US, Canada Adventures

maj - juni 2023
I'm flying to LA meeting up with J&J and H&A and spending 2 weeks in the US and then flying to Toronto Canada to spend 10 days with the Hodge's. Läs mer
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  • Dag 11


    30 maj 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    This morning we packed up and drove to our next destination beautiful Harrisville. It was such a beautiful drive! We are in snow country and the countryside is green and leafy with rippling streams and tall trees of various kinds. It is so stunning. I am reading a fabulous book on “my life in Jerusalem” which is riveting, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the scenery. We stopped at a cute cafe and grabbed a coffee and morning tea and then kept driving until we saw a wood shop which we stopped and looked at and bought a few souvenirs! We finally arrived at our destination and wow!! What a gorgeous spot it is. Set in the countryside, on 8 acres surrounded by beautiful lakes and such a cozy farmhouse. It has 6 bedrooms and a loft. The boys are loving it. I feel like Anne of Green Gables sitting on the balcony (or rather Marilla!). We have 3 nights here. As soon as I arrived I met the neighbour ‘Bonnie’. We immediately connected and as she was going to the shops 20 mins away she offered to take me. I jumped in her car and she took me on the scenic route to the shops and we chatted the whole way exchanging life stories! Unbelievably her life was not dissimilar to mine! Amazing! I did a big shop and then came home and cooked up a butter chicken curry. It’s a beautiful evening here. A fine way for us to spend the last few days together. So thankful for the peace and quiet of this beautiful place.Läs mer

  • Dag 12

    Harrisville wanderings

    31 maj 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Today we went for a drive around the area soaking up the beautiful countryside, pristine lakes and cute vintage country towns. We found a gorgeous spot by the lake which was called ‘sunset beach’ and spent a few happy hours there soaking up the sun and swimming in the cool, clear water. It’s been another beautiful relaxing day in this spectacular part of the world.Läs mer

  • Dag 13


    1 juni 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    Another gorgeous spring day to wake to! It reached over 30 deg today. J&J decided to celebrate Austy’s 3rd birthday today instead of Saturday as the next couple of days we will be traveling. So with much excitement we woke early to open presents and enjoy pancakes for breakfast. Austy kept saying ‘I’m going to be 4 soon’ 😅.. J&J took the boys to a cute farm nearby where there were lots of baby animals to enjoy. I decided to stay home and walk around the town and take in the beautiful surroundings. I walked through the local cemetery and at the end of it found a chair overlooking the most stunning view of the lake. I sat there for a while and enjoyed the serenity until I realised I had a couple of tics on me.. I brushed them off and walked home via the local store.. bought a baguette and a muffin and went home to enjoy the peace and quiet. The daily readings were just what I needed to refresh my mind. J&J came home and we had lunch and a siesta and then went down to the local ‘sunset beach’ for a refreshing swim in the fresh water crystal clear lake. We came home and had an ice cream cake for Austy and Baked potatoes for dinner. Another gorgeous day in paradise.Läs mer

  • Dag 14

    A U Sable Forks

    2 juni 2023, Förenta staterna ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    We said a sad goodbye to our gorgeous Airbnb and got back on the road again heading towards our next destination. We are staying an hour out of Montreal at a place called AU sable faux. It’s at the bottom of the snow mountains (no snow) for a night. It took nearly 4 hours to get here (with stops on the way) driving through the absolutely gorgeous countryside of Vermont. (I listened to Bro Ron Cowie’s talks on the angels on Bible truth feed as we were going along - they are brilliant btw).. The scenery is picture postcard at every turn. We finally arrived in the heat of the afternoon 32 deg. We had an afternoon nap and then headed out again and drove up the mountain to the most gorgeous place where the Winter Olympics were held many years ago. We had our last dinner together as J&J fly back to LA tomorrow and I head on up to Toronto, Canada. It’s been a fabulous 2 weeks with my precious family and I am so thankful for this time of rejuvenation with many memories made along the way.Läs mer

  • Dag 15


    3 juni 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    We packed up this morning and headed into Montreal. We went through the Canadian border crossing without a hitch. I was so excited!! I have waited 35 years to get to Canada. I remember when I was in my late teens I was going to visit Karen, my best friend growing up, but it wasn’t meant to be at that time. And now.. as I’m writing I am waiting at the airport for the flight to Toronto. Well back to Montreal.. it’s such a gorgeous place! It is a French speaking city and even has a ‘mini’ Notre Dame. We enjoyed exploring the old part of the city and had lunch in a French patisserie. I would have loved to have spent more time here - it is such an interesting city. We were all feeling a little sad as this was our last day together. J&J’s direct flights to LA were canceled at the last minute, but Jess managed to get flights to Toronto and then onto LA tonight. They have a long haul in front of them. I arrived safely in Toronto and was picked up by the Hodge’s and enjoyed a delicious dinner with them. Haven’t stopped talking!Läs mer

  • Dag 16

    Sunday in Canada

    4 juni 2023, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    This morning I woke and got ready to go to the meeting. Karen’s son Josh and his wife Hannah have had a baby boy and so we are looking after their cute little girl for a few days. I read a few books to her while Karen was getting lunch ready. It’s nice having a little one around.. as I’m missing H&A already! We went to the Book Road Ecclesia and I met up with some lovely Bro’s and Sis’s. Of note was Sis Rita - a Chinese sister who knew Mum and Dad from Enfield and Nick Hans. Also Bro Ghent (his wife was not well so I missed her - but we are going to their place for dinner one night) and it was nice to be warmly welcomed by so many. We came home and had a delicious lunch with A Joan Hodge. Karen and I then had a few hours chatting in their gorgeous garden and then we went to the lecture. Again it was amazing to connect with so many from another part of the world who share in the hope of the Gospel. We finished our day with a lovely charcuterie board and a d&m, sharing the journey of our lives.Läs mer

  • Dag 17

    Springridge farm

    5 juni 2023, Kanada ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    Today after a cozy sleep, we woke to another lovely 25 deg day. Priscilla, Karen’s oldest daughter picked us up and took us to a gorgeous farm with her 3 cute boys. We had a wonderful morning watching the kids enjoy themselves with the animals, and enjoyed a hay ride. We then wandered around the gorgeous gift shop and had brisket rolls for lunch. I was blown away by Zadok (Priscilla’s eldest 8 year old boy) who wanted to buy a present for ‘Auntie Fiona’ and spent his own money on a little jar of jam for me. What a treasure. He then wanted me to come and watch his soccer game that evening which we fitted into our busy schedule! After our farm visit we came home for a ‘Nana nap’ and then went and visited Josh and Hannah Hodge in hospital and cuddle their gorgeous little newborn boy. Home for dinner which lovely Mel (Karen’s youngest daughter) had cooked for us, and then out to watch the soccer game. Such a lovely day getting to know everyone and spending time with this lovely family.Läs mer

  • Dag 18

    Lunch out meeting new friends

    6 juni 2023, Kanada ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    Today we had a quiet morning at home and I coloured and listened to some more of Ron’s Angels talks as Karen had to get some work done. We set off at lunch time and drove through the gorgeous woodlands behind her place to our lunch date with a friend from her Ecclesia. As we walked in we realised there were 2 other sisters there having coffee together and they were as surprised as we were to see them as they had come quite some way to catch up. It turned out that it was Jake Styles’ sister in law. I then told them who I was and the connections with Wayne and Fiona Styles and we all had a laugh at what a small world it was. We enjoyed a lovely lunch with Kelly whose daughter is dating Cam Wigzell and shared lots of stories. Afterwards Karen took me to a friend of hers who lived close by - an elderly sister who had recently been in a car accident. She is a collector of antiques from the thrift shops and has decked her little cottage out with them all. I actually could not believe what I saw. Every inch of the house was used to display the items in the most creative way. The house should seriously become a museum. I could have stayed for ages checking it all out. We left her and went to the shops to get some food for dinner (the shops were just beautifully laid out and so much variety) and then came home and chilled out with Ted and enjoyed a delicious butter chicken together. Tomorrow we are off to Niagara for a few nights! 😅Läs mer

  • Dag 19

    Niagara on the Lake

    7 juni 2023, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Today we packed up and left for Niagra on the lake. Ted drove us up and the air is hazy and smoky because of all the fires around. We stopped at a few gorgeous wineries on the way and sampled some delicious wines of the local area and enjoyed a lovely lunch. We then checked into our stunning motel and went straight to the spa room and had the best pedicure I have ever had in my life! Afterwards we checked into our room and then quickly dressed for our 4 course dinner paired with delicious local wines at the restaurant downstairs. Ted left and went back home to pick up Mel and drive her back here and we continued talking into the evening! We finished off with a chocolate martini and cheese. An amazing day of being very spoilt.Läs mer

  • Dag 20

    Beautiful Niagara on the lake

    8 juni 2023, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    The morning started with a coffee and a quick change into our swimmers and we all went off to a hydrotherapy appointment in the spa room downstairs. It was certainly a revitalising and relaxing way to start the day. It even had a snow room. We left there and went to a gorgeous winery for lunch and met Kayla (Jacob Hodge’s wife) and Asher their 2 year old son and Kaylas’ Grandma Marilyn Crawford who is related to Dan Crawford! So we talked about the connections and shared our journeys. It was so nice to spend an amazing meal together and get to know them. The chocolate desert was a stand out and we all had to have a bite of it! After lunch I wandered around the beautiful and colourful little village of Niagara on the lake. The flowers were in full bloom and just spectacular. We then met up at the motel and changed before heading out again to another amazing winery for a tasting menu. It was ‘next level’. We had a fabulous evening together sharing stories of days gone by, with lots of laughs along the way. We were the last ones to leave. What an amazing day! 😅Läs mer