruption everywhere (our second and third bribes of the day were a $20 fee to enter another district and a $15 "road tax" from a dodgy looking boomgate across the road). Unfortunately we couldn't take any photos in Congo as that requires a permit which was $250 USD per camera!

    We reached Kahuzi Biega National Park, 30km from Bukavu around 11am and had a briefing from the head guide before heading out with our convoy of armed trackers/guards/porters - we're not sure if the AK-47s were to protect us from gorillas or guerillas (there is apparently still some unrest in the northern part of the park, but we saw nothing in the southern area). On the way to the trek start point we stopped at another checkpoint where a soldier was collecting cash from vehicles and pedestrians and depositing it in a plastic bag hanging on a post (we didn't see any receipts handed out ☺) - there is a village on the other side of the park and the villagers cut through the park to the local market, an18km journey each way... and pay a fee for the pleasure.

    Trekking started with the lead guides hacking a path though the jungle with machetes - there are no defined paths in this park, so the going was quite slow. The terrain varied steeply up and down, from thick undergrowth, through tropical rainforest, bamboo forest, two creek crossings and a swamp, so it was a relief after 90 minutes to spot the first gorilla. These are Eastern Lowland gorillas, and the Congo is the only place in the world to see them. This group is lead by a 36 year old silverback named Chimanuka and has 29 members. We saw about 10, some in the trees, some on the ground, some very close to us - the silverback climbed down the tree and sat in the grass eating about 3 metres from us!

    We spent about an hour observing them, then hacked our way back to the road. We arrived back at the rangers station at 3pm, had a meeting with the park director - we are the first large group they have had visit this year, so he was keen to impress us, thank us for making the effort, and appoint us as unofficial ambassadors of his park!

    The return journey to Bukavu took longer, but the border crossing was considerably shorter on the Congo side. The Rwandan side took over an hour while we paid another visa entry, then lined up again to get our passports stamped.

    We arrived back at the hotel at 7.30pm, exhausted but elated after a long and groundbreaking day. Dinner was again on the deck (pepper steak and pizza), before a very welcome bed!
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  • Day 56

    Kom ons bespreek: Simba Lager

    November 5, 2016 in DR Congo ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Hierdie fris 5% Kongo-bier kom in 'n allemintige 650 ml-bottel - jy moet dus gereed wees om bier te drink wanneer die kelner hom voor jou neersit. Simba is lekker, en sonder fiemies. Dit het goed afgegaan saam met my halwe hoender en skyfies hier by Hotel Cap Kivu in Goma, wat uitkyk oor die Kivumeer.Read more

  • Day 2

    The Hike Down..

    February 1, 2017 in DR Congo ⋅ 50 °F

    Still a slip and a fall on the way down on moist and slippery lava rocks. This was an amazing experience made possible by a great support team who keep us safe traveling along a sometimes in conflict border zone.Read more

  • Day 1

    Side Blow Out

    January 31, 2017 in DR Congo ⋅ 59 °F

    Now dangerously cover up with growth but just a few feet off from our hiking path this is the location where the volcano last erupted from the side not the top of the month. I throw a rock into the whole and it disappears without a sound.Read more

  • Day 57

    Berggorillas in die Kongo

    November 6, 2016 in DR Congo ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Vandag het ek die voorreg gehad om berggorillas van naby te sien in die Virunga- nasionale park in die Kongo naby Goma. Ons was ook gelukkig: 'n nuwe kleinding het deur die nag aangekom en ons was die eerste toeriste om die outjie te sien! Dit was 'n stywe twee ure se stap om die gorillas te bereik, maar daar gekom het hulle hulself gedra en rustig op een plek bly sit, eintlik lê, meeste van die tyd.Read more

  • Day 55

    Nyiragongo-vulkaan, Kongo

    November 4, 2016 in DR Congo ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Dit was harde werk: vyf ure se steil klim byna reguit op teen die Nyiragongo-vulkaan - met los klippe, reën en krampe. Maar was dit die moeite werd! Bo gekom is jy op die kraterrand van dié aktiewe vulkaan, met die lawa wat ver onder jou prut. Dit was koud deur die nag, maar ons was gelukkig met die weer en kon 'n sonsopkoms soos min geniet.Read more

  • Day 61

    bei den Gorillas

    May 2, 1990 in DR Congo ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Früh Morgen nach etwas Tee ging es gleich los. Wir stapften auf schmalen Pfaden immer weiter bergauf. Der Dschungel war enorm dicht, so das man nur ein paar Meter sah. Ich kämpfte mich weiter, war enorm erschöpft. Keine Ahnung wie lange wir schon unterwegs waren bis unser Guide uns plötzlich um Ruhe bad. Er bog ein paar Zweige beiseite und alle Anstrengung war vorbei. Vor und saß ein Silberrücken.
    Über eine Stunde verbrachten wir bei diesen faszinierenden Geschöpfen, wir waren so nah das man sie berühren konnte. Das war eines meiner unvergesslichsten Momente meiner Reisen.
    Schweren Herzen mußten wir dann wieder aufbrechen und kamen späht Nachmittag an unseren Ausgangsort zurück. Bekamen dann noch am Abend bei den Ranger was zum Essen. Danach ging ich fix und fertig in die Falle.
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  • Day 60

    Gorillas der Aufstieg

    May 1, 1990 in DR Congo ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Zuerst ging es zu den Ranger, um uns nach der Möglichkeit Gorillas zu besuchen zu erkundigen. War auch kein Problem, sie würden uns führen. Kostete halt 100US$.
    Da waren wir nur mehr zu Zweit, nur Mathias wollte sich das nicht entgehen lassen.
    Kurz nach Mittag dann der Aufbruch. Zuerst führte unser Weg durch Plantagen, dann wechselte das ganze in Gestrüpp und später in Wald. Nach ca. 3h erreichten wir die Schutzhütte. Dort gab es dann Suppe. Es wurde dann empfindlich kalt, so das wir uns bald unter die warmen Decken verzogen.
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  • Day 59


    April 30, 1990 in DR Congo ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Wir durchquerten dann den Queen-Elizabeth-Nationalpark. Ach wenn wir nur ein Randgebiet befuhren gab es viele Wildtiere zu sehen. Antilopen, Flusspferde, Büffel und vieles mehr. Wir wurden auch gewarnt vor den Löwen, aber leider keinen gesehen.Read more

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