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  • Dag 11

    Day 11 - Exploring Hamburg

    12. juni 2024, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    I think today will be the hardest to just choose 10 photos 🙈

    On a freezing cold German morning we went to town for breakfast 😋 (it's ment to be summer!!)
    Here we got to taste a famous treat in Hamburg called Franzbrötchen.
    It is a pastry/bread style with cinnamon and sugar. Delish 🤩

    After we braved the cold and I mean bloody cold wind and rain to visit a very cool building that is actually a theatre for music concerts etc. You are able to enter up the most elaborate elevator I've ever seen and walk around 360 to view Hamburg, it's a beautiful view. Guy laughs at how many clocks on towers Hamburg has lol

    Next stop was Miniture Wonderland.. wow wow wow wow wow is all I can say. This place was amazing 👏
    It is 3 levels of miniture sculptures of towns/airports/landscapes. The attention to detail is incredible, and every 5 or so minutes the lights are replicating the sun cycle so it goes from day to night 😲
    As you can imagine it was hard to pull Guy away from the airport, he could've stayed all day to watch!
    This was such an impressive visit, we spent a good 2.5hours looking.

    The sun was trying to shine as we walked back along the river, but it didn't last long haha we took a short ferry trip to an unusual looking building, had a look there as it overlooked the port which is impressive and then headed back for a quick nap 🙈 on our way back on the train we met with Celine who also was an Au Pair in Nz when kim was 🥰

    We were invited to a BBQ dinner at Kim's family home just a couple of streets away.
    We were joined by Kim's family and Celinas family. It was lovely to meet all of the parents, siblings and partners of our girls 🥰
    We had a beautiful BBQ dinner, the kids (and adults) have fun playing corn hole 🙈 we shared many stories of the girls time in NZ and had many many laughs 😆 the language was not much of a barrier as all the girls were great help with any translation needed 😀 this was such a wonderful evening we finally stumbled home close to midnight!

    It has been another jam packed fun filled day making wonderful memories. We are also getting very good at navigating public transport! Today we took underground train, above ground train, car, bus, ferry 🙈😆
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  • Dag 10

    2023 Master’s WC race day!

    2. desember 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

    Long race recap:

    We woke up to about two or 3 inches of fresh snow that wasn’t predicted. Everyone in Hamburg here says it is never like this. I find that hard to believe. Also, I find it hard to believe anytime I am doing a big race I have some of the most treacherous race conditions. Oh well, as the cliché goes, “that’s cross!” Fresh snow on frozen mud. The wetness of the snow did help loosen things up a bit, and there was traction on parts of the course, but so many frozen hidden ruts underneath the fresh snow. Pre-ride went well… and I was feeling good. I got to staging about 10:45, and JF from Canada was there to take my jacket and tights. The start went well and I moved up quickly and by the first turn I was somewhere in the top five. Then a guy on my right side, hit the metal fence and caused the guy to his left to flip over his bars, and I couldn’t avoid his rear wheel, and I went down also. I was up quickly, and I believe somewhere still in the top 20 or 25. The first lap was a mess, as there were so many spots, where only a single rider could fit through. I was moving up quickly and by the end of the first lap, I believe I was somewhere in the top 10-15. My shoe came 1/2 way off on the first lap, and I thought my upper boa was broken, I managed to get that fixed by messing around with it on the long paved straight away. I was moving up quickly and I got through some of the difficult sections without problems. I rode the treacherous s-curve down the biggest hill, and I believe I had moved up to around fifth. Then it all fell apart when I was making a right hand turn and I hit a rut which threw me into one of the wooden stakes. The state broke off, but the tape got wrapped around my handlebars. I thought the tape would snap but instead it jerked my handlebars backwards, and I face planted into the mud. I was up quickly and hadn’t lost too many positions maybe one or two. However, something was wrong with my back wheel. I thought I had bent the rim, so I continued to ride towards the pit. The back wheel seized up, and I shouldered the bike to start running and my rear rolled across the course. I gathered the rear wheel and started to run with the bike on my shoulder, and the rear wheel in my left hand. A spectator noticed that it was maybe just my quick release, I got my rear wheel on, but my chain was jammed. After sorting all that out, I rode to the pit and got my other bike, and on my first re-mount the seat turn about 20° sideways. There was still five laps in the race left, so I battled on, and ended up 14th position. Pretty bruised up and down, but at least I have all my teeth and I’m not in the hospital. As always, Lisa was amazing and there’s no way I could do this without her! ❤️ Also, thanks to Sebastian, and all of you who continue to cheer me on in this crazy sport. I tried my best to bring home the 🌈 .Les mer

  • Dag 27

    Berliner Tor bis Blankenese 'Op'n Bulln'

    5. august 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Heute jemütliche 18.5km

    OKok, der Footprint ist ganz genau aus Rissen weil ich vergessen hab, einen am Fähranleger Blankenese zu setzen. Vergesslicher ich.
    Heute war ein besonderer Tag. Ich bin durch meine Heimatstadt gelaufen und hatte Teilbegleitung durch meinen Bruder und seine Tochter , meine Nichte, Nora. Beide interessieren sich sehr für den HSV. Heute hat St. Pauli gespielt. 0:0. Danke Euch beiden. Es hat Spass gemacht!
    Und es war CSD/Hamburg-Pride.
    Ich bin da ohne es vorher zu wissen, mitten hindurch gelaufen. Wie gut tat es , die vielen Menschen in Vorfreude und voller Stolz für ihre Einzigartigkeit einstehend, zu sehen. Und wie wichtig ist das! Immer mehr queere Menschen in vielen Ländern geraten in Bedrängnis und müssen um ihre körperliche Unversehrtheit oder gar ihr Leben fürchten. Nicht zuletzt wird teils der Krieg mit solchen 'Argumenten' gerechtfertigt ( Welt der Normalen und traditionellen vs. den dekadenten Westen / Gayropa etc. )
    Von der Langen Reihe in Feierlaune gings über Dammtor, wo Arnt und Nora dazu stiessen die Wallanlagen entlang runter an den Hafen und den Fischmarkt. Die lieben Beiden begleiteten mich bis zum Altonaer Balkon und bogen dann ab. Ich bin weiter mit Mittagspause in Oevelgoenne (da war ich doch vor ner Woche auch schon??) und etwas Abhängen an der Strandperle bei zunehmend aufgeklartem Himmel und Sommerwärme langsam in den Spätnachmittag hinein an Teifelsbrück vorbei, All the Way bis Blankenese und habe an Götz und Lenny gedacht, deren Wurzeln teils dort zu suchen sind. Bei einem Anschiedsdrink auf dem Fähranleger Op'n Bulln, wie es hier heisst, habe ich noch über eine andere Erkenntnis nach gedacht, die ich in der S-Bahn hatte: Dort stand auf dem Info- und Entertainment-Monitor, daß Elefanten einen Verbrauch von 250.000Kcal/Tag haben. Mein durchschnittlicher Verbrauch diese Woche betrug 3500Kcal/d. Da fragt man sich: Was oder Wen essen so Elefanten um das alles Auszugleichen? Würde ich mit Gras und Obst bis Zürich kommen? Mit all diesen (längeren) Gedankengängen entsende ich meine Grüsse zur Nacht. *V*
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  • Dag 3

    Unterwegs im alten Land

    12. april 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Die Reise beginnt! Wir durchqueren Deutschland ziemlich zügig (einmal übernachten in der Nähe von Kassel) und steuern gleich zu Beginn die Region „altes Land“ um Hamburg herum an. Die Gegend ist das grösste Obstanbaugebiet von Deutschland und vor allem bekannt für seine Apfel- und Kirschplantagen. Es gibt zahlreiche Hofläden und kleine Cafés, wir bestaunen die vielen schönen Ortschaften mit ihren Fachwerkbauten und erkunden die Hansestädte Stade und Buxtehude.Les mer

  • Dag 3


    13. august 2024, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Von Hamburg sind wir nach Kiel geradelt. Es war eine einfache Etappe, alles flach und erst noch seitlichen Rückenwind.
    Da wir es nicht zu zügig angegangen sind und drei Pausen gemacht haben (Cappuccino, Zmittag, Baden im See) kamen wir recht knapp in Kiel an. Es reichte nur noch für eine 10 minütige Stadtrundfahrt und ein Glace.
    Dann ging zur Fähre und kurz darauf legte diese los.
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  • Dag 12

    Day 12 - Exploring Hamburg part 2

    13. juni 2024, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    We slept in today 🙈 woke up at 9am!! But it was ok as we had no early plans 😀

    Yummy breakfast at Kim's and then off to the city for some more adventures.
    We joke that Kim is our Tour guide and Celina is our entertainment 🤣

    We went to explore an old underground tunnel that was built in 1907 and opened in 1911 . The tunnel is 450m long and connects one side of Hamburg to the other UNDER the river!!
    So when you are in the tunnel you are 20 metres underground and have 12 metres of water above 😲
    A few years ago they refurbished the tunnel removing all of the original tiles and then bringing them all back in, quite impressive.

    After we caught the ferry to one end of the city to explore a small beach ⛱️ and then we went for a bite to eat over looking the port . The port in Hamburg is massive!
    Here we had to say Goodbye to Celine as she was travelling back home for studies, it was so lovely to see her 💕

    Back to central station and we went to an illusion museum, here we had so much fun as you will see on the photos! So many things to mess with our minds 🤣

    After this we were all quite knackered so home for a wee rest.
    Dinner was a few left overs from the BBQ and we fried some veges.
    Dessert was a must try "spaghetti ice cream" just tasted like normal ice cream 🤣

    I have learnt that there is more than one type of sparkling water 🤣 it comes in light bubbles and more bubbles (apparently this is important 🤣)
    Also around town there are a lot of people with dogs and these are allowed in the shops so it wasn't uncommon to be standing in line to pay with a dog next to you!

    We had a fun last night in Germany playing card games with Celina and Kim a lot of laughs and a lot of singing lol

    A very big travel day tomorrow so time for some 💤 😴
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  • Dag 10

    Day 10 - Salzbergen to Hamburg

    11. juni 2024, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Today started with Goodbye, goodbyes are never easy 😥

    We trained from Münster to Hamburg. The train was 2 hour 15 mins. When we pulled into Hamburg central we were greeted by Kim and Celina and a Kiwi flag! 🇳🇿
    Such a cool sight and it was sooo great to see the girls again! 🥹

    We managed to lug all our bags through a couple of train stations (worst part of travelling is the bags!) We were in the car and off to our Air B&B which is situated only 600m from Kim's family home.
    We settled in and had the cutest Welcome banners in the Lounge 🥰
    After a delicious lunch Kim's Mum had made we hit the shops! 🛍

    Hamburg is a huge city and we had so much fun exploring all the shops, especially in one of the malls. Again I am taken with the beautiful architecture of the cities in Germany 🇩🇪 🥰 Hamburg is quite pretty.

    After many shopping bags had been full 🙈 we found a yummy burger place to have some dinner, it was nice to sit down we had walked many miles 😅

    We trained back home where we played some card games before settling in for the evening as we have lots of exploring to do tomorrow!! 😍👏
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  • Dag 24

    HH am Beerenwald - Hohenhorst

    23. mai 2024, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Anke nous a preparé un excellent muesli ce matin, nous sommes parties avec le soleil, direction Hambourg.
    Sur les bons conseils de Reiner et Anke nous avons pris le Elbtunnel.
    Il passe sous l Elbe 🤪!
    On est pasé voir le Elbphilarmonic de l exterieur, le Dom, eglise, et la côte de l Elbe, avec ces enormes bateaux ! Le Rhin a côté c est du pipi de chat.

    A la sortie de Hambourg nous avons côtoyé sur au moins 15km les moutons pas du tout apeurés, tres habitués a voir du passage.

    Et nous voici en camping sauvage, parce que devant nous se trouve un pont qui ouvre qu à certaines heures...et pour le detourner c est 40 km de plus a faire...
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  • Dag 24

    Heeder Damm

    8. august 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Heute hat es gefühlt alle 10 Sekunden von Sonnenschein auf Regen gewechselt.

    Wir sind schon in Norddeutschland in der Nähe von Hamburg angekommen und schlafen neben einem Gasthof in Barmstedt. Zur Übernachtung gehört gleich noch ein Pasta-Buffet heute Abend. Mmhh…😋Les mer

  • Dag 28

    Das Leben ist ein Ponyhof

    6. august 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Heute kleine Velo-Tour durch Rissen, Klövensteen und Sülldorfer Felder. Hier bin ich aufgewachsen. Fühlt sich vertraut an und doch bin ich nur zu Gast. Im Moment sitze ich in der Ponywaldschänke bei Alk-freiem Hefeweizen und denke nach:
    Hach, Schleswig-Holstein, Du warst gut zu mir. Du warst Sonne Wind und Baden im Meer, Du warst Wiedersehen lieber Freunde, Du warst vielfältig, hilfreich und streitbar zugleich, wunderbar, erstaunlich, bezaubernd und nordisch.
    Liebes Mecklenburg, Dich habe ich nur kurz gesehen. Ein Stück des grünen Bandes und an allen Ecken hast Du mich vor Deinem Fuchsbandwurm gewarnt, den ich Dir gerne lasse. Und jetzt Hamburg. Warm vertraut, bekannt und dennoch schon ein bisschen Distant. Und Morgen geht's weiter nach Niedersachsen, Trailhead vom dann 225km langen Heidschnuckenweg bis Celle. Ich bin gespannt was wird, wie meine Füsse sich machen und der Rest. Ein neuer Abschnitt beginnt. Habt einen schönen Sonntag!
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